Via Stix Blog
Joe the Plumber, and Tito the Builder are inspiring other American’s to wake up and smell the socialist coffee:
Below is an excerpt of an open letter to Obama written by Cory Miller, an east Texas native, who disagrees with the junior senator’s political philosophies and economic ignorance
You can read the full text of the letter HERE
In short, Mr. Obama, your political philosophies represent everything that is wrong with our country. You represent the culture of government dependence instead of self-reliance; Entitlement mentality instead of personal achievement; Penalization of the successful to reward the unmotivated; Political correctness instead of open mindedness and open debate. If you are successful, you may preside over the final transformation of America from being the greatest and most self-reliant culture on earth, to just another country of whiners and wimps, who sit around looking to the government to solve their problems. Like all of western Europe. All countries on the decline. All countries that, because of liberal socialistic mentalities, have a little less to offer mankind every yea
This paragraph is substantiated by the words of Peggy Joseph, Obama voter:
“I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to work on puttin’ gas in my car. I won’t have to work at payin’ my mortgage. You know. If I help him [Obama], he’s gonna help me.”
People like Cory the driller and hard working Americans nationwide are going to have their wealth redistributed in support of this woman’s mortgage and gas bills. Obama can keep his change, I’m voting McCain/Palin!
Poor Peggy Joseph… She’s in for some REAL disappointment if she expects Obama to help put gas in her car….
On second thought: Obama is more qualified to pump gas than he is qualified to be President.
A few years back I was in London watching morning television and one gentleman was on TV (the “telly”) complaining that the Labor/Socialists had promised to take care of him from “cradle to grave.”
Sadly, he discovered that those promises don’t mean much. The real objective of socialists is not to provide services or help people, but to acquire and wield power.
America is the land of opportunity, not he land of the handout.
Obama is the academic brat preppie spawn of a Hawaiian bank vice president.
He is by nature an elitist.
He has no feeling for middle class America — everything he says is bombast and talk down from on high.
This is real shame of his “narrative” — that he has all these poor and middle class folk thinking he’s like them.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Can you see the difference in the videos. Cory is right. We are becoming Eurabia and we will be so much closer with Obama in the White House. We will have the mid teens of unemployment, but who cares the government will pay for everything. Obama will pay for our gas, mortgages, school and eveything else. So why should I work and try and better myself if all I get is more taxes. Socialism is coming with a Obama White House.
Also thanks for the link Skye
Hussein O’s brother lives on $12 a year, His grandmother lives in a hut with the chickens, or the chickens live in the house with her, His aunt who he professed to truly love lives in a flob house in Boston. Hussein won’t help his own family, don’t count on him helping anyone other than Hussein.
Tax cuts going at $250K, no bids, going at $200K, lets get a bid of $150K, still no takers, how about $120K, no bid, we will start the bidding at $42 Hussein stated at one time, that’s about right. I expect the same tax cut from the democrats that I’ve got in over 40 years in the work force, $0.00, but I’ll bet there will be a tax increase on everyone with a job as there has always been. Democrats don’t cut taxes, they increase them and steal the money, and pork is grand thief. What did Hussein O request, close to a billion dollars in his ‘143’ days of slaving while being paid for almost 4 years. If politicians had any balls they would forgo their pay while campaigning for an office other than the one they currently hold. That includes McCain who would do it as he took the public funding, Hussein O would lie and not do it as he did the public funding. The American people and foreign leaders are supposed to trust this POS liar? Only if you are more stupid than he thinks you are.
Poor Peggy Joseph. What and IDIOT ! ! ! !
Who is John Galt?
And now, meet Tito the builder. If you could embed this one Skye, it is really good.
Here is the difference between Conservatives and Liberals
I forgot how to embed movies.
Just testing
You’ll get CHANGE if you vote for BO, but that’s all you’ll get cuz he’ll take your DOLLARS.
With regards to Tito the Builder and Joe the Plumber… contrast these Americans supporting McCain-Palin with the supporters that Obama has trotted out in his 30-minute America Sucks Obamercial. Obama’s supporters talk about being downtrodden and wanting the government to take care of all that ails them. McCain-Palin supporters talk about wanting to live and achieve the American dream and knowing that the opportunities granted in this country already allow for that.
Stark, stark contrast in the “little guy” mentalities of the two camps. The little guys in Obama’s camp all see tragedy and despair in this country and think Obama will save them from it, the little guys in McCain’s camp all see opportunity in this country and all realize how Obama will take it away.
While I agree with the points on this, it is fair to point out that she actually said “Worried about…” and not work, as was quoted. If we are gonna bash them, we should quote them properly.
She is saying the word ‘work’.
She might be right! Maybe Barry will do more for her than she has done for herself thus far. In American life can be cruel and unfair. I mean it is a real burden to pay for things like a house and a car. Clothing and food are other items that can be elusive for folks who can’t earn $100k per year without a degree or other training. WTF? I am sure now Barry and the crew will get it all straightened out if they get in.
I don’t care what color you are or what your religious beliefs are… If you work hard and apply yourself you can achieve any goals you set for yourself… especially in the USA. But since the USA is broken, Barry will “change it, rearrange it”. 🙂 I hope he doesn’t run out all the taxpayers whilst doing his handy work.
I watched the video again and I heard her say “work on puttin gas in my car” and “worry about paying my mortgage”. For what it’s worth…
It’s people that are fooled like Peggy Joseph that will help in running our country to the ground. America didn’t become what it is by government handouts and chokingly high government control on everything. It became the country it is because we have freedoms that allowed us to excel in our lives, to live the true American dream. There is a big reason as to why Europeans and many people around the world are giving all that they have just to live here and get their opportunities that they didn’t have before.
I go to church with Cory Miller and he is the real deal. He worked hard for everything he has!! Go CORY!!
@Shannon TX: Tell him we are all thankful for his letter. He has done a great service in exposing Obama and the Left’s socialistic politics.
He along with Joe the Plumber, Tito are going to change a lot of people’s minds.
I’d rather be homeless in a Free America “where at least I know I’m free”, instead of living in a socialist government housing project.
Any change is good change when compared to the governemnt that we have now. If the current president had done a good job, would we be electing a democrat tomorrow?
@The Other Side: So changing to Socialismis alright with you????
And what has Bush done that is so wrong??? I will tell you where I think he went wrong
Signded McCain-Feingold, NoChild Left Behind, Prescription Drug bill, Illegal Immigration, and some others. But he kept our country safe, defeated Al Queda in Afghanistan and Iraq, kept our eonomy going after 9/11, even with the Dems throwing monkey wrenches in the works all the time.
All in aLL, I think he has done a good job with what he had to work with. Drunken sailors that called themselves Republicans, then the disaster of Democrat Control of CONgress that has done nothing (which is good in my estimation).
Oh, I see. Peggy is black so she MUST have been asking for a handout as opposed to supporting a candidate that she believes will help loosen the squeeze that the economy has put on her and everyone else. This is nothing but pure and blatant racism.
Peggy clearly was stating she wouldn’t have to WORRY about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage; the basics. You have got to be one ignorant person to look at this video and think she is asking for a handout. But then again, it doesn’t surprise me at all. You people probably don’t know that Africa is a continent either.
You all should be ashamed for reaching too far into what she said. You are what is wrong with America.
Don’t be to quick to dismiss that theory. Plenty of “people” (Not all, just most) at my job actually believe that. They are hoping for socialism and government handouts. It’s kinda sad in a way. I hope i didn’t come off as an @$$. I work in construction and well, you wouldn’t believe the amount of copies of “The Daily Socialist” gracing the back pockets of workers, and the conversations i’ve had with these people.
@jane: Thank you for displaying your idiocy and ignorance. Check’s in the mail for ya.
Where in this post did ANYONE blame her for being black and wanting a handout? In fact, where on this ENTIRE site have we bashed anyone for being black, without any other reason? For you to come in here and accuse all of us of being ignorant and racist is despicable.
What we’re claiming, since you seem to lack the basic skills to comprehend this discussion, is that she’s voting for Obama because she thinks that Obama will pay for all her things. She’s counting on the money she thinks she’ll be getting from Obama’s economic policies, and we’re pointing out that her judgement is wrong because Obama’s heavy tax plan WILL affect her negatively. For you to understand, I’m repeating that NO ONE is blaming her for being black, wanting a handout, or voting for Obama because she’s black.
YOU should be the one ashamed. In the words of John McCain, “you just don’t understand.” I’d suggest you stop pretending like you do and start working on that before you come back to accuse us of saying something we’re not claiming.
Peggy wont get a penny.
Sure shes getting a free check (not that she asked for one directly), and a tax break… The top 5% thats being taxed more is just gonna raise the price of merchandise. In a sense they arent even paying those tax increases, you are, i am.. PEGGY IS!!!
Just another empty meaningless way to shift around money and pull in the votes needed.
“she’s voting for Obama because she thinks that Obama will pay for all her things.”
And then you say this:
“For you to understand, I’m repeating that NO ONE is blaming her for being black, wanting a handout, or voting for Obama because she’s black.”
Haha! Classic. I understand plenty. First you say she wants Obama to “pay for all her things” – which is NOT what she said, you put words in her mouth. And then you follow it by, “we’re not saying she wants a handout”. Oh? If not a handout, then how is it that “Obama will pay for all her things”? Get real, she made no statements that a “moocher” would say.
As I said, she’s voting for Obama because she hopes, as many others do, that they won’t have to WORRY. That he will make things better, fix the economy, etc. Not that Obama is going to “pay for all her things”. And her “if I help him, he’ll help me” comment is the whole point and premise of supporting any candidate.
IN NO WAY, does her comments or the word “worry” mean or even remotely imply that she “thinks that Obama will pay for all her things”. This is completely false.
But you will continue to believe, because I’m the ignorant one that can’t go around my arse to get to my elbow to see the “true meaning” of what she said.
Somehow I’m the one that doesn’t understand? I’m sorry, but I’m the one that can view this video and see that a person made some pretty simple comments and is hoping things will get better (and who disagrees with you on candidate choice). I’m not the one spreading this video and putting words in her mouth. Now, find me a video of a person who actually says they can’t wait for Obama to send them free money for something…then I’ll say, yeah that person is an idiot. There is no proof of the claims made here. It’s just completely bogus.
I’ve seen TONS of white people say these same things and I do not see them being touted as moochers and welfare lovers. You don’t have to say that she is black to get your message across. I never said I agree or disagree on what Obama will do. I just said that I think the claims being made about this video are completely ridiculous. Find something better. Sheesh.
This woman’s words were completely distorted to suit an anti-Obama agenda. It’s sad really…
“I never thought this day would happen. I won’t have to work on puttin’ gas in my car. I won’t have to work at payin’ my mortgage. You know. If I help him [Obama], he’s gonna help me.”
You need to turn your speakers up. Have you never heard a black person speak?
She said I won’t have to WORRY ’bout. Twice. And THAT is a fact.
She is saying WORK – THAT is the truth!
She is simply buying the line that obie will give her and millions like her a handout, paid for by people like you and me.
Too bad she still will have to pay her mortgage and gas bill – just like you and me.
Has anyone viewed the Howard Stern audio/video floating around on YouTube. It really exposed the low informtion voter preferences.
@jane: So who is going to pay for her gas and motgage then???? And this is straightfrom Chicago Politics, you get me elected andI willgive you some money on the side. This along woth pay to play will go nationwide.
I sure hope thatall that voed for Obama know what they voted for. Chicago is call the “Windy City”not for the wind coming off of Lake Michigan.
Oh, God help you.
She’s not worrying because she thinks Obama will provide the money that will pay for her gas and mortgage bills. Hence, why she says “I don’t have to worry”. It DOES imply that the tax break she’ll get from Obama will pay for those things. Is it really that difficult for you to put two and two together?
Your argument is what she says explicitly vs. what her words mean, except you seem to misunderstand the latter. They won’t have to worry not because he’ll lower prices, but because they believe that they’ll get a huge check from the government to pay for all those things they do worry about. That’s why they’re voting for him – hence the “if I help him, he’ll help me” mindset. Again, what we’re showing is that her judgement is false if she picks a candidate based on that because that check she’ll get won’t help her out at all.
I’m not “putting words in her mouth” because, per your argument, that would mean that I’m claiming she said those things. I’m defining what her words meant, what the intention was behind her words.
We’re NOT sticking to the fact that she’s black to get our point across, and because in your eyes we’re nothing but a bunch of racists, you can’t get over that. Nor have you proven to me that we’re making the point that she thinks that way because of her skin color.
How dare you? You’re the only racist I see here, because you just don’t understand what we’re saying or what my position is – and you make no attempt to! You really need to learn some comprehension skills because in both posts, you’ve made NO attempt to show that you have any.
This is such an overblown and ridiculous issue. I have heard this with better sound and I have always heard her say she will not have to “worry.” It has nothing to do with getting a check, it has everything to do with her belief that Obama will improve the living conditions of working class Americans who will not have to worry about how they will stretch their pay checks to cover gas, food and their mortgage. A big order, but her hope and her dream.
But funny how the last person called out someone as racist. I think the very fact that people thought she was saying “work” they jumped all over her as a person looking for a handout in the form of welfare. People have taken a 20 second sound bite of one very excited woman and turned into some statement on Obama’s economic policies without ever asking Ms. Joseph herself what she really meant.
@mcbap: Have tyouyever been to Chicago to see how a wel run Machins works. I scratch your back if you scratch my back. this is how they do itin Chicago, St Louis, andmany other large cities. This has everything to do woht her not having to wok to get a check, the checks will be in the mail every month.
Utterly insane, the Chicago Machine has taken over the country.
It is nothing to do with her not working. It is all about worrying about making your money stretch to meet all your basic needs. If the woman has a mortgage she already has a job otherwise she would not have one. This story is all about the far right trying to make something out of nothing.
@mcbap:Yes that is it. We just do not understand what she is saying.
It wil definietley be hard for her if Pbama getsall his programs thru. She will not have a job. Taxing the rich never brings the poor out of poerty, it only escalates poverty. Wehave tried this before and we had the Great Depression. And every other coutry tht tried it has failed miserably.
Why do you think that Oama will be ny different??? Socialism does not work, never did and never will