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Ahhhh propaganda. Who says it isn’t alive and well and effective in the 21st Century? Love the dead deer rack at the base.

**** ’em if they can’t take a joke.

The “joke” here Nit Wit is the lack of seriousness among so many on your side towards one of the most important decisions they will ever make. And it’s coupled with the irrational anger they spew towards anyone who dares to disagree with their deranged viewpoint.

Unfortunately, the “joke” isn’t funny!

Now that bit about spewing anger is definately projection on your part. If the lack of seriousness on important decisions is the joke, then McCain had the best laugh in the campaign with his utterly unserious VP pick. I know I’m still laughing at it.

Oh so now we should take you folks seriously even though many of you parade around in Halloween costumes year round?

You’re a nit wit!

Halloween costumes? Adjust the strap on your tin foil hat, you’re starting to hallucinate again.

Since when is an anti-Semitic Black Supremacist and rancid entitlement snob enjoined from wearing a halo to complement Christian ecclesiastical regalia? If this glowing circle had formed beneath a turban, with BHO swathed in a camel-driver or rug merchant’s robes, would not local jihadists take executive action to remove this blight on their Religion of Peace aka murderous terrorism in the name of Allah the merciful, the compassionate?

Just clear it with Prof. William Ayers before you brandish scimitars, deploy your death-cult IEDs.

Oh yes, you people are the model of serious, rational discourse! Have you ever been to a leftie protest?

Ward Churchill devotees wearing “roosting chickens” hats at Churchill’s appearance in San Francisco’s Women’s Building on March 25, 2005

A mother helps her young daughter play “Pin the Molotov on the Cop Car” at the Anarchist Bookfair, March 18, 2006.

Androgynous anti-war protester at the “Breasts Not Bombs” march.

One of the floats in the parade following the March 20, 2004 rally.

I hadn’t seen so many pictures of Hitler since the last time I was in Nuremberg. The banner is drawing a parallel between 9-11 and the Reichstag Fire (depicted on the left).



I’m not a prude or anything but I do read this blog at work.

Some of those pics would go a long way toward creating a “hostile work environment” and are definitely NSFW.

Could I put in a request for some strategically placed black rectangles or some selective blurring?


I’m not a prude or anything, but I do read this blog at home.



While I understand your point of view – and don’t really disagree with it – these people are demonstrating on PUBLIC streets in SF. They are not arrested by the police – hence we can conclude that they are _not_ guilty of public indecency, and are perfectly suitable to be seen in any office. If they aren’t…the bone you should be picking is with the SF Police, not Mike. If anyone in your office hierarchy objects, just warn them of things to come – should they vote Democrat!


These aren’t National Geographic photos. They’re behaviorally indecent hippies!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK… point taken Aye. I put the boobs not bombs photos back to the zombie time link:


You’re allowed to read blogs at work?


Wow mike, that link will scar me with nightmares for many nights to come…

Yeah Custer but just think of all the ideas you can get for Halloween.

“… then McCain had the best laugh in the campaign with his utterly unserious VP pick. I know I’m still laughing at it.” (UnFit UnFit)

Lol. You are having nightmares over Sarah Palin. She his better than Obama, Biden and McCain and you know it. This is why you keep talking about her. You are obsessed with the damages she is doing to THE ONE… lol

But, she’s not finish yet with Obamarafat, she is just beginning. Hold your hat, UnFit UnFit.

I wish my French-Belgian(Flemish) Catholic Grandmother was alive to see that lead photo. Methinks mr. obammymessiahdirtbag would be getting an earful about the “quality” of his supporters. She only went 4 foot 9 inches but she could definitely hold her own against anybody.

Kharma, these are the very same people who Barack Obama will have to lead to war with Iran, Syria, Hezzbollah, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in the mts of Pakistan, in Somalia, in the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and really all around the world. What a cold shower it will be for a President Obama to have to lead, to actually make decisions between (as Rep Rahm Emanuel put it this morning on Morning Joe) between bad and worse.

Be careful what you wish for Senator Obama. You just might take office and have 13 days like JFK did w Cuba, but this time with a suicidal regime.

@Custer: I’m right there with you, buddy. That is the ugliest bunch of people I have ever seen. Forgive me for being a bit immature, but ew!

As a Christian, I see that very first picture as nothing short of blasphemy. That’s defiling the image of Lord Jesus Christ, and that even enrages me! And I’m not a very religiously devout person myself.

@Leah 🙂

What got me the most was the BUSH hiel-ing with a crown. That’s really uncalled for in my opinion. If i did that as Obama id be lynched in the street.

@Custer: If we even so much as criticize Obama it’s racist or we are accused of negative campaigning which we are told turns off moderates and independents. Yet, there’s been an 8 year long freak show of hate directed at us and for some reason that gets a pass…

Things will only get worse if Obama is elected. Free speech will become the exclusive right of the in crowd and the rest of us will find our political activity criminalized.

Sad state we are in now, isn’t it…

You said it Custer… That just means we have to do everything we can to make sure every member of our family and every friend we have ever known in our entire lives makes it to the polls despite the pessimism.

We can do it. McCain is known for his last min. up hill battles. I wont believe this is over till the news announces the new president. I gotta have faith that the people can see reality, and stick their heads out of Alice’s looking glass.

Custer: We’re up against a corrupt money machine the likes of which we have never seen before in American politics.

But the individual votes of the American people still count for something. Again, each of us has a DUTY to make sure our friends and family members get out and vote. Don’t let anyone tell you that it won’t matter. It matters more now than it has for many, MANY years.

We are the majority, but we must act together to win.

If everyone single one of us were to personally conduct a wishy washy family member to the polls we can overcome the tide currently flowing against us.

Turned 3 of my Cool Aid drinking friends back to the force (god u’d really think they were in a cult if u met them) and away from the darkside this week. Pardon the pun. 🙂

We got to win this, if we don’t you can practically kiss freedom of speech goodbye, as well as any Bi-Partisan voices left on public access television. I even herd the democratic party (Even tho they own television) say that the radio is too one sided and they wanted it regulated 1 Dem for every 1 Repub to country balance eachother. I hope thats just a rumor.

Yeah… free speech for us on radio is something that must be regulated while liberal speak on CNNPBSCBSNBCNYTIMESWASHPOST etc. is just peachy!

Custer: You get my gold US Seal for your efforts to turn your friends form the Dark Side:

Haha thanks. Freedom of speech, like you said will become a luxury of the “in-crowd”. I totally believe that whole heartedly if Obama wins.

Did more then try, i don’t know how i did it, but one of them really dislikes Obama now, and surprisingly he’s Sudani.

Keep up the good work. I’ve had similar success. The first was a hospital tech who didn’t realise that Obama, Hillary, and the other socialist Dems universal Healthcare was nothing more than poorly disguised socialized medicine. That hit home and made him realize the effect it would eventually have on his gross income. Socialized Healthcare virtually equates to everybody being on medicare and the beaureucratic mess they get into being reimbursed at fire-sale, cut-rate prices for the identical services. You see, medicare is rife with beaureucratic red tape and it costs them more time and manpower in clerical costs just to receive their government regulated payments than it is worth. It can also take as long as 6 months to be reimbursed. Whereas in private pay and through insurance they usually are paid much sooner. If socialized medicine is initiated, citizens would drop their health insurance policies like hotcakes for the “free ride” option. The effect on our medical industry would be devestating. Many medical businesses would close due to bankruptcy.

The other two I believe I have successfully turned are elderly and accept the polls as if they were factual. It’s not that they didn’t want to gamble and wanted to be on the “winning side”, they just don’t follow politics themselves, so relied on the status quo assuming that all these other people knew more about what’s going on than they did. Because of biased polling results in the 2000 and 2004 elections they voted for Gore and Kerry respectively and were surprised when they lost. I advised them they should blame the media for always being in the tank for Democrats and explained to them the true issues that would effect them in the future and how each candidate’s policies would change those dynamics.

San Fran’ is our country’s Sodom and Gomorrah. I’m not at all surprized by the pics Mike presented. I have friends across the Golden Gate in Alameda and pray they, like Lot and his family, they will be spared if and when God decides to “nuke” that city with white light and rains of fire and brimstone.

It may appear to many that the end days are swiftly upon us. If one lends credence to prophecies, it won’t be long in coming. The Mayan calander has this epoch of man ending in December 2012. Malachi’s prophecy identifies Pope Benedict as the last Pope before the Roman Pope descends to take over for the Golden Millinium (the olive branch is Benedictine symbology. The Roman Pope is presumably the disciple Peter and first Pope. Who was much less fundamentally zealous than John, who’s disciples founded Catholicism under Emperor Constantine of Rome.

This recalls another question that has been going around. Could Obama be the Anti-Christ:

As I’ve delved into the study of various prophecies, I will take this opportunity to share with you for your edification.

Our current possibilities for the Beast and Anti-Christ are believed by some to be Obama or Osama bin Ladin. Taking this into consideration, both Revelation and Nostradamus prophecies could well coincide with others. The Beast was supposed to precede the Anti-Christ, which could possibly make Obama the later. However, his Illinois senate seat was taken long before Osama became a household name. Then again, Obama might not be either. This ignores Saddam Hussein potentially embodying the Beast. If Saddam was the Beast, then the most likely candidate for the Anti-Christ may be Osama bin Ladin. If so, then the threat the Anti-Christ posed was as the King of Terrorists. Since his most grievant act ocurred on 9-11, we can expect him to be eliminated as a world threat by around September 2009. In this scenario, we can look forward to an end to terrorism by 2012 and the “Golden Millinium” to begin within the next four years. Presumably Obama would not be a candidate for either and I suspect he would be destined to loose this election, since his positions are contrary to those held as morally right under most theological doctrine.

On the other hand, if Osama is not the Anti-Christ and instead that role is being taken by Obama, then we enter Biblical quandaries. We find ourselves asking when to start the clock for the 7 years of the Anti-Christ’s assention to power and reign. If it starts with Obama’s run for senate, that would be 2003 and take us to 2010. If you use his candidacy announcement, 2007, it takes us to 2014 and two year past the Mayan date. If he wins the presidency and we start there, we arrive at Winter of 2024/2025. As bitter a pill as it may be to swallow, with either of the later two scenarios, it may be destiny that he wins this election and that he takes America down the slippery slope. However, the Anti-Christ wouldn’t neccessarily need to be president to fulfill the prophecy. An assignment to the UN and subsequent election to UN Secretary General post would also fulfill. Concidering Obama’s popularity with Socialist countries, this may well be a viable alternative should he loose this election. So take heart in the notion than most prophecies are meant as a warning so that man might comprehend the possible fates and steer around them. Nostradamus indicated as much in his letter to King Henri of France and counsel to Queen Catherine de Medici.

It is my hope that the former scenario is the one fated for us.