Those Fear Based Campaigns

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Campaign based on fear indeed:

It seems that the final days of the presidential campaign have made Erica Jong and her friends more than a little anxious.

A few days ago, Jong, the author and self-described feminist, gave an interview to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, the choicest bits of which were brought to my attention by the reliably sharp-eyed Christian Rocca, the U.S. correspondent of Il Foglio, who published excerpts on his Camillo blog. Basically, Jong says her fear that Obama might lose the election has developed into an “obsession. A paralyzing terror. An anxious fever that keeps you awake at night.” She also says that her friends Jane Fonda and Naomi Wolf are extremely worried that Obama will be sabotaged by Republican dirty tricks, and that if an Obama loss indeed comes to pass, the result will be a second American Civil War.

Expect this to escalate as we get closer to November 4th.

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Bring. It.

Talk about unhinged. But then again what do you expect, she blogs at the Huffington Post.

I pray every night for McCain/Palin to win.

Sheesh, this story generated 546 comments.

Curt, stay safe out there, who knows which ones you will have to worry about, rioters or the Jong/Fonda types. But, according to Jong, help is on the way via Dick Cheney and the recalled soldiers from Iraq. Guess it’s hard to think about “posse comitatus” while under the influence of valium, prescribed for sore backs due to election stress.

Where is Obama’s birth certificate? Not some website image facimile! Will it ever be examined? How about the lawsuit by PA Assistant DA over this matter? Screw the US Constitution, right? Stinking liberals!

Where is Obama’s birth certificate? Not some website image facimile! Will it ever be examined? How about the lawsuit by PA Assistant DA over this matter? Screw the US Constitution, right? Stinking liberals!

Oh, and Palin has more executive experience than Hillary or Obama, dipwads! Hillary had nothing but being married to Slick Willy in his boxer shorts, and his didn’t inhale, and the “nobody died when he lied” (except all the training camps, the ’93 bombing of the basement in the towers, the Cole bombing, the dicotech bombing, etc. etc. Nobody died, huh? They just trained and built their organization to attack 30 days after sex perv left office! Yea, he was a real great president?

Palin has to balance a state Budget. She is one of the 50 “State Presidents” we’ll more accurately describe her as being, rather than a no account, no show, purely political lawmaking senator like “BO” or Hillary Rodman’s wife of Slick Willy cigar man.

It’s because of the Clintons for eight years the Islamic terrorists proliferated and then killed 3,000 people in NY, plus the 4,000+ now to get rid of them, and beat them down. That’s 7,000+ Americans dead because instead of doing something “unpopular” about it during the 90s, Slick Billy was busy playing hide the cigar in the Oval office!

Dems think they’re gonna get somethin for free! Rather than being responsible for themselves, they’re always looking for a handout from some money tree!

Better go buy your AR-15s while you can still get them because we might need them before the foreign born Kenyan named “BO” outlaws them, since we all “cling to our guns and our religion”!

Hey BO, it’s called the 2nd Ammendment! Not at the bottom of the list but 2nd to the top of the list! Must be pretty important, huh, you stinking internationalist, Marxist foreigner!

And we all know what it says, “if for no other reason than to defend ourselves from our own abusing government”! Yea, that’s right! Keep it up asshole BO!

A second civil war? Fine, the Republicans have a majority of the guns, should be over soon enough.

My brother mentioned to me go shopping on Monday for food, fuel up the fleet. I asked what he was afraid of?

“If Barry wins, prices are going up, if Barry loses the riots begin and prices go up. Either way we are screwed.”

To all conservatives out there who are going to vote for BHO because they don’t like McCain, or they might be called racist, or they want out of the war, etc. I plead with you to read “Audacity of Hope” and remember this if nothing else: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”. Those are the very words of BHO.



As much as I oppose BO for a myriad of reasons, I am obligated to point out that the line you quote is not in his book.

That is an Internet myth that has been widely circulated and oft repeated.

Aye , I stand corrected.

Kudos, Aye Chi.

@Aye Chihuahua: You surprise me, I think I may have mis judged you, just a little 🙂

Erica Jong is the woman who stole Martha Stewart’s husband. Any woman who moves in on a married man is obviously not working with a full deck of cards. The polls don’t matter. The number of voters doesn’t matter. Only the Electoral College matters. And Obama has this wrapped up. The only way McCain could possibly win is if we’re invaded by Russia. I don’t see that likely this weekend. I don’t care for Obama, but there are just too many Kool-Aid drinkers out there.

Where’s that sad tool David 101 (aka Jasmine) who accused the GOP of fearmongering?

I should point out that there is a difference between rational fears and irrational lunacy like Jong admits above.

Speaking of fear based campaigns, I was flipping through the satellite stations looking for some good Halloween fare for my nephews when AAAUURGH!…

The Obama station is now on the dish network and they are running his infommercial 24/7.

Talk about getting the willies… (~shiver~)