Ohio Government Official Who Invaded Joe’s Privacy Is A Obama Supporter – Update: Clerk Charged



The Ohio Head of Job and Family Services who approved a child support search on Joe Wurzelbacher immediately after the third debate is a max donor to Obama. (h/t Ace)

And we’re supposed to believe her excuse for the invasion of privacy, which was “we always do that” more or less:

Ohio’s inspector general is investigating why a state agency director approved checking the state child-support computer system for information on “Joe the Plumber.”

Helen Jones-Kelly, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, confirmed today that she OK’d the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher following the Oct. 15 presidential debate.

She said there were no political reasons for the check on the sudden presidential campaign fixture though the Support Enforcement Tracking System.

Amid questions from the media and others about “Joe the Plumber,” Jones-Kelley said she approved a check to determine if he was current on any ordered child-support payments.

Such information was not and cannot be publicly shared, she said. It is unclear if Wurzelbacher is involved in a child-support case. Reports state that he lives alone with a 13-year-old son.

“Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look” at them, Jones-Kelley said, citing a case where a lottery winner was found to owe past-due child support. “Our practice is to basically look at what is coming our way.”

That has to be the lamest excuse I’ve heard in some time. So she supposedly approves a search of anyone who gets in the public spotlight? Pretty easy to check on that one….I’m doubting she is going to come out of this smelling like roses.

And it’s ironic that just two years ago she fought the press and went to court to protect the confidentiality of her agency’s records.

But not now. Not when it involves someone who dares to question the messiah.

And where is the wall to wall coverage from our MSM? Recall the media uproar after it was discovered that State Department contractors had took a look at Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John McCain’s passports.

That was on the front page for days AND heads rolled with multiple people fired.


It gets better tho:

The use of a state computer system to search for information on Wurzelbacher is the fourth uncovered by The Dispatch.

Who were the other three?

The Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the Toledo Police Department’s criminal records, and in the office of the AG.

This is what happens when you question The One in Ohio I suppose eh?


Clerk charged with unlawful search of Joe, the MSM yawns.

Toledo Police have confirmed that a TPD records clerk is accused of performing an illegal search of information related to ‘Joe the Plumber.’

Julie McConnell, has been charged with Gross Misconduct for allegedly making an improper inquiry into a state database in search of information pertaining to Samuel Wurzelbacher on Oct. 16.

Wurzelbacher came under the spotlight after being spoken about during the final presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain.

The inquiry into Wurzelbacher’s record is a violation of department and state policy governing the use of the Law Enforcement Automated Data System. The clerk is under fire for making the inquiry for a non-law enforcement purpose.

McConnell was hired by the Toledo Police Department in April 1995 and assigned to the Investigative Services Bureau.

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But, but, she is one of the left behind blacks who didn’t know any better.

These sheep think they are the militants, the revolutionaries, the reformers. Wait until they start going all Big Brother on me, I’ll show them an American Revolutionary – sometimes the right to prvacy’s worth fighting for … but you didn’t hear that from me!

needs to be fired yesterday and fined for her actions – even if the lame excuse of “looking at him” were to hold, then why was the information shared with the press?
absolutely disgusting behavior – if if barryo wins, this is just a taste of what is in store for those of us who don’t toe the line

Ah yes, if you question the ONE, they will send the Brown Shirts after you, just ask Joe and the reporters from Palestra.net . How dare they look into voter fraud. Don’t they know that is voter suppression.

Well, well, well… I guess we can’t really move forward with charges against her. After all she does a lot of good in the community.


What a crock of BS. Anyone who abuses their power and access to systems with personal information should be removed from the position they abused. I hope Joe the Plumber gets a good lawyer and sues her. I am sure she will be judgment proof or protected by the “Other guy” party.


She is part of Parity Incorporated, and in their own words “Parity Incorporated is a community based, non-profit, non-partisan organization that advocate on behalf of African-American citizens of Dayton.”

What happens to other folk that are not “hyphenated” American?

Double standards continue on, soon to be mandated by BHO led Government cronies if they prevail.

Just mt .02 cents worth!

“Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look” at them, Jones-Kelley said, citing a case where a lottery winner was found to owe past-due child support. “Our practice is to basically look at what is coming our way.”

Curt, you nailed it with the “lame” label, guy.

There is a monstrous difference between winning vast amounts of cash and making sure he’s not behind on child support payments, and a guy just getting unwanted media attention for asking a question when Obama made his fatal error of driving down Joe’s street one day.

There is no additional income from Joe’s media attention that they can “attach”. Not to mention as he is in primary custody. Therefore the one who would owe child support would be the missing-in-action Ms. Joe.

Now what remains is whether the press will now pry into Ms. Jones-Kelley’s personal records, and how much of a snit she’ll raise under the same violation of privacy. Afterall, she has now been “thrust into the spotlight”.

Remember all of the people who were figuratively, and perhaps literally, wetting their pants over “spying on Americans” during the Bush Administration?

Where are they now?

Where are all of those people who were screaming about the “Rethuglican” practices?

Where are they now that “Joe the Plumber” is being given a full rectal exam by the press and OH State employees simply for asking BO a question?

Where are they?

Why are they not speaking up?

I guess that wouldn’t fit their template.

You know it’s amusing, in a sad sort of way.

With a good lawyer, Joe’s lawsuit against the state could provide him with a nice down payment on his business. And Helen Jones Kelly should be in a state penitentiary.


Good thing it wasn’t one of those evil rethuglicans snooping around & invading privacy – like in someone’s passport info – or it be a real crisis!


Those that snooped & invaded privacy in the passport issue were fired. Curt linked to the story. Now, don’t you agree that the same should happen to Helen Jones-Kelley?

Are you surprise that the Obama’s troops invade your privacy?

Remember this video? I was posted by Mikes America, yesterday:


“In a small town of South Vietnam, several thousands of Vietnamese where executed in one night, when the city was captured by Vetcoms after only 2 days. American CIA could never figured out how would possibly communists know each individual, where he lives, where to get him and would be arrest in one night, basically in some 4 hours before dawn, put in a van, taken out of the city limits and shot.

THE ANSWER IS VERY SIMPLE: Long before the Communists occupied the city there was extensive networks of informers, local Vietnamese citizens who knew absolutely everything about people…”

Please watch the video again.

And those who snopped in the passport files were employee’s of a company linked to Hussein O in some way. There were after the Slick Willie company so that makes it ok, in the mind of crazy democrats.
I say, you get what you pay for and millions will be paying for years.

Don’t you just love the ‘change in the direction of the country’ the democrats promised in 2006? You only have to look at the economy in Dec 06 compared to today. That isn’t too difficult for the educated elitest, or is it? Some people love misery and want to drag everyone ‘down’ to their level. I’ll just sit back and laugh as it happens.

Sarah Palin should go back to Alaska, kill the gas pipeline and stop all oil exports from the state. Alaska like Texas can survive and do well on their own. The rest of the states don’t have that luxary. They will have to depend on the welfare handout from the ‘chosen one’.


If Obama is elected, I hope that our Prime Minister Stephen Harper, will also stop sending oil in the States from Alberta. Let Obama find a solution… he is so smart. Maybe he could get all his oil from his dear friend Chavez… lol

I know that our PM doesn’t like Obama and I’m glad. Stephen Harper is no fool. He would never follow the ONE in a war… or on any other issues, like Climate change, for instance.

He is already trying to pass a Free trade agreement with the EU, he doesn’t trust Obama with NAFTA.

Loco, “Rethuglicans” condemned the passport invasion-which also included McCain. Scum like you applaud such behvior if a dem does it, so stop being a liberal hypocrite. Liberal hypocrite-oxymoron.


…and next time she’ll be running on that as a plus when she gets out of jail.

@yonason: I am amazed they actually have which party she is from. Most of the time if it is a Democrat it is buried way at the end or not in the story at all.

Bushitler? How about: projection?

Just wait until the Democrats have REAL power – then the Gestapo will have free rein.

Denial – it’s not a river in Egypt.

Of course she’ll come out smelling like roses you silly person.

She’s from that part of America that represents “A nation of (wo)men”, not of laws.

Laws? That’s for racist white folks.

Well boys and girls, remember when the Libs got all pissy about the Patriot Act? You know…..the Gov’t snooping program??? Wow, the ACLU, MSM and pro-privacy groups got all in a tizzy but their silence with Joe is noticable!!!


So WTF is the ACLU?

The ACLU is busily occupied with defending the 2nd amendment rights of freedom – loving Americans… I think.

There is no reason to invade Mr. Wurzelbacher’s privacy. But let’s not make him into a martyr, having discovered he’s no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud who thrust himself willingly into the limelight. The plumber without a license, who’s biggest fear is that when, and if, he gets his license, and when, and if, he buys that business, and when, and if, he starts making a quarter mil — Obama will tax away all his hard-earned money. There are a lot of people in this country with a lot more serious and immediate worries than that.

That John McCain would exploit this blue collar poseur shows how very desperate he has become and how much he disrespects the intelligence of the American people.

Dave Noble, go play somewhere else if you have nothing intelligent to say. You really represent what I think of Obamatrons. You guys have no judgment, that is your problem number one.

Mr. Noble,

Can you offer and adult response, or do you just regurgitate Obama talking points, points that are completely IRRELEVANT?

Understand this: YOU DON’T NEED A LICENSE TO OWN A PLUMBING COMPANY. Just because their not YOUR cncerns (are you going to be on the receiving end of the largess?)

You, Dave, are a complete FRAUD, and a moral coward, a virtual thief. Speaking of fraud, analysis says your also a hypocrite and a sycophant to boot.

Grow up, you overgrown juvenile delinquent.

@Dave Noble: Nice Alinsky tactics Dave you are getting better at the Obama ways of debate.

LOL Aye Chi. I see you’ve read and memorized the Obama/Alinsky campaign rule book. Good on you. INRE Dave Noble, many apply. But my personal “most applicable” is:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

In conflict tactics there are certain rules that the organizer should always regard as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and “frozen.” By this I mean that in a complex, interrelated, urban society, it becomes increasingly difficult to single out who is to blame for any particular evil. There is a constant, and somewhat legitimate, passing of the buck. The target is always trying to shift responsibility to get out of being the target.


But let’s not make him into a martyr, having discovered he’s no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud who thrust himself willingly into the limelight.

I do love that a confirmed Obama supporter states, unequivocally, that a plumber is “no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud”. PRICELESS!

See Sharpshooter… who nailed the bullseye on specifics.

More gems from Dave Noble:

That John McCain would exploit this blue collar poseur shows how very desperate he has become and how much he disrespects the intelligence of the American people.

That you and the Obama faithful decry this “blue collar poseur”… who is a single dad of a 13 yr old and really a plumber employee, is more than “desperate”. It is an open door into your soul, filled with utter bullshit… (no PC initials here will be adequate).

You want your guy to win, Dave Noble? Retain some self-respect by defending Obama and his socialist policies. Not by slamming Joe the plumber. This is beneath what I know of you. Then again, Doug turned out to be an ugly surprise as well. Please don’t be doing the same. Worthy adversaries of different beliefs, I like. But ‘desperate’? You are the epitome of your own words here.

Sarah Palin should go back to Alaska, kill the gas pipeline and stop all oil exports from the state. Alaska like Texas can survive and do well on their own. The rest of the states don’t have that luxary. They will have to depend on the welfare handout from the ‘chosen one’

Obama would just invade Alaska and take it over with his private army. He would have a difficult time getting the real military to do it. He would then have his own war trials.

Is anybody surprised this woman is an Obama supporter? I read on another blog (sorry don’t remember which one) that said only the department of revenue is allowed to look at these files and tell chil enforcement anything about what they can collect. Child enforcement is not allowed to look themselves. The state of Ohio needs a good housecleaning. Their Secretary of State is up to her eyebrows in voter fraud, the govenor is complicit with her actions and now all all these agencies looking into an innocent citizen’s files and reporting to the media. This is what happens when democrats take control and anybody who thinks differently is naive. Look at history: Linda Tripp’s files made public and anyone else who crosses the dems. Just wait for the howls of Obamaidiots when their records are made public which they will be if Obama should win and they cross hilm in any way..

“There is no reason to invade Mr. Wurzelbacher’s privacy. But let’s not make him into a martyr, having discovered he’s no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud who thrust himself willingly into the limelight.” — Dave Ignoble



I see you haven’t changed, that you’re just as delusional as ever.

P.S. Nice grouping, Sharpshooter!! And, no, he’s NEVER given anything like an intelligent or adult answer. He makes wild claims, and sticks to them even when you show him to be wrong. He is worse than “immature,” he, like so many who are attracted to that scheiss magnet Obama, is pathological.

This is reminding me of that Reagan quote about liberals knowing so much that isn’t true. Also wonder if Dave might be related to Richard? Probably be a good idea for both of them to avoid the Ohio invasion of Joe the Plumber’s privacy issue.

Joe the Plumber’s honest, common sense question is a real threat to the Messiah, Joe the Plumber has to be made an example? Only have one soul to sell, must be the time.

Anyway, there’s always an excuse to be made: “If that dastardly plumber hadn’t lived in the neighborhood the Messiah chose to visit none of this would have ever happened, so it’s really all Joe’s fault” repeat three times before meals and at bedtime, so you can live with yourselves and sleep, also, there will be side effects.

Your responses confirm my observation that having failed as a hero, Mr. Wurzelbacher is now being turned into a martyr. You defend any criticism of him with tooth and nail and with inevitable Flopping Aces scattershot insults, virtually devoid of substantive response.

I’ll take this opportunity to point out the difference between substantive criticism, however sharp, and empty insults. Please read Sharpshooter’s post. Does he respond to my essential points or even the way I couched them?
No. He for all intents and purpose says “SHUT UP! I HATE YOU!”
Why an “overgrown juvenile delinquent”? Because something in my post or one of my past comments indicates I committed crimes before I was 18? It’s just an empty insult.

Or your response, Mata, far more thoughtful but still laden with comments like this:

‘I do love that a confirmed Obama supporter states, unequivocally, that a plumber is “no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud”. PRICELESS!”

That is 23 words posing as grammatical sentences, but it says nothing. It’s merely an expression of your feelings about me.

Why is Joe the Plumber a “blue collar poseur”? Because he is someone who “habitually pretends to be something he is not.” He poses as the quintessional working man, when in fact his worries are not like those of any working man I know. My father was a blue collar worker. He didn’t worry about what his taxes would be when he made his first $250,000 a year. He was too busy worrying about putting food on the table and clothes on our backs and keeping our old junker running. To suggest that Mr. Wurzelbacher reflects the concerns of the average blue collar worker is absurd to anyone who is now or was ever a blue collar worker. For the first five years of my adult life I was a blue collar worker with a wife and two kids. I would have loved a tax break, or decent healthcare, then. Now I am a white collar worker with health insurance and a decent salary. My taxes are not a burden to me, because my income is adequate to provide me a very good life after taxes.

That is the simple reality. And I make no where near $250,000 a year.

Wait a minute Dave,

Shouldn’t you have to know the guy to judge him?

“pretends to be something he’s not”……”poses as the quintessional working man”……”his worries are not like those of any working man I know”……”To suggest that Mr. Wurzelbacher reflects the concerns of the average blue collar worker is absurd to anyone who is now or was ever a blue collar worker”

These remarks are condescending, sheer snobbery. Maybe Wurzelbacher’s thoughts and ideas weren’t being considered by you when you were getting your hands dirty, but, to make statements that he shouldn’t be capable of such thoughts and dreams and what Obama’s policies would do to those thoughts and dreams because he’s a “blue collar worker” is shamefully arrogant.

I’ve watched this man during several interviews, your opinion of him is factually wrong. There are “blue collar workers” out there that can and do think for themselves and obviously can spot a fake when they see one. Besides, he seems to be more familiar with what’s in the Constitution and how this country should work than both you and Obama are. So much for success.

The conservative playbook catch phrases when talking to a liberal (short of calling him an idiot, delusional or a juvenile delinquent, or making a a lame pun on his name): arrogant, elitist, condescending. Congratulations, Missy, you’ve hit them all.

If you really believe that the most important concern on the mind of the average blue collar worked is what will happen when he makes his first quarter mil, I can’t snap you back into reality. I dont fault Mr. Wurzelbacher for his aspirations. I obviously had similar ones. But again it beggars belief to assert that they are the primary focus of most working men or women. The difference between Joe and me is that I haven’t forgotten where I came from and he’s living in the future instead of focusing on the present. By the way, he’s obviously enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame to the hilt. Shed no tears for him.

He’s also entitled to his opinion of Barrack Obama, but there is no basis to set him up as the spokesperson for the working man. That should be an elected postion, not a matter of John McCain’s appointment.

And respectfully, you lose credibility when you suggest that a plumber knows more about the Constitution then someone who was a constitutional law professor for 12 years. Justice Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. It has a nice ring to it. That’s nothing, I have a plumber who knows more about economics then Alan Greenspan.

@Dave Noble: Dav eare we talking about the same Constitutional Scholar that thinks the Constitution is flawed and does not give the Government Enough power to control what people can do and who to distribute money to????

Itis kindof funny that this Constitutional Scholar’s VP candidate does not even know the Constitution while being on the Judiciary committee for years.

I think the Joe know more about what the original intent of the Constitution was and does not want to change it so we become Eurabia lite. the Constitution is not a living document, to change it you need a little thing called an Amendment, but that has gone by the wayside with Judicial Fiat for years, just look at Roe vs Wade. They found penumbras in the Constitution. WTF

It willbe scary if Obama gets to appoint 4 Judicial activists on the Supreme Court. They will all look towards Eurpope to interpret our Constitution.Just think about that for a while. And find more penumbras in the Constitution.

No thanks I would rather have someone that believes inb he Constitution and does not think that we have policies like Nazi Germany.

Why is Joe the Plumber a “blue collar poseur”? Because he is someone who “habitually pretends to be something he is not.” He poses as the quintessional working man, when in fact his worries are not like those of any working man I know.

That’s an interesting judgment call, Dave Noble. Joe the plumber is very much like most contract workers I know. Many are employed, but dream of being independent with their own companies. The notion that grossing more than $250K…. $200K… er, $150K is the threshold where taxes start affecting your ability to grow profitably strikes at the very heart of ambition. We will become a world of wanting to start “$149K businesses”.

Other than that, it’s rather presumptious of you to decide that Joe does not have the worries of the working man…. especially as a single parent. Also that you suggest he “habitually pretends to be something he is not” is unbelievably offensive. He is a plumber, and who are you to say he does not hold dreams of owning his own business?

The difference between Joe and me is that I haven’t forgotten where I came from and he’s living in the future instead of focusing on the present. By the way, he’s obviously enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame to the hilt. Shed no tears for him.

…. he’s living in the future instead of focusing on the present.?? Just how does this square with your “don’t fault him for his aspirations” comment? The integral part of any proposed future as a business owner is a business plan. That requires thoughtful “living in the future”, and researching the financial repercussions of payroll taxes, matching, tax repercussions in the “flow thru” business model (as is most of small businesses), and costs of providing company health care plans. Then of course, there is licensing, regulations and possible union demands to boot.

I would say the that primary difference between you and Joe is that you either didn’t, or don’t, hold aspirations to be the business owner, but prefer to be the employee… dependent upon your employer thinking about the issues Joe is considering. And without your employer, or the Joe’s of the world, your (and others’) contentment to be an employee is severely affected.

As far as his 15 minutes of fame… he was thrust there by the media. And I’ve not seen one interview where he appreciates the disruption of his personal life. But he has two choices… rebel, or try to work it to an advantage. It is the mark of an entrepreneur to make the best of a bad situation. And certainly preferable to whining.

Common sense is an orphan on this blog. Speak from it and everyone acts like you came from another planet. What part of “Joe is not your average blue collar worker” doesn’t track with you understanding of how the world works, Mata? The average blue collar worker is worried primarily about paying his bills and making a good life for his family, here and now, whether he has aspirations for the future or not. I know both from personal experience and from an exercise in common sense.

“The integral part of any proposed future as a business owner is a business plan. That requires thoughtful “living in the future”, and researching the financial repercussions of payroll taxes, matching, tax repercussions in the “flow thru” business model (as is most of small businesses), and costs of providing company health care plans. Then of course, there is licensing, regulations and possible union demands to boot.”

Thank you for the Small Business 101 lecture, Mata, but I am aware of each of those factors. BTW, has Joe ever indicated that he is going through the above process or did he just say that someday he would like to own his boss’ business? Has he indicated how he would pay for that business when he owes back county taxes, you know the stuff that pays for the police and his son’s school? And now Mr. Wurzelbacher is sharing his expertise in foreign policy with the MSM, observing that an Obama administration would mean the death of Israel. Whether Joe is complicit in his own exploitation or not, he is being exploited as a Republican symbol.

Both my brothers are contractors and my son just opened his own business. My son has never once told me. “Dad I just can’t get this business off the ground with these damn taxes.” My brother, though a staunch Republican, has never once in the course of our many political discussions said, “Dave, those Democrat taxes are killing me.” But you know what has been a problem for him? He is very successful, yet his wife took a job with the school system, not because they needed the extra income, but because they wanted the health care coverage. He could afford the $14,000 a year he was paying, but it was an expense he didn’t want to bear. Not Small Business 101, Mata,just kitchen table realities.

And what made employers somehow superior to employees? Is that the Republican message to all the employees in America? You ought to be glad to have a job, as you ride the coattails of the hard-working courageous entrepeneurs. They need the tax cuts not you. You want to have a job don’t you? Where would employees be with employers? How about where would employers be without employees?

Mr. Wurzelbacher has every right to his personal concerns. He just is not a spokesman for the average American blue collar worker. Maybe we shouldn’t call him the Joe the Plumber, maybe Joe the Future Small Business Owner would be more accurate. That is exactly the sleight of hand the McCain campaign is trying to sell. He is an average blue collar worker worried about the taxes on his first quarter million. Again, if you can’t the cognitive dissonance in that, I don’t know what to say.

Finally,do you think maybe by mentioning him repeatedly in the debate, John McCain, as much as the MSM, thrust Joe into the spotlight? And BTW, why would the in-the-tank MSM promote someone who has become a Republican hero? Just wondering.

What part of “Joe is not your average blue collar worker” doesn’t track with you understanding of how the world works, Mata? The average blue collar worker is worried primarily about paying his bills and making a good life for his family, here and now. I know both from personal experience and from an exercise in common sense.

I see. You personally have a monopoly on knowing “the average blue collar worker”. Horse manure, Dave. I work with blue collar workers all day long. And part of that paying the bills and making a good life is ambition to achieve more… including being independent contractors and/or having their own business and contracting teams.

My son has never once told me. “Dad I just can’t get this business off the ground with these damn taxes.” My brother, though a staunch Republican, has never once in the course of our many political discussions said, “Dave, those Democrat taxes are killing me.”

Well, now… we don’t have Obama’s “spread the wealth” tax plan at this moment, do we? Remember this conversation after a few years if your guy wins.

And do you think maybe by mentioning him repeatedly in the debate, John McCain thrust Joe into the spotlight?

Well, let’s see…. Joe the Plumber met Obama while playing ball with his kid on his ‘hood street on Oct 11th. That’s four days before the final presidential debate, and after 4 days of wall to wall coverage by the media.

A little early for Blame McCain Syndrome, don’t you think? Or perhaps we should have done as Obama really would have preferred, and ignored the exchange with the “spread the wealth” comment… which was just one more card falling into place revealing Obama’s socialist agenda.

For a guy who talks about orphaned common sense, you can’t see the forest for the trees.

Dave you still do not get it do you?????? It is not about Joe himself. It is about the climate that Obama will put on the economy. Many people are already saying that they are going over seas if Obama gets elected and many are going to lay people off if Obama gets elected.

Why try and improve your life is you only get punished If you want to live like that , Go to Eurabia where Socialism has killed business and innovation. Get a job for life where you can never get gired and get 6m month vacations.

Obama is going to punish success, and that is not the American Way. It is totally opposite of what this country was founded on. This will kill the American dream. We all want to leave our children a better life than ours, but how can you do that when the government gets over half of everything when you die. That is why all the farms are owned by big Agrocompanies. The small time farming is loosing ground because of Death Taxes. Companies are getting killed by the second largest Corporate Taxes in the World. And to add what Obama wants will jst kill more jobs.

And if you actually think that you will get a tax cut from Pbama, just remember the tax cuts that Clinton promised. And where will Obama get his $4.3 trillion dollars for all of huis programs. That does not even include the Poverty Act that he wants to push thru.

My mom is scared to death of a Pbama Presidency. She is retired and lives off her IRA, and guess what if Obama gets elected, she will have to pay more in Capital Gains taxes and will have to live more frugal, just because of all of Obama’s taxes.

So do not tell me that people do not think of the taxes that Obama is promising us.

Why would he “get it”, Stix? He has already prounounced himself the quintessential authority on “blue collar workers”, and stated that Joe the Plumber is not your “average” blue collar worker.

Perhaps, in one aspect, he’s right. Joe the plumber had the cajones to ask what most of the conservative world was begging everyone from media to McCain to ask Obama direct. In that instance, Joe is far from average.

Joe may also not be “average” in that he hasn’t filed, to date, a personal lawsuit against those that have delved into his private information illegally. How downright unAmerican, eh? Frankly, I hope he does. I’m sure Obama and the DNC… big trial lawyer fans and supporters of civil rights on privacy,… will back him 100% if he does. Right?

But Dave Noble, like most of the rest of the electorate (if you believe polls…), thinks Obama’s entire tax plan is the “tax cut for 95% of Americans”. Such ignorance of more indepth analyses will be the financial death knell for us all.

But then, this from one who considers the “common man” who is obviously above “average” (which this country USED to celebrate instead of calling for their financial heads…) a “poseur”, “no hero” and “a bit of a fraud”. Oh yes, and one seeking to be a martyr… like Joe asked for the media attention, and the invasion of his privacy.

You, Dave Noble, should be just as incensed that this man’s privacy has been violated. Instead, you blame him, blame McCain… more “forest for the trees” logic. Embarrassing. And also does not bode well for America’s future.

Mata, look, at my original post. I said the actions described at the head of this thread were wrong.

I dare you, Mata, take a survey and find out how many blue collar workers list the taxes on their first $250,000 dollars as their primary economic concern. It flies in the face of common sense, no matter how many blue collar workers you work with.

Dave, your original post says:

There is no reason to invade Mr. Wurzelbacher’s privacy. But let’s not make him into a martyr, having discovered he’s no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud who thrust himself willingly into the limelight.

Let’s “parse”… a favorite pasttime of your party.. .shall we?

You see “there’s no need”… then turn around and slam the guy into the media walls, demeaning him as “a bit of a fraud”. It’s those issues I take with you.

So your point?

I dare you, Mata, take a survey and find out how many blue collar workers list the taxes on their first $250,000 dollars as their primary economic concern. It flies in the face of common sense, no matter how many blue collar workers you work with.

You *dare* me? You brung it up, guy.

Afterall, aren’t you the “expert” on just what is a “blue collar poseur”? Don’t you know every profile via your “personal experience”?

Tell you what. Since you brung this up (BTW, the “brung” is a personal joke now embedded into my grammar….), you show me your “survey” as to how you decide that Joe ain’t the “average” guy..

Me? I don’t need no stinking survey. I guarantee that anyone I know and work with would prefer *less taxes* over more.. So why not put that into your own survey?

“Would you rather pay *more* taxes to support those who make less?”

That’s all you have to ask. After all, that *is* all we’re discussing, yes? Government charity mandated thru taxes? All that matters is the threshold of division. If that division is not fixed for your lifetime…. grandfathered in… how do you know what you make today isn’t what is penalized tomorrow? Especially since it’s morphed $100K over just a few days… and it’s not even policy yet?

Joy when this bozo gets power…. what will the threshold be that day?

Speaking of, why *is* that “threshhold” is morphing daily? Could it be to suit Obama’s bad math? Well, good for him. Maybe he’s actually reading the reality he’s full of manure on his projection. Hard to tell since I just saw his “Heritage” commercial again, when the lawyers TWICE have posted notice to remove. I hope they sue the shit out of the Obama campaign… provided he’s got any money left after his “victory” party.

Or would that be a wake?

What Dave said:

There is no reason to invade Mr. Wurzelbacher’s privacy. But let’s not make him into a martyr, having discovered he’s no hero, and in fact a bit of a fraud who thrust himself willingly into the limelight.

What Dave meant:

I won’t go so far as to publicly justify invading Mr. Wurzelbacher’s privacy. However, once his privacy was invaded, we found some useful things to bash him over the head with, so the ends justify the means. He should have known better than to ask a candidate for POTUS a question.

There, fixed that for you.

Aye: That was the same strategy they used after Sarah Palin’s email was hacked. First they expressed revulsion at the invasion of privacy, then went on to use what was found in her email account in another smear job attempt.

Typical behavior for Obama thugs!

@Dave Noble:

I didn’t borrow anything from the “conservative playbook,” call them as I see them and it is you that is disrespecting the intelligence of the American people.

It’s unfortunate that you doubt Joe Wurzelbacher’s aspirations. I suppose you would also claim that the typical small business, the back bone of this country, never started as a dream of a blue collar worker. I’ve got news for you. My father-in-law started a metal fabricating business back in the 50’s, ran it out of an old garage in the beginning, it is still in the family, located in one of the better industrial parks in our community, still going strong.

He went from a young farmer with five kids in Iowa to a factory worker in Illinois so he could improve the lives of his family. Starting as a metal fabricator working for another company, he knew a client was often irritated that the work they contracted for was delayed or not done to the standards they wanted. He approached this company, told them of his dream to own his own business, they bank-rolled him, he paid them back in a year and quality parts were delivered on time. That company was Woodward Governor, later he got Sundstrand’s and Barber-Colman, now they do work for companies all over the world we don’t even advertise, they are never out of work, good economy, bad economy, they are work 55 hours a week. The economy slowed them down once, at the end of the Clinton years, they worked 50 hours.

Now, you do fault Mr. Wurzelbacher. You called him a fraud and a poseur. You scorned him all because he dared to ask a common sense question, a hypothetical question, how dare he.

BTW, strange that we know more about Joe the Plumber than Obama the Presidential candidate and, speaking of poseurs:


This story illustrates the unprecedented transparency that technology is bringing to society. Just as (allegedly) Plumber Joe’s privacy was breached, access logs in Ohio’s information systems show when his data was accessed and from which particular government offices. That’s powerful stuff. Data logs can probably enable a deeper investigation into precisely who made the access and whether it was legal. If people acted illegally, the digital evidence can lead to their punishment. Such transparency represents a big trend in society http://hack-igations.blogspot.com/2007/12/people-in-authority-sometimes-abuse.html –Ben

“It’s unfortunate that you doubt Joe Wurzelbacher’s aspirations. I suppose you would also claim that the typical small business, the back bone of this country, never started as a dream of a blue collar worker.”

No, Missy, if you read my posts you’d know that I have a brother and son, who were both blue collar workers, who started their own businesses. Your father-in-law should be lauded for his courage and hard work. But I’ve got news for you, Joe the Plumber isn’t your father-in-law.

Mr. W just hired Eddie Money’s publicist and is reportedly working on a book. Looks like those plans to buy his boss’ business got put on the back burner. But if that book (anybody want to bet on whether he uses a ghostwriter?), and the likely conservative speaking engagements, come through, he may just be paying those higher taxes. You guys have a real war hero in John McCain (that’s why I always wondered how the Spoiled Scion got the nod in 2000). Yet you seem so desperate to find another –Hockey Mom, Plumber –you’ll take what comes along. And if there is a way to spin them into a martyr, all the better.

@Dave Noble: Maybe he needs to do something else now that he got reamed by the MSM

And maybe he will do the same thing that Obama did, use a ghost writer. Many experts think that Ayers wrote Obama “Dreams of my father” there are many passages that are very similar to Ayers books and many phrases that people that are not sailors (Ayers joined the Merchant Marines) use and the general public dos not use. Even if Ayers was not the writer, Obama did not write it.


Official stories aren’t matching what happened in Joe’s child support invasion of privacy.

The Ohio caseworker that looked into Joe the Plumber’s child support records was told to do it because Wurzelbacher contacted the agency about his case.

A week later her boss directed, “literally demanded,” that she write an e-mail stating the computer check was a legitimate inquiry.

She also said that she was unfamiliar with the practice of checking the newly famous-never did it before and knew of no one in the office that did.

The whole curiouser and curiouser changing story can be read here:


Do you REALLY believe that a man who graduated from Harvard and was a law professor couldn’t write his own damn book? I mean, seriously—it kills me how people will believe anything about Obama to justify why he shouldn’t be President. I mean, c’mon, Obama wasn’t even a politician when he wrote the book, and it didn’t sell that well when first published, so exactly how the hell was Ayers supposed to benefit by ghostwriting a biography for a then-virtually unknown law school graduate? It boggles the mind.

About Joe the Plumber–first of all, I will say that hell yeah, it’s just damn wrong to pull up ANYBODY’S personal info like that and just throw it out on the web for everybody to see. There was NO reason his personal info had to be revealed like that, whatsoever. I will also say that he did misrepresent himself in the sense that yeah, he is a plumber, but he’s still not a licensed plumber, and in fact wouldn’t be allowed to work outside the state of Ohio without a license. Apparently the business he works for dosen’t make anywhere near $250,000 a year, so Obama’s tax cuts WOULD in fact benefit him. I mean, damn Obama took the time out to break it down to him exactly how his tax plan would work, and all he can say is that he STILL dosen’t get it? It’s not THAT hard to understand. Bottom line—he’s just a mouthpiece for McCain,plain and simple, who wanted to bait Obama and catch him off guard, but Obama was on his game.

Jana, well I’m glad to at least see one of you Obama supporters that has a distaste for privacy invasion because of political beliefs.

Yet in the same breath, you misrepresent and, yes, demean him in order to minimize the point he brought up… that Obama’s tax plan is majorly flawed in scope and numbers.

The first and most important issue about Joe the Plumber is not his particular circumstance, but *any* Joe the Plumber’s circumstance.

Now, as to your lies that he “misrepresented” himself:

I will also say that he did misrepresent himself in the sense that yeah, he is a plumber, but he’s still not a licensed plumber, and in fact wouldn’t be allowed to work outside the state of Ohio without a license. Apparently the business he works for dosen’t make anywhere near $250,000 a year, so Obama’s tax cuts WOULD in fact benefit him.

First, employees in that state do not have to carry the license. Their employers do. Another expense for Joe as a self-employed small business owner. So yes, he is a plumber. And he could be a plumber in any state he wants by merely obtaining a license. So what the heck is your beef?

Second, he wants to buy a business with the ambition of growing it. That’s the reason most people operate their own business. They want the opportunity to make more cash and better their own lives. Surely this concept doesn’t escape you.

But of course, I’m not so sure about $250K… er, $200K… no make that $150K via Biden… being a benefit. You see, you – like too many of your fellow faithful – think that Obama’s “tax plan” is encapsulized and comprised only of “95% of Americans will get tax cuts”. That, in itself, has some questions depending on how your gross taxable income is figured. And, of course, you’ll want to make sure you don’t get “too” successful. Nothing like a threshold on ambition to perk a body up….

But hasn’t it ever occurred to any of you how Obama intends to fund that $4.3 trillion he needs (a low estimate from Tax Policy Center, BTW) for his programs? You talk about your income taxes as if that’s the only expense that will come your way with an Obama welfare/socialist policy.

Let me give you a hint. All that Obama wants to do cannot be financing by increasing taxes on the 3.3% of Americans that you support so wholeheartedly right now. Biden, Barney Frank and Obama himself have been subtly warning you … without saying it outright and losing the election… that taxes are going to have to go up “for the good” of the country. There’s taxpayer funded preschool and college, taxpayer funded work training programs, taxpayer funded health care, taxpayer funded energy… the list goes on and on. Oh yeah, let’s not forget about Obama’s “citizen army”, and the sundry new government departments he wants to create.

Just where do you think this money is going to come from? His’ proposed cutting of other programs doesn’t come close to making a dent in this spending. And oh, BTW, his proposed method of saving on medical by importing drugs from other countries is just another “outsourcing” that will cause job loss and relocation of American pharmaceutical facilities.

But duh…. sure sounds good as a campaign talking point, eh?


The gnats, they are a swarmin’ today.