Dear Mr. Obama (Part II)

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This video has been making its round on many blogs, but don’t remember if it’s already been posted here. (Skye posted one by a military wife). It can’t be viewed enough. It’s received 11,504,712 views, and there are…what? About 150 million registered voters?

If Senator Obama were a true centrist, if he were honest in wanting to “bring both sides together”; to listen, to “seek common ground”, to “reach across the aisle” and the partisan divide, we would see him acknowledge, discuss, and promote the views of this Iraqi war veteran:

And not just surround himself with anti-war veterans who give the illusion of military support to the freshman senator from Illinois and Democratic presidential hopeful.

There is more than one point of view on Iraq; but Senator Obama is only interested in one: That the Iraq War is a mistake.

Senator Obama is a man of the Left. He is anything BUT interested in TRUE bipartisanship, other than asking Americans to “unify around my far left political views“.

“In words, Obama is a uniter instead of a divider. In deeds, he’s spent years promoting polarization.”
Thomas Sowell

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I saw this video and posted it on my blog weeks ago.

It is the most powerful video I have seen yet during this election season.

“but don’t remember if it’s already been posted here.”

What? You mean you couldn’t use the extensive post tag system to look it up?

Tsk, tsk, tsk! Bad Wordsmith! Bad!

And the answer is yes. Curt had it as a featured video.

LOL! I see the FA “internal battles” have surfaced in public, eh?

Okay, folks…. I’ll let you in on the joke. Those of us who like to interlink back to older postings think it’s easier to find specific posts with the “category/tag” options at the top. Mr. Mike doth resist “categorizing” his posts. And I do admit, the work that entails does take time….

So we find Mike’s previously posted (and stellar) stuff in different ways.

All in all, let me say this. If any of you are looking for previous posts, use the categories/archives option at the top. If you’re looking for what you *know* is Mike’s stuff, either use his dedicated posts under the “authors” option. Or just click on “uncategorized” and you’ll find Mike.

Altho we did think of re’naming “uncategorized” with something that specifically says “MIKE!”. LOL

“The categories definitely needs a makeover.”

Well, DUH! Why do you think I don’t use them? You can’t find anything with them anyway and the search function works just as well.

Besides, anyone who wants all Mike, all the time knows where to find me right?

You’ve been “chipping away”, eh, Word? Now Mike won’t be able to find his stuff!

Not a problem for me finding what I want… the search function works great.

Besides, when I want to look for some of my stuff, I just use the search function on my page.

Ever try to find anyone else’s stuff???