Is everyone missing the point here? Joe Biden is comparing or suggesting a comparison of Barack Obama to John F. Kennedy? Never.
What a jerk Biden has become. This is the guy that said Obama is inexperience for the Presidency. And now, in a slightly different style, he’s saying it again. But I agree with Biden: Barack Hussein is not qualified to be president of anything.
The real point here is the ole Joe Biden is recommending the studier, most patriotic, John McCain for Commander-In-Chief; a point more than 70% of American’s agree.
the European
16 years ago
Bull, the US will be attacked by Bin Laden and Al Quaida anytime, if they wither a chance, no matter who is elected. Europe is screaming for Obama, knowing that he is asymtotic to their socialistic aims, developed over decades and now revealed as taxation models that make the poor even poorer. There is only one world model for fair democracy, individual happiness and success, that´s these United States of America, proved in more than 200 years and still standing. So get over back to where you once were, America, correct the situation fast, vote McCain into office, and innovate to that one and only world leader that really counts anymore, because if you should fail, that will be the worlds worst WMD.
16 years ago
America gets sick, and the world coughs.
Ken Wiebe
16 years ago
Biden obviously has black-and-white glossies on everyone in the MSM (except for Dan Rather, I guess). This will blow over by the end of the week. The guy has so many coats of Teflon I’m surprised he can move his arms.
16 years ago
Joe Biden is a real gift to McCain. Keep it going Joe!
16 years ago
I’m not quite sure what Biden was trying to say. I think he was trying to say “He’s the next JFK and he will be tested and will pass his test as JFK did” but, like Bill Kristol, I think that overlooks a few key points.
Khruschev only tested JFK because he wasn’t Eisenhower, he wasn’t Nixon, he looked vulnerable. I guess Biden is saying that Obama looks vulnerable too? It was no sure thing that JFK would pass his test, why should we assume that Barry The Community Organizer will pass his?
JFK got through the Cuban Missile Crisis by making quiet, back-room concessions. He had the backing of a Democrat hierarchy stocked full of cold-warriors who would have tolerated nothing more, and Khruschev knew this. Today’s Democrats (Biden being a shining example) are notorious for their spinelessness – are we supposed to believe that the untried Harvard lawyer they’ve propped up as their standard-bearer would provide the backbone they lack? Playing good-cop, bad-cop with one’s adversaries only works if there is, in fact, a bad cop.
The fallout from all this brinksmanship was that JFK’s coterie of sometimes excessively educated advisors like McNamara and Rostow and the Bundys developed a reflexively hostile response to anything that looked antithetical to US interests, and who bade us wade into the slough of despond in Vietnam. Is Biden suggesting that a few years of Democrat control would leave us in similar straits?
Heaven forfend that Biden was referring to that OTHER Democrat President of unconvincing (but nonetheless stronger than Obama’s) background who was swept into office at the end of the Vietnam mess, and who was tested on the world stage, and who was found grossly wanting. The more patience the American public showed Carter, the deeper the hole he dug himself. Surely Sen Biden can’t be arguing we should put Obama in office so he can show himself to be the next Carter?
The American public awaits Biden’s complete thoughts on this.
(we won’t get them, he’s been pulled off the stage with that giant cartoon-Vaudeville hook and we’ll be lucky if Biden’s seen in public again before the election, but we need to do the country the service of at least asking…)
16 years ago
I’ll take the guy with talent and less experience over the guy with experience but no talent every time.
16 years ago
Richard – Ohferchrissake, why should we think someone who picked Biden for VP is going to be anything more than a doormat for Putin?
Ken Wiebe
16 years ago
Just wait: The MSM will even use the sheeple’s hunger to find out about the health of Obama’s granny, and the messiah’s visit with her, to bump the trivial Biden issue from the news. By the way, can’t the messiah heal the sick? Bonus points will go to the first media outlet to do a story on how difficult it was for granny to obtain health care and what her insurance policy won’t cover. Triple bonus score: Granny has no insurance or Medicare has turned her claims down in the past 20 years.
Ken Wiebe
16 years ago
Richard – what is “talent” in this case?
16 years ago
Ken Wiebe,
You would think that with all the money Obama got from Fannie Mae, that he would be able to pay for his grandmother’s medical bill. No?
luva the scissors
16 years ago
i guess licking obama’s boots was the only way that biden would get close to the oval office. biden is so out of touch and out of control that he is more than tragic. so how can he look at all of the americans everyday and say what he now says about obama, was he lying during the primary seasonor is he lying now? maybe obama will have his buddy ayersdo something stupid so obama can ride in like a white knight, parden the pun.
let me take a deep breath, Biden is nobodies fool, he knows with McCain or Obama there is most likely going to be some foreign crises, so he states it and says Obama has a spine of steal.
Then we all harp on it, all for not because it is not just the president but everyone in Washington will help with any situation that may compromise the US. Biden lets people know how he feels, good or bad and I assume he feels he would do better as VP then in the senate.
Biden also knows that Obama remains cool and collected and carries a big stick, so he can say I told you so. I am having real difficulty in voting for McCain simply because of Palin and please don’t tell me she is like one of us or speaks the way we do etc… My neighbor speaks like that and I would never vote them in for VP. IF McCain losses this campaign and McCain has some responsibility for this but as much as I Love McCain his team should have let McCain be McCain because the McCain I feel that I’ve come to know would have picked a VP that, together would have demolished any democratic push for the white house and ran a campaign that know one could touch. The people who ran his campaign should be disgraced for not having the faith in McCain to let McCain be him and not change his mind to do things they thought would win him the race. McCain is such an upstanding guy that he will not let his campaign crew take the fall for this. In any event win or lose I am glad to have someone like McCain to look out for us.
Oh come on… Where have you been? He can’t tell the difference between a Persian and an Arab after years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and tells people in wheel chairs to “stand up” yet you are more worried about how Palin speaks than what Obama says?
McCain hired those people to run his campaign. If you don’t like it, don’t blame the staff.
Something tells me you are not being totally honest about who you REALLY support.
Love McCain
16 years ago
If you would just take a moment and I take the blame for this. The people who read this stuff when I think about it, either support Obama, McCain or in the middle. We are sure which way Obama and McCain supporters will Vote. I would like to say to those in the middle to take a look at McCain and who he really is and not how his campaign has been run.
His campaign has been run badly, but not for the reasons you suggest. He’s been WAAAYYY too slow in taking the attack to Obama.
Will Obama is out there running ads calling Mccain “erratic” and Senator Kerry is joking McCain is wearing Depends diapers we have people like you telling us to rise above it all and lose for SURE.
If you don’t understand what kind of fight this is, you have no business making suggestions to McCain or anyone else.
Love McCain
16 years ago
a lot here but there is not much else I can say.
it seems to me and I am sure that you will let me know that the fight is for the people in the middle to get their votes. I re-read my replies and see that I did not make any suggestions, just in my view some clear observations. I do believe that McCain should have aggressively campaigned from the beginning the way I think McCain would have because I don’t think he is anybodies pushover, and by the way he is doing now. But come on McCain is bigger and stronger than any flinging going on out there with his record which seems to me that the people who are down the middle want to hear more of, which he has plenty. We have plenty of respondents to cut short the things like Senator Kerry is joking about. The fight is not for the republicans who will vote for him already but for those who again are down the middle. What can we say to them, don’t vote for Obama because his middle name is Hussein or that he pals around with Ayers or that Obama is green, because if I were in the middle I would think wow a green guy is holding his own against one of our best, that we’ve been talking about Ayers forever and his middle name equals something that is bad when my own name maybe different also. Not me, let them know how much he will fight for the American dream and match his record to that, let the people know who he is that he will and does stand up for what he believes in whether its for or against his own party. Take apart W. Bush that not all his Idea’s were bad and show the good ones that McCain sided for, and the bad ones he sided against, and the good ones McCain pushed for that Bush took. There is nothing McCain needs to defend its all out there, let him stand by it and let the others fend off the trash talk. Now this reply has some suggestions and a hope that we start to talk with the people in the middle in a way that they can relate, because we all do not think alike and we need to make a case to those in the middle.
L.M. If it were true that the middle ground voter is repelled by personal attacks then why have Democrats been so succesful in waging nothing but a campaign of hate directed at Bush for 8 years and now at McCain?
Why has the character assasination directed at Sarah Palin and now Joe the Plumber been so effective as a campaign tool by Democrats if Independents and moderates despise those tactics?
Your theory in regards to this campaign reveals a media induced bias against negative campaigning. A bias that is NEVER directed at the masters of the politics of personal destruction.
Love McCain
16 years ago
M. A. I never said that the middle ground is not repelled by both sides of attacks, that is why they are still middle ground. The Democrats have been successful against Bush because he is just unpopular with most now, albeit not until the last 2 years and wrongfully blame Bush for the economic crises were now in, and it’s true they have attached McCain to all this. The stats that show McCain voting with Bush 90% of the time do hurt. That’s why I suggested the things I did previously in regards to Bush. I would venture to say Democrats have slipped, by attacking Joe and hope this will help McCain. You already know how I feel about Sarah Palin so there is not much to say but hopefully the respondents to her and Sarah herself can make a better stand now that she is getting more exposure. As far as having a bias against negative campaigning I am guilty as charged. Yet we all know that it is going to happen, it is what perks our ears up and listen and to take a better/longer look, but you don’t beat a dead horse. I’m not suggesting that Obama is the horse or McCain but that when McCain attacks, he attacks at those things he is good at. McCain can give better than he gets, Listen to him speak and look at the audience when he brings up sharing the wealth, when he talks about the American dream and job creation, when he talks about reform. McCain gets everybody’s attention and as soon as he brings up old news that’s going nowhere, people fall off. I’ll try and give an example short version; he talks about Ayers its old news people fall off, McCain talks about his Experience people can’t wait to jump on. Keep in mind I am only talking about the middle and the people McCain needs I think to win.
So what you are saying is that if you are inclined to vote for Obama you don’t care if he and his supporters unleashed a hate campaign against Republicans but if you are a inclined to vote for McCain you might vote for Obama because you are repulsed by questions on Obama’s character and experience?
That just does not make sense!
16 years ago
Wow! “Love McCain” is a bigger manipulator than Obama. I don’t believe for a minute that this person likes McCain. Don’t be fool by this obvious manipulator. He or she his just another leftist obsessed by the Messiah. You are not fooling me “Love McCain”, I see you coming with your heavy horse clogs.
Love McCain
16 years ago
I will leave with this last remark since you guys aren’t getting it and find someone else with my views. I appreciate what all you guys do, but you’ve just made my point. Instead of trying to get the middle to understand what would be best for them you jump at anyone that might actually see what it would take for McCain to win. I didn’t say that republicans shouldn’t rebuke Obama with his own slanderous stuff but that McCain should do what he does best and let everyone else do what they do best I.E. Rush. If we stay narrow this will slip away. McCain needs people to bring home the middle, what are you doing to help? We already have the base lit. Spread the fire.
As far as Manipulator and leftist and obsessed by the Messiah. Dude I hope you can lead better than that because were going to need it to winnnnnnnnnnnn.
P.S. I am sure that McCain will make Obama eat his own words.
Craig is a citizen of Canada and, unfortunately, was not a voter that ACORN registered. Sometimes he comes across a little bit harsh but if you read all of his posts you will see that he wants the very best for his southerly neighbor.
There are others of us here who are not completely sold on McCain.
I see McCain winning this thing. He has always been known as a strong closer. BO has not been able to close the sale. From his Greek temple speech in Denver his numbers have been relatively stable. He just cannot get it done.
McCain, on the other hand, is doing what he needs to do to get to the finish line.
If you watch the polls, the trend lines are what is important. The polls are trending in McCain’s favor.
This election will come down to turn out. Plain and simple.
The Left thinks that there will be a landslide. I don’t think that’s based in reality. They’re getting nervous out there. Their actions are showing it.
Love McCain
16 years ago
Thanks for the offer to hang around but no thanks.
Just to sum up: I am one of Craig’s southerly neighbors; living in South Carolina. I have had the chance to discuss my concerns with McCain in person and at some length. I’ve also had the opportunity to work on several statewide campaigns and in the White House Political Office during a succesful nationwide campaign.
L.M’s view of McCain and what is or is not an effective campaign is deeply flawed.
Let me know when those voters repulsed by McCain’s attacks object to the character assasination of Sarah Palin and then we can talk.
Is everyone missing the point here? Joe Biden is comparing or suggesting a comparison of Barack Obama to John F. Kennedy? Never.
What a jerk Biden has become. This is the guy that said Obama is inexperience for the Presidency. And now, in a slightly different style, he’s saying it again. But I agree with Biden: Barack Hussein is not qualified to be president of anything.
The real point here is the ole Joe Biden is recommending the studier, most patriotic, John McCain for Commander-In-Chief; a point more than 70% of American’s agree.
Bull, the US will be attacked by Bin Laden and Al Quaida anytime, if they wither a chance, no matter who is elected. Europe is screaming for Obama, knowing that he is asymtotic to their socialistic aims, developed over decades and now revealed as taxation models that make the poor even poorer. There is only one world model for fair democracy, individual happiness and success, that´s these United States of America, proved in more than 200 years and still standing. So get over back to where you once were, America, correct the situation fast, vote McCain into office, and innovate to that one and only world leader that really counts anymore, because if you should fail, that will be the worlds worst WMD.
America gets sick, and the world coughs.
Biden obviously has black-and-white glossies on everyone in the MSM (except for Dan Rather, I guess). This will blow over by the end of the week. The guy has so many coats of Teflon I’m surprised he can move his arms.
Joe Biden is a real gift to McCain. Keep it going Joe!
I’m not quite sure what Biden was trying to say. I think he was trying to say “He’s the next JFK and he will be tested and will pass his test as JFK did” but, like Bill Kristol, I think that overlooks a few key points.
Khruschev only tested JFK because he wasn’t Eisenhower, he wasn’t Nixon, he looked vulnerable. I guess Biden is saying that Obama looks vulnerable too? It was no sure thing that JFK would pass his test, why should we assume that Barry The Community Organizer will pass his?
JFK got through the Cuban Missile Crisis by making quiet, back-room concessions. He had the backing of a Democrat hierarchy stocked full of cold-warriors who would have tolerated nothing more, and Khruschev knew this. Today’s Democrats (Biden being a shining example) are notorious for their spinelessness – are we supposed to believe that the untried Harvard lawyer they’ve propped up as their standard-bearer would provide the backbone they lack? Playing good-cop, bad-cop with one’s adversaries only works if there is, in fact, a bad cop.
The fallout from all this brinksmanship was that JFK’s coterie of sometimes excessively educated advisors like McNamara and Rostow and the Bundys developed a reflexively hostile response to anything that looked antithetical to US interests, and who bade us wade into the slough of despond in Vietnam. Is Biden suggesting that a few years of Democrat control would leave us in similar straits?
Heaven forfend that Biden was referring to that OTHER Democrat President of unconvincing (but nonetheless stronger than Obama’s) background who was swept into office at the end of the Vietnam mess, and who was tested on the world stage, and who was found grossly wanting. The more patience the American public showed Carter, the deeper the hole he dug himself. Surely Sen Biden can’t be arguing we should put Obama in office so he can show himself to be the next Carter?
The American public awaits Biden’s complete thoughts on this.
(we won’t get them, he’s been pulled off the stage with that giant cartoon-Vaudeville hook and we’ll be lucky if Biden’s seen in public again before the election, but we need to do the country the service of at least asking…)
I’ll take the guy with talent and less experience over the guy with experience but no talent every time.
Richard – Ohferchrissake, why should we think someone who picked Biden for VP is going to be anything more than a doormat for Putin?
Just wait: The MSM will even use the sheeple’s hunger to find out about the health of Obama’s granny, and the messiah’s visit with her, to bump the trivial Biden issue from the news. By the way, can’t the messiah heal the sick? Bonus points will go to the first media outlet to do a story on how difficult it was for granny to obtain health care and what her insurance policy won’t cover. Triple bonus score: Granny has no insurance or Medicare has turned her claims down in the past 20 years.
Richard – what is “talent” in this case?
Ken Wiebe,
You would think that with all the money Obama got from Fannie Mae, that he would be able to pay for his grandmother’s medical bill. No?
i guess licking obama’s boots was the only way that biden would get close to the oval office. biden is so out of touch and out of control that he is more than tragic. so how can he look at all of the americans everyday and say what he now says about obama, was he lying during the primary seasonor is he lying now? maybe obama will have his buddy ayersdo something stupid so obama can ride in like a white knight, parden the pun.
Joe Biden says the election of Obama may lead to a new conflict, terrorist attack, or a third war. A careful analysis of history says he may be correct.
let me take a deep breath, Biden is nobodies fool, he knows with McCain or Obama there is most likely going to be some foreign crises, so he states it and says Obama has a spine of steal.
Then we all harp on it, all for not because it is not just the president but everyone in Washington will help with any situation that may compromise the US. Biden lets people know how he feels, good or bad and I assume he feels he would do better as VP then in the senate.
Biden also knows that Obama remains cool and collected and carries a big stick, so he can say I told you so. I am having real difficulty in voting for McCain simply because of Palin and please don’t tell me she is like one of us or speaks the way we do etc… My neighbor speaks like that and I would never vote them in for VP. IF McCain losses this campaign and McCain has some responsibility for this but as much as I Love McCain his team should have let McCain be McCain because the McCain I feel that I’ve come to know would have picked a VP that, together would have demolished any democratic push for the white house and ran a campaign that know one could touch. The people who ran his campaign should be disgraced for not having the faith in McCain to let McCain be him and not change his mind to do things they thought would win him the race. McCain is such an upstanding guy that he will not let his campaign crew take the fall for this. In any event win or lose I am glad to have someone like McCain to look out for us.
“Biden is nobodies fool???”
Oh come on… Where have you been? He can’t tell the difference between a Persian and an Arab after years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and tells people in wheel chairs to “stand up” yet you are more worried about how Palin speaks than what Obama says?
McCain hired those people to run his campaign. If you don’t like it, don’t blame the staff.
Something tells me you are not being totally honest about who you REALLY support.
If you would just take a moment and I take the blame for this. The people who read this stuff when I think about it, either support Obama, McCain or in the middle. We are sure which way Obama and McCain supporters will Vote. I would like to say to those in the middle to take a look at McCain and who he really is and not how his campaign has been run.
His campaign has been run badly, but not for the reasons you suggest. He’s been WAAAYYY too slow in taking the attack to Obama.
Will Obama is out there running ads calling Mccain “erratic” and Senator Kerry is joking McCain is wearing Depends diapers we have people like you telling us to rise above it all and lose for SURE.
If you don’t understand what kind of fight this is, you have no business making suggestions to McCain or anyone else.
a lot here but there is not much else I can say.
it seems to me and I am sure that you will let me know that the fight is for the people in the middle to get their votes. I re-read my replies and see that I did not make any suggestions, just in my view some clear observations. I do believe that McCain should have aggressively campaigned from the beginning the way I think McCain would have because I don’t think he is anybodies pushover, and by the way he is doing now. But come on McCain is bigger and stronger than any flinging going on out there with his record which seems to me that the people who are down the middle want to hear more of, which he has plenty. We have plenty of respondents to cut short the things like Senator Kerry is joking about. The fight is not for the republicans who will vote for him already but for those who again are down the middle. What can we say to them, don’t vote for Obama because his middle name is Hussein or that he pals around with Ayers or that Obama is green, because if I were in the middle I would think wow a green guy is holding his own against one of our best, that we’ve been talking about Ayers forever and his middle name equals something that is bad when my own name maybe different also. Not me, let them know how much he will fight for the American dream and match his record to that, let the people know who he is that he will and does stand up for what he believes in whether its for or against his own party. Take apart W. Bush that not all his Idea’s were bad and show the good ones that McCain sided for, and the bad ones he sided against, and the good ones McCain pushed for that Bush took. There is nothing McCain needs to defend its all out there, let him stand by it and let the others fend off the trash talk. Now this reply has some suggestions and a hope that we start to talk with the people in the middle in a way that they can relate, because we all do not think alike and we need to make a case to those in the middle.
L.M. If it were true that the middle ground voter is repelled by personal attacks then why have Democrats been so succesful in waging nothing but a campaign of hate directed at Bush for 8 years and now at McCain?
Why has the character assasination directed at Sarah Palin and now Joe the Plumber been so effective as a campaign tool by Democrats if Independents and moderates despise those tactics?
Your theory in regards to this campaign reveals a media induced bias against negative campaigning. A bias that is NEVER directed at the masters of the politics of personal destruction.
M. A. I never said that the middle ground is not repelled by both sides of attacks, that is why they are still middle ground. The Democrats have been successful against Bush because he is just unpopular with most now, albeit not until the last 2 years and wrongfully blame Bush for the economic crises were now in, and it’s true they have attached McCain to all this. The stats that show McCain voting with Bush 90% of the time do hurt. That’s why I suggested the things I did previously in regards to Bush. I would venture to say Democrats have slipped, by attacking Joe and hope this will help McCain. You already know how I feel about Sarah Palin so there is not much to say but hopefully the respondents to her and Sarah herself can make a better stand now that she is getting more exposure. As far as having a bias against negative campaigning I am guilty as charged. Yet we all know that it is going to happen, it is what perks our ears up and listen and to take a better/longer look, but you don’t beat a dead horse. I’m not suggesting that Obama is the horse or McCain but that when McCain attacks, he attacks at those things he is good at. McCain can give better than he gets, Listen to him speak and look at the audience when he brings up sharing the wealth, when he talks about the American dream and job creation, when he talks about reform. McCain gets everybody’s attention and as soon as he brings up old news that’s going nowhere, people fall off. I’ll try and give an example short version; he talks about Ayers its old news people fall off, McCain talks about his Experience people can’t wait to jump on. Keep in mind I am only talking about the middle and the people McCain needs I think to win.
So what you are saying is that if you are inclined to vote for Obama you don’t care if he and his supporters unleashed a hate campaign against Republicans but if you are a inclined to vote for McCain you might vote for Obama because you are repulsed by questions on Obama’s character and experience?
That just does not make sense!
Wow! “Love McCain” is a bigger manipulator than Obama. I don’t believe for a minute that this person likes McCain. Don’t be fool by this obvious manipulator. He or she his just another leftist obsessed by the Messiah. You are not fooling me “Love McCain”, I see you coming with your heavy horse clogs.
I will leave with this last remark since you guys aren’t getting it and find someone else with my views. I appreciate what all you guys do, but you’ve just made my point. Instead of trying to get the middle to understand what would be best for them you jump at anyone that might actually see what it would take for McCain to win. I didn’t say that republicans shouldn’t rebuke Obama with his own slanderous stuff but that McCain should do what he does best and let everyone else do what they do best I.E. Rush. If we stay narrow this will slip away. McCain needs people to bring home the middle, what are you doing to help? We already have the base lit. Spread the fire.
As far as Manipulator and leftist and obsessed by the Messiah. Dude I hope you can lead better than that because were going to need it to winnnnnnnnnnnn.
P.S. I am sure that McCain will make Obama eat his own words.
Note: this is written with restraint.
@Love McCain:
No need to dash off to another sandbox.
Craig is a citizen of Canada and, unfortunately, was not a voter that ACORN registered. Sometimes he comes across a little bit harsh but if you read all of his posts you will see that he wants the very best for his southerly neighbor.
There are others of us here who are not completely sold on McCain.
I see McCain winning this thing. He has always been known as a strong closer. BO has not been able to close the sale. From his Greek temple speech in Denver his numbers have been relatively stable. He just cannot get it done.
McCain, on the other hand, is doing what he needs to do to get to the finish line.
If you watch the polls, the trend lines are what is important. The polls are trending in McCain’s favor.
This election will come down to turn out. Plain and simple.
The Left thinks that there will be a landslide. I don’t think that’s based in reality. They’re getting nervous out there. Their actions are showing it.
Thanks for the offer to hang around but no thanks.
Just to sum up: I am one of Craig’s southerly neighbors; living in South Carolina. I have had the chance to discuss my concerns with McCain in person and at some length. I’ve also had the opportunity to work on several statewide campaigns and in the White House Political Office during a succesful nationwide campaign.
L.M’s view of McCain and what is or is not an effective campaign is deeply flawed.
Let me know when those voters repulsed by McCain’s attacks object to the character assasination of Sarah Palin and then we can talk.
Until then, it’s all B.S.