I.E. – Government subsidized housing paid for by YOUR tax dollars. Gee. Imagine that…
One does wonder how she, an illegal, managed to get into a GSH…
16 years ago
Mike, don’t worry, I am sure ACORN already registered her. She probably voted already. I’ll say like AZDREAMER: “Is ther anything about Obama that is legitimate?”
16 years ago
Time magazine
In 1995, Acorn unsuccessfully sued the state of California, claiming that it should be exempted from minimum wage laws because paying its workers more would require the group to reduce headcount and would make its workers less sympathetic to the poor.
It may be a complete non-issue, but I wonder if anyone has questioned her as to where her nephew was actually born.
Now that it is known that she has a deportation order, will she be forced to vacate the apartment in public housing that WE are paying for?
16 years ago
Who is surprised about this? The woman is here illegally, living in taxpayer funded housing, and gave money illegally to Obama’s campaign. From the looks of her, Obama should have been doing the taking care of HIS brothers and sisters, like he professed to want to do in his book about ‘unicorns and magic beans’.
Has Obama produced his “who is your daddy” document yet?
Baruq Hussein Obama is what you get when you are at the burger drive in and push the ‘charismatic demagogue genie’ order light.
Even more significant, this reveals how Obama views our nation’s laws. Laws only apply to other people… not to him (or his).
16 years ago
@Dan Cleary
Since Obama doesn’t spread his wealth around, does that make him “selfish” too? 🙂
Since hearing him pontificate about those who don’t want to pay higher taxes being “selfish” I have been wrought with guilt. I really don’t want to pay any more taxes… I just wonder if he has a pass for any other actions he might condemn, yet partakes in? Good to know that he will preserve the “double standards” that exists in politics these days!
16 years ago
You only have to worry about paying taxes under the ‘chosen one’s plan’ if you make $250K, $200K, $150K, $120K, well forget all of that, you will see a tax increase unless you are a criminal alien related to Hussein O and living underground while drawing welfare. Can we go blackface and get in on some of the goodie’s, like the woman stated, Hussein O will pay for your home and put gas in your car..Guess he will provide the car to.
All of this time we’ve been told that the criminal aliens work and pay taxes. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
16 years ago
“I’ll keep my money and my guns, you keep the change”.
16 years ago
Alert! Alert! Alert!
This isn’t the aunt he thought he knew and under the bus she goes:
Another good find Missy… From the article “”Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status.”
Remember, this is the guy who said:
” If Jane or Zeituni ever felt ill, if their companies ever closed or laid them off, there was no government safety net. There was only family, next of kin, people burdened by similar hardship. Now I was family, I reminded myself. Now I had responsibilities.” — Barack Hussein Obama from “Dreams of my Fathers”
You telling me a U.S. Senator couldn’t get a green card for a family member? This is a perfect example of what Obama would do for the entire nation: all talk and no action.
People who think, as Skye points out in a video below, that Obama will help “fill up my gas tank” are going to be very disappointed.
The only thing Obama cares about is himself.
16 years ago
All this tells me is that is whoever is running Homeland Security now is not doing their job.
Thanks for reminding me to vote for change.
16 years ago
Wow! I’m not even going to comment on the story.
But, in all honesty, for you all to be a Pro-Mcain website, you sure as hell talk about Obama a lot.
Should’nt yall be praising Mcian?
Yall are Mcain supporters right?
See there is a BIG difference betwen being Pro-Mcain and Aniti-Obama.
I think I’m finding out which one yall are.
I mean NOT ONE OF these posts are Pro-Mcain posts.
Not ONE posts talks about Mcain.
Its all about Obama.
Obama this and Obama that.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Obama!
As an Obama supporter, I bash Mcain from time to time but, I don’t talk about him all the time.
I talk about my Cannnidate, Obama.
Now for a website full of people who quote, “support Mcain”.
Why don’t you support Mcain?
Instead of bashing Obama?
3 days before the election, instead of trying to help your cannidate get elected, you guys are steady trying to bring his opponent down.
Yesterday, I went to my local Obama office her in Md.
And I volentered to help MY cannidate get elected.
Now NOT ONCE! Did I talk about or bash Mcain.
All we did is volenter for Obama and do everything we can to help him get elected.
Maybe instead of going on and on about Obama’s family, yall should get out and try to help YOUR cannidate Mcain.
Although come to think of it DON’T HELP MCIAN!
Yea, yea, BASH OBAMA!
Yes, yes, Instead of helping your cannidate, why don’t yall just stay talking about his Opponent.
That does Obama more bad then you could EVER DO!
O and while your at it, don’t vote for your cannidate on Nov 4th either.
Just stay at your computer and keep bashing Obama!
Yep, that will teach Sen. Obama not to help his family.
The WORSE thing you could do to Obama is to stay at your computer on Nov 4th and bash him all day long and NOT VOTE for his oponent.
O yeah, as a matter of fact keep doing, what ya doing.
And as for your claim that you show your support for Obama and only occasionally bash McCain you’re only fooling yourself.
I can’t recall the last time any of you Obamatons came here to give us a positive view of your candidate. Instead, you have continued what amounts to an uninterupted eight year campaign of hate directed at Republicans, Conservatives and President Bush.
And in case you have missed the posts which praise the good work our candidates are doing I suggest you actually READ the posts here and not just jump to the comments section in your zeal to spread the latest talking points handed to you by your handlers.
Richard: You really think any of us are going to believe you want illegal aliens deported and are voting for Obama based on the failure to rid us of those leeches?
You must think we are as dumb as you are.
16 years ago
REALLY, Mike??
I’ve been on thie website for weeks now and not ONE of them are Pro-Mcain posts.
And the only reason why us Obama supporters come here and bash Mcain is becuz you guys are steady bashing Obama.
Maybe if you try and say some good things about YOUR CANIDATE and stop trying to bash ours.
Maybe we will do the same and praise Our cannidate and not bash his oponent, when we come here.
O and I agree with Richard.
The Republicans are in charge currently, right?
So aren’t they reasponsable for illigeal aliens coming in the country?
Or are you soo dumb that you are blaming Obama for illegal aliens comming in the country and he’s not even president yet?
Obama/Biden 08!
16 years ago
Mike, what I’m saying is that this “news” is nothing but another amateur attempt by the master of disaster Rick Davis. Has anything the McCain campaign thrown at the wall not come back and squash in their face?
I truly feel sorry McCain. I always liked the original (pre-handled) McCain. So did the MSM.
This could’ve been very different.
16 years ago
I’m not even going to read all of what David101 has said.
Everything that we criticize Obama for is what McCain stands for. Obama’s the one in the news, Obama is the one out there making all sorts of gaffes. Not McCain. And if you really read our posts, you’d find that your claim is otherwise.
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
Hmmm, I wonder if this is one of the reasons Obama is FOR illegals having access to welfare, driver’s licences, and Social Security benefits?
And, he hasn’t heard from or seen her for 2 years? Not alot of love goin’ around that family, eh?
David101: I didn’t even bother to read your comment. You’re an idiot!
Richard: If the “news” media can print every vicious rumor about Sarah Palin’s family why does it bother you when they print something TRUE about Obama’s family?
SoCal: Don’t forget that this is the same Aunt that Obama claimed responsibility for in his book…. What does that tell you about his character?
16 years ago
Makes me think,
Sat in a Church for 20 years but didn’t know Wright was a racist, Did business with Ayers for 15 years but didn’t know he was a terrioist. Bought property from Resko but didn’t know he was shady. Didn’t know Dr. Khalid Abdullah was anti Semite. Didn’n know Auntie Zeituni is here illegally (living in Public Housing and contributing to his campaign illegally). Sent a Director from his campaign to a meeting with Islamic Terriost but didn’t know. Seems to me he doesn’t know some very important things….or did he and is not being honest! Obama is a dangerous man!
1. Occidental College records –Not released
2. Columbia College records – Not released
3. Columbia Thesis Paper – “not available”
4. Harvard College records – Not released
5. Selective Service Registration – Not released
6. Medical records – Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
8. Law practice client list – Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published – None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles – None
13. Your Record of baptism – Not released or “not available”
14. Your Illinois State Senate records– “not available”
16 years ago
For all you afroturfers here (and my God, you nuts are everywhere), there is a simple reason why we bash Obama: He’s a pinata. A whack-a-mole. A sitting duck who’s an easy target. And he’s given us lots of ammunition with which to hit his scrawny, arrogant ass, some things discussed, most not. The Obama followed Black Liberation Theology at TUCC. Ever read up on that? Quite the interesting. Like no religion I know, except islam. Obama sat in that racist church for 20 years, had its pastor as his mentor, got married there, had his kids baptized there. That so-called church is no better than a KKK rally. And no, I’m not kidding or throwing around false analogies. He had a long-term relationship with a man who still wants to kill Americans, good ol’ Billy Ayers. His wife, Michelle, is another arrogant snob: “I’ve never been proud of my country until my husband ran for President.” He likes to get things cheap, or illegally, like his house, from someone sitting in jail and singing. He calls us as a Nation cheap, yet now we find he has this Aunt, whom he used as a prop in one of his fictional ‘autobiographies’, who is illegal and living in government subsidized housing in a state where a good friend of his is Governor. This Obama guy is the slimiest of politicians, and not just because of from where he hails, although his being a part of the Chicago Combine certainly doesn’t hurt his sliminess in any way. He wants to ‘spread the wealth around’, ours, not his. He wants ‘fairness’. I missed that word on birth certificates.
Trust me on this, we are not just electing a President on Tuesday, we are having a national referendum. And that referendum is whether this nation commits suicide in electing the commie Obama, or whether we continue to be free men and women. With all those PUMAs you progressive thugs intimidated during the Dem primary, there are a lot of people who are choosing to do exactly what I described: Vote on the referendum of County First, or not. I still believe in my fellow Americans choosing America for what it is and what is can be, not how bad it was and what is should be. The way things are going, I’d get that local suicide hotline number on speed dial. You’re gonna need it.
Is ther anything about Obama that is legitimate? Wake up people!
From the article:
“living in public housing”
I.E. – Government subsidized housing paid for by YOUR tax dollars. Gee. Imagine that…
One does wonder how she, an illegal, managed to get into a GSH…
Mike, don’t worry, I am sure ACORN already registered her. She probably voted already. I’ll say like AZDREAMER: “Is ther anything about Obama that is legitimate?”
Time magazine
It may be a complete non-issue, but I wonder if anyone has questioned her as to where her nephew was actually born.
Now that it is known that she has a deportation order, will she be forced to vacate the apartment in public housing that WE are paying for?
Who is surprised about this? The woman is here illegally, living in taxpayer funded housing, and gave money illegally to Obama’s campaign. From the looks of her, Obama should have been doing the taking care of HIS brothers and sisters, like he professed to want to do in his book about ‘unicorns and magic beans’.
Has Obama produced his “who is your daddy” document yet?
Baruq Hussein Obama is what you get when you are at the burger drive in and push the ‘charismatic demagogue genie’ order light.
First George Hussein Onyango Obama, now Aunti Zeituni.
I guess Obama doesn’t like to spread his own wealth around… even to his own family.
Even more significant, this reveals how Obama views our nation’s laws. Laws only apply to other people… not to him (or his).
@Dan Cleary
Since Obama doesn’t spread his wealth around, does that make him “selfish” too? 🙂
Since hearing him pontificate about those who don’t want to pay higher taxes being “selfish” I have been wrought with guilt. I really don’t want to pay any more taxes… I just wonder if he has a pass for any other actions he might condemn, yet partakes in? Good to know that he will preserve the “double standards” that exists in politics these days!
You only have to worry about paying taxes under the ‘chosen one’s plan’ if you make $250K, $200K, $150K, $120K, well forget all of that, you will see a tax increase unless you are a criminal alien related to Hussein O and living underground while drawing welfare. Can we go blackface and get in on some of the goodie’s, like the woman stated, Hussein O will pay for your home and put gas in your car..Guess he will provide the car to.
All of this time we’ve been told that the criminal aliens work and pay taxes. BWAHAHAHAHAHA
“I’ll keep my money and my guns, you keep the change”.
Alert! Alert! Alert!
This isn’t the aunt he thought he knew and under the bus she goes:
Time to clean the filter. Thanks.
Another good find Missy… From the article “”Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status.”
Remember, this is the guy who said:
You telling me a U.S. Senator couldn’t get a green card for a family member? This is a perfect example of what Obama would do for the entire nation: all talk and no action.
People who think, as Skye points out in a video below, that Obama will help “fill up my gas tank” are going to be very disappointed.
The only thing Obama cares about is himself.
All this tells me is that is whoever is running Homeland Security now is not doing their job.
Thanks for reminding me to vote for change.
Wow! I’m not even going to comment on the story.
But, in all honesty, for you all to be a Pro-Mcain website, you sure as hell talk about Obama a lot.
Should’nt yall be praising Mcian?
Yall are Mcain supporters right?
See there is a BIG difference betwen being Pro-Mcain and Aniti-Obama.
I think I’m finding out which one yall are.
I mean NOT ONE OF these posts are Pro-Mcain posts.
Not ONE posts talks about Mcain.
Its all about Obama.
Obama this and Obama that.
Blah, Blah, Blah, Obama!
As an Obama supporter, I bash Mcain from time to time but, I don’t talk about him all the time.
I talk about my Cannnidate, Obama.
Now for a website full of people who quote, “support Mcain”.
Why don’t you support Mcain?
Instead of bashing Obama?
3 days before the election, instead of trying to help your cannidate get elected, you guys are steady trying to bring his opponent down.
Yesterday, I went to my local Obama office her in Md.
And I volentered to help MY cannidate get elected.
Now NOT ONCE! Did I talk about or bash Mcain.
All we did is volenter for Obama and do everything we can to help him get elected.
Maybe instead of going on and on about Obama’s family, yall should get out and try to help YOUR cannidate Mcain.
Although come to think of it DON’T HELP MCIAN!
Yea, yea, BASH OBAMA!
Yes, yes, Instead of helping your cannidate, why don’t yall just stay talking about his Opponent.
That does Obama more bad then you could EVER DO!
O and while your at it, don’t vote for your cannidate on Nov 4th either.
Just stay at your computer and keep bashing Obama!
Yep, that will teach Sen. Obama not to help his family.
The WORSE thing you could do to Obama is to stay at your computer on Nov 4th and bash him all day long and NOT VOTE for his oponent.
O yeah, as a matter of fact keep doing, what ya doing.
Cuz the rate that you guys are in.
Your praticly giving Obama the White House.
Obama/Biden 08!
“I’m not even going to comment on the story.”
Then what is the point of your being here?
And as for your claim that you show your support for Obama and only occasionally bash McCain you’re only fooling yourself.
I can’t recall the last time any of you Obamatons came here to give us a positive view of your candidate. Instead, you have continued what amounts to an uninterupted eight year campaign of hate directed at Republicans, Conservatives and President Bush.
And in case you have missed the posts which praise the good work our candidates are doing I suggest you actually READ the posts here and not just jump to the comments section in your zeal to spread the latest talking points handed to you by your handlers.
Richard: You really think any of us are going to believe you want illegal aliens deported and are voting for Obama based on the failure to rid us of those leeches?
You must think we are as dumb as you are.
REALLY, Mike??
I’ve been on thie website for weeks now and not ONE of them are Pro-Mcain posts.
And the only reason why us Obama supporters come here and bash Mcain is becuz you guys are steady bashing Obama.
Maybe if you try and say some good things about YOUR CANIDATE and stop trying to bash ours.
Maybe we will do the same and praise Our cannidate and not bash his oponent, when we come here.
O and I agree with Richard.
The Republicans are in charge currently, right?
So aren’t they reasponsable for illigeal aliens coming in the country?
Or are you soo dumb that you are blaming Obama for illegal aliens comming in the country and he’s not even president yet?
Obama/Biden 08!
Mike, what I’m saying is that this “news” is nothing but another amateur attempt by the master of disaster Rick Davis. Has anything the McCain campaign thrown at the wall not come back and squash in their face?
I truly feel sorry McCain. I always liked the original (pre-handled) McCain. So did the MSM.
This could’ve been very different.
I’m not even going to read all of what David101 has said.
Everything that we criticize Obama for is what McCain stands for. Obama’s the one in the news, Obama is the one out there making all sorts of gaffes. Not McCain. And if you really read our posts, you’d find that your claim is otherwise.
Hmmm, I wonder if this is one of the reasons Obama is FOR illegals having access to welfare, driver’s licences, and Social Security benefits?
And, he hasn’t heard from or seen her for 2 years? Not alot of love goin’ around that family, eh?
David101: I didn’t even bother to read your comment. You’re an idiot!
Richard: If the “news” media can print every vicious rumor about Sarah Palin’s family why does it bother you when they print something TRUE about Obama’s family?
SoCal: Don’t forget that this is the same Aunt that Obama claimed responsibility for in his book…. What does that tell you about his character?
Makes me think,
Sat in a Church for 20 years but didn’t know Wright was a racist, Did business with Ayers for 15 years but didn’t know he was a terrioist. Bought property from Resko but didn’t know he was shady. Didn’t know Dr. Khalid Abdullah was anti Semite. Didn’n know Auntie Zeituni is here illegally (living in Public Housing and contributing to his campaign illegally). Sent a Director from his campaign to a meeting with Islamic Terriost but didn’t know. Seems to me he doesn’t know some very important things….or did he and is not being honest! Obama is a dangerous man!
1. Occidental College records –Not released
2. Columbia College records – Not released
3. Columbia Thesis Paper – “not available”
4. Harvard College records – Not released
5. Selective Service Registration – Not released
6. Medical records – Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule – “not available”
8. Law practice client list – Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate – Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published – None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles – None
13. Your Record of baptism – Not released or “not available”
14. Your Illinois State Senate records– “not available”
For all you afroturfers here (and my God, you nuts are everywhere), there is a simple reason why we bash Obama: He’s a pinata. A whack-a-mole. A sitting duck who’s an easy target. And he’s given us lots of ammunition with which to hit his scrawny, arrogant ass, some things discussed, most not. The Obama followed Black Liberation Theology at TUCC. Ever read up on that? Quite the interesting. Like no religion I know, except islam. Obama sat in that racist church for 20 years, had its pastor as his mentor, got married there, had his kids baptized there. That so-called church is no better than a KKK rally. And no, I’m not kidding or throwing around false analogies. He had a long-term relationship with a man who still wants to kill Americans, good ol’ Billy Ayers. His wife, Michelle, is another arrogant snob: “I’ve never been proud of my country until my husband ran for President.” He likes to get things cheap, or illegally, like his house, from someone sitting in jail and singing. He calls us as a Nation cheap, yet now we find he has this Aunt, whom he used as a prop in one of his fictional ‘autobiographies’, who is illegal and living in government subsidized housing in a state where a good friend of his is Governor. This Obama guy is the slimiest of politicians, and not just because of from where he hails, although his being a part of the Chicago Combine certainly doesn’t hurt his sliminess in any way. He wants to ‘spread the wealth around’, ours, not his. He wants ‘fairness’. I missed that word on birth certificates.
Trust me on this, we are not just electing a President on Tuesday, we are having a national referendum. And that referendum is whether this nation commits suicide in electing the commie Obama, or whether we continue to be free men and women. With all those PUMAs you progressive thugs intimidated during the Dem primary, there are a lot of people who are choosing to do exactly what I described: Vote on the referendum of County First, or not. I still believe in my fellow Americans choosing America for what it is and what is can be, not how bad it was and what is should be. The way things are going, I’d get that local suicide hotline number on speed dial. You’re gonna need it.
Gee! Is there anything that this guy knows?
Obama Says He Didn’t Know Aunt’s Illegal Status