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This poll is indeed encouraging, but only slightly. It seems every time a poll comes out showing McCain gaining ground, another one follows showing a significant lead for Obama. The one thing that encourages me is that Republicans typically perform better at the polls than in the polls. Got to count on that.

This poll was the one that was the closest in predicting the 2004 race. I strongly believe there is a silent majority out there that will put McCain over the top. And remember how Obama always underperformed against Hillary?

* **** ALERT *****

The following post should be IMHO a main thread:

Today on Face The Nation….

Bob Schieffer cryptic message…Vote McCain

He talks about the rise of the Nazi’s though the ballot box & people who don’t vote as a way to be neutral. He said this is wrong to do. He mentioned a book, The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich & how the Nazi’s gained power through the ballot box. He said that if he lived back then he would have voted against the Nazi’s, other words you have to take a stand. Tells people to go out & vote no need to tell anyone who you are voting for. He is on very good terms with McCain. Senator McCain has been on his program the second highest number of times.

Here is the link: http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4563790n

this scares me. i am so hoping for a mccain palin win. i am getting so stressed out. can’t people see that obama is almost as bad as hitler? how caqn they let our nation fall to the likes of this man? is power that important? jesus, i hate this shit.

But an expected record black vote for Obama will overwhelm any latent racist effect.

What the hell?

A massive wave of African American voters voting for Barack Obama because of his race and the “latent racist effect” is people who don’t feel comfortable telling some stranger on the phone they’re not going to vote for Barack Obama is a… “latent racist effect.”


Take a deep breath.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Close your eyes and picture Vice President Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Track (in dress uniform), Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig sitting alongside President John McCain and First Lady Cindy McCain and their seven children during the Inaugural Parade.

Picture the smiles on their faces as they enjoy their very special day.

This race is long from over.

Those who underestimate the old warrior do so at their own peril.

I have been reading some very interesting things regarding early voting as well as some newly released state polling info that is very strong in McCain’s favor.

There are going to be a lot of red faces on Tuesday when the results start coming in.

Remember: Quiet Confidence vs. Overplayed Arrogance.

Tuesday is going to be a very good day.

Just how good is realclearpolitics at estimating the actual election from it various polls?

Perhaps there is a clue in how they did in the primaries:

here is Pennsylvania


and here is New Hampshire


So in Penn they had Clinton by 6.1%, but she managed 9.2%, 3.1% wrong and in NH Clinton won by 2.6% but they predicted an Obama win by 8.3%, 10.9$ wrong.

They also assume that all the Hillary votes are going to go to Obama.
Now they have Obama/Biden leading McCain/Palin by 7% in Pennsylvania and by 10.7 in New Hampshire. If they couldn’t get the Democrat race right, why should they get the fraction of Democrat/Republican/PUMA/Independent right?

McCain/Palin will win this election. There is no doubt in my mind. Americans are not stupid enough to vote for a President that hates America. NO WAY!

Max #3…. I caught only the last half of Schieffer’s show this AM. However knowing his general approach towards politics, what makes you think he’s not equating his “Nazi” analogy to the GOP? I find it impossible to believe that he’d want to stop the DNC and Obama.

Come on Mata, Schieffer is talking about Nazis and how they won the election thru the ballot box. He is clearly taking about Obama’s Acorn fraud.

@Aye Chihuahua: DEEP BREATHING… thanks my dear. i am just hoping that mccain/palin win. i can see the understated elegence of a mccain whitehouse. i can see that beautiful family of palin’s, i am so hoping. there has been se much nastiness that it may be hard for our nation to heal no matter what the outcome is. i have faith in the american people. btw, have a friend who is a lib attorney in california, and he keeps referring to all republicans as knuckle draggers. i don’t get it. i really don’t understand how a well educated jewish man can vote for obama. he keeps calling all the conservative issues red herrings. i am just amazed.

Luva, tell you Jewish friend that if Obama wins, it will be the downfall of Israel. Maybe he won’t care; there is a new group of Israeli leftists who hates Israel just as much as American leftists hates the States. I would guess he is one of them. I have many Jewish friends in New-York, they would never vote for Obama, they like Israel too much.

The most Encouraging thing about this poll is that Obama is at 46%. Lot of time here, and I assume that it will take 50% or better to win, and if the poll is off just .05% than it’s a numerical tie. I grow hot and cold with this election, I’m at hot right now. I have been praying at least 3 hrs a day that we prevail.

Do not believe in any of the polls, they are all off and no one knows who is actually in the lead. Polls are just a way to make mmore news out of nothing. They are almost always skewed towards the Democrats, I heard that one poll had up to 80% of the people rejecting to respond.

And I still think if Obama has less than 5% lead in the polls he will loose. Remember Kerry had a 5% lead on the Fri before the 2004 elections

Breathe and go and vote. Do not let the MSM and propaganda machine demoralize you. It is one of the tactics the Obama camp is banking on.

1) Calls for McCain to just give up and quit, because the race is over. This one is a favorite of the trolls who lurk on pro-McCain sites. We get them here, despite all the spraying and fumigating we do, but notice how we ignore these trolls. We’ve identified two paid Obama staffers who have been assigned to HillBuzz. We picked them up around the same time people from Ace and LGF started picking up some of our stuff — so our guess is they were assigned to us by whoever was monitoring those sites. They’re different trolls than the ones assigned to us during the primaries (we only had one back then, so evidently we’ve gotten more on the radar now). One of them starts posting “her” concern troll remarks here at 8am. The other one starts “his” remarks around 5pm or so. It appears there are two shifts for the trolls — and from what we can see, they share the same computer and IP address. And it’s an address right here in Chicago. Imagine that. We wonder if we’ve ever run into these people at Houlihan’s on Michigan Avenue after one of their shifts, as that’s where a lot of Obama staffers like to go for a drink, and where we often hang out to see what we can overhear while pretending to read a book over a little dinner. Since we’re going to be in Ohio the rest of the time before the election, we’re okay with letting you in on that little bit, as we won’t be able to eavesdrop on you anymore. But the information these Obama staffers inadvertantly provided was really helpful on a lot of things. A great way to see how the race was going was to listen for how “audacious” these people felt that day. That’s their internal lingo: “Are you feelin’ it? Are you feelin’ audacious today?”. “Nope, not feelin’ the audacity today, ’cause we know those PA polls are bogus and BO’s not gonna take the state”. Word to the wise: these staffers were never as “audacious” as the media and skewed polls have insisted they should be.

It’s so funny, but when you work on these campaigns every day and give up all of your free time and all other activities for this, you just know when the media’s lying and reading from an Axelrod script. The coerographed calls for Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race before New Hampshire, before Super Tuesday, before Ohio and Texas, before Pennsylvania, before West Virgina, before Kentucky, before Indiana, and before South Dakota were completely ridiculous to us — and yet, Eeyores always listened, and lost enthusiasm and drive because ‘the TV said Hillary needs to just quit”. We know this kept some Eeyores from going out to vote, because they thought, “Why bother? The TV told me she’s gonna lose!”. Well, the TV lies. And the toaster says you’re fat. Unfortunately, the toaster’s telling the truth. The microwave tells you to set fires – and that just means you’re nuts, because why would it do that?

The ONLY way McCain loses this race is if the media, operating as a full-fledged wing of the Obama campaign, breeds enough Eeyores amongst you to keep enough people home for Obama to squeak out wins. Hillary Clinton should have won Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana, by larger margins that she did. Ohio should have been a 13-point win, Pennsylvania should have been a 12-point win, and Indiana should have been a 9-point win. Eeyores staying home, saying, “Oh bother, TV say me stay home, me sad, need dydee changed!” is what cost Hillary those extra points.

Don’t be Eeyores on Tuesday! Get those Eeyore butts off your couches, away from toxic TV, and GO VOTE. Get everyone you know to vote — tell them if they don’t, then Obama will turn America socialist, and we’re going to start with their house and bank account when we begin redistributing wealth. That should motivate them.

1. November 4, 1968: John McCain horribly tortured by Commuist thugs.

2. November 4, 2008: John McCain returns the favor at 10:00 PM EST.

B R O K E N G L A S S ! ! ! ! !

You want a boosting?
9 good reasons to stay very optimistic.

By Christopher Cook

Good roundup there Craig. We have a narrow chance to win, but it is not impossible.

Mike you sound like you believe the polls that count 10% more Democraps! Keep hope alive, wait a minute I’m begining to sound like Jesse Jackson, got to watch that.

“Good roundup there Craig. We have a narrow chance to win, but it is not impossible.” (Mike)

What are you talking about? I predict there will be a landslide WIN for McCain on tuesday night.

I don’t think the McCain chances are narrow at all. Here’s why;

1) When you see the breakdowns of those polled on many of the polls (CNN, Gallup, etceteras), the demographics show a higher percentage of those polled admitting they were Democrats than exists in the actual American cross-section of political parties and based on past voting history. Often in the high 40’s-up to-60% for Democrats and I’ve seen 20-35% for Republicans. This skews poll results. Still when you compare those polled to the poll percentages results being released, the percentages are lower than they should be for Obama. This indicates a McCain advantage.
2) Most of these polls are conducted over the phone, which makes it personable. The people being polled have no way of knowing if the pollsters have their names, and home addresses. If your number is listed, it’s pretty easy to get that info off the internet. With all the cries of racism should you not say you’re voting for Obama, that brings up a valid fear in people that they might be targeted if they do not give a “Politically-Correct response”. We’ll call this the “Fear Factor” of polling. This is not the same thing as the “Bradley Effect”, but pretty darn close. If you’re voting for Obama, you have nothing to fear. Some will say they are undecided when in fact they are not and will vote differently once they are safely behind the curtain at the voting booth. Others may claim their intentions to vote for Obama falsely. And still other refusing to commit over the phone, again perhaps due to that “Fear Factor”. There is also the problem where pollsters are assuming voters will say only either McCain or Obama. They aren’t even asking about third party candidates. Thus, most “undecideds” in the polls at this point are likely McCain-Palin or Independent party voters. Advantage McCain.
3) Even with the independent studio audience immediate polls following the debates I saw a lot of nervousness on the faces of those people. They knew they were being televised and I think likely afraid someone might recognize them in public and make trouble for them afterward. Again the “Fear Factor” issue. Advantage McCain.
4) The media which has been very biased up until this last week is now turning around and asking fewer “softball” questions. Now posing questions they’ve previously overlooked. It seems like they know something they don’t want to reveal and are now trying to cover their butts in the last hours to try to salvage viewers after this election. Advantage McCain.
5) Obama and the Democrats were pushing hard to get people to vote early, banking on early results to convince voters it isn’t worth their time to vote because it looks like Obama would win. After all this in Ohio a couple of weeks ago, they only managed to get 5,000 people to show up instead of the 30,000-50,000 they were counting on. And McCain still pulled in 35% of those votes. The Republicans have been pushing to vote, but not necessarily to vote early. Early voters are more likely to be younger voters with busier lifestyles voting Democrat. But they didn’t turn out as the Dems expected. Older folks have trouble with paper ballots, especially with the “fine print” instructions. They are afraid they’ll make mistakes and don’t trust them. They prefer the old-fashioned way with the machines because you only have to read the names and make your selection. Granted, as of Friday, the early voting has gone up, due mostly of the complaints on how long it may take to get in to vote and in line times of up to 8 hours, but I haven’t seen any new totals being given. Advantage McCain.
6) Fatal Democratic voter psychology flaw. If you’re a Dem and tell people your candidate has pretty much already won, lazy people in your base decide there’s no point in them wasting their precious time coming out to add to the “landslide”.
7) If this election were already in the bag, there would be little need for the moonbats to still be popping up and even in larger numbers. They’re coming out of the woodwork now like roaches after insecticide bombing a house. Advantage McCain.

I still have high hopes of a McCain-Palin victory.

It’s not going to be a landslide, but then again, who can predict the future? All we can do is pray and hope that McCain emerges the winner on Tuesday.

Rocky, How about a number 8? Rush/Operation Chaos. The dems are over-polled because more dems are registered to vote. Republicans that registered dem and voted for Hillary or Obama in the dem primaries are not going to vote for Obama now. #9. Then knock off the PUMA voters, they may be dem, but last I saw any figures, 35% of Hillary voters are voting for McCain or not voting.

Just a couple of examples of why polling is, has and will be, off. McCain must know he’s got a good shot.

Where did you guys come up with the notion that Hitler defrauded the German People? His rise was done legitmately because the German people thought they had a vested interest in voting for the policies that he supported.

Obama may turn into a Cult of Personality President if he wins (God Forbid) but you guys are running loose with history if you compare Acorn and Nazi Germany. Their system was Parlimentary at the time (still is) and therefore they did not need to win a majority of the votes to have a controling interest in their country’s government. Hitler barely got 1/3 of the vote but the country was so fractured after WW1 that small amount was enough to control the government.

Mike A – by my count this is the third time you and I are in complete agreement. If we start the evening by losing NC, VA and PA it is over. If we start by winning those three it turns into the OH, FL watching party. It will be a close race either way thank goodness, because that is the only way that my guy can win.

Rocky, your point number five is just wrong. Fox news reports that Early voting is shattering records in 18 states and that virtually all battle ground states are leaning the wrong way.

A look at early voting in key states:

–Florida: About 2.6 million people have already voted in a state where absentee ballots overwhelmingly favored President Bush in the razor-thin 2000 election. Among those voting so far this year, 45 percent are registered Democrats and 39 percent Republicans.

–North Carolina: About 1.6 million people have already voted — 54 percent are registered Democrats and 29 percent are Republicans. About 100,000 newly registered voters have signed up and voted at North Carolina’s one-stop voting centers, McDonald said. Among them, Democrats outnumbered Republicans by about 2-1, he said.

–Iowa: About 340,000 people have already voted — 49 percent are registered Democrats and 29 percent are Republicans.

–Colorado: About 815,000 people have voted — 39 percent are registered Democrats and 37 percent are Republicans.

–Nevada: About 342,000 people have already voted in Clark and Washoe Counties, which contain nearly 90 percent of the state’s population. Among those voters, 53 percent are registered Democrats and 30 percent are Republicans.

–New Mexico: About 111,000 people have voted in Bernalillo County, the state’s largest. Among them, 55 percent are registered Democrats and 33 percent are Republicans.

–Georgia: Black voters make up about 35 percent of those who have already voted — a big increase from the 2004 election, when 25 percent of the state’s electorate was black. Blacks voted for Obama by ratio of 9-1 in Georgia’s Democratic primary this year.

7.5 million people voted in Florida in 2004. This year 3 million voted early, with a five point swing in favor of democrats. This is not over, but we need to face reality and start making phone calls to get the vote out tomorrow.

Excellent point on #8 Leah;
I hadn’t figured in the “OPERATION CHAOS” factor of those who registered Dem to vote in the primaries. Yes indeed they would still be listed as Democrats walking into the general election polls to vote Republican until after their vote gets them re-assigned. Just like as an independent I still show up as a Republican because there are fewer Indy candidate running. so since the majority of my votes go for a Repub, it’s not an incorrect label. Of course, for the top seat in this election it’s a really bad idea for us Indies to make a statement and risk getting a socialist in charge.

Both that and your #9 with the PUMA votes for McCain are monkey wrenches in the works. The MEdia would be fools to call the vote on voter turn-out demagraphics rather than actual votes. It would put another, “DEWEY WINS”, gaffe on their part to call it for Obama solely on turn out and not actual votes.

From what I’ve read posted on FA, we’ve been comparing Obama’s CAMPAIGN to Hitler’s. Not specifically to Acorn’s involvement in it, but more to Hitler’s charismatic style. And Obama has targeted that same voting block, which is supportive of a comparison.

However this study, published in the Journal of Economic History, identifies a set of people – “the working poor” – who stood to benefit most from Nazi policies. It also confirms that they voted proportionally more for the Nazis.

Hitler did defraud the German people as he made them numerous promises to get elected that he never intended to keep. A tactic not exclusive to Democrats, but arguably used most often by them to get votes. That’s a page right out of standard Socialist campaigning. Bush Sr. made the promise of no new taxes and Dems in Congress made damned sure he would eat those words. Clinton promised tax cuts he never delivered on. Obama is the biggest liar yet though. He’s promised 95% of Americans they will be rewarded for voting for him by getting wealth redistribution checks of $500 (i.e. Attempting to buy votes). Yet, if you look closely at ALL of his positions, and the resulting cause and effects, everyone would come out much worst financially under his administration including everyone in that 95% group. Once he doubles or triples energy costs to the consumers, that will be more than enough to wipe out those $500 checks and more. In addition, there will be fewer jobs due to labor cuts to pay for increased taxes and other hidden taxes from unfunded government mandates on the states such as his education policies to increase the number of teachers, their pay, and the number of or sizes of schools. Most of the jobs Obama will create would be in larger Federal bureaucracies for spending programs.

In your second link to refute my point #5, you didn’t include the following from that same report:

Voters can always cross party lines and no vote totals are announced until Election Day, but the early indications clearly favor Obama. It is unclear, however, whether they will translate into success on Nov. 4 because never before have so many Americans cast their votes before Election Day.

I don’t see how that source report contradicts my #5 point that Dems are voting early in higher numbers than Republicans. In fact, your source actually supports my opinion as can be seen in this portion also not quoted:

Democrats outnumber Republicans among early voters in Iowa, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada, according to statistics from election and party officials in those states. Bush won all six in 2004, and McCain needs to win most of them to claim the White House this year.

And as Leah points out, people will be crossing party lines in large numbers. The media polls are being based on turn-out, not actual votes. Yet the media will relay whichever they want to and they likely will. But, it would be a mistake for them to call the election before the Electoral College announces and the Electoral College “is supposed to” go by actual votes, not turn-out numbers. (I say “is supposed to” because there is always a chanch that Electoral College delegates might ignore the popular vote and vote how THEY want. But there would be hell to pay this election if they did.)

Yes Repubs have put out some encouragement to vote early, but more emphasis to vote-period. And not paid nearly as much attention on it as the Dems have. The Dems have to push it harder because they go after their younger voter base; who may register, but are notoriously bad about showing up to vote.

My point is; I don’t want people getting the idea and becoming discouraged and not showing up to vote McCain-Palin. This is the most important election of our lives as an Obama-Biden administration and 2/3 Democratic congressional majority could spell ruin for America.

Get off your collective butts and go out and vote McCain-Palin to protect your children’s and children’s children’s future. Do not give up.

One last point;
IMHO the time has long passed when the Electoral College should have been dissolved as an entity. The original justification for their creation is no longer valid in today’s technology. That being those days where it might take months for all votes to be counted and reported.

Rocky I appreciate your reply and thankfully both of us finished on a “Get Out and Vote” tip. But I was responding to the claims that Hilter was elected through illegal means as discussed in comment #10.

The point that writer made was that Acorn was working to win the election for Obama illegally (voter fraud) while I contend that Hitler won an election fair and square. If your point is that he told the voters what they wanted to hear and that is how he defrauded the election then everyone who was ever elected to anything could be found guilty of that.

as to your point #5, it is clearly my mistake. We agree, who would not, that more dems are voting early than Republicans. We shall see if that holds true including today. But I disagree that it is somehow an advantage for McCain as you claim, but here’s hoping.