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2 words: Buy a gun

Foobar: Unfortunately, the fascists will come for our guns next. We have a chance to turn back this tide now if each of us will get our wavering friends and family members to the polls.

In an honest democracy, I’ll take ballots over bullets any day. And I sure don’t want to live in a world where only ACORN members have guns.

Oh, boy! You are in for a ride my friends. Either way you look at it, you lose. If Obama wins, you will lose your freedom. If Obama loses, it will be a civil war. God bless your country!

Craig: There was a news story today that riots are expected if Obama loses. Riots are also expected if Obama wins.

In many neighborhoods electronics and liquor stores will need to hire private security.

And yet, we’re told this election isn’t about race… even though it’s historic because a black man is running…

Hm, i think the riot after obama looses will be more destructive, but more quickly brought under control.

Just herd on news “Obama tells “ellen” (TV SHOW) Michelle may dance better then me, but I’m positive I can dance better then McCain”~Obama

That’s it he’s got my vote. LMAO

Craig—the ride started a long time ago. In about 20 years, whites will make up about 15-20 percent of the US population. In 100 years, it will become what it now fears: a banana republic with nuclear weapons.
God bless Europe!

A couple of questions: How do you know who Norm Coleman’s vandals were?

Do you think all the rioters after the election (Obama win or loss) would be black?

Can you define fascist for me because you’re not using it the way I thought it was meant. I thought that fascists would be against the constitution, for the concentration of wealth at the top, and against freedom of all the members of society.

Also, why is it expected that women vote for Palin because she is a woman but wrong for blacks to support Obama because he is black (or rather half black)?

These are earnest questions. Please don’t yell at me.

Getting back the the posted here.. the speculation that this has anything to do with Obama supporters is ridiculous. First of all Norm Coleman’s house was not the only senator’s home hit in minnesota on the same night. Yes, they also hit Amy Klobuchar’s home too a Democrat. There were 6 Minnesota politicians homes that were vandalized. A mixture of Republican’s and Democrats homes.
It was vandalism against a variety of federal officials homes. No excuses.. it’s a federal crime and whoever it was should be and hopefully will be caught will be prosecuted.

Al Franken has condemned this act of vandalism with this written statement:
“Al, Franni, and everyone here at the campaign strongly condemn this and all other such cowardly acts of vandalism. There’s no place for this unacceptable behavior in our political process, or in our communities,” said Andy Barr, Franken’s Communication Director, through a statement released to the media.

Barkley the Independent running against Coleman also condemned this calling shaneful.

To blame this on left wingers is more than a little off base. Are you righties paranoid?
Mike you missed the complete story.

Sarah: Who said rioters after Obama’s election or loss would be black?


Can you point that out to me or is your goal to incite racist violence by suggesting such a thing?

Is FASCISM only something that YOU can define?

Is RACISM only something YOU can define?

Buy a dictionary and a book on history and get back to me.

Please don’t spew your poison at me… I’ve heard it all before.

C.R.A.P…. You want to provide links to your sources or should we just “trust” you.

Do you also feel that women attacked for carrying McCain signs deserve to be violently assaulted?

How many GOP members in SC (my state) should be told that “Republican means slavery” even when the GOP Chairman of the county whose HQ was vandalized is black?

You people show a remarkable ability to ignore the despicable brown shirt tactics of people on your side at the same time you insist that the comments at McCain rallies, mild by ANY RATIONAL COMPARISON, are proof of something sinister.

You people are SICK!

Well my comment had no bearings on race. Obama supporters just seem very emotional and unhinged. Rather so deeply believe their side is righteous and pious. I dont think they could accept a loss. They would be screaming recount over and over, till it got ugly. Just my opinion, i remember what happened last-time that happened.

So nowhere did i mention race. Race isn’t an issue to me, and if that’s what you saw from my implication, that makes you the racist.

This assuming you’re referring to my comment above about what i think would happen if Obama lost.

@Mike’s America:

Sky’s right on this one Mike.

Six incidents total.

Two Dems, four Reps.

I think you’re correct in your assertion about them being Leftists however. “Psalm 2” was painted on the houses.

That Psalm speaks of people who criticize the Messiah. Which side in this race is referring to their candidate as the Messiah?

Yep, that’s the one.

This fits a pattern too.

McCain supporter’s car urinated on, KKK scratched into the paint.

This is my favorite:



I think “the messiah” thing came about cause of all the pictures Obama supporters are making pasting Obamas head over Jesus and other various saints. As to who named it, the supporters or the laughers, i know not.

Aye, HAHA love the image.



I wish I was kidding about the Messiah thing.

I really wish I was.

Kos actually had a post a couple of days ago where the author came right out and asked if Obama was the second coming of Christ.

Scary people they are.

Ur kidding right? I mean seriously…


First off NO I don’t think anyone should be assaulted for carrying any political sign.

I am sorry for pointing out you missed the whole story…

Here are the Links you asked me to provide you with. More than one since you are so paranoid.





Who is YOU people?

I was assaulted once, for carrying one of Michelle Malkin’s books “Unhinged” last election. That was a funny encounter.

It AMAZES me that we have so many members of the left wing goon squad that are so willing to provide enabling cover for their activities by pointing to the relatively FEW instances where such obviously fascist tactics have been directed towards Democrats.

Anyone want to do a count of the number of times such fascist tactics have been directed at Republicans and compare it on a national level to those directed at Democrats?

I don’t think so.

How many times have Dem speakers been shouted down on a college campus?

Karl Rove was interrupted by a Code Pink fascist who attempted a “citizen’s arrest” for “treason” while he was speaking at a Mortgage Banker’s Assoc. event. How many times has THAT happened to a Democrat?

I could go on and on and on and on with examples of leftwing fascism directed at Republicans with the goal of silencing their right to speak and freely assemble.

But I know those efforts are wasted on the enablers from the left who care more about the civil rights of terrorists in Guantanamo Bay than they do those of their fellow citizens.

Here is just a sample of what our “tolerant” friends have in store for us:

You want MORE examples?????

I’m not going to yell at you. In answer to your questions:

We will have no idea who the purpetrators are until they are apprehended (If they are caught).

I think rioters will consist of criminal thugs all races and creeds. Just like the gangs in urban areas. Just last night I viewed video of a white woman jumping out of a van and stealing a McCain-Palin sign from someone’s lawn.

A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion. – Robert O. Paxton, The Anatomy of Fascism.

We never expected Women to vote for Palin merely because she is female, demographically women seem to be more inclined to vote Democratically. Even though we distrust the polls, Gallup polls are showing them fairly evenly divided this election amongst white, which suggests they are actually looking at both candidate’s on policies and issues. Being a male myself, I admit that we often don’t understand why women vote the way they do. We may conjecture that in some cases it may be motherly sympathy at work, yet again, as males it is often difficult for us to understand.

The same Gallup polls indicate 95-97% of Blacks planning to vote for Obama. Even when factoring in margins of error, this fuels perceptions many may be voting not on policies and issues, but on skin color alone.


Watch this video Custer.

Listen to the words to the song in the background. It’s a very popular Christian song.

Yeah, they think BO is the Messiah:

The website for the group that made this video has been pulled down. The video was yanked off of YouTube but not before someone captured it and put it out of reach.

There are other examples out there too.


Amazing Aye, that all these people on this video looks mentally ill. But this is no surprise. You have to be out of your mind to vote for THE ONE who will destroy America.

Canada is already preparing to protect itself from an Obama Presidency. Our Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn’t joke around with this potential POTUS who is a socialist/ communist bum who wants to mess around with NAFTA.

Read this:

“As Obama makes political hay off protectionism and promises a new Smoot-Hawley era, it’s no surprise our trading partners are beginning to look to other markets — such as Europe. It’s a warning.

Our No. 1 trading partner, Canada, isn’t stupid. When Obama threatened last February to rewrite the North American Free Trade Agreement on his own terms, our northern ally started looking abroad to other markets.

They found a big one in Europe, which seems to have few hang-ups about increasing exports and signing free-trade treaties. Last Friday, Canada and the European Union held the first talks toward an eventual free trade agreement between the two.”

In case anyone thinks I am overstating the threat of left wing fascism the following was delivered a few minutes ago at Mike’s America:

“You fuckers are going to be dragged into the streets and forced to account for the utter mess you’ve made of this country. “

Coming from yet another lover of peace and tolerance!

Mike, get the IP of this idiot and give it to the police. This is a serious threat.

Craig: This little cyber thug was using an anonymouse IP proxy… Too cowardly to make that kind of threat in the open.

Watch the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots that appreciate nothing.


Louis CK “Everything’s amazing, nobody’s happy”

Mike, I would LOVE for the left to try what that thug threatened. You are also far kinder to the trolls on your site than I would be.

Thanks Hard Right…

I’m glad you put this in writing:

“You are also far kinder to the trolls on your site than I would be.”

I’m often told I need to tolerate fools more gladly than I do.