John McCain Served a Cause Greater than His Own Self-Interest Then, and Continues to Do So Now.


“This is a guy who is in the U.S. Senate….the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who served his country honorably and was a POW 41 years ago- when I was 6 years old- somehow not reflecting upon me and my values doesn’t make much sense.”
– Parody quote inspired by a comment by Moody Deep Thinker

A supporter holds up a sign at a campaign rally held by Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain in Dayton, Ohio October 27, 2008.
REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Liberal Democrats are ultra-sensitive these days of having their patriotism questioned. Of being called anti-American. Honestly? Some of them deserve such a scarlet letter branded to them. But most, I would never accuse them of such things, simply because they disagree with me on American foreign policy and other related issues.

I do not believe Senator Obama is unpatriotic. But I do believe he is untested. I too, am untested. But I’m not running for president. Someone who is running for president, who has decades more life experience than Senator Obama, and who has been tested, is Senator John McCain.

Earlier last week, was the 41st anniversary of John McCain’s 23rd mission, in which he was shot down, beginning his 5-and-a-half years of captivity and torture.

A day after the anniversary, Charlie Plumb gave an interview on The Hugh Hewitt Show, describing the stalwart, heroic character of John McCain and described a bit of the ordeal they all went through, as POWs.

If character matters as a desirable trait in a leader, if being tested in a way that few have, if past conduct is a reflection of future conduct, then you should take the time to listen to the interview.

John McCain doesn’t just talk the talk when he speaks of putting “Country First”; when he encourages others to “serve a cause greater than self-interest”. He’s lived the talk, and walk.

We know John McCain and his mettle. He’s made of sterner stuff than a certain freshman Illinois U.S. Senator, whom we don’t really know.

“I’d rather lose an election than lose a war.”

“If the surge works, then McCain isn’t guaranteed the nomination but has a fighting chance as someone who has again proven his mettle under fire, a candidate who will do the ‘right thing’ even if it is politically unpopular,” said University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato. McCain will be “a guy who stuck to his guns and his president even while the going was tough,” Sabato added.

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Hah…that’s funny, branding us with scarlet letters is exactly what the Democrats want to do to us. I spoke to an Obama supporter and she couldn’t even justify why she was voting for him, just said that he had everything “on the table” and that he was “very honest”. Wanting to maintain my friendship and my temper, I remained quiet.

But I dare you, go out and ask a few Obama supporters why they support him. You’ll be surprised with their answers. Heck, I’d be willing to pay money if they EVER come up with a logical reason that’s not a lie about McCain as a reason for supporting Obama.

Real Clear Politics has just moved Arizona into the toss up state column!! I would be so awesome if McCain loses his home state! I would be surprised but it could happen.. McCain is only ahead in his home state by 3.5%.

BTW Leah. I am supporting Obama because of who he is and not because of what McCain is not!
However, if i was I have a whole list of stuff about McCain that is true I could stack up against him.
Are you truly ready to pay money? I doubt it.

However, if i was I have a whole list of stuff about McCain that is true I could stack up against him.

Lay it on us. Show us the whole stack of stuff you have against McCain. Rather than say it show it, like this site and more show the stack of stuff against Obama. Or are you really running off at the mouth because you are like all the rest, you really have no reason to vote for Obama other than you just are. You just supported Leah’s post.

okay WadeHM

just a few reasons NOT to vote for McCain:

1. Voted against extending troop deployment times in the USA to match deployment times in Iraq.

2. Voted against repealing a capital gains tax cut which would have funded soldiers.

3. Voted consistently from 2003-2007 against additional funding for Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

4. When asked if he had an idea of when troops would be coming home, said “No, but that’s not too important. What’s important are the casualties.”

5. Actively opposed the GI Bill that would increase education benefits to soldiers; was one of three senators who didn’t vote on it; one was in the hospital and one was at a funeral; he was campaigning.

6. Voted to table a bill that would have provided funding and equipment for Guard and Reserve units.

Want more?? I have many!!!

You may not think BO is unpatriotic, but I do.

Well, I DO accuse Obama of being unpatriotic. If you notice, he often adds ‘and change the world’ at the end of his ‘change Washington’ line. I believe the American Presidency would be his final stepping stone to some kind of world leader. In that sense, I cannot find Obama patriotic. This country is just another rung up the ladder. He doesn’t like The Star Spangled Banner, rather he prefers Let Their Be Peace on Earth. I recall the history of this country and glory in singing that after a night of heavy fire power, ‘our flag was still there’. He cancelled a high school teen’s national anthem solo at Londonderry NH to add more speeches. Someone always has to clean up after Barack. This time it was John McCain. John McCain had that student sing at his NH rally.

I’ve yet to see anything outlining exactly how Obama intends to implement all the “change” he is promsing, or how much it will really cost this country. He has made a sled-load of promises, however, and I don’t see how it’s possible to keep those promises. Read this article, “Obama Claus”:

1. Robert Gates warned that extending troop *rest periods* to match deployment would make it impossible to conduct the war. Our troops are like the trades, you don’t install air conditioning before the building is constructed. They are trained for specific jobs and have to be rotated in and out of the theater according to what skill is needed. Consequently, some skills are needed more frequently.

2. A tax increase would weaken the economy.

3. There was already money for Walter Reed. Sen. Diane Feinstein’s hubby got a sweetheart deal to take care of it, nice work, eh? Google is your friend.

4. And, when are we coming home from Germany? S Korea? Bosnia? Germany?

5. Voting for this bill would hamper military retention. After serving one 3-4 year hitch, troops would be free to leave to pursue their education.

6. Not familiar with number 6, but I’m sure it’s more of the same –you not understanding what you are talking about.

To strengthen America’s military, to *repeal* the extension of tax rates for capital gains and dividends, to reduce the deficit, and for other purposes.

I am supporting Obama because of who he is and not because of what McCain is not!

What does that even mean? Care to fill us on on who Obama is?

“I do not believe Senator Obama is unpatriotic.” — Wordsmith

I believe he is,

as are Pelosi, Reid, Dean, William Ayers, Khalid Al Monsour …

All for different reasons, but united in their hate for truth and decency, even to allowing the country to be destroyed to further their own selfish ends, which for some of Obama’s friends actually does include America’s destruction.

If we do suffer the “Obamanation”, I believe the law of unintended consequences will come into play for all those “Hope”ful libs. No longer will they have to suffer the outrageous Christmas displays forced on them by the radical right wingers. They will disappear. Along with Suzies cheerleading outfit, Bobby’s homophobic Boy Scout uniform and those digustingly American displays called the Thankgiving Football Game.

We’ll all be much too busy praying to the true “Faith”. Suzie wears a burka and Bobby training to be a jihadist at a madrassa nearby and not a single Santa in sight.
Sounds crazy huh? Couldnt happen here! Right. Thats just silly.

Just like Germany in 1933. A failed economy, people disgusted with the status quo polititians and a bright new star rises up to lead them to a new day. And they fall for it hook, line and sinker. First comes the bread, then the circus, a few little “adjustments” to the law and, Hey, we never really liked Congress anyway.

Vote for Obama. After all, Hamas, Hezbollah,Taliban,al-Qaeda and every other jihadist organization are well behind him with their support and money, and I KNOW that their interests aren’t in fireside chats about future peaceful cooperation.

Nah, It couldn’t happen here…….Inshah Allah

I also agree that we shouldn’t call Obama unpatriotic. It amounts to counter-productive bomb throwing. Having said that, I dom’t know how “love of country” is defined by someone with Obama’s views.

I wrote an article on this subject at my unread blog:


It’s unfortunate, but with the lack of availability of the details about Obama some undecideds probably will be turned off by what is coming to light. And, as with any new information, there needs to be time to digest it, disgarding the waste and retaining the facts. You are right, there isn’t enough time now before the election. But it does need to be done, and I am certain that it will turn out to be a lot more damning than you are adimitting now.

No one is “patriotic” who feels their country is built on a lie, or is as evil as his “mentor” accuses it of being. Obama believes those lies about America. He even wants to rewrite the Constitution

along the lines of the nightmares of his socialist father. Since that would destroy the America we know, it’s impossible for me to believe he is “patriotic” in any meaningul sense. And, it seems that his real loyalties lie elsewhere…

And don’t forget what Jerome Corsi dug up on him…

And that he may not even be an American citizen…
…or at least not exclusively, and so not qualified.

I fully expect violence in pockets of Obama supporters, as Odinga who also campaigned on “change” and “spread the wealth” used in Kenya when he lost, when Obama is defeated.

I suppose it is possible that he’s just a clever but confused fool who is being used by the real villains, which fact would just make him an incredibly pathetic loser. But with what I’m learning about a lifetime of his “work,” it’s techniques and focus, I can’t believe he doesn’t know what he is doing. And what he wants to accomplish is really really bad.

Pulling punches when you have our opponent on the ropes is not a winning strategy. But I will concede that one mustn’t throw them wildly.

Still, he is not a good (or honest) man.




Even though we have to bring out the oponent’s negatives, that is not sufficient. Too many people are not familiar with McCain’s positives. If he’s not attractive to voters, making Obama not attractive doesn’t make the sale.

Obama’s negatives ARE important because the are SO VERY negative, but as you seem to be saying, stay focused NOW on McCain’s positives.

I’m OK with that.

But, when you have the time, please see more details on what Jerome Corsi dug up on Obama.

That way, if Obama wins (or loses) we’ll know what to expect.

I have questioned an Obama sympathizer. She is adamant about her support for Obama, though she is not evenly vaguely sure why. I asked for reasons and she could articulate none. I asked what she knew about either McCain or Obama. She said that she didn’t like the way John McCain held his arms. After I calmed a bit I told her about McCain being beaten and tortured in the Hanoi Hilton while he was prisoner. She admitted she had no idea of that part of his life.

In the spirit of fairness I asked her to do some research, I gave her the key words of Frank Marshal Davis, Mercer Island High School, Stanley Ann Dunham. She said she was not like me, she did not have the time or interest to do the research. It seemed odd to me, it took one Google search and an hour to find out that Obama was an indoctrinated socialist, an indoctrination started by his mother and carried forward by Marshall. And then made permanent by his times, associations and activities in college.

Apparently the country is awash with people who are too busy to do research for a vote they will only get to make once every four years. People who I can only assume just wake up to each shining new day as if it were guaranteed to them.

Nice to be quoted, if only in parody. Glad to see somebody reads my stuff.

Larry Sabato went to my grade school and high school (Norfolk, VA), both Catholic institutions, but slightly ahead of me. Such a name dropper I am. But seriously, I’ve always enjoyed Dr. Sabato’s analyses. If I hear he’ll be interviewed on some show ‘in just a little while’, I’ll stick around and listen to him. One smart dude, as the quote above, from April, 2007, shows.


Yeah, I think I might see were you are going with that in reqard to the video you commented on. My guess is that you don’t disagree with it in substance (mostly?) but in presentation?

Actually, I hadn’t watched the whole thing before I put the link up, and when I did I was a bit surprised, given the source (Evan Sayet) who usually doesn’t “go there.” But I haven’t seen that info or those connections presented before, and I think it’s important to know. Still, I’ll try to be more careful in the future, as I also like to see things presented in a less Halloween Horror House style.

More from Jerome Corsi

Obama told Odinga how to run the campaign, INCLUDING recommending the use of fomenting intertribal violence, like the interracial violence I fully expect here in the States if he loses, and probably even if he wins.

Another Corsi audio with LOTS of detail…

“You may not think BO is unpatriotic, but I do.” (Kitty)

I agree with you, Kitty. I think he is more than unpatriotic, he hates America, this is why he wants to change it into a socialist/communist country. Wordsmith, you are naïve if you think that THE ONE is patriotic… I mean, really very naïve.

Perhaps this issue has cooled off. However I’ve just come across Obama’s own words (not for the first time I might add) and they tend to reinforce my initial claim regarding his lack of patriotism:
Senator Obama Live on Sunday states, “As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides, Obama said. ‘There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song ‘ I’d Like To Teach the World To Sing.’ If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.”We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. My wife disrespects the Flag for many personal reasons. Together she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past, many years ago. She has her views and I have mine”. WHAAAAAAAT !!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it right. This could possibly be our next President. I, for one, am speechless. Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post

He does not want to be perceived as taking sides?????????????????????????????

PamelaofthePoconos, great link. Here it is:


I heard that recorded calls were going to be made ….the recorded calls have tape with Senator Clinton praising Senator McCain (from the primary season??) Apparently, from the email below, it is happening:

Sent: Sun Nov 02 13:50:41 2008
Subject: Hillary Endorses McCain

I just received a recorded message from Hillary Clinton endorsing John McCain.

1,527 Responses to “Senator Clinton Endorsing Senator McCain.”


Great post!

“As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides, Obama said.”

Incredible for a potential POTUS!

”We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. My wife disrespects the Flag for many personal reasons.”

Incredible from a potential First Lady!

HOW PATRIOTIC is Obama and his wife, Wordsmith?


I don’t remember hearing those quotes, and they don’t sound like anything I think they would dare to say. I need to see a reference before I start spreading that info. It doesn’t even sound like them.

Pam, link please.

And the clinton endorsing mccain sounds a little too good to be true, as well. Sounds like Dem disinformation to me. It would be nice, but I doubt it, especially if it’s just a recorded message. Recorded from when? If someone is just playing a tape of what she said a year or more ago, that’s going to backfire if she comes out and denies it. That happened last time with the Dems saying people endorsed them and it turned out they hadn’t.

I think this may be at least part of what Wordsmith is alluding to. BE CAREFUL of the info you use. Make sure it’s accurate, and presented in a way that achieves the desired result, which is always the best approach.

@Real American Patriot: Nice set of talking points you got there . But maybe you should actually look into the propaganda that you are spouting before posting.

Wow! Interesting how you say Obama is un-patriotic.

When the Republican party the past 8 years has been the most ANTI-American as they can get!

First they STOLE the 2000 election. Basicly not letting the American people decide there OWN Leader of their Country.

After that 9/11 happend and instead of going after the Son of a b*chtes who attacked us in the first place, we instead were lead into the Iraq war.

Which had NOTHING TO DO with 9/11.

Then the 2004 election came around.

And they STOLE it again.

Seriously how do thousands of votes in Ohio get suddenly “Lost” out of nowhere?

Give me a break.

Then Hurrican Katrina.

And it took a WEEK before F.E.M.A finally decided to come and rescue the people of New Orleans who were drowning and traped in there homes.

And for the past 8 years they have let wall Street run wild with NO regulation, while continuing to cater to the rich and wealthy while giving NOTHING To the Middle class family’s.

Ect. Ect. Ect. Ect. Ect.

America has been put through H.E.L.L by the Republican party and have lost the over all respect in the World thanks to them.

Why else do 90% of Americans think that the Country is on the WRIONG TRACK??!!!

And George W. Bushes approval ratings in the 20’s.?

That’s not a coincidence.

It’s because of the way this Republican party and the way they have run this Counry.

And if that’s not Anit-Americna and un-patriotic.

Then I don’t know what is.

As for you Miss Leah.

Here are the reasons that I’m supporting Barack Obama:

1. I am a loyal Democrat who almost always votes Democrat.

2. I am un-happy with the way that the Republicans have run this Country.

3. The social issues such as abortion rights, that Obama stands for I stand for.

4. I belive John Mcian WILL continue the George W. Bush policies that have failed for the past 8 years.

5. I do NOT LIKE Sarah palin nor what she stands for.

Everything she stands for I am againts.

6. I belive Obama will change America and Change America’s over all attitude and politics.

7. I belive he can Unite the Country instead of divide us.

And finally I feel Jonh Mcain has been NO MAVRICK whem it comes to the Bush Administration.

He has been a side kick.

He has been nothing but,
Bushes parrot along with the rest of the republican party for the past 8 years.

Personaly, I belive he is Bush #44.

And His partner Tinkerbell, is Dick Cheney in a skirt.

That’s why I will be voting for Barack Obama.

Obama/Biden 08!

I agree Obam is not unpatriotic, but it he is untested. Therefore, we have to put our country first, and look passed all the eloquent words he says, and see what the liberal illuminati truly stand for.