How ironic that a unrepentant terrorist would tell a reporter to respect his property rights (which he would not have in the Communist society he so wants) and then calls the “pigs” for help (even tho he hated the cops bad enough a few decades ago that he conspired to kill some).
Wearing a red star and all.
Oh, btw, you want your own Red Start t-shirt? The meaning behind it:
The Red Star t-shirt shows a red star. (The five-pointed red star is a symbol of communism as well as broader socialism in general.) Color: red on black.

See author page
Wow one reporter in front of comrade Ayers’ home and he calls the cops, while hordes of media people have been camping out in front of Joe the Plumber’s for the past two weeks.
Ok…the first thing I thought of was “Communist….how appropriate”, when I saw him wearing the red star on black in the video…..
I’m sure he DID know they were outside waiting for him and intentionally wore that….
Surely the terrorist Commie doesn’t wear that All the time….
But I must point out that if you live in Texas, any color 5 point star worn on any color background would be regarded as a Texas star.
They’re very popular here and are all over the place.
Hey ayers, that’s not your house you wealthy, proletariat exploiting pig. It’s the people’s house! Now get out while we liberate it in the name of the people.
Obama has chosen to surround himself with communists and marxists from a very early age (no doubt because his parents share that political perspective:)
The following site has Obama’s red ties all laid out on one neat page:
What a POS.
“Guilty as hell, free as a bird.” Finally Ayres is getting his in the court of public opinion, he deserves far worse, but at least, in a small way, he is being forced to pay a small price for his unrepentant crimes. I hope his world continues to shrink as more and more people realize the scum he happens to be, hopefully his life will become more restricted, making him feel like he’s confined to his home wearing an ankle bracelet, one way or another he should have to face what he did.
By the way…you know that list of professors that have endorsed Ayers and asked that people not harrass him? Apparently if you check it out, there are bogus names there – Michael Levine for one, and then three other names of people who were Weathermen who were killed during police interactions…
Maybe others…
I guess Mr. Ayers missed the “next time you need a cop, call a hippie” memo.
Isn’t the America hating hippie professor plagariazer Ward Churchill another of those “professors” who signed that letter supporting Ayers?
What a punk
The Secrets of Capt. Fumio Nakahira Or Why I’m Leaving the Democratic Party but Keeping my Principles
“…It’s clear to many Democrats that a radical clique has taken control of the Party. The media drumbeat for Obama is incessant; the media has even stopped pretending to be neutral. We’re seeing the country through Alice’s Looking Glass now and everything is upside-down and backwards. In an effort to save our Party and country, many Democrats are actively working to defeat Obama.
“… In the Obama world, Bill Clinton is a racist, Hillary is a “monster,” Sarah Palin is a cunt, and John McCain is erratic and senile.”
Read the rest:
I couldn’t find that post at that link, but I did find it here…
Oh, and this looks even better…
Still, it’s a bit surreal to read how even the Dems, who are actually so like Obama in so many ways though just not AS extreme, are so opposed to him. How bizarre is that?!
Oh, well, at least we finally have some common ground. I suppose I should be grateful for what I get, and hope for their sakes as well as mine that together we can defeat him.
If only they would feel the same about Pelosy, Ried, Dean, Frank, Kerry, Dodd and any others who have enabled Obama and participated in foisting the monster financial crisis we are now suffering from, then I will believe they are truly making some progress in dealing with reality.
What I find amazing, which no one points out, is he says “this is my property, please get off it” (or words to that effect.)
Wait a sec…if he loves communism so much (red star shirts and all), they personal property rights don’t exist. It’s not yours – you are just an allowed tenant.
This is sooooooooooo rich is crazy.