Happy Halloween!!!!

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On Oct 30, 1938 Orson Wells went on the radio and started a panic. He read a version of HG Wells’, War of the Worlds which had been modified to sound like a live news broadcast. It was so convincing that the nation went into panic. Millions thought America had been invaded by Martians. For some reason this brings up the idea of Presidential politics this year? What would George W Bush do if America were invaded by Martians? How about a President McCain? …and how ironic that a Pres Obama response has already been mapped out and illustrated for us?

Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!

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Just goes to show you what you get when you negotiate with terrorist supporting government leaders with no preconditions. Tricks and no Treats. And you can’t take that to the hospitals for free xrays. Happy Holloween back atcha’ Scott & Everyone else on FA.

Great Video 🙂

Happy Halloween!

Don’t eat too much candy Scott!