Obama, Ayers & Khalidi…What Their Connections Mean For This Country

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Andy McCarthy reminds us of a great interview done by Hugh Hewitt of Stanley Kurtz a few weeks ago that is an excellent primer on the Obama/Ayers association. It also highlights an association that isn’t talked about much. Ayers/Khalidi ties.

Here is the interview, lasts a little over 16 minutes but well worth the time to listen to the whole thing:


Here is the transcript of the Ayers/Khalidi part:

SK: Now if you lived just a few blocks away from someone, and you’ve been on a foundation together, and at least in the first year, you were on the board together, and then you’re on a panel together, when you run into each other, what are you going to be talking about? Here’s something I also haven’t mentioned. Rashid Khalidi and Bill Ayers were practically best friends. People don’t know this, and I’m actually saying this for the first time. I haven’t written about this. They were best friends, and we know that Obama had interactions with Khalidi, that Khalidi had held the coffee that kicked off his Congressional campaign, I believe. And Ayers and Khalidi were extremely close if you look at the acknowledgements in their books.

HH: Tell us about Khalidi. Tell us who he is and his role in Obama’s life.

SK: Rashid Khalidi is really, in a sense, the American successor of Edward Said, a very strong advocate for the Palestinians, extremely radical in his views and his opposition to American foreign policy. He was a friend and colleague of Obama. Apparently they used to get together and discuss world affairs. And he’s practically the best friend of Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers features Khalidi in some of his books about how to politicize the teaching for students. So actually, the more you look into it, the more you see that this is not just people running into each other. And again, I object to the idea of just simply counting the times people were together in a room. When you fund Bill Ayers education projects, with hundreds of thousands of dollars, when you as Bill Ayers publish Rashid Khalidi’s essay in your book of collected essays, they might have gone on. That’s a lot without meeting once.


HH: So Stanley Kurtz, Rashid Khalidi, very close to Barack Obama, read during the break that Khalidi had a farewell dinner in 2003 that Obama was one of the presenters at, and in those remarks, alluded to the numerous dinners he’d had at the home of the Khalidi’s.

SK: Yes.

HH: It simply defies imagination to think that Khalidi was not a bridge between Ayers, that this is not an operating subgroup of Hyde Park, doesn’t it?

SK: Right. I mean, that’s what it seems like when you look, when you read these acknowledgements back and forth between Khalidi and Ayers of how close they are as friends, and you see that Khalidi had dinners at Obama, it really, to think…and then that Khalidi hosted something to kick off Obama’s Congressional campaign, you’ve got to think that Ayers and Khalidi are both talking about Obama, because they’re so close. And you’ve go to think that…it begins to look like a pretty tight network. You know, you can only show what’s actually in the papers, and what are in the documents as far as the number of meetings and everything else. But it sure looks a lot tighter than what we can absolutely see. It looks like a lot more. But it’s hard to show for sure, just like people, I think rightly assume that Barack Obama had to have known a lot more about what Jeremiah Wright was saying all those years than he’s letting on.

These relationships, and there shared views, are quite important in understanding Barack Obama and the way he thinks. What he believes.

The evidence known so far tells us that Obama and Ayers have known each other since at least the early 90’s but Andy believes it goes back a bit further to Obama’s Columbia days, the days he refuses to comment on.

In 2003 there was a dinner held for Khalidi who was leaving the University of Chicago to go to Columbia. Among those at the dinner were Ayers and Obama. Both gave glowing remarks about Khalidi. Obama’s remarks gave us some insight into how well he knew the man:

It was a celebration of Palestinian culture — a night of music, dancing and a dash of politics. Local Arab Americans were bidding farewell to Rashid Khalidi, an internationally known scholar, critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights, who was leaving town for a job in New York.

A special tribute came from Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.

His many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.”Obama and Ayers both gave Khalidi a rousing send off at a party to celebrate Khalidi leaving the University of Chicago to Columbia.

Andy takes it from there:

Khalidi was leaving to become director of Columbia’s Middle East Institute, assuming a professorship endowed in honor of another Arafat devotee, the late Edward Said. A hero of the Left who consulted with terrorist leaders (including Hezbollah’s Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah) and was once photographed hurling rocks at Israelis from the Lebanese border, Said was exposed by researcher Justus Reid Weiner as a fraud who had created a fictional account of his childhood, the rock on which he built his Palestinian grievance mythology.

We know precious little about Obama’s Columbia years, but the Los Angeles Times has reported that he studied under Said. In and of itself, that is meaningless: Said was a hotshot prof and hundreds of students took his comparative-lit courses. But Obama plainly maintained some sort of tie with Said — a photo making the Internet rounds shows Obama conversing with the great man himself at a 1998 Arab American community dinner in Chicago, where the Obamas and Saids were seated together.

Said had a wide circle of radical acquaintances. That circle clearly included Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. When they came out of hiding in the early 1980s (while Obama was attending Columbia), Ayers took education courses at Bank Street College, adjacent to Columbia in Morningside Heights — before earning his doctorate at Columbia’s Teachers College in 1987.

Said was so enamored of Ayers that he commended the unrepentant terrorist’s 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days — the book in which the haughty Ayers brags about his Weatherman past — with this glowing dust-jacket blurb:

What makes Fugitive Days unique is its unsparing detail and its marvelous human coherence and integrity. Bill Ayers’s America and his family background, his education, his political awakening, his anger and involvement, his anguished re-emergence from the shadows: all these are rendered in their truth without a trace of nostalgia or “second thinking.” For anyone who cares about the sorry mess we are in, this book is essential, indeed necessary, reading.

Sorry mess, indeed. For his part, Ayers is at least equally enthralled by Said, of whom, even in death, Ayers says “[t]here is no one better positioned … to offer advice on the conduct of intellectual life[,]” than the man who was “over the last thirty-five years, the most passionate, eloquent, and clear-eyed advocate for the rights of the Palestinian people.”

After they left Columbia, both Obama and Ayers went to Chicago: Obama to become a “community organizer” (the director of the Developing Communities Project, an offshoot of the Gamaliel Foundation dedicated to Saul Alinsky’s principles for radicalizing society); Ayers, two years later, to teach at the University of Illinois. Diamond details how they both became embroiled in a major education controversy that resulted in 1988 reform legislation.

Ayers’s father, Tom Ayers, a prominent Chicago businessman, was also deeply involved in the reform effort. Interestingly, in 1988, while Obama and Ayers toiled on the same education agenda, Bernadine Dohrn worked as an intern at the prestigious Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin — even though she could not be admitted to the bar due to her contempt conviction for refusing to cooperate in a terrorist investigation. How could that happen? It turns out that Sidley was the longtime outside counsel for Tom Ayers’s company, Commonwealth Edison. That is, Ayers’ father had pull at the firm and successfully pressed for the hiring of his daughter-in-law.

The next summer, though he had gone off to Harvard Law School (another impressive accomplishment he prefers not to discuss), Obama returned to the Windy City to work as an intern at Sidley. Dohrn was gone by then to teach at Northwestern. A coincidence? Maybe (Diamond doesn’t think so), but that’s an awful lot of coincidences — and a long trail of common people, places and experiences — for people who purportedly didn’t know each other yet managed to end up as partners in significant financial and political ventures.

In short, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama moved in the same circles, were driven by the same cause, and admired the same radicals all the way from Morningside Heights to Hyde Park. They ended up publicly admiring each other, promoting each other’s work, sitting on the same boards, and funding the same Leftist agitators.

You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution.

Obama, Ayers, Khalidi, Wright…..peas in a pod who believe in revolutionary causes to take this country apart brick by brick and make it into something it was never meant to be.

Come November 5th they may be one step closer.

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Well, this certainly puts things into a, for lack of better phrase, better perspective of who Obama is, where he came from, and where he is going. Where he is going is scary. His whole so-called life philosophy is part Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and Black Liberation Theology. If this doesn’t give nod at the direction he is going to take this country, then nothing else will. With blindfolds on tight, the left, liberals, and Democrats are going to drive us into an abyss that has no bottom.

The Russians and Canadians see this while blind Obama supporters cannot. God help our country if Obama is elected.

Why don’t you people just give it a rest. The main problem you guys have is that you deal in absolutes, at least when it involves other people. What I mean is that you believe Ayers, Wright, Khaiidi are 100% bad. No good in them at all. Ayers did some horrible things, Wright and Kalidi said some horrific things and for that you want to condemn them for life. But, they also have some good in them. It’s hard to believe for you I know. But it’s true. Otherwise they’d be dead by now. Jesus is the human who was 100% good and that’s because he was GOD in human flesh. We as Christians have to try to connect with the good in everyone. That’s how we bring people to Jesus. In order to connect to that good, we have to talk to them, hang with them, be around them. We can not isolate them. Think about, Obama’s goodness connecting with the goodness in these people, may help them. It’s always worth a shot. It’s what Jesus would do.

Wow Curt, you have to send this audio and article to every Jewish Organizations that exist in the States. Send it also to the Israel embassy.

The first time I saw and heard Obama, I knew right away who he was. Didn’t trust that bum one minute. I knew he was a leftist socialist, a liar, a manipulator and that he had a hidden agenda. It was clearly showing in his face, eyes and body language. I sure hope America sees that before it’s too late.

This should be an open invitation to every reporter in the country to ask the follow up question:

” Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.”

How did Khalidi shape Obama’s thinking.

How did the other assorted Marxists, Communists and other radicals in Obama’s life shape his thinking?

I keep wanting to reprint this entire blog, but it’s easy to get it all in one short page by going here:


This is WHO Obama REALLY is and is the best indicator of the kind of “change” he would bring this country.

Unfortunately, you won’t get a reporter to ask “The One” about it…. They are probably all afraid of having their tax and marital records splashed across the internet by the Obama Thug Machine.

Curt B (Comment No.2),

Sorry to tell you that you are just a limbo. Why don’t you invite Ahmanedijad for dinner in your house? Or Kim Jong-il? You are completely out of order. Get some help. Quick!

Curt B,

Ayers is unrepentant as to what he did and wished he did more. Khalidi is still the same. As for your Jesus statement, Jesus only forgives those who ask HIM for forgiveness.

We as Christians have to try to connect with the good in everyone. That’s how we bring people to Jesus. In order to connect to that good, we have to talk to them, hang with them, be around them. We can not isolate them.

The Bible says we are to separate ourselves from worldliness. Yes, as a Christian it is my responsibility to try and bring them to Jesus, but not “hang out” with them, so that their worldly views don’t corrupt me or send me down the wrong path. If you are going to start preaching, you’d better read your Bible first.

Forgiveness must be asked for, it is not freely given, just as nothing in life is freely given, you must do something first in order to receive, in other words, you have to earn it and work for it. That is what the Bible teaches and the way that this country works.

Curt B — Go to Pakistan, find Obama, Osama, and tell him “I love you, man.” Don’t forget to notify your next of kin before you leave. …and good riddance to ya.

Now, for the sane among us…

“Hamas has a widows and orphans fund, but that doesn’t change the fact that their day job is creating widows and orphans.”

“Crossing Paths Daily: Obama and Ayers Shared an Office (Update: For Three Years)”

Obama and Ayers are birds of a feather…

Some more dirt on Ayers and Dohrn…

And let us not forget Rashid Khalidi, “ex” PLO terrorist…

Yeah, they may have a tiny bit of “good” in them, otherwise they wouldn’t exist at all, but that little bit doesn’t alter the fact that they are still about as close to 100% evil as they can get without actually achieving it, …yet. And we don’t want to give them any more opportunities to.


Thanks! That Obamaism website is terrific. You should link to that cartoon, too. Hey, wait, I just realized that I can…

And here’s a little more dirt on O’Ayers and O’Dohrn.

“Unfortunately, you won’t get a reporter to ask “The One” about it….” — Mike’s America

Here’s another “theory” which is made all the more plausible because it’s advanced by an insider…

It has the ring of truth to it.

Curt B,

But, they also have some good in them. It’s hard to believe for you I know. But it’s true. Otherwise they’d be dead by now.

That’s an interesting thought. Is that based in any sort of reality or is it your own creation?

You think that evil people die quickly because they are evil?

Two words for you: Fidel. Castro.

Ummm… Since you seem to know all about what Jesus would do, let me ask you a question.

Would Jesus “hang out” with people who were not repentant of their sins? Did He “hang out” with the money changers at the temple? Or did He cast them out?

Would Jesus support a man for POTUS who is not opposed to sucking the brains out of a partially born child?

Would Jesus support a man for POTUS who is willing to allow a child who survives an abortion to be placed in a dirty linen closet to die without medical attentiion.

You claim to be a Christian.

You claim to know what Jesus would do.

Since you make these claims, I wonder what your thoughts are on those two scenarios.

Curt B;
They are STILL doing horrible things. Ayers for example; Brainwashing children in their formative years to try to turn them into radical socialists like himself by tampering with their education system. I suppose you would say Hitler had some good in him because of the lies he told the German people to get elected. And I suppose Grand Inquisitor Torquemada had some good in him because he forcibly tortures Jews into converting to Christianity? I am well aware that there are socialist leftist that are going around pretending to be Christians to try to sway actual Christians into accepting the Socialist Messiah. Just the other day I smoked out a Wiccan on another thread, who was an Obama junkie talking about God. So pardon me if I am slightly skeptical if you indeed are what you are claiming to be, or another “pretender”. Please explain how you come to terms with what Christian consider the blasphemy of Obama being referring as the Messiah, when he does not fulfill any of the Biblical prophecies for the Messiah, yet is fulfilling the prophecies for the Anti-Christ, of whom Revelation states will be falsely presented as the Messiah?

Otherwise they’d be dead by now.

So your theory is, if they were really bad, God would have already struck them dead?
He didn’t strike Pharoah deed in Exodus did he? It certainly would have saved the Hebrews and Moses a lot of trouble wouldn’t it?
The Nazi Party was not utterly destroyed before they could execute 6 million Jews, 1.8-2 million Poles, 200,000-250,000 disabled and mentally ill, 220,000 to 500,000 Roma and Sinti, and 5,000 to 15,000 homosexuals during the Holocaust did he?
Osama Bin Ladin was not struck dead before he arranged for 0-11 was he?
So are you saying there must have been some good in those people, and we should not talk badly about them?

Tell you what, why don’t you prove your logic, travel to Pakistan, go into the Northern tribal area, find bin Ladin for us and “Connect with his good side”? Tell us how that goes.

You posit the Evangelical question, what would Jesus do, apparently because you apparently consider Obama the Messiah? So let’s look at that:

Would Jesus use lawyers to target and eliminate all political competitors as Obama did in his State Senate election?
Would Jesus take every measure to hide his past from review as Obama has?
Would Jesus use voter fraud to gain a place of power?
Would Jesus go after Joe the Plumber and try to destroy him for asking an honest question?

Blindly cherishing Obama in the way you do it as cult-like and those who followed Jim Jones. Enjoy the kool-aid if you want, but don’t think you can so easily turn most pious Jews and Christians like sheep to the slaughter.

The McCain campaign, hoping to foment doubts about Barack Obama in the Jewish community, has complained that a newspaper has “suppressed” a videotape of Obama attending a dinner with Rashid Khalidi, an Arab studies scholar and advocate of Palestinian rights, back in 2003.

But “the latest guilt-by-association target that the McCain campaign is using to hit Barack Obama could carry some collateral damage for its own candidate,” the Huffington Post notes.
During the 1990s, while McCain served as chairman of the International Republican Institute (IRI), the group distributed several grants to the Palestinian research center co-founded by Khalidi.

A 1998 tax filing for the McCain-led group shows a $448,873 grant to Khalidi’s Center for Palestine Research and Studies for work in the West Bank, the Post notes. The relationship extends back as far as 1993, when McCain joined IRI as chairman.. Foreign Affairs noted in September of that year that IRI had helped fund several extensive studies in Palestine run by Khalidi’s group, including over 30 public opinion polls and a study of “sociopolitical attitudes.”

“Of course,” the Post writes, “there’s seemingly nothing objectionable with McCain’s organization helping a Palestinian group conduct research in the West Bank or Gaza. But it does suggest that McCain could have some of his own explaining to do as he tries to make hay out of Khalidi’s ties to Obama.”

gaze, you can now go calm all those huffposters down, another of those red herrings to distract from the real issue in that Obama attended a going away dinner for Kahlidi where known Jew bashing occurred, as did William Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn. What we need to be discussing is, did Obama do or say anything to discourage the bashing. He could quickly clear this up by asking the LATimes to release the tape, instead he is using you to do his dirty work while he keeps his past sealed from the public.

Read and note the organizations who also gave funding to CPRS, wonder why?

Washington, DC – “Questions have arisen regarding the International Republican Institute’s (IRI) work with Palestinians in the 1990s.

“In the 1990s, IRI gave grants to the Center for Palestinian Research and Studies (CPRS) for polling in the West Bank/Gaza. The polls measured support for the peace process, for various Palestinian political groups, and for efforts to enhance governance in the West Bank/Gaza. At that time no other organization could credibly conduct polling in the West Bank/Gaza.

“We understand that Rashid Khalidi was one of the many founders of CPRS, and we understand that he was for some (unclear) amount of time a board member. IRI did not in the 1990s conduct background checks of grantees’ founders or board members. IRI did on a number of occasions vet CPRS as an organization, including, as was our custom, with the Israeli government, and we were given no cause for concern.

“We do not recall any contact between Mr. Khalidi and IRI, and there is no evidence that Mr. Khalidi benefitted in any way from IRI’s grants.

“Other organizations that reportedly gave funding to CPRS include the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Center for International Private Enterprise, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, the Japanese Embassy, and Germany’s Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.

“IRI’s relationship with CPRS ended in 2000, and we understand that it no longer exists.”
