Barack Obama: Courting the Votes of Commies and Anti-Americans and Earning the Endorsement of Dictators and Fascist Regimes

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A supporter of Democratic presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama holds a fake bill with Obama’s face at a campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, October 19, 2008.

On Senator Obama’s official website:

Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama
This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency. By no means is he a true Marxist, but under Karl Marx’s writings we are to support the party with the best interests of the mobilization of the proletariat. Though the Democratic Socialists of America or the Communist Patty of America may have more Socialististic values, it is pointless to vote for these candidates due to the fact that there is virutally no chance they will be elected on a National level. The members of this group are not Leninists, Stalinists, etc. and do not support or condone the actions of North Korea, China, Cuba or any other self-procalimed “Marxist States.” They do not in anyway represent the Marxist philosophy nor do they represent Socialism/ Communsim. We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!

Given that John McCain doesn’t have “Communists/Marxists/Socialists for McCain” anywhere on his official website (let alone any unofficial ones out there) while Barack Obama does, do you think it might be any wonder why Obama is saddled with the “socialist” label? Or that he attracts so many unsavory sorts, in the form of past associations as well as endorsements by America’s enemies and dictators and regimes who do not have America’s best interest at heart?

Why be ashamed and offended at being labeled and identified accurately? Because if America came to know the real Senator Obama and his love-affair with radicals and those holding to anti-American ideologies and un-American worldviews, America would reject him as the next president of the United States.

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Wake up people! When Obama talks about CHANGE, what do you think he means? He never explained it. This is because he can’t explain it without losing the elections. His CHANGE is all about socialism, marxism, and communism. Please wake up before it is too late.

The most scary part of that statement

We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!

That says it all. We don’t know what is best for ourselves, only Obamessiah does. The Democrat party is the Socialist/Communist party. Anyone scared yet?

The President of the United States of America is at the front in the line of defense of all the inhabitants of this great country. I think he should not be anti-American.

I’m still waiting to see where the suspected foreign campaign money investigation is going. Granted no one wants an Anti-American President as you’ve said. But, I myself wouldn’t want a president who is “financially indebted” and or “owes favors” to foreign countries/dictators/ and local or foreign radicals.

Here is a story i found interesting. Foreign money.

Sorry if its a repeat link.

Heh, i think it’s funny the flag in this picture is upside down. If I remember correctly, an upside down flag is a symbol of distress and Obama on a dollar during a financial crisis. So, question is, does it mean America’s under financial distress and obama will fix it? Or does it mean America’s in financial distress and he will make it worse. Interesting sign, if you believe in such things.

u people are blind websites that say obama is a terrorist is obviously just ploys to sway voters away from obama.these allegations are as outrageous as saying his middle name is heussein (his real middle name is steve) its just something people say or do to make the undecided vote there way. how about you all open your eyes



How about opening YOUR eyes? Nobody said Obama is a terrorist. But he hangs around with terrorists, crooks, and American haters. You can’t deny that, because this is true. Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are. And what about all the money coming from overseas? It’s not coming from France or UK. No, it’s coming from dictatorships and countries that hate America. So, please, do open your eyes. Do yourself that favor for your country’s sake.

Obama can’t avoid a label that’s largely accurate:

“Evidence has emerged that Sen. Barack Obama belonged to a socialist political party that sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.”

“The New Party, formed by members of the Democratic Socialists for America and leaders of an offshoot of the Community Party USA, was an electoral alliance that worked alongside the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.”

“The party’s Spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).”

Read the full article at

Please read this article and watch this GREAT video.


That’s your new Prez, man. says that Obama has a 96% chance of winning.

To use the same approach as the BDS types these past years, I’d have to say no, Thomas… that’s YOUR new Prez…. he’s not mine. LOL

You are correct Custer. Any time the flag is displayed with the blue field of stars (union) down, it signifies distress, regardless of whether it is hung on a flagstaff, or displayed against a flat surface (like a wall). And it is taken seriously.

There were some stories a while back of police getting reports of flags sighted hanging upside in some urban business areas. They would go in to investigate if the business owner was trying to signal that there was something wrong. In several cases they found it was a latino business and they did not understand the significance of it, so the officers explained it and often helped them correct it to display the flag properly.

It is also disrespectful in this country to have any flag hung higher than the American Flag either on the same flagpole, or on adjacent flag poles. If there are a series of flagstaffs and the American Flag is at half mast, all other flags on adjacent flagstaffs must also be at half mast. The only exception is foreign nation flags, such as at the U.N. However, some allies may elect to fly their own flags at half mast to show support.

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