Stand Up, Barack! O God, What Am I Talking About [Reader Post]

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image001.jpgIt seems everyone is talking about the latest absolutely amazing super-gaffe from Joe “Gaffe-a-day” Biden. (Everyone is talking, that is, except the major media organs of communication who are supposed to be reporting fairly. If I were them, I would camp out permanently right next to Joe for at least for a day, if only for the entertainment value! Forget for just a minute that you are a sold-out toady for the Messiah!)

I won’t bother to quote at length or recount all of the details at this point. Go to Glenn Beck today or other places like the following article on the ABC News Blog to see what he said.

Suffice it to say, Joe began blabbing about the possible foreign policy threats out there that are certain to strike us soon, and how Barack will STAND UP for us, when he realized in mid-blab that his guy is a foreign policy cripple in a wheelchair. Figuratively speaking, it is virtually the same double-take he did with Chuck, the wheelchair-bound politician of “Stand up, Chuck!” fame. When he realized the implications of his realization, he began to babble like a babble-head doll.

The sheer incoherence of what followed was absolutely breath-taking. Basically, he’s guaranteeing that Obama’s weakness WILL bring us a catastrophic attack, a la Khrushchev and Kennedy (that gave us the Bay of Pigs and nearly blowing up the world!). He tried to reassure everyone by resorting to one of his standard fallback positions – shameless, narcissistic boasting – saying he knows more about foreign policy than everyone else around (a move certain to make friends and influence his legislative compatriots). He’ll out-Cheney Dick Cheney and save the country when it seems like Barack is doing the wrong thing when he’s really doing the right thing. BLAAAAH! I can’t stand it! It seems like the truth keeps leaking out of the holes in this guy like water from a pin-pricked balloon.

[And they say Sarah Palin isn’t qualified?? My goodness, at least she’s faced down some tough customers and has gotten a lot of substantive things done! Biden has either been on the wrong side of things or he’s devolved into these nearly psychotic skeins of verbal folderol.]

Maybe he’s subconsciously trying to do all of us a huge favor and warn us all about the sheer lunacy of hiring a security risk who’s never run anything but radical community organizations to lead the world. He could possibly make Jimmy Carter look bold, experienced and decisive.

Please, anyone within the sound of my voice, listen to the nervous tension in Joe’s voice; I mean Joe the Plumber AND Joe the Babbler. Elect John McCain for the good of the country! Put country first before any other motivation which might be driving you. Don’t sell out. Be noble and STAND UP! STAND UP before you find you can’t or you are not allowed to…


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See this video FROM msnbc… yes you read correcltly, from MSNBC:

PALIN: LOOMING CRISIS- BIDEN’S NEXT Oct. 21: Speaking in Nevada, Sarah Palin hammers Joe Biden over remarks he has made saying Obama would be tested in a crisis, as well as earlier comments supporting John McCain.

Well it looks to me that the major International event is going to be the next OBiden speech.

That is just about the funniest post headline I have seen in a long time!

And just think. This guy would be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

We don’t want Obama’s people to know,

Joe Biden is a Republican plant.



In one fell swoop Biden tells America that Obama is not fit to lead on his own;

“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help.

We will all have to hold Obama’s hand when such crises happen;

And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.”
“Gird your loins,”

He thinks they might utterly blow it;

“This guy has it. But he’s gonna need your help. Because I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, ‘Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?”

Biden admits He’s getting senile;

“I’ve forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know, so I’m not being falsely humble with you

Obama-Biden are going to do their damnest to go behind America’s back and piss everyone off the next four years;

“There are gonna be a lot of you who want to go, ‘Whoa, wait a minute, yo, whoa, whoa, I don’t know about that decision’,” Biden continued. “Because if you think the decision is sound when they’re made, which I believe you will when they’re made, they’re not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they’re popular, they’re probably not sound.”

Then he realizes that it is not just the Democrats at the rally that are going to hear about this speech;

After speaking for just over a quarter of an hour, Biden noticed the media presence in the back of the small ballroom. “I probably shouldn’t have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here,” he joked.

Yeah I spun it, but not nearly as much as MSNBC would have spun had these words come from Palin. Classic Joe, keep it up. Glad to have you on the McCain-Palin ticket.

Biden’s near-fatal brain aneurysms in 1988 come to mind whenever he bungles these days.

Where are his recent brain scans? And if he hasn’t had them, why not? Being a heartbeat away from the presidency demands that we know all about Biden’s health.

Who wants to bet that Obama returns from visiting his grandma with a “legit” COLB?


Kitty, they just did a report on Bidens medical records. Parts of the records relating to his aneurysms are missing.

He said it twice…two different speeches. Maybe he meant what he said…!

That’s great Suek!

(It was in the second incident that Mr. Biden went into fuller detail, speaking about the five or six possible scenarios, and how Mr. Obama’s popularity was sure to suffer.)
This gives further credence to the theory that Biden was responding directly to the two candidates’ transition teams having just been briefed on National Security threats.
So it highly likely that Mr. Biden had just gotten word of this briefing and, in typical fashion, he could not resist bragging about his latest insider knowledge.
Obama’s team has reportedly given special emphasis to not only being ready for national security threats but also being seen as being ready — as a message to anyone who would hope to take advantage of the transition of power.

Kinda’ hard to be ready to take on national security risks when your running-mouth, I mean running mate, IS a security risk;

“Oh boy! He-wack! Hey folks I just got this security briefing and boy-oh-boy, you aren’t going to believe how my bro’ Barry is going to be tested… Ooooh-Booiiy…It’s going to be pretty exciting… I don’t think he can handle it. I think he’s going to need every one of YOU help him okay? What? The Press!?! DOH! Who invited the press? This is supposed to be a DEMOCRATIC rally, not a press conference. Well that’s the show folks, try the veal and be sure to tip your waitresses. We gotta’ keep spreading the wealth ya’ know.”

“(Much later…) Hey that went pretty good! I got to remember that speech. Note to self… Don’t spell ‘jobs’..”

What a Schmuck. And my parents thought Hubert H. Humphrey was bad, Nixon almost had to tie up, gag, and shove his butt under his oval office desk to shut him up.