Scary Halloween Houses Around Los Angeles

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Halloween is a fun time. Not only do people love to dress up, but they love to decorate their houses as well, with the macabre and the shocking. Full of scary laughs and frightening decorations.

I thought I’d share with the FA readers, some of the clever and imaginative if not bone-chilling haunted house decorations out there in the Los Angeles area….

These are up near UCLA…

On my way to work, houses in Palms and Culver City…

This one is just awesome:

Scariest houses of all, though…..

Brace yourselves…….

Now those are simply terrifying. Tricks-or-treaters should be wary that if they go to these houses with a bag already full of candy, beware the owner of these houses doesn’t reach into your bag to distribute your hard-earned candy to other tricks-or-treaters, just making their rounds.

Play safe, and be safe!

Happy Halloween!

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Great Photos Word.

Growing up in California I alway’s was scared to death to go trick or treating because of the scarieness of the decorations.

Then when it came time to take my own kids trick or treating when we still lived in Cali before we moved to Oklahoma, Things got even more scarier. Going through the front of someones home and/or backyard all the way to the back and then back out to the front again, with spooks and gouls jumping out at you and kreepy sounding music, someone screaming, oh that was so much fun watching my kids get the crap scared out of them LOL

Californians take Halloween alot more seriously than anyone else I do believe 🙂

They make it magical and fun.

Happy Halloween!

Hmmm…. Too bad I am so far away… I haven’t mounted a good T.P. attack in some time and there is some ripe pickings out your way.

@Wordsmith: You are sooooo right Word a sign of HOPE is extremly scary, damn those optimists 🙂

But on a more serious note, I thought you lived in the phoenix area?

Thanks Wordsmith! I enjoyed looking at the decorations, spent many years doing that, and the landscaping in that area is lovely, too.

Out here we are losing the leaves, by looking at your photos, just realized that not all trick-or-treaters across the country have that little spooky sound effect of rustling, blowing leaves while they are out on the prowl. And, you know they are coming to your door because you hear them sloshing through the leaves. After Halloween, you rake and rake.