Well, now we see; it is clear. Colin Powell is Obama’s October Surprise. Those who know better and have decided whom we need in spite of us are bringing in the biggest gun to secure their victory and make it clear for us.
Colin Powell is a very good man, by all accounts, in many ways. I’m sure he’s trying to be sincere. But like all of us he has weaknesses and tendencies that might explain why he was open to taking this move directly on behalf of Obama. What was he really doing this morning on “Meet the Press”?
This is my take. What Powell gave was an uninterrupted political speech not the argument of a statesman. (Tom Brokaw didn’t seem as concerned about time constraints this time, by the way; he must have left his stopwatch at home. Somehow, I don’t think Tim Russert would have left several of Powell’s points unchallenged like Brokaw did.) My wife’s remark as we watched him was: “he’s reading through a list of Obama campaign talking points, bullet point by bullet point. He’s not even coming up for air!” His tone and manner even sounded liked Obama’s, reassuring but lacking something somehow. Why did it seem this way?
Logical reasons don’t seem to be the primary justification for this move he’s made. Rather, his points seem to be political, power-sharing and influence-building more than issue-based or ideological. He seems more concerned about appearances, how he looks, how we ‘look’, “approval ratings” and our perception in the world. (For instance, I understand we need to build coalitions more than Bush has, but I think Obama and Powell are not really talking about that; they want ‘standing’.)
There are more clues in the programmatic points he made that indicate they are more ‘excuses’ than reasons. I would like to address some of them as examples of the overall pattern I see.
- If he really was “impressed” by Obama’s response to the current crisis, what exactly did Obama DO that impressed him so much? The one meeting he tried to conduct as an “executive” was an unmitigated disaster. His stated purpose was to pass the original version that had billions for ACORN. Thank God he failed. He also employed the “call me if you need me” method of leadership most of that time. McCain actually did help save us from the original bill and did get some safeguards put in, no matter what it looked like. I think what Powell is telling us is that Obama gives an IMPRESSION of ‘calm’ and he ‘looks presidential’ through the crisis while McCain ‘looked’ “erratic” in the codeword of the Obama campaign (even though he was the one who actually DID something). If this is what he’s really saying, then this is more evidence his move is a political one not a principled one.
- He claims to be very concerned about education. Does he really think the slavish toeing of the education unions’ line which is what Obama is really espousing has been or will be good for us? Does he not know what kind of “education” Obama was funding and promoting with Bill Ayres in Chicago? Shouldn’t he be for true “change” like vouchers or true teacher standards? But, I suppose, that wouldn’t ‘look’ right.
- Powell said the Republican Party is “becoming narrower.” This, once again, is all about impressions, vague characterizations and talking points as opposed to principle, records and evidence of actually doing something. Powell claimed Obama has somehow “widened” his approach. After all we’ve seen, is there anybody that’s been paying attention who, with full and firm conviction, buys any of Obama’s “post-partisan” rhetoric now? Ask the ordinary citizens who supported Hilary how THEY feel about his actual practices, for one thing. Ask the victims of the ACORN, Fannie Mae and other fiascos about the Alinsky tactics used against them. Who is it that has been ‘wider’ in the REAL world? McCain has lived it; Obama NEVER has and has done the opposite. John McCain has the proof of it in ways that has actually upset the so-called ‘narrower’ Republicans.
- His accepting of Obama’s “experience” and rejection of Palin’s seems to be totally based on what it will LOOK LIKE. Can the ‘poise’ shown in ‘running a campaign’ really outweigh real actions and the supervision of a very large budget or a business? Powell says he prefers how we’ll be perceived over actual records and accomplishments. Biden has been totally wrong and loopy at times in his foreign policy approach and he lied 14 times in 90 minutes during his debate with Palin, but he ‘seems’ more Presidential so he is preferable to that bumpkin Sarah?
So what’s really going on here? Why would he do it? My guess, because of the political nature of his polemic, is that it has everything to do with the fact that Powell shares the upper class, pro-choice, we know better than you socially liberal approach of Obama’s core support. His reputation in the military has been that of a rather ‘soft’ Beta male, in opposition to the Schwarzkopf types. He wants to be well regarded, I suspect, by his elite peer group. If that is so, Americans should recognize it as such. It seems pretty obvious to me that’s what he has done. Unfortunately, we are an image-driven society and the impact of this will probably be very large. We will need to work hard to get this insight out there, if we can.
Well, I hope he will take responsibility for making this move later on if it actually helps elect the least experienced President ever. He is spending the well-earned capital of his reputation in a very dubious way. I hope he will be strong enough to admit that the voices callin’ Powell were lying. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The Emperor still has no clothes, even when a retired General says it does
William F. Buckley’s son, Christopher Buckley, did a praising explanation why he now supports Obama in the Weekly Standard. His points seem to have a lot in common with Powell. And they are like the Obama campaign’s talking points over the past six months. Add in the October timing, and it gives me the feeling these conversions have been staged in concert with the Obama campaign and not spontaneous personal realizations.
I suspect we’re not done yet.
P.S. I forgot about Hagel. I guess that makes three. Perhaps Powell was the finale, but I wouldn’t rule out more.
The article should end with the phrase: “even when a retired General says it does”. Sorry!
It’s all about race.
Powell led the charge up UN SC hill for invading Iraq, WMDs and all, and now endorses the biggest cut and run naive nincompoop around. What about the troops, their families and their sacrifices? Some general he is.
powell screwed up big time. he was the poster boy, sort of, of the african american conservative. i think this is payback for his poor handling of iraq and the fact that others were pushing his name as a vp candidate. he is pissed and thinks he should be farther ahead than he is.
btw, is it me or is the site running very slow and disjointed? it has been doing this for me for the last few days. just this site, no others.
@luva the scissors: Was it about the time the new search bar went up on the sidebar? Maybe its the plugin.
Yes sir. All those people who haven’t decided who to vote for were just waiting on pins and needles to see who Powell endorses, then they’ll all bolt to Obama. Right.
I’ll be waiting for Obama’s big bump up in the polls in the next day or so.
Powell has never been a conservative… just a Republican.
I wonder, mlajoie2, just how many people recognize the title of your post. Oddly enuf, I’m getting away from the bureaucrat “race” battles tonight watching an Astaire movie. LOL
I’m dreaming of a White Christmas!
I think Powell wants something, maybe power. He would be a major targt for any job head hunter, especially for Obama. Powell could get any job in the federal government if Obama became president.
Generally speaking, I think Colin fell off his horse, hit his head on Iraq, and now dictates his endorsement. At a time when Barack Obama is being viewed and exposed as a loser — socialist/communist, for which Obama has had plenty of close frank mentoring; the general has really bent over to expose, well, Colin is now just an ass. Obama’s politics are so radically liberal the general is still right now stooped over — maybe this is a kiss-and-tell for both Obama and his Colin. Colin-asscopy anyone?
On a more serious note, vote John McCain. America is still a great country. If any can do it, we can encourage ourselves to do a whole lot better with free enterprise and capitalism. Let’s reject socialism and Obama.
Poll finds Americans reject redistribution of wealth as suggested by Barack Hussein Obama:
PRINCETON, NJ — When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today’s consumer, Americans overwhelmingly — by 84% to 13% — prefer that the government focus on improving overall economic conditions and the jobs situation in the United States as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth more evenly among Americans.
Down with Barack Obama!
Read: http://www.gallup.com/poll/108445/Americans-Oppose-Income-Redistribution-Fix-Economy.aspx
I wish we could forget about Hagel. Talk about false flags.
All three of them, seraprately and together should get the same sort of attention a a pile of dog poop on the sidewalk.
Be glad you didn’t step in it, check to be sure, and walk on down the road.
We don’t need turncoats.
So the guy(Powell) who lead the march into Iraq, now supports the guy who said it was the biggest mistake of the century? Wow the lefties should really appreciate his support.
“I think Powell wants something, maybe power. He would be a major targt for any job head hunter, especially for Obama. Powell could get any job in the federal government if Obama became president.” (Gregory Dittman)
You are right.
In one of Mata Harley’s link, you can read this about Powell being interviewed:
Q: Come on. Would you accept another Cabinet position?
A: I will not answer that question.
Q: But you wouldn’t rule it out.
A: Of course not. Does that answer your question?
Based on this http://www.rnclife.org/faxnotes/2000/july00/00-07-11.html we can see that “Powell’s pro-abortion position is well known.” So no wonder he supports Obama and not McCain/Palin. When he says that the Republican party is “too narrow” he really means “I don’t like that pro-life woman Sarah Palin and all her ilk”.
And I think he thinks it is time for am affirmative action President.
If you go back to Desert Storm/Desert Sheild. Powell was against the “Spheres of Control” strategy the Checkmate think-tank came up with for conducting the original war through surgical attacks on key command and control infrastructure. It was orginally solely an air battle. The Army hawks were outraged that they would not be involved. Schwartzkopf was one of the few that would take it on, but he too wanted ground forces involved.
Honestly, I just wish he’d switch parties and get it over with. He’s been a RINO for so long, I can’t say I’m the least bit surprised at this. I am so tired of the liberal/leftists in this country. They are so utterly boring and predictable it is pathetic. This country will be ruined for generations if BHO gets elected, especially if the Dems make the predicted gains in the House and Senate. We will be completely Socialist if they get their way, and the dumbed down idiots who support them will be perfectly content as they “spread the wealth” which others have worked hard to attain. I look for the Dems to try to do away with the amendment that limits Presidential terms. (right after they get rid of that pesky Electoral College thingy) Can’t remember which one at the moment…22 or 23 maybe. Of course they will want their little darling to continue to rule over us for as long as he so chooses, as they’ve already made it perfectly clear that the constitution is just an inconvenience to them. I am so disgusted. Many bloggers are saying that the polls are not to be believed bcause they overly weight them with democrats. I am sure some of that’s true, as John Kerry was ahead in the polls at this time in ’04 too. We can only hope enough people wake up to who and what this liar really is and what he has in store for us IF he wins. God help us all!
I doubt very much that when General Powell was gearing up to go to war and a young 6 year captain with just staff experience walked in to his office that he would have appointed this captain to command one of his combat divisions or any division as a matter of fact.
Thanks for posting this article!
SoCal Chris,
You’re most welcome! I love Flopping Aces.
More on this whole Palin-isn’t-qualified-thing — so I’m wondering: We’re into our eighth week of a full-court media press against Sarah, plus now how she doesn’t live up to Powell’s high standards for foreign policy (but Biden does). Yet we’ve seen nothing from the McCain campaign questioning things like Biden’s hallucinatory claims about Hezbollah (just to cite one example).
I hate to say it folks, but if it happens, I can already see the stories that are going to be written about the incompetency of the McCain campaign machine. Sure, the MSM has been a strong adversary – but the real story is going to be missed opportunities by the McCain campaign. A day late and a dollar short, usually, *if* there’s any response at all. The only way to fight a steamroller is something on the order of a nuke attack. Are we gonna see it? Ever?
And yet another Republican steps out in favor of Obama. Thrilled by the Powell endorsement, ex-Cong., Mark Foley, still stung at being rightfully booted from the Grand Old Party(imo), is now saying “me too.”
He’s all yours, Obots, add him to the Hamas, Chavez, Castro, etc. collection of Obama endorsements.
Mark Foley endorsed him? Well BHO, that’s another feather in your Robin Hood cap isn’t it? Well have fun with your gay, I mean Merry Men. A suggestion though; if you invite Barney Frank and Mark Foley to the gym for some male bonding, don’t drop the soap in the shower. They might confuse you with a Congressional page. Foley likes them bent over. That’s some “pork” we would all get a hearty chuckle over and for once it wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a dime.
The drama of the last minute announcement reeks of choreography(poor, at that) with the Obama campaign. An October surprise, amateur-style.
Truth is, I am not sure how many people were on the edge of their seats waiting to see who Powell would endorse; I surely wasn’t. Many of the people who did take note may have been the type who do not hold Powell in high regard due to his act of leading us into Iraq then bailing out when the going got tough, or among the crowd who referred to him, Chondoleza Rice, and Clarence Thomas as ‘house n*ggers’ <– their words not mine, during the early days of the Bush II administration.
With their skewed ‘wannabe’ view of the world, Obama and his neurotic handlers may have counted on this more than they should have, as this may appeal more to their base (e.g Andrea Mitchell-Greenspan, Chris Matthews, Letterman,etc;) as a little rush to the loins, than to the independents or undecideds who should be the real target of an October surprise.
I was listening to Meet the Press while in the ‘reading room’ and must confess I didn’t interrupt my serious business to run to the TV.
BTW, excellent initial post ‘what do you do…’ Very well stated.