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Will Thanksgiving 2008 be the Last?

Maybe not, but by 2012 for sure.

I once worked witha guy whose sister-in-law lived with her parents and they supported her. She never had a job. When her parents died when she was in her fifties she told my friend “now you will have to support me”. He told her no way. Get a job. She had no choice. She got a job and supported herself. This little homily is to show that when there is no choice people will work. Otherwise they will batten on their families or the government. Too many people just want a free ride. And Obama wants to enable them to their preferred lifestyle.

interesting, so we tried this once on a small scale and it didn’t work then……..me thinks it won’t work on a larger scale. what the hell is wrong with people.

I’m sure the athiests would love to see this national tradition to God disappear just like the Ten Commandments from our halls of justice, the phrase “under God” in the pledge, any mention of God in our Constitution, etceteras.

And the anti-war goofs would love to see our National Anthem changed or the Fourth of July eliminated as a national holiday for their military origins.

But they cannot drive them from our hearts and homes. Like the Jews who observed Passover even under oppresion, true Americans and patriots will not allow Kool-aid drinkers to so easily change our accepted traditions. I’m confident we will still persevere. Athiests scowl everytime a small town hosts a holiday parade, and at the sight of a Santa or Easter Bunny handing out treats to children. Christmas and Easter didn’t end after their concepts were driven out of our schools by socialist “Grinches and Scrooges” and fireworks still light up our skies in the dead of night. Our traditions will still go on as long as someone still holds them dear.