“there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her.”
Meaning there are some stations that will kiss her a** in fear of what will happen it the give a fair interview.
16 years ago
Joe Biden is a real joke! He lies just as much as Obama… lol
Obama was right about Irak and McCain was wrong??????????? How can you lie in the face of people like that?
Obama doesn’t want to spread the wealht around???????????? Gee, he said it himself loud and clear.
What a duo these two jerks. They really think that Americans are idiots. No wonder the Obama’s team doesn’t want Joe Biden on FoxNews anymore, he made a complete fool of himself… lol
This story is an inkling of what will happen if Obama is elected. They will establish an enemies list to ban any individual or organization from access to the President, Vice President or White House events that does not meet with the approval of “The One.” I recall seeing somewhere that Michelle Obama has already hinted at that but I could be wrong.
And like Nixon did in his paranoid heyday, the Obamatons will abuse the power of office to investigate and punish anyone or anything that dares to criticize them.
Larry Sheldon
16 years ago
They yanked the video.
These people routinely pull stuff that Nixon could only dream of.
Have the announced ehow much she spends on tampons yet?
I’m am really sorry her bosses have no spine at all.
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. 4 yrs of VP Biden is like 4yrs of daily gaffes, but if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it/if Biden gaffes and nobody sees it….
Next thing ya know, this guy’s gonna try and tell somebody in a wheelchair to walk
It’s just as well. We don’t need to hear more lies; so, if Obama, Biden and their wives stay off of certain and more stations, those are the stations we should watch.
American does NOT need Obama or Biden for anything at all.
Just as American’s have rejected Obama’s “spread the wealth around” communist ideas; may we all reject Barack Hussein Obama on November 4th, 2008.
2008 will be the year The One …. LOST!
Elect John McCain and Sarah Palin and let’s get our economy up and growing.
Reject Obama!
16 years ago
When I was growing up, there used to be many South American coups. On TV here all you saw was the rebels taking over the Radio stations and news papers. The first thing to go in a take over is the Media, unfortunately a coup wasn’t necessary here, it happened all on it’s own. If this country is to survive, prosecutions for slander are a must. These people must be made to pay for their treachery,maybe then they will be changed. How did we sleep walk through the last 40 years to allow this to run rampant? How?
16 years ago
How long will it be before this television anchor’s personal information and privacy are splashed all over the Internet by the Obama Thug machine?
In three…two…one…
16 years ago
I guess this interviewer didn’t get a thrill up her leg. Obama/Biden have had only softball questions throught this campaign, and it has benefitted them. It’s about time someone has the chutzpah to hold their feet to the fire. It’s a little late in the game, but if more reporters stop swooning and do their jobs, we may see a surprise on November 4. Bless you, Barbara West.
16 years ago
I see the video got yanked already. Figures! Anyway, here are West’s comments, from The Orlando Sentinel:
“I have a great deal of respect for him (Biden). I have a great deal of respect for Sen. Obama. We are given four minutes of a satellite window for these interviews. Four precious minutes. I got right down to it and, yes, I think I asked him some pointed questions. These are questions that are rolling about right now and questions that need to be asked. I don’t think I was rude or inconsiderate to him. I think I was probing and maybe tough. I can’t believe that in all of his years in politics, and all of his campaigning and such, that he hasn’t run into some tough questions before. He’s certainly up to it in giving good answers.”
Pray that we see more reporters like Barbara West, and fast.
Stix: I was just so stunned by the overreaction of the Obama thugs I didn’t even get around to pointing out the multiple LIES in Biden’s statement. The part about ACORN was just flat out LIES from beginning to end.
LOL! I saw this earlier today and laughed my butt off! Come on, guys… don’t you see the humor in this? The Tonto of the dynamic duo pulled a hissy fit at some fast softball questions, and the campaign circles the wagons – refusing to allow any of them to ever talk to Orlando Barbara again.
And as “punishment”, they refuse to allow them to do a fluff piece on his wife… oh the huge ratings they’d miss for that one. NOT! Gawd, the irony is delicious. Orlando Barbara is probably getting more mileage for *not* doing the Jill Biden interview. And Obama/Biden just played the part of the cowardly lion.
Don’t it make you wonder how this ticket will fare with tough questions from dictators and despots? Maybe he and Obama will boycott all future talks with them too. But they’ll be sure to remind their base that when he was “tested” by diplomatic talks, they need their support because it won’t be “apparent” they are “right”. Meaning, they’ll revert to the Bush admin policy, and break all the campaign promises all the way to the bank.
By contrast, the first two major media outlets Palin walked into were the “enemy” camp… to use Obama’s mentor, Saul Alinsky’s, word. Ol’ slo’ Joe ought to call her and ask if he can rent her cajones for a day….
Mata: I’m having trouble appreciating the humor because the tactic of controlling the press has been so successful in preventing the American people from learning the truth about who and what Obama really is.
If more “news” reporters would ask these questions the American people would slowly come to learn the answers despite all Biden’s bluster.
But if the Obama thugs are able to bully and intimidate the media to prevent the truth from getting out then we are all in deep trouble.
Joe the Plumber said he was “scared for America” if Obama is elected. That goes double for me.
Ex dem from hell
16 years ago
This is no longer about party this is about the difference between fascism and democracy. It really is just that simple.
16 years ago
How long will it be before this television anchor’s personal information and privacy are splashed all over the Internet by the Obama Thug machine?
I’m sure A/chan and the other hackers are already hard at work on it.
I also can’t believe Biden said it wasn’t Obama, but McCain that “Spread the Wealth” around. Typical stump message/distraction technique of Dems (and Socialists); Accuse the other guy of doing what you’re doing to change the focus.
I was having some problems with my videos on Foxfire too. Looked into it and found there were some problems with systems retaining copies of old flash player versions blocking the updates. Try going to Adobe and running their flash player uninstall program, then reinstalling Adobe Flash Player. Worked for me.
Biden’s responses to the interviewer, and the Obama campaign’s shutdown of future interviews with that station is just a warm-up to what will occur if the election goes to Obama. Can you say, “Government Suppression” – “Government Censorship” – how about “Totalitarianism”?
Hermit: That is what MARXISTS DO! To them, freedom of the press is a one way street where they put out propaganda and the press prints it. That’s exactly what the Obama campaign has done thus far and has successfully avoided answering the tough questions about WHO and WHAT Obama really is.
The Obama campaign knows that if Americans ever discover the truth about WHO Obama is and what he REALLY believes they would NEVER vote for him.
It’s just amazing that the “news” media for the most part has totally given Obama a pass.
16 years ago
All this time I thought journalism was dead!!!!!!!
The Calvary Has Finally Come!!!!
This is absolutely terrific for the American people!
The Obama Campaign has absolutely screwed the pooch on this. The King’s birthday suit is now an embarrassment.
Obama should welcome criticism of his ideology and seek out and give special time to it’s harshest critics.
The fact is he can’t!
Marxism doesn’t sell well with Americans…but that is all Obama has to sell.
Most liberals have yet to realize their ideology is fertilizer to socialism, Marxism, financial devastation, hunger, war and finally communism! …. The bottom of the apex of the human condition under humans guided by values generated by humans.
The Obama Campaign is having a hard time finsihing off the Joe, The Plumber Sandwich:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
o When 007 is getting shot at, he knows he is on trail of the bad guys.
o A general to his bomber pilots in the dark times during WW2: “When you are taking flak, you are over the enemy!”
o To All The Remaining Journalists in America Who Actually Have a Spine and American Values: “When a political campaign threatens to deny you access …. You are doing your job and exposing cancer, corruption, evil ideology, viscus disease and infection.!”
It is what you are born to do!!!!!!!!
Make America proud…become journalists once again!!!!!
I’ve been in many storms at sea…and it is always the worst, before it gets better.
The video link above is a sign of a change face of America.
AF Sarge (Ret)
16 years ago
Following links here, I ended up on the Orlando Sentinel page. From the comments, it looks like another “Action alert” went out from the BHO camp. Seems the followers just copy and past the comments. “Taxes, in general, are a redistribution of wealth. Profits, as well, are a redistribution of wealth”, is the common talking point from the BHO defenders. Sounds about the same as when the alert went out to phone/email the radio stations that were doing the interviews with the anit-BHO author (memory fails me now on who that was).
Questions like those should have been asked for the last 18 months or so that BHO has been campaining.
AF Sarge: I’ve been witnessing the Obama “Surge” on my home page since last week. Clearly they are putting out an organized effort to bang the drum for their Marxist cause.
I’m glad Curt has been able to keep a relative sanity here. I’ve had to step in and delete whole batches of comments from the hate filled goons who have cyber goose stepped onto Mike’s America. These people nearly always show more bile than brains.
We are dealing with ugly, angry, hate filled people who will stop at nothing. Good help us all if they succeed.
The “action alert” was probably something like this, Sarge…
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals # 3: Wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
So what they do is race into forums, suggest that we’re already socialist because we have taxes (confusing the issue), so none of this should matter as fact…. then leave the forum.
This leaves the unsavvy types scratching their heads, afraid to argue for fear of losing… thus Rule #3 is to “confuse”, cause “fear” (either of response, or that something will or won’t happen), and then get out of the discussion.
There’s a reason Obama constantly uses the word “distraction”. In a single word, it is Alinsky’s Rule #3.
These are not “tough questions”. They are mindless dribble asked only to illicit negative responses and make some off field assumptions like Obama is related to Marx. For god sake.
16 years ago
No, he’s not related to Marx, but his agenda, “spread the wealth” that keeps popping up from his past and present, tells us he sure would like to be.
@Zac: Did anyone here say he is related t Marx??? He has Marxist ideas of how “distribute the wealth”. That is not saying he is related to Marx. And these were questions that should have been asked all along by the MSM but they already are in the tank for obama and would never ask him questions that could hurt the Light Walker or whatever else they want to call him
16 years ago
What Marxists refuse to accept is Alinsky’s 3rd rule does not work on patriots. Try to confuse them and they respond with the facts they refuse to accept. Try to make them afraid and it only serves to piss them off. And a patriot will never willingly retreat. The most that will happen is they fallback, regroup, and retrun to fight more fiercly.
All hail the the TRUE patriots (of which RAP is not).
@Rocky_B: Yes we know the other sides playbook, Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Alisnky would be proud of Obama’s achievements at bringing Socialism to the masses.
“there are many other stations in the Orlando television market that would gladly conduct a respectful and factual interview with her.”
Meaning there are some stations that will kiss her a** in fear of what will happen it the give a fair interview.
Joe Biden is a real joke! He lies just as much as Obama… lol
Obama was right about Irak and McCain was wrong??????????? How can you lie in the face of people like that?
Obama doesn’t want to spread the wealht around???????????? Gee, he said it himself loud and clear.
What a duo these two jerks. They really think that Americans are idiots. No wonder the Obama’s team doesn’t want Joe Biden on FoxNews anymore, he made a complete fool of himself… lol
This story is an inkling of what will happen if Obama is elected. They will establish an enemies list to ban any individual or organization from access to the President, Vice President or White House events that does not meet with the approval of “The One.” I recall seeing somewhere that Michelle Obama has already hinted at that but I could be wrong.
And like Nixon did in his paranoid heyday, the Obamatons will abuse the power of office to investigate and punish anyone or anything that dares to criticize them.
They yanked the video.
These people routinely pull stuff that Nixon could only dream of.
Have the announced ehow much she spends on tampons yet?
I’m am really sorry her bosses have no spine at all.
I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. 4 yrs of VP Biden is like 4yrs of daily gaffes, but if a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it/if Biden gaffes and nobody sees it….
Next thing ya know, this guy’s gonna try and tell somebody in a wheelchair to walk
It’s just as well. We don’t need to hear more lies; so, if Obama, Biden and their wives stay off of certain and more stations, those are the stations we should watch.
American does NOT need Obama or Biden for anything at all.
Just as American’s have rejected Obama’s “spread the wealth around” communist ideas; may we all reject Barack Hussein Obama on November 4th, 2008.
2008 will be the year The One …. LOST!
Elect John McCain and Sarah Palin and let’s get our economy up and growing.
Reject Obama!
When I was growing up, there used to be many South American coups. On TV here all you saw was the rebels taking over the Radio stations and news papers. The first thing to go in a take over is the Media, unfortunately a coup wasn’t necessary here, it happened all on it’s own. If this country is to survive, prosecutions for slander are a must. These people must be made to pay for their treachery,maybe then they will be changed. How did we sleep walk through the last 40 years to allow this to run rampant? How?
In three…two…one…
I guess this interviewer didn’t get a thrill up her leg. Obama/Biden have had only softball questions throught this campaign, and it has benefitted them. It’s about time someone has the chutzpah to hold their feet to the fire. It’s a little late in the game, but if more reporters stop swooning and do their jobs, we may see a surprise on November 4. Bless you, Barbara West.
I see the video got yanked already. Figures! Anyway, here are West’s comments, from The Orlando Sentinel:
“I have a great deal of respect for him (Biden). I have a great deal of respect for Sen. Obama. We are given four minutes of a satellite window for these interviews. Four precious minutes. I got right down to it and, yes, I think I asked him some pointed questions. These are questions that are rolling about right now and questions that need to be asked. I don’t think I was rude or inconsiderate to him. I think I was probing and maybe tough. I can’t believe that in all of his years in politics, and all of his campaigning and such, that he hasn’t run into some tough questions before. He’s certainly up to it in giving good answers.”
Pray that we see more reporters like Barbara West, and fast.
The video is still playing for me.
If it’s not playing on your browser (damn Firefox), go to the direct video URL:
Just refresh your browser, maybe. I’m on firefox and it played fine for me.
Mike’s prejudiced against Firefox, for some oddball reason.
ON FF and it works for me. Its a shame.
Oh you Firefox people….
It plays on Flock
Gaffemeister strikes again. All lies and not one answer was the truth
Stix: I was just so stunned by the overreaction of the Obama thugs I didn’t even get around to pointing out the multiple LIES in Biden’s statement. The part about ACORN was just flat out LIES from beginning to end.
This will be every press conference with the Gaffemeister and the One is they get elected. Kind of like the Clintoon presidency.
LOL! I saw this earlier today and laughed my butt off! Come on, guys… don’t you see the humor in this? The Tonto of the dynamic duo pulled a hissy fit at some fast softball questions, and the campaign circles the wagons – refusing to allow any of them to ever talk to Orlando Barbara again.
And as “punishment”, they refuse to allow them to do a fluff piece on his wife… oh the huge ratings they’d miss for that one. NOT! Gawd, the irony is delicious. Orlando Barbara is probably getting more mileage for *not* doing the Jill Biden interview. And Obama/Biden just played the part of the cowardly lion.
Don’t it make you wonder how this ticket will fare with tough questions from dictators and despots? Maybe he and Obama will boycott all future talks with them too. But they’ll be sure to remind their base that when he was “tested” by diplomatic talks, they need their support because it won’t be “apparent” they are “right”. Meaning, they’ll revert to the Bush admin policy, and break all the campaign promises all the way to the bank.
By contrast, the first two major media outlets Palin walked into were the “enemy” camp… to use Obama’s mentor, Saul Alinsky’s, word. Ol’ slo’ Joe ought to call her and ask if he can rent her cajones for a day….
Mata: I’m having trouble appreciating the humor because the tactic of controlling the press has been so successful in preventing the American people from learning the truth about who and what Obama really is.
If more “news” reporters would ask these questions the American people would slowly come to learn the answers despite all Biden’s bluster.
But if the Obama thugs are able to bully and intimidate the media to prevent the truth from getting out then we are all in deep trouble.
Joe the Plumber said he was “scared for America” if Obama is elected. That goes double for me.
This is no longer about party this is about the difference between fascism and democracy. It really is just that simple.
I’m sure A/chan and the other hackers are already hard at work on it.
I also can’t believe Biden said it wasn’t Obama, but McCain that “Spread the Wealth” around. Typical stump message/distraction technique of Dems (and Socialists); Accuse the other guy of doing what you’re doing to change the focus.
I was having some problems with my videos on Foxfire too. Looked into it and found there were some problems with systems retaining copies of old flash player versions blocking the updates. Try going to Adobe and running their flash player uninstall program, then reinstalling Adobe Flash Player. Worked for me.
Biden’s responses to the interviewer, and the Obama campaign’s shutdown of future interviews with that station is just a warm-up to what will occur if the election goes to Obama. Can you say, “Government Suppression” – “Government Censorship” – how about “Totalitarianism”?
This is the same Anchor woman who asked Joe if he was going to drop out and let Hillary take the VP slot.
She asked if the internet rumor about Joe dropping out after the VP Debate was true.
These two have hated each other since. It has been hilarious!
Hermit: That is what MARXISTS DO! To them, freedom of the press is a one way street where they put out propaganda and the press prints it. That’s exactly what the Obama campaign has done thus far and has successfully avoided answering the tough questions about WHO and WHAT Obama really is.
The Obama campaign knows that if Americans ever discover the truth about WHO Obama is and what he REALLY believes they would NEVER vote for him.
This site lays it out in one neat page:
It’s just amazing that the “news” media for the most part has totally given Obama a pass.
All this time I thought journalism was dead!!!!!!!
The Calvary Has Finally Come!!!!
This is absolutely terrific for the American people!
The Obama Campaign has absolutely screwed the pooch on this. The King’s birthday suit is now an embarrassment.
Obama should welcome criticism of his ideology and seek out and give special time to it’s harshest critics.
The fact is he can’t!
Marxism doesn’t sell well with Americans…but that is all Obama has to sell.
Most liberals have yet to realize their ideology is fertilizer to socialism, Marxism, financial devastation, hunger, war and finally communism! …. The bottom of the apex of the human condition under humans guided by values generated by humans.
The Obama Campaign is having a hard time finsihing off the Joe, The Plumber Sandwich:
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
o When 007 is getting shot at, he knows he is on trail of the bad guys.
o A general to his bomber pilots in the dark times during WW2: “When you are taking flak, you are over the enemy!”
o To All The Remaining Journalists in America Who Actually Have a Spine and American Values: “When a political campaign threatens to deny you access …. You are doing your job and exposing cancer, corruption, evil ideology, viscus disease and infection.!”
It is what you are born to do!!!!!!!!
Make America proud…become journalists once again!!!!!
I’ve been in many storms at sea…and it is always the worst, before it gets better.
The video link above is a sign of a change face of America.
Following links here, I ended up on the Orlando Sentinel page. From the comments, it looks like another “Action alert” went out from the BHO camp. Seems the followers just copy and past the comments. “Taxes, in general, are a redistribution of wealth. Profits, as well, are a redistribution of wealth”, is the common talking point from the BHO defenders. Sounds about the same as when the alert went out to phone/email the radio stations that were doing the interviews with the anit-BHO author (memory fails me now on who that was).
Questions like those should have been asked for the last 18 months or so that BHO has been campaining.
AF Sarge: I’ve been witnessing the Obama “Surge” on my home page since last week. Clearly they are putting out an organized effort to bang the drum for their Marxist cause.
I’m glad Curt has been able to keep a relative sanity here. I’ve had to step in and delete whole batches of comments from the hate filled goons who have cyber goose stepped onto Mike’s America. These people nearly always show more bile than brains.
We are dealing with ugly, angry, hate filled people who will stop at nothing. Good help us all if they succeed.
The “action alert” was probably something like this, Sarge…
So what they do is race into forums, suggest that we’re already socialist because we have taxes (confusing the issue), so none of this should matter as fact…. then leave the forum.
This leaves the unsavvy types scratching their heads, afraid to argue for fear of losing… thus Rule #3 is to “confuse”, cause “fear” (either of response, or that something will or won’t happen), and then get out of the discussion.
There’s a reason Obama constantly uses the word “distraction”. In a single word, it is Alinsky’s Rule #3.
These are not “tough questions”. They are mindless dribble asked only to illicit negative responses and make some off field assumptions like Obama is related to Marx. For god sake.
No, he’s not related to Marx, but his agenda, “spread the wealth” that keeps popping up from his past and present, tells us he sure would like to be.
@Zac: Did anyone here say he is related t Marx??? He has Marxist ideas of how “distribute the wealth”. That is not saying he is related to Marx. And these were questions that should have been asked all along by the MSM but they already are in the tank for obama and would never ask him questions that could hurt the Light Walker or whatever else they want to call him
What Marxists refuse to accept is Alinsky’s 3rd rule does not work on patriots. Try to confuse them and they respond with the facts they refuse to accept. Try to make them afraid and it only serves to piss them off. And a patriot will never willingly retreat. The most that will happen is they fallback, regroup, and retrun to fight more fiercly.
All hail the the TRUE patriots (of which RAP is not).
@Rocky_B: Yes we know the other sides playbook, Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Alisnky would be proud of Obama’s achievements at bringing Socialism to the masses.
Anything that threatens the house of cards that is the Obama campaign is “mindless drivel” to an Obama drone like ZAC.
Even ZAC should be bothered that his candidate refuses to honestly discuss his background.