Remember Joe Biden’s remark on a “generated” crisis?
“Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
– Sen. Joe Biden
Now take a listen Obama senior advisor Stephanie Cutter answer a question from a reporter on what this “generated threat” means:
JANE SKINNER: “ … But he is talking about a test that would be generated just to test the mettle of this guy because he did not have enough experience.”
STEPHANIE CUTTER: “ … A ‘generated threat’ is like the Iraq War. That is a generated threat. Going into war when there is no threat to the United States. Like the Iraq War. We generated a threat because of John McCain and George Bush’s policies and we’re living with the after-effects.“
So Obama is going to generate a threat to show the world he has the balls to do what Bush did?
You also gotta love the fact that she now says we all should stand behind Obama when he faces the “generated” threat, which will be unpopular with the public. The left did a bang up job of that with Bush eh?
Lastly, her assertion that al-Qaeda has grown stronger under Bush is ludicrous….they have been decimated.
Here is Bill Kristol translating Biden’s remarks:
So Biden expects a test of the kind Kennedy faced after his disastrous meeting with Khrushchev in Vienna in June, 1961, less than five months into Kennedy’s presidency. Biden’s presumably thinking of the Soviet-backed construction of the Berlin Wall a couple of months later. Kennedy did nothing, and was criticized for his weakness back home.
So–leaving aside the merits of what Kennedy did or didn’t do in 1961–Biden is forecasting that Obama will have what seems to be a weak response to a provocation from, say, Iran or Russia, and he’s urging the liberals of Seattle and elsewhere to stand with Obama against the expected domestic criticism.
In other words, Biden is forecasting inaction by Obama in the face of testing by a dictator. I suspect he’s right in this forecast.
I have no doubt whatsoever that Obama will be the King of Inaction.
And lets not forget how prepared Obama really is to face this “generated” threat:

See author page
uh we have to stand by the president in a crises no matter who he is???? unless he is a Republican
Thank you again, Joe Biden for helping John McCain’s campaign!
Osama’s senior advisor is about as good at communicating as O’bumbler Obama is without a teleprompter. Your basic doubletalk!! So, she said the Iraq war was “generated” (in her mind for no apparent reason other than Pres. Bush had nothing else to do that day, apparently), so now Obummer will “generate” another international conflict of some sort to prove something? Wow. Isn’t it funny and so ridiculously ironic how that the Left calls the Right idiots, dumb, warmongers, uniformed, etc., etc., etc.?
Important Update:
Obama & DNC Admit All Allegations of Federal Court Lawsuit – Obama’s “Not” Qualified to be President
Obama Should Immediately Withdraw his Candidacy for President
For Immediate Release: – 10/21/08 – Complete contact details and a pdf are at the end of this article
(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania: “10/21/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that Obama and tbe DNC “ADMITTED”, by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit. Obama is “NOT QUALIFIED” to be President and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for President and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.
Berg stated that he filed Requests for Admissions on September 15, 2008 with a response by way of answer or objection had to be served within thirty [30] days. No response to the Requests for Admissions was served by way of response or objection. Thus, all of the Admissions directed to Obama and the DNC are deemed “ADMITTED.” Therefore, Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for President.
More Information:
Hey, Cutter is Michelle’s chief of staff, so I guess she steams the lobsters. You can’t take these comments seriously.
Wow, way to spin it, Steph. How can you know what Biden meant when even he doesn’t know what he said.
Biden’s sound bite makes the best case against Obama so far. Keep talking, Joe.
Obama agrees with Joe Biden…and DISAGREES with Colin Powell!! Oh, the memories so quickly forgotten! :
Of course the Prez. of Obamanation will be tested by dictators around the world. First one and he’ll collapse and fold. Then like dominoes, a growing number of others will test him as well.
I fear the most for Israel and the former Eastern Bloc countries.
For a second, I actually believed she might show a bit of
integrity and admit that she DOES NOT KNOW what Biden meant when he said that people would have to stick by Obama even though he would appear to be wrong. Silly me.
Israel is totally screwed. As far as being test, obviously… whenever something happens Obama disappears and pops back up in the end with a way to take advantage of the situation and make himself look good. Personally i want a leader who’s in the face of a problem rather then watch from a corner. But, that’s just me.
Every time I see Cutter on TV I want to spit in her face. Standing there lying to the American people while she knows she is lying. Who reared these people? Their parents should put them back where they come from even if it requires learning to be butcher and buying a meat grinder.
“… whenever something happens Obama disappears and pops back up in the end…” (Custer)
Barack Obama is cancelling his campaign events Thursday and Friday to fly to Hawaii to visit his ailing 85-year-old grandmother.
I wonder if Barack will come back from Hawai with a birth certificate? LOL!
If you watch and listen with your own senses to Stephanie Cutter, on this Fox Video, you will notice that her voice is nervous, halting, discomfited. Her face is tense and her eyes unsure as she gasps for air, between particular ‘sets of speech pattern’??
In my own work I remind my clients to trust their “five senses” so they can speak confidently, with truth and integrity. Ms. Cutter’s Voice Posture and *Body Speak* presents a picture of doom, knowing that Senator Biden’s gargantuan gaffe had already opened a ‘can of worms’. She knew those worms were filled with a horrible virus-the Virus of TRUTH!! Alas, this dreaded virus has spread it’s tenacious tentacles throughout the World Wide Web like a laser beam. She and her whole ‘compromising camp’ felt, immediately, the dread of Joe’s gaffe, knowing its foreboding message had begun to enter the psyche of MILLIONS of astute voters.
Let us all be thankful for Joe Biden. Many people certainly feel that this tall handsome gentleman with his *drop dead gorgeous wife, Jill* is simply a “blessing in disguise”…an Angel with Horns? Isn’t it true what Shakespeare told us, long ago, about Fate and Destiny that “all the world’s a stage and we are but players upon it”? Hallelujah to Joe who plays a damned good part! Amen…
“Barack Obama is cancelling his campaign events Thursday and Friday to fly to Hawaii to visit his ailing 85-year-old grandmother.”
Well not to belittle this or anything, but they are showing alot of pictures of his family. I feel this is their attempt to pull in a few white votes. Hes got the minority vote. Now he wants a few undecided white votes. Considering that everyone more or less in his family (from the parade of pictures i’ve seen online and on the news) are white.
Again not to sound racist, just seems a good PR move on his point.
DEBKA says the next President will have a few weeks before the Israel/Iran situation reaches critical mass. It IS Debka, and it’s not clear if that’s after the election or innauguration, but the reality is that Iran’s probably got a bomb already, or at least has enough for a LOT of very dirty bombs.
War with Iran is the sleeping giant. No one wants to go there and do that, but I just don’t see it being avoided forever. At least w McCain you can bet dollars to donuts that they’re not gonna try something just to test a President’s mettle. Oh man, and what if Obama (true to his nature) votes PRESENT instead of responding to a test effectively? Then it’s 4yrs of beat and retreat.
GOT to get working on those t-shirts!
Scott, just got back from pretty much news blackout country, but on the way to get groceries I did hear a blurb about the candidates being briefed on some top secret issues. Don’t know if Biden and Palin were included. If they were could Biden be blabbing out of school? Maybe DEBKA is onto something this time.
Also, the Obama ads in NW Missouri were warning voters that they would lose their second amendment rights if McCain is elected and they reported the race as a dead heat.
Mystika, I noticed that this morning when Jane was trying to get her to answer the question. She wound up with an incoherant message. Cutter is usually on point, she got ruffled today.
Missy, since the conventions both campaigns (Obama+Biden and McCain+Palin) have been getting classified intel briefings. Last week, staffers from both campaigns went to the WH to get specific briefings, and to start the transition process. In reality, I think both campaigns got the, “get ready, start prepping your people because there will be blood” briefing.
Then I saw the Debka thing today
What shocked me-absolutely SHOCKED me in this was the least weak/most reliable/most confirmable part:
Now, in the past, the IAEA has found plans to build a bomb, plans to make a bomb core, plans to put the bomb core in the bomb, plans to mount the bomb on a missile, seen pics of modified missiles as well as plans for them, and lots LOTS more. There is no doubt they’re making nuclear bomb factories in my mind. There’s also very little doubt in any leaders’ minds, but no one wants to face it. Everyone is hoping “cooler heads will prevail”
I think, we might be running out of time. Additionally, as much as that’s the best time for Iran to put together a bomb, the best time for Israel to strike is between now and then.
btw….if I recall, I put my money on 10/29 a while back. Anyone remember that post? 😉
Why do I keep getting premonitions of Obama sobbing uncontrollably and sucking his thumb while curled in a fetal ball under the Resolute desk?
There is one other option not mentioned here… and one I think Scott #14, himself, may just agree with.
Here’s more of ol’ slow Joe’s spillin’ the beans comments:
“i’ts not apparent that we’re right”….
Gee… sounds just like Dubya, eh? The Iraqi Perspective reports on the Harmony/ISG documents proved that Saddam’s links with Zawahiri and jihad movement organizations was more than real, and steeped in history.
So the alternative universe is that Obama responds just like a GWB… with a “spine of steel”, and in a way that will be unpopular with the US electorate because “it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right”.
Not impossible considering the lying DNC campaigned on stopping the Iraq war in the mid terms, knowing full well they could not. So it’s not impossible that a President Obama will be a President Bush under such a condition… pleading in advance for the predicted and expected deviation from his campaign promises.
Frankly, I’d prefer that to the “do nothing, head in the sand, let’s talk” route.
BTW, Scott… what’s gonna be on those tees?
Israel screwed? Before that happens, there will be dozens and dozens of “little stars” on the surface of the Middle East.
How in the world does Stephanie Cutter sleep at night? All the lies….even when you have the exact words or newspaper articles with pictures to prove what was done, the Obama camp just plain denies it ever happened. What will the Democrats do to our history books?
Another topic – Obama leaves the campaign trail to visit with his ill grandmother. The media praises him as a loving grandson (which I’m not disputing…but follow me here…). So Obama loves his grandmother enough to suspend his campaign for a few days.
Now let’s back track a few weeks and John McCain who not only has a campaign slogan “Country First” but has lived that motto for his entire adult life. Our county faces a financial disaster, one of the worst in our history. McCain suspends his campaign out of the love that he has for our country and the media rips him and blames him and other republicans for the bailout.
I’m just so sick of the double standard! Uggghhh!!
I latched on something in that Biden quote just now. Just popped into my head;
This doesn’t sound like a prayer vigil of support to me. It sound like, Biden is telegraphing to Obama’s fellow socialist pawns that Barry might have something domestic in mind and that they are going be kicking Public Allies recruitment into high gear as soon as he gets into office. You all might remember Public Allies? Obama’s version of the Hitler Youth Brown Shirts that Michelle has been pushing hard for.
The reason I think Obama’s prepping for becoming more “Bush’like” is because he’s talking… pleading, that is… with the Obama peace’nik base, RockyB. If that crowd is not going to consider Obama’s decision “not apparent” he is right, then it’s not going to be an ideology that they support. And in foreign policy, that would be military intervention.
His Public Allies program – a pet project by he and Michelle that is an affirmative action leadership program designed to change the face of leadership to reflect what they believe “America will look like” in the future, is 67% “people of color”, and 15% LGBT (sexual preference).
This is not a program that will rattle his base, RockyB.
The only way Obama is going to be unpopular with his base is if he does… in foreign policy… pretty much what Bush and McCain would do. All because he has promised *not* to.
But I guess only time will tell.
P.A.P: Leadership change according to the color the future will look like? Not Leadership by those currently qualified for the job?
So basically speaking, not to sound racist… he wants to make it harder for non ethnics to get jobs? Isn’t that the same thing as discrimination?
If so, that’s amazing. And back to Europe all the white ppl go.
Oh I do understand what you’re saying Mata;
I agree his beatnik/peacenik base will absolutely be pissed off once he starts sending our military troops out to every U.N. mission that comes down the pipe. Obama does not have it in him to actually do what is required as our Commander in Chief. I imagine he will do the same as Bubba Clinton and virtually sign over his Commander in Chief powers to the U.N. Secretary General. I’m referring to Presidential Directives, 14JUL93 PPD/NSC 13 (actually it was a PRD) & 03MAY94 PPD/NSC 25;
Once Obama delegates his COC powers he remains COC in title only. The U.N. will once again use the U.S. Military as their world-wide police force as they did in Serbia, Bosnia, and other actions during the Clinton administration. A PPD remains in effect until either it is rescinded by the president who authorized it or another takes the office. Barry will have very little control over our military except in providing for their budgeting and American taxpayers will foot the bill for each and every military action they involve us in.
This is yet another reason to vote for and push others to vote for McCain. This is something as a former military officer I sincerely doubt John would do.
Obama’s supporters should have picked up on an Obama-Biden administration NOT being one of “universal world peace” once Barry broached the subject of stemming what was going on in Darfur, as well as, hinting that he would invade Pakistan to get bin Laden rather than working with them. I don’t know if he would actually invade Pakistan though as he would clear it through the U.N. first. The fact Obama is more than happy to play “patty-cake” with Ahmadinejad and other Middle-East extremists, pull support for Israel, yet be aggressive with Pakistan allies is very disturbing.
So I agree with you. When the military sparks start flying under U.N. guidance some of his base might turn on him and ask, “What the hell are you doing?” But there won’t be a damn think he can do about it because he’s too much of a foreign policy wuss to renege on any deals he makes with the U.N.. So for Biden to prepare them for it now is the only preemptive damage control available. It is more than Clinton did.
We’ve discussed the possibility of Obama being an empty suit and perhaps a puppet. MikeA wondered, “Who would be pulling the strings”. IMHO:
– Trade/International/Military Policy: The U.N.
– Middle-East Diplomacy/Anti-Terrorism: The OPEC Nations
– Judicial Appointments/Legislation/Taxation/Entitlements/Pork Policies: The Socialist DNC Wing
– Socioeconomic/Domestic Policy: George Soros
– Individual/Civil Rights: Michelle & Farrakhan
– Climate Change/Carbon Credit Market: Al Gore and environmental extremist groups
As for Public Allies. I’m sure that is exactly what Obama was eluding to in his earlier speech about creating a national civilian police force the size of our current military. This was an idea the Clintons also toyed around with when Bill suggested we needed a cop on every corner and G.W. Bush is also aware of that plan and endorses it.
I agree having read this next part and other links, McCain also supports more growth for Public Allies:
The Clintons as well as many Dems & Reps in government also support Public Allies, which makes this issue a virtually moot point regardless who is elected. As we can see by their response, Public Allies vehemently denies they are involved in anything other leadership training.
I had previously read the link you provided way back after Obama gave that speech trying to figure out what the Hell Barry was talking about. Michelle’s involvement with the group is what is making people very skeptical about the organization because of her strong past support of civil militant groups such as the Black Panthers and Farrakhan.
The main difference between the Obamas’ version and Clinton’s original version of greater national security as I see it is; The Clinton agencies would be answerable to government and would be regulated by law. If a Public Allies group is/was transformed into a pseudo-militant force under Michelle’s guidance, I expect it would operate much in the same mold as Acorn. Like Guardian Angels, with “tude”, on crack. I can foresee them. only answering to their hierarchical handlers; having disdain for and flaunting public law. Such an entity might even view their charter as operating under the higher orders from “The One”, their “Messiah”. With the stable of lawyers Obama keeps at his disposal, they would largely get away with it.