October Surprise: ” ‘Cause the One on the Right was on the Left”



Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama on Meet the (De)Pressed, today.

Color me unamazed, but disappointed. Apparently he feels “energized” by Senator Obama’s rock star charisma and ability to generate excitement amongst the masses.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced Sunday that he will be voting for Sen. Barack Obama, citing the Democrat’s “ability to inspire” and the “inclusive nature of his campaign.”

“He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well,” Powell said.


Powell said he questioned Sen. John McCain’s judgment in picking Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate because he doesn’t think she is ready to be president.

He also said he was disappointed with some of McCain’s campaign tactics, such as bringing up Obama’s ties to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.

I know Republicans haven’t been thrilled with Colin Powell (his State Dept was part of the problem in making the WMD angle a centerpiece of his UN speech, as well as with bungling post-war operations); but someone remind me of all the names he was called by those on the Left. They don’t know whether to embrace him or savage him some more, over there.

I need a little Cash, to humor me up a bit:

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Powell, name has a familiar ring to it, hmm, err, ahh, uhhh — I’ve got it!!! Wasn’t this the guy that sat for hours at the UN Security Council arguing for all the WMDs we would find in Iraq? Yep, I do believe it was. Made the case for tally ho, charge, in we go, didn’t he. Took down the last obstacles before the attack on Iraq.

Bad choice … And it shows, it exposes.

And so now the very same Colin Powell endorses the black guy, the naive waaif on all things foreign policy, who stands polar opposite on THE BIGGEST policy choice of our time. Powell now endorses That One, he who says Iraq was a huge mistake. And how do those towering policy disagreements of our time resolve — Only one way to reconcile the difference, it’s all about race. Nice to see the racists step forward and prove it.

I assume this is what is meant by principles?

Did anyone expect Powell to not endorse Obama? The man was disloyal to Bush and undercut him on many occassions. He was convinced he knew all the answers. His rise to fame was the result of the sucess of General Norman Schwartzkoff during the Gulf War, a war in which he played virtually no part othe than being the Chairman Of the JOC.

I am totally unsurprise that Powell endorsed The One. Birds of a feather flock together.


Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Hussein Obama is surely racist. Blacks will vote for the Black one and all of the White people (most all) will vote for the White One.

Colin Powell’s approval of Barack Obama, the most radical extreme socialist ever in the Senate, is tainted; it means very, very little.

I think the Whites have the advantage. I’m voting for John McCain, he’s an honorable patriot — he’ll make an excellent Commander-in-Chief.

I’m disappointed. Colin Powell got where he was today because REPUBLICANS supported him at every step in his career while libs like Harry Belafonted called him a “house slave.”

Maybe Powell is trying to get back in good with those libs who have hated him all those years. Seems odd he would want to do it by stabbing the rest of us in the back.

I feel my trust in him and respect for him was missplaced.

In the scheme of things I don’t expect this endorsement to make the slightest difference on the campaign. Over 90% of blacks are voting for Obama and how many average joes who are moderates or independents even know who Colin Powell is?

Secretary Powell must be disappointed in Sen Hillary Clinton also. She is the one who brought up Mr Ayers during the primaries.

how many average joes who are moderates or independents even know who Colin Powell is?

Now your throwing Joe Six pack under the bus too? Just who is the real elitist here?

I was under the impression that a presidential running mate was gunning for the VICE PRESIDENTIAL slot, and not campaigning as president. Can someone pass a note to Bush’s war criminal ‘splaining this MINOR detail…

Forget all the hype and excuses about who did what and when. The endorsement was 100% racism, nothing more and nothing less.

I missed the show. Was Powell agreeing with Obama’s tax policy? His desire to treat tinpot dictators with the utmost respect? Does Powell agree with Obama on the Employee Free Choice Act? His income redistribution plans? Maybe it’s Obama’s desire to do no drilling for oil anywhere?
Maybe Powell thinks it’s OK for Obama to be friends with a man whose organization tried to bomb soldiers at Ft. Dix?
It sounds like Powell gave a lot of platitudes and no real reason for supporting him. Nice job, General!

Wesley Clark’s International War Tribunal

Obama really knows how to pick his supporters – domestic terrorists, financial shisters, voter fraud organizations, and now a convicted war criminal.

Great way to endear those gun tot’n, bible hugger racists to your side…

I met, briefly, with Colin Powell in the 1950’s. He was a student and had just finished the Ranger course. I was an instructor and, even then, you noticed Colin Powell. A group of students, all “butter bars,” approached the small PX to stock up on snacks for the bus ride back to Fort Benning from the Ranger Mountain Camp. I and a couple of other instructors were waiting for the PX to open and the two groups began to talk. It soon became known that I and Colin Powell were both from the Bronx and knew each other’s neighborhoods and places of employment. Colin Powell had gone to Columbia and I had several friends who had attended Columbia during the same period. However, most of my friends were in either pre-law or pre-med while Colin Powell was an engineering major. We had some other things in common – we both knew Yiddish, Colin was the better speaker, and had been “shabbas goys” for out Orthodox Jewish neighbors. I and my fellow instructors were impressed by Colin Powell and thought that he would go far in the service. He has gone far but I am no longer impressed. Now, I question his judgement. Governor Palin is not ready to be president? If she, with all her executive experience, is not qualified to be president where does that say about Colin Powell’s judgement about Senator Obama. Both Colin Powell and I, while in service, have been rated and have rated others on their performance. If he was the rater for both Senator Obama and Governor Palin, could he honestly rate Senator Obama as qualified for promotion while rating Governor Palin as not qualified for promotion? Ah, Colin, selling your honor for a ribbon to wear in your hat!”

Powell Admits Error on WMD Trailers

Washington — Secretary of State Colin Powell today admitted that the administrations reports of Saddam’s mobile weapons laboratories was in fact false. The trailers apparently were not used to make Weapons of Mass Destruction at all.


To err is human. Over and over again. To err is human.

Can we expect soon:

Powell Admits Error on endorsement of Barack Obama

Washington — Secretary of State Colin Powell today admitted that his support and endorsement of Senator Barack Hussein Obama was premature and nonsensical. It was based on false facts. Obama has not really anything to offer and the fact that he is Black does not stack up well at all.

Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me twice, shame on me. I don’t believe you Mr. Powell.

Hey….you do realize that Obama always does these announcements either right before or right after something big is going to hit him square in the face. He is using the media as a distraction. Trying to get us McCain/Palin supporters so depressed we won’t go to the polls.

He did the same thing whenever Hillary Clinton won a primary election.

Fit, saying that the American electorate has demonstrated they have the attention span of a gnat on political current events is not the same as “throwing them under the bus”. Some will remember Colin Powell, some won’t. Have no idea why you think that reality is some form of distancing or ostracization of “Joe the plumber”.

Interesting that the Dems are the party that believes the average Joe is incapable of taking care of himself, promoting government programs from cradle to grave. Looking around at the Obama supporters – from citizens to duped media who blindly gloss over Obama’s overt socialist philosophy as unrelated to the economy, or deny it is a legit campaign issue – it’s hard to say they *haven’t* nailed their base with a serious degree of accuracy. And that dumbing down of a great portion of America is sad to see.

Frankly, the first words that rose to the lips when the breathlessly anticipated news of Powell hit was “so?”… followed rapidly by “why is this a surprise?”. Powell has always been a left leaning moderate RINO. I find his reasoning flawed, basing most of his problems with McCain on Palin… a woman who has more experience in her pinkie than Obama has in his entire body.

But then, I’ve often found Powell’s thinking flawed. His endorsement changes nothing for my in my vote against Obama. And it changes nothing in my opinion of him as well. He’s just another guy on the Obama gravy train.

In the interview this morning Powell said about the race issue, that it was not the dominate factor in his decision to endorse Obama. So to me, and I think anyone who looks at this objectively, he is saying he did factor in race.
If as a white male I said, any part of my decision to not vote for Obama, even if it was a small part, had to do with race, well you know what I would be called.
I always wanted Powell to run for President, now I am glad he did not. He still is one of the best Generals we have had in many years, and that is where his fame will remain. As a retired Army Officer who served under him I to am very disappointed.
To have Obama as Commander in Chief is an insult to the men and women who serve and have served in the military, and is especially grievous to those who fought, died and were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Col. USA, Ret

Powell is an American hero. Where do some of you draw the line?

I think that this has less to do about with race than it has to do with unbased decisions. He claims that Obama brings a charge to the youth, the new generation. It’s like Elroy Jetson said: he doesn’t agree with him on any of the issues. Being just a great speaker doesn’t qualify someone for the presidency.

On the other hand, I think this is something of a “distraction” to make us turn away from Obama making fun of Joe the Plumber. Obama’s got the media eating out of his hand, so he can easily have some other story make headlines to distract us.

Dems & most Independents … Powell = Bush/Iraq war…Now Obama tied to Bush … Will not win over Republican voters… Not a smart move … Obama’s strategists should have realized this…IMHO for them to take this chance is that Obama’s internal poll numbers are bad.

Richard, Powell is not an American hero

Colinoscopy: examining Colin Powell
By Ed Lasky

While President Reagan enjoyed a reputation as the ‘Teflon President,’ able to prevail against critics determined to besmirch his reputation, one figure handily eclipses him in his ability to avert any criticism by the mainstream media: Colin Powell.

Knowledgeable insiders have long characterized Powell’s meteoric rise from colonel to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as based on exceptional skills at bureaucratic infighting and deft wielding of the press leak stiletto. But the general public sees only the picture of high—minded public servant. In the wake of the disclosure that he is attempting to use his wiles to torpedo the nomination of John Bolton as the US Ambassador to the United Nations, it is high time to break out the kryptonite and honestly appraise the record and actions of Colin Powell.

Powell’s rise through the ranks

Powell’s image has been enhanced immeasurably by his military service. He served two tours of duty in Vietnam, was injured, and was awarded a variety of medals. All most commendable. However, many seem to grant him a special status out of a seeming view that he served the nation as a matter of noblesse oblige.

Rarely mentioned is the fact that at the time Powell joined and graduated from the ROTC (1958), there were not any signs of imminent military action. ROTC provided one of the few avenues of advancement for young black men of that generation in America. He most certainly did develop a fine record in Vietnam — as did many others.

Capitalizing on his record, he was able to move from Vietnam to Washington, where he became a White House Fellow, worked in the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of Defense. Among the mentors who nurtured his rise was Caspar Weinberger who, as Secretary of Defense, made Powell his senior military assistant. (This relationship of trust was subsequently abused, as we shall soon see.)

During this time, Powell was called to testify in private sessions with Congress regarding the Iran—Contra arms scandal. Powell was apparently one of only five Pentagon employees who knew of the shipment of arms to Iran, yet he escaped any and all of the repercussions that have continued to this day to trail everyone else involved in this affair. Thus began a long and symbiotic relationship between Mr. Powell and various members of Congress.

Despite the Iran—Contra scandal, Powell was able to continue his ascent and he became the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — a position he held when Iraq invaded Kuwait and threatened the entire region. Miraculously, he attained this position after commanding Vth Corps in Germany in 1986 for less than one year. His stint as Military Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense was from 1982 to 1986 — four times as long as his command of one of the US Army Europe’s heavy corps. Normally, this proportion is reversed.

Gulf War I

As noted in The New Republic, Powell dismissed intelligence reports predicting an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and opposed a naval force to deter one. After the invasion, he actively advocated against the use of force to liberate Kuwait.

Powell instead promoted sanctions to coerce Hussein to leave Kuwait . Sanctions would have been as ineffectual as the Oil—for—Food program was in dissuading Hussein from continuing his violations of human rights, and would have allowed him to further threaten his neighbors, the world’s oil supply, and to continue to despoil the Kuwaiti people. Even Brent Scowcroft, one of Powell’s mentors, was

“frankly appalled at the undertone of the discussion, which suggested resignation to the invasion and even adaptation to a fait accompli.”

President George H.W. Bush ignored Powell and rallied the world to push Hussein out of Kuwait. As Iraq’s military forces were being systematically destroyed by allied forces, Powell called for a halt on further military actions. This preserved Hussein’s power as well as key components of his military forces.

When Iraq’s Shiites learned that President Bush was hoping that the Iraqi people would rise up and overthrow Hussein, they began to rebel. Saddam ordered his helicopter gunships to massacre many thousands of Shiites. General Norman Schwarzkopf and Colin Powell negligently had approved Hussein’s retention and use of these helicopters.

Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. John Yeosock, Commanding General of Third Army, had left Safwan and the so—called cease—fire talks in disgust. Convinced that General Schwarzkopf had been ‘rolled,’ he instructed his staff to plan for immediate resumption of offensive action. Several courses of action were developed to lay siege to Baghdad and to execute a Market—Garden type operation to seize the bridges over the Euphrates in Basra to cut off the escape routes of the Republican Guard. US ground forces would then have ground the remainder of Saddam’s army to a pulp. Of course, these plans were all for naught.

While the United States military under Schwarzkopf and Powell sat on their hands during the slaughter, Paul Wolfowitz got wind of this tragedy and immediately ordered the military to defend the Shiites. (Wolfowitz, despite his Jewish background, is to this day considered a hero to many Shiites for this singular act.)

However, Wolfowitz could not prevent the horrors that followed from the refusal to depose Hussein: the ethnic cleansing, torture of Iraqis, sponsorship of terror around the world, and a continuing pattern of violations of UN Security Council Resolutions. Powell’s aversion to finishing the job left the region’s Shiites with the image of the United States as a paper tiger which looked the other way as Shiites were subjected to genocide. This parlous state of affairs left us with a task that was immeasurably more difficult 10 years later.

The stolen provenance behind the ‘Powell Doctrine’

While Powell served under his mentor Caspar (Cap) Weinberger, a doctrine was formulated by Weinberger regarding the use of the American military. Secretary Weinberger introduced the concept in a speech in the Fall of 1984. Weinberger said that six tests should be met before US forces are committed to combat abroad. 1) Is a vital US interest at stake? 2) Will we commit sufficient resources to win? 3) Are the objectives clearly defined? 4) Will we sustain the commitment? 5) Is there reasonable expectations that the public and Congress will support the operation? 6) Have we exhausted all other options? The Washington Post immediately dubbed this the “Weinberger Doctrine.”

Do these tests seem vaguely familiar? They should.

Perhaps, Cap should have trademarked the term and the concept, because Powell appropriated the doctrine, added a couple of somewhat trivial bells and whistles, and in an amazing performance of alchemy, renamed it the ‘Powell Doctrine.’ In school, we called this stealing. Nevertheless, the media ditched the ‘Weinberger Doctrine’ and started to exclusively use the ‘Powell Doctrine’ in its reporting. A google search using these search terms: Powell Weinberger Doctrine will reveal a vast selection of historical items tracing this provenance but you will never see the mainstream media even touch upon this suspect history. The rapturous media treatment of Colin Powell was in full display.

The media’s rapturous gaze at Colin Powell

This dynamic should not be surprising, for Colin Powell has long been known as the acknowledged master of dealing with the press. The New Republic’s Lawrence Kaplan noted that Powell’s ascent in the public eye derived from his masterful performance during the press briefings of the first Gulf War, where he famously said about the Iraqi Army,

‘We are going to cut it off, and then we are going to kill it.’

Kaplan reported that Powell’s fellow officers thought this was absurd because Powell offered the opposite advice away from the cameras. Regardless, the press and the people latched onto this John Wayne—like phrase and found a new hero. This romance continued; Powell made good copy and Powell was able to enhance his personal power after the war.

News is the currency of power in Washington, and Powell has been most adept at doling out insider information, and its evil twin—misinformation, to favored reporters. Bob Woodward, celebrity journalist at the Washington Post, seems to have relied almost exclusively on Powell for his books, The Commanders and Bush at War, which depict Powell as the brilliant hero of the hour battling against the incompetents and dullards around him. In Bush at War, Powell repeatedly praises himself or repeats the praises of others while denigrating the President, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rice, and Cheney.

David Frum, President Bush’s former speechwriter, called for Powell’s firing upon the release of Woodward’s book since it became clear that Powell was violating the accepted role of the Secretary of State and was actively betraying the administration.

His term as Secretary of State

Bright promise marked the ascension of Powell to the office of Secretary of State. His nomination had been long rumored during George Bush’s campaign for President, and Powell coyly played the game, allowing his name to be floated in an effort to buttress Bush’s foreign policy credentials and appeal to the black vote.

However, once in office, Powell proved to be an abysmal failure. He pushed for continued efforts to get the UN to approve military action against Hussein, an effort that not only was futile but allowed opponents to rally the against America and for Hussein to prepare his defenses. Powell allowed himself to be fooled at the UN by the French, who promised a limited measure of support for action if Powell were able to persuade the administration to continue to deal with the UN. France betrayed this ‘deal’ and embarrassed Powell and America.

Powell was also a proponent of the noxious use of the phrase ‘cycle of violence’ when addressing the issue of Israeli self—defensive measures against Palestinian terrorism. By equating terror to defensive actions, he legitimized and encouraged continued terror against Israel. President Bush must have put a stop to this ‘diplomaticese’ after 9/11, but its frequent use by Powell helped to create an environment in which terror could be seen as at times an acceptable course of action.

Perhaps if Powell had traveled more he would have been enlightened about the nature of the threats facing the world. But despite repeated entreaties he adopted a restrained attitude towards travel and rarely spent time overseas. In contrast, Condi Rice has hit the ground running and has already traveled 70,000 miles in office at State.

For a diplomat, Powell had an unusual sense of decorum. He referred to his ideological opponent Doug Feith (and Feith’s aides) as the ‘Gestapo Office.’ Feith’s family lost many members to the Nazis during the Holocaust. Did Powell really have to use this terminology? Such vitriolic rhetoric from a diplomat raises uncomfortable questions about underlying attitudes.

His friends in Saudi Arabia

Perhaps Powell was picking up on the prejudices of his Saudi Arabian friends. He has, for example, weekly racquetball games with the Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the famous bon vivant in Washington D.C., who has also been known to entertain visitors at his $40,000,000 Aspen estate. As a matter of fact, Powell does seem to have a fealty to Saudi Arabia. During his tenure at State, few objections were raised against the constant funding of extremism and terrorism by the Saudis and their restrictions which prohibit the practice of other religions within the kingdom.

This attitude may also reflect Powell’s ties to Frank Carlucci — also a mentor early in his career — and currently deeply involved in the extraordinarily successful investment partnership known as the Carlyle Group. Carlyle has received huge investment funds from Saudi Arabia. Now that Powell is retired from “active and visible government service” one would not be surprised to see him become one of the partners at Carlyle Group, able to reap millions of dollars with the help of the plutocratic Saudi royal family. After all, Prince Bander bin Sultan famously boasted of his success in cultivating powerful Americans:

If the reputation continues to build that the Saudis take care of friends when they leave office, you would not be surprised how much better friends you have with the people who are just coming into office.

Hume Horan was the ex—Ambassador to Saudi Arabia who recently passed away. He was also a noble exception to the rule of ex—diplomats being bought off by the Saudis. He says of his former colleagues who are now on the Saudi dole:

There have been some people who really do go on the Saudi payroll and work as advisors and consultants. Prince Bandar is very good about massaging and promoting relationships like that.

I think that Colin Powell may well be running interference for the Saudis in trying to derail the nomination of John Bolton, who is undoubtedly viewed as a threat by the Saudis. Bolton has expressed his contempt for tyrannies, for the corruption and fecklessness of the UN, and for its widespread anti—Americanism and anti—Semitism.

Bolton has declared that his role in forcing the United Nations to overcome its noxious Zionism is Racism Resolution was one of the highlights of his life. Should Bolton become the American Ambassador to the UN, one could expect that he would meet the Saudis head—on and try to restrain their and the Arab League’s power within the United Nations. This would not go down well with the Wahabbi billionaires.

Powell has taken up the cudgel in ways already beneficial to the Saudis. David Frum has characterized Powell as the ‘deadliest bureaucratic knife—fighter in the whole Bush Administration’ and he has carried this ‘skill’ with him after he left office. He and his joined—at—the—hip ally Richard Armitage have been busy preparing background information to be used against John Bolton during his confirmation hearings.

As the well—respected columnist Jim Hoagland of the Washington Post noted,

Armitage was a mentor to virtually all of the State Department personnel whose cases of mistreatment by U.N. ambassador—designate John Bolton were cited in Senate hearings last week, and Powell has pointedly declined to support Bolton.

Should we be surprised that a man who betrays a mentor and plagiarizes his idea, a man who says one thing in front of a camera and the opposite behind the scenes, a man who refuses to risk his reputation by engaging in military activity, a man who counsels appeasement to dictators, who permits Shiites to be sacrificed to the genocidal Hussein, would betray an administration that bestowed upon him one of the most prestigious titles in the world? Frankly, no. As Lawrence Kaplan presciently wrote in The New Republic 5 years ago (!):

“…it is strange that a family that prizes loyalty would reward a figure who so distinctly lacks it….”

Yet the mainstream press (so avid to reveal flaws in other’s curriculum vitae) has given Powell a pass. Have they been so bamboozled by his charms that they have been seduced into an obedient blindness? Is the media afraid to criticize one of the most admired black men in America (this alone is condescending)? Is the media afraid to lose one of its prime sources of insider information? Is the media afraid of offending a man who can still achieve great political power?

Or are they afraid to admit that the figure that they colluded to create is an emperor with no clothes?

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/2005/04/colinoscopy_examining_colin_po.html at October 19, 2008 – 03:51:34 PM EDT

The fact that he admitted race played even a small role in his decision, that he focused on Obama’s style rather than substance, and that he had the poor judgment to conclude that someone with 100 weeks’ legislative experience is more qualified than someone with executive experience destroyed his credibility in the mind of anyone who can think logically. Of course, this leaves out all Democrats. Very telling.

In a few short minutes, the man went from someone of relatively high stature to a little pipsqueak. He’s either that weak or that ignorant, take your pick. A shame he couldn’t rise to the occasion and become a model for his race.

Richard, I have no problems acknowledging that Powell is a man that I respect highly for his military service. Perhaps I should have made that clear, at least in my own remark, when I said his decision to endorse Obama doesn’t change my opinion of him. I may honor his military record, but that doesn’t mean we live on the same political page.

My opinion of him politically is that he is, and has always been a RINO. And this is evident in another of his reasons for supporting Obama… SCOTUS nominees.

Colin Powell said one of his key reasons for supporting Barack Obama over John McCain was a difficulty with two more conservative appointments to the Supreme Court, which he added is “what we’d be looking at in a McCain administration.”

These are the words of a RINO, not a conservative… and in keeping with many of his past actions. Thus his endorsement is no surprise, nor do I lend any more credibility to his endorsement than I would to any other liberal.

I knew Colin Powell had sold his soul to the Left a long while back, based on his own words. Also, it was even more clear when the Hollywood elite started openly favoring him. So, I am not surprised, and at the risk of sounding racist myself, I think it IS about race (and bitterness) that Powell has made this announcement. Powell said, “Our great strength is in our unity and our diversity”. Where in the world has Obama displayed any sense of unification of American citizens? Of course, it is only among the liberal left that he brings unity. Again, Powell said, “…Mr. Ayers and these trivial issues…”. TRIVIAL ISSUES???? Bombing America is trivial?? To say he (Ayers) didn’t do enough bombing right after 9/11/2001 is trivial, Mr. Powell???

I, too, once had tremendous respect for General Colin Powell. Obama emphasized often when Rev. Wright first started coming up in the media, that had been in the military, after all!! So, it doesn’t matter whatever Anti-American, racist views he has now, right? He served his country, so he has a right (no pun intended) to say what he wants, right?? Nay, I say! My point is, anyone can go wrong, even a former General.

I wouldn’t be surprised either if this is about a position in a possible Obama administration, but this endorsement will not go well for him in the eyes of mainstream America, so is it really worth it, Sir?

This is a non-story story. Oooo, two weeks before the election Powell (the traditional dove on international policy) comes out of the closet and announces his support for Obama. No big surprise, no brave stand to take 2wks out of the election, and…it’s Powell. In 1991 when the US had the forces in theatre to remove Saddam (and at the time he had lots of WMD, but very little military to use it), it wasn’t Schwatzkopf or Cheney who said, let’s stop and show mercy to the dictator. Nope, it was Colin Powell, and Bush Sr erringly followed his advice.

C’mon, it’s Colin Powell

Colin Powell’ decision was truly racist and he has lost all of my respect. This article proves it.

Canadian National Post
Published: Saturday, October 18, 2008

“… Mr. Powell has been coy when asked who he might support, but last month he admitted that while he had yet to make up his mind, he felt the election of an African-American president “would be electrifying.”

“… When he spoke in London, the first black secretary of state went out of his way to identify himself as an “African-American.”

“Many people have said to me, ‘You became secretary of state of the U. S. A., is it still necessary to say that you are an African-American or that you are black?,’ and I say, ‘Yes, so that we can remind our children.’ ”

“It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history,” he added.

“I didn’t just drop out of the sky. People came from my continent in chains.”


I wholeheartedly disagree, Craig. And I have to say, enuf is enuf, here on some of these tangents, group.

Colin Powell, identifying himself as black or an African-American does not make him racist. I’m not a fan of the hypenated Americanism, mind you. But Powell is correct. It took a lot of people… of all races… strugging to bring civil rights to this point in history. A point, I might add, that the DNC is bound and determined to turn retrograde by labeling the American electorate racist if their socialist candidate doesn’t get elected.

Powell deserves respect for his service to our country. No one has to agree with his politics.

But the criticism of Powell’s choice to be a liberal, and to support a socialist candidate, should have nothing to do with his race, or his service to country. He’s quite open that he doesn’t want conservative judges, and doesn’t like Sarah Palin. That just makes him a RINO (Republican In Name Only), not a racist.

As Scott said… this is Colin Powell, for heavens sake. This is not a surprise to anyone that knows the man and his political history.

And personally, I do not want to hear anyone denigrating Colin Powell’s service, or calling him a racist, because he is a liberal Obama supporter anymore than I wanted to listen to Doug1 call McCain a coward. I thought the article by Ed Lasky that Skip posted was a low-blow partisan slam at Powell’s service, and out of bounds, IMHO.

This is disrespect that I can’t tolerate. Disagree with their politics, but respect the warriors.


Ask yourself these questions: If Obama was white, do you really think that Powell would have endorsed him? I don’t think so. Did he endorsed Gore? No. Did he endorsed John Kerry? No. He endorsed Bush. But he won’t endorses McCain? Bush was much more of a right wing politician than McCain. So why does he endorsed Obama? Think about it. There is NO reason, politically speaking.

Craig, in answer to your questions

If Obama was white, do you really think that Powell would have endorsed him? I don’t think so.

I don’t think Obama’s race played into it with enough of a degree to matter, Craig. As I said, Powell has been more liberal than conservative for a long time now. But since you ask, yes I believe Powell would have endorsed a white Obama, and a male Hillary. Because one of Powell’s concerns is the Supreme Court appointments, and he doesn’t want more Alito’s, Roberts or Scalia’s. Since this is his concern with McCain, it doesn’t matter if they ran the Affleck Duck (or is that AFLAC?? LOL) or the Geiko gekko against McCain. He would have supported the DNC candidate for the SCOTUS alone.

Did he endorse Gore? No.

Times were different. It was pre 911. No Afghanistan, no Iraq. Nor were there as many imminent vacancies on the High Court then. So I would not have expected him, at that time, to endorse Gore.

Did he endorse John Kerry? No. He endorsed Bush.

First of all, Craig, Colin Powell was an active Secy of State during the 2004 election. Why would you expect a Bush admin cabinet member to endorse the opposing party’s candidate??

Secondly, Kerry’s an entirely different animal as a military man. While I believe the battles over Kerry’s military performance rightly remain between the guys who were serving with him, Kerry’s return to the states to bash his fellow troops is something I can judge him on. And I don’t know Powell’s opinion on Kerry’s turncoat behavior on the military as a whole. But I’ve never seen Powell use his politics to assail the US armed forces. So no… I wouldn’t expect him to endorse Kerry even if he were *not* a sitting Secy of State.

But he won’t endorses McCain? Bush was much more of a right wing politician than McCain.

Again, he won’t endorse McCain because the Supreme Court is a huge issue for the parties right now. If he doesn’t support strict constructionist judges, and McCain will do just that, it has everything with him supporting the party who is likely to appoint judges he wants to see.

Times are different today than when Powell was a Bush WH admin member. He’s changed his mind on Iraq. He’s anti-McCain SCOTUS appointees. He doesn’t like Palin. As I said, I believe Powell would have endorsed Hillary Clinton were she the nominee over McCain.

Answer your questions?

Ok, so what’s next for the FORMER Army general now that he’s an official TRAITOR????

Honorary membership in the vfp and the ivaw, perhaps?????

Dunno, Paul. He’s not on the tips of tongues to be a part of an Obama admin, and most don’t think he’d take it anyway. He’s 71-72, and has not only changed his mind on Iraq, but Gitmo as well. I’d say the first thing he ought to do officially is change his voter registration.. if he hasn’t already.

But here’s an AARP article on him a couple of years back, if you’re genuinely curious as to what he does with his time nowadays. I just do not see him re’entering the political fray.

No Mata, it doesn’t answer my questions at all. But you’ve just showed me that Powell is just another Flip-Flop, like Obama. He didn’t mind being a Republican with a lot of power before, did he? Didn’t Georges W. Bush appointed some Supreme Court’s judges that Powell didn’t like? Was he surprised then? No, he wasn’t surprised, he knew it and agreed with them. And NO, I don’t think that Powell would have endorsed Hillary… are you kidding? A woman? No surprises that he doesn’t like Sarah Palin. What does he dislike about her? That she is pro-life? Or religiously oriented? She has more executive experience than Obama and she is a better speaker than “The Messiah.” Or maybe he is just mad that McCain didn’t ask him to be his VP?

No, you did not convince me at all. It is all too clear for me. Powell endorsed Obama because he is black. That’s it, that’s all. Unfortunately.

Craig, INRE:

Didn’t Georges W. Bush appointed some Supreme Court’s judges that Powell didn’t like? Was he surprised then? No, he wasn’t surprised, he knew it and agreed with them.

No, Craig. Powell served as Secy of State until end of Jan 2005, when Bush began his new admin. Bush did not appoint Roberts as Supreme Justice until 9 months later, and Alito months after that. Powell was an ordinary citizen.

He never had say.. not as a Secy of State, nor citizen… in who is appointed. That is a POTUS pick with a Congressional approval. Bush conference on judges isn’t likely to be the expertise of his Secy of State. Attorney General, perhaps, but not the State Dept.

There are no publicized statement of opinions by Powell on Roberts and Alito, so unless the man called you personally from his cabinet retirement position to posit his thoughts to you personally, you are just plain making up conclusions about his “agreement”.

And NO, I don’t think that Powell would have endorsed Hillary… are you kidding? A woman? No surprises that he doesn’t like Sarah Palin. What does he dislike about her? That she is pro-life? Or religiously oriented?

As far as Palin, he just says after watching her for seven weeks, he doesn’t feel she’s ready for the job yet. This isn’t an unusual opinion for a liberal, Craig. And what you constantly insist on ignoring is that Colin Powell is a liberal… regardless of his prior party affiliations. There is no doubt there is some bad blood between he and Bush, and the GOP for his Secy of State tenure. For all I know, he could be re’registered as a DNC member now.

Now, if you’re going to accuse Powell of being a woman hater, then I suggest you start backing up your reasons for that personal assault. He is not a racist. He is not a misogynist. He’s a dang liberal RINO. And if you haven’t checked out our US Congress lately, we have a lot of those holding office.

This is so absurd. This is like arguing about Chuck Hagel’s endorsement of Obama… he was more “republican” than Powell ever was. Think he’s doing it because he’s a racist and misogynist too? dumb, dumb and offensively dumb.

Craig, it comes down to this. You have nothing in your bank of accusations to substantiate any personal charges of this man except some opinion you formed for heaven knows what reason. You, of course, have the right to express you thoughts. But I confess, there’s been all too many times on this thread that I’ve had to scroll back up to the header and make sure I was still on Flopping Aces, and not on some alternative universe HuffPo site.

Some of these comments I find embarrassingly ignorant, misinformed, and personally out of line. And I am not apt to dwell on this thread much longer since it’s not anything with which I want to be associated.

So…um….how about that Cash video I put up? Pretty cool, huh?

Ever the diplomat, Word “da *man”…. LOL And on that note, I bid this thread adieu. :0)

@MataHarley: You go girl, I have a whole new level of respect for you, we may not agree on much, but thank you for setting people straight on the racist crap.

Actually, I got home not too long ago and haven’t gone through the comments; just skimmed a few.

Still getting settled in at the computer.

I like some of Freedom Eden‘s points:

—Powell doesn’t think Palin is qualified. He didn’t address Obama’s lack of experience.

—Powell said that Bill Ayers had become the central point of the McCain campaign in the past few weeks. That’s a Dem talking point. It’s ridiculous to say that Ayers has become the “central point.” McCain and Palin continue to talk about the economy, foreign policy, and energy policy. They have never stopped addressing those issues. Ayers has not taken center stage.

—Powell is disturbed about the Muslim thing.

Powell denounced Republican tactics that he said were insulting not only to to Obama but also to Muslims.

“The really right answer is what if he is?” Powell said, praising the contributions of millions of Muslim citizens to American society.

Although Powell said McCain hasn’t called Obama a Muslim, it’s a smear by Powell to suggest that the McCain-Palin campaign is spreading misinformation about Obama being a Muslim.

Powell didn’t name the Republicans responsible for spreading these rumors, but I think it’s terribly irresponsible of him to paint the Republican Party with such a broad brush and attribute such tactics to the party as a whole.

Talk about guilt by association!

Furthermore, I agree with Powell’s assertion that the individuals attempting to discredit Obama by falsely saying he’s a Muslim is an insult.

That’s why I have found the way Obama has denounced those rumors to be insulting as well. A subtle bigotry runs through Obama’s campaign.

Since the primaries, underlying the Obama campaign’s efforts to set the record straight on Obama as a practicing Christian is an anti-Muslim bias.

The message is: Don’t be afraid of Barack. He’s not one of those Muslims.

That has to offend Muslims. It should.

Powell is charging unnamed Republicans with insulting Muslims. I think the charge can be made that Obama and his camp have been insulting Muslims for months and months.

Ok….I just read all the comments, and see how timely mine was, coming right on the heels of this:

Some of these comments I find embarrassingly ignorant, misinformed, and personally out of line. And I am not apt to dwell on this thread much longer since it’s not anything with which I want to be associated.

Good timing, I guess, for my entry?

I was afraid angry conservatives might go overboard and do what DU does on a regular basis, but from the right; which is why I thought Bruce Kesler’s words left in comment #4 might temper emotional outbursts.

I can see race playing a role in Powell’s decision; but not in the simple sense of it. I think if race did factor into a decision, it’s one more akin to the reason espoused by John Mcwhorter, who is supporting Barack Obama, and Dennis Prager, who is not supporting Barack obama, but who freely admits he would love, love, love to elect a black president.

It can’t be underestimated that as much as we detest those quagmired in the importance of race, there is the potential symbolic healing, simply on account of the fact that so many fellow Americans are quagmired by the issue of racism.

Leah #18:

It’s like Elroy Jetson said: he doesn’t agree with him on any of the issues. Being just a great speaker doesn’t qualify someone for the presidency.

I think what Powell sees in Obama, that he might call “substance” and “energy”, is Obama’s ability to inspire people and give them hope for a better tomorrow. It sounds like a utopian wishful thinking. But a charismatic leader who can inspire others…the power of that should not be dismissed as “superficial”.

There is certainly no question that Obama has a gift that gives people a sense of optimism; it’s certainly something that Reagan had the ability to do: make Americans feel proud of their country, again, and proud of themselves and their ability to accomplish greatness.

We may all see the adoration as undeserved; but the fact that he inspires and provokes it….there is something positive and powerful in that.

Mata, let’s agree to disagree on this issue. Colin Powell have lost all of my respect today.


Rush Limbaugh said Colin Powell’s decision to get behind Barack Obama appeared to be very much tied to Obama’s status as the first African-American with a chance to become president.

Secretary Powell says his endorsement is not about race,” Limbaugh wrote in an e-mail. “OK, fine. I am now researching his past endorsements to see if I can find all the inexperienced, very liberal, white candidates he has endorsed. I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

As for Powell’s statement of concern this morning about the sort of Supreme Court justices a President McCain might appoint, Limbaugh wrote: “I was also unaware of his dislike for John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy and Antonin Scalia. I guess he also regrets Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Yes, let’s hear it for transformational figures.”


“We may all see the adoration as undeserved; but the fact that he inspires and provokes it….there is something positive and powerful in that.” (Wordsmith)

And what about Sarah Palin? She inspires people. She is a better speaker than Obama. She gets bigger crowds than stupid Obama. She is sincere and has integrity, Obama has none. We know everything about Sarah, people know nothing about that socialist/communist who hangs around with terrorists, crooks ant anti-American. Can’t Powell see this? He would see it if he wasn’t so blinded color.

“Craig, I believe Mata is accurate in saying that Colin Powell has never been a dye-in-the-wool conservative Republican.” (Wordsmith)

So tell me, why in the world did he accept Reagan and Bush making him a four-star [general] and secretary of state and appointing his son to head the FCC. Is he just an opportunist? Doesn’t it matter to him if it comes from the Republicains or the Democrats, has long as he gets his hour of glory?

Can’t believe I’m back here. Must remember to create a filter for this thread! LOL

In a nutshell about your “why in the world” comment, Craig. The Reagan conservative era is not the conservatives of today. In the past decade, especially, both the DNC and GOP have morphed from their platforms and beliefs immensely. This also holds true for Rush’s comments as well, to whom I am a regular listener. You cannot compare Powell and the two parties in the past to what they have morphed to today.

For Powell, the conservatives went too far in one direction, and he’s chosen to ride the other party too far in the other. Evidently he doesn’t want the court to be balanced either too far, or in the majority of, strict constructionst judges.

But, as I said… no surprise for the endorsement, especially after his Bush admin tenure.

I am so mad at this idiot. I never had an ounce of racism in my bones before. But now, I think I should.

I admired Condoleezza Rice, Martin Luther King, Colin Powell and many more. I even admired Oprah Windfrey. But Oprah and Colin proved me wrong. The racism is not coming from the White; it is coming from the Black. How could I have been so wrong all that time? I am so mad at myself for having given them the benefit of the doubt.

“For Powell, the conservatives went too far in one direction”. (Mata)

What do you mean by too far? What was so different between Bush and Reagan. They are my favorite Presidents.

To your question mark, Wordsmith, I will answer this: I thought Black people liked the White people and vice-versa. I thought we all got along fine. I never thought they hated us so much as to vote for a socialist/communist bum, who hangs around with terrorists, crooks and anti-Americans and who wants to destroy your country. And the only reason is because he is Black. I just can’t get over this. I am stunned, upset and darn mad.

Maybe you are right, Wordsmith. But I am so mad at Powell, I can’t think right now, I’m too mad and upset. And just to think that Oprah doesn’t want to interview Palin before the elections, makes me sick. She said she didn’t want to mangle with the elections. So why does she calls him “The One”? She is brainwashing hundred millions of voters on her show every day. I stopped watching her show last week, I can’t stand her anymore. I sure would like to know how much money she donated for the Obama’s campaign.