Heh, and later on in that interview with the real, honest journalist that they pulled off the air, Joe Biden gets asked a question regarding what he said. He says the world will test us no matter who the president is. Why not put into office someone who will pass the test with flying colors instead of some moron who will fail and doom us all for sure?
If you tax the wealthy just to benefit the middle class, then why would people work hard at all? They would be able to see that working hard doesn’t pay much as compared to not working at all, so they’ll all stop working and start depending on the government to give them the money.
I will probably NEVER understand this guy’s logic. And what’s even more puzzling is why all those people are actually voting for him.
If Sarah Palin had said something similar to what Joe Biden blurted out it would have been the front page story all this week. And yet, because Biden said it we are supposed to ignore it.
Biden actually spoke the truth (for once) and if Obama is elected, Americans are likely to be involved in a major world crisis, and some could die as a result.
That to me is news. But not if you are an Obamaton.
Lol…I’m Jo the Plumber!
Heh, and later on in that interview with the real, honest journalist that they pulled off the air, Joe Biden gets asked a question regarding what he said. He says the world will test us no matter who the president is. Why not put into office someone who will pass the test with flying colors instead of some moron who will fail and doom us all for sure?
If you tax the wealthy just to benefit the middle class, then why would people work hard at all? They would be able to see that working hard doesn’t pay much as compared to not working at all, so they’ll all stop working and start depending on the government to give them the money.
I will probably NEVER understand this guy’s logic. And what’s even more puzzling is why all those people are actually voting for him.
If Sarah Palin had said something similar to what Joe Biden blurted out it would have been the front page story all this week. And yet, because Biden said it we are supposed to ignore it.
Biden actually spoke the truth (for once) and if Obama is elected, Americans are likely to be involved in a major world crisis, and some could die as a result.
That to me is news. But not if you are an Obamaton.