Drop the free market and go all out for free handouts. The citizens of Hawaii taught a lesson to state legislators on economics 101. Hawaii ends it’s universal healthcare plan for children after 7 months:
Gov. Linda Lingle’s administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.
“People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free,” said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. “I don’t believe that was the intent of the program.”
Wow, parents taking advantage of a handout by the Hawaiian government have closed down the dawning of universal healthcare!
Say it ain’t so Joe!
Free is a loose term, as taxpayers were footing the bill for this socialist engineered program which had no restrictions on who could use enroll in this program. Why would you pay twice for healthcare coverage? Another instance of wealth redistributed – just not for you to use – or the system will come crashing down.
I really don’t understand why liberals can’t understand basic math and economics. Even “socialist” Cuba must rely on the capitalist europeans that visit the resorts there as an income source and we all know how crappy their free health care is. You can’t tax corporations when there are no corporations to tax.
Here in Canada you have to wait between 6 to 15 months before you can get an operation. You have time to die before you reach the operation room. But it’s free. Free? Think twice. In Québec, 51% of the budget goes on the free Health system. And who do you think pays for all that? The middle-class taxpayers. Nothing is free, this is an illusion.
And meanwile, our infrastructures are all falling apart. Bridges collapse, our roads are full of wholes, etc.
The middle-class taxpayers. Nothing is free, this is an illusion.
You mean the Canadian Joe the Plumber, eh?
don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. nothing in life is ever free, there is alwyas a cost to everything. i really hope someone sends obama an article about this, he could learn something. maybe he thinnks if he enacts the program it will be successful because he did so well with the annenburg challenge.
This is gonna be the death of middle class….Seems to me Obama wants to make the middle class poor, and the poor middle class… The funny side is tho, once the original poor figure out how to use the extra income and start businesses they will be poor again, and the middle class will rise again, and fall again… OMG UP DOWN UP DOWN… seriously tho, i was joking after i did the first switch around.
This shits got me really scared.
@Custer: it gets us all scared
Perhaps we can spare ourselves the slippery slope towards socialism. Survey says! 84% of Americans reject Barack Obama’s “spread the wealth around” ideas. Some folks are even turning violently against Obama — they had no idea Obama’s plans were communist. It really seems to me that this was a slip-of-the-tongue on Barry’s part. It has made it so McCain can pull ahead with some serious economic growth ideas.
Poll finds Americans reject redistribution of wealth as suggested by Barack Hussein Obama:
PRINCETON, NJ — When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today’s consumer, Americans overwhelmingly — by 84% to 13% — prefer that the government focus on improving overall economic conditions and the jobs situation in the United States as opposed to taking steps to distribute wealth more evenly among Americans.
Down with Barack Obama!
Read: “http://www.gallup.com/poll/108445/Americans-Oppose-Income-Redistribution-Fix-Economy.aspx”
Let’s elect John McCain — Honorable and a true Patriot — President of these United States of America.
Obama camp hires prosecutor in fraude probe.
@Craig: aww hell, i have to admit that was funny. sarah was a good sport about that and i love that about her.
Thanks again Craig for another viewpoint on Canada’s healthcare system to help demonstrate and support this report’s view that “Socialized Medicine”, refered to as “Universal Healthcare” by the Dems to hide what it really is, will not and cannot work in America. Hopefully it would not be as much of a drain on our budget as it is in Canada, but if it is, that combined with the Obama tax plans would turn this country into a socialist welfare state overnight. Of course, Obama’s healthcare plan is not his own. It’s likely virtually the same one that Hillary and Pelosi have been trying to force upon us since the Clinton Administration.
Here is a good piechart on America’s 2007 budget:
As you can see, 14.3% of our budget already goes to healthcare. That accounts for more than twice the Social Security budget and almost as much as our Defense budget including veteran’s benifits. Less than a quarter of the Veteran’s benifit budget goes towards healthcare. The vast majority of it (over half), goes towards retirement pensions and disability. Veterans who retire only recieve generally 1/2 of their base pay which amounts to 1/3rd of how much they recieved while in service after adding in housing and other entitlements. Healthcare benefits are already atrocious. It used to be that the government footed the bill for all medical care for retired and disabled veterans. This was before the Vietnam War. Because of the sheer numbers of military who returned disabled from that war it was a serious strain on the military budget. Some had a very difficult time being scene and services became substandard. Since then, veteran healthcare was cut severely and we only get free medical care for service related problems and are out of pocket for everything else. Disabled vets fall under the VA. For retiree’s without disablilies, they are under Tricare. Which is an HMO type animal and area specific. Depending on which plan they take, they usually only get governmental healthcare financial assistance and limited service where they live. If a problem comes up while travelling out of state, they incur almost all full costs personally. The Obama healthcare plan promises to give everyone a healthcare system even better than that afforded to our own military retiree’s and disabled. That will be a serious cost on our budget. The percentage of America’s population who are veterans is roughly 12.1% and can be found here:
So let’s factor out what Obama’s plan might cost. If only all veterans received the identical amount of healthcare being offered by Obama’s Universal Healthcare plan, this would bring it up closer to half of the current veteran’s budget. Then we can take a base line for that 12.1% as; 2.9% divided by 12.1, times 100; Universal Healthcare alone would 24% of our budget. Add in medicare and you get; 39.3%. That is only for citizens. That doesn’t include the current drain on the system by illegal alien use of emergency room visits and free clinics that are already passed on to us by higher medical fees. When complaining on some of the prices being charge me for medical materials used, it was explained to me by billing staff this way; “When you pay for materials that show up on your bill, in each instance you are also paying for materials and services for 20 other people who are getting theirs for free.
From the same piechart, now look at Defense expenditures.
Now here is a ficticious similar graph being shown by an anti-war liberal website:
Notice how they’ve spun it to look like America is a warmonger? They claim America spends 36% of the budget on military. Then they further down claim America spend 47% of all worldwide military budgets. That is an outright lie. For one, for this claim to be true, America’s own budget Defense would have to be a much higher percentage and America’s total budget would have to be more that the rest of the world’s combined budget. You notice they state China only spends 2%. China’s military budget is comparable to America’s.
Every able-bodied citizen is required to join the Chinese military.
People forget that during the Cold War there were 3 superpowers, not just the USA & the USSR. Liberals decided to ignore this after the Iron Curtain fell. China communist/socialists didn’t like the US, but they hated the Soviet socialists even more and saw them as a greater threat. They view Russia as a merger between centuries long Huns, Mongol, and other tribal threats. After the fall of the USSR there were serious concerns that China might move to pick off the seperate states one-by-one. The US have been in serious discussions with China since the Nixon administration. Although awarding “Most Favored Nation Status” ot China was very unpopular with human rights agencies outraged by China’s treatment of their own people, it did help prevent Northern Asia from falling to total Chinese dominion.
I also detest Obama, but I wouldn’t go so far as to refer to Powell as racist for supporting him. Yet Powell has lost some respect in my eyes for announcing it as a political stunt like this. I think Powell was stumping to be selected for the secretary of state position and was only holding back on who to endorse to ascertain which way he thought the wind was blowing.
Some military generals become drawn to politics. Some have done things in the past contrary to our military’s own best interests under political ambitions. Powell was a political general, Maybe some of you missed this connection, but the part of the black general in Tim Burton’s “Mars Attacks”, was loosely based on a charactarature how some military people viewed Powell. He was certainly not of the same calibur as Schwartzkopf.
Ken’s embodiment of Obama as Charimatic, is one of the things that have concerned many of us in other thread’s posts. To blindly vote for someone for charisma alone is a dangerous thing. That’s how Adolph got to power. He was a very inspiring speaker, he talked a good game on his “vision” of Germany’s future and convinced the people, but he was silent on what he would really do.
Why work when the pies are free.
Socialism doesn’t fail, it only runs out of other people’s money to give away.
Yes, Powell is a racist. He proved it when he endorsed the one solely on race.
Why those evil, greedy rich people. Don’t they know it is their duty to work hard in order to support their families…as well as a couple of others! How dare they want stuff for free. Who do they think they are…illegal aliens? So tell me, Obamessiah, what happens when the “rich” like Joe decide it just ain’t worth it and close their businesses, stop making investments, retire, or quit buying expensive stuff? Who pays the Marxist tab?
I’ll give you another example of Socialism gone bad. In the Philippines, there is a strong communist sentiment. But the Philippines continues to be a country stuck in poverty because of these leanings, despite a great position in the Pacific, good natural resources, a well educated middle class, and billions in aid from various countries. Businesses don’t want to build in the Philippines because of harsh taxes, redistributive policies, and it’s penchant to nationalize things at a whim (see the new airport built by Germany where the Philippines refused to pay the business that built the airport, instead nationalizing it).
The Philippines is now stuck in eternal poverty because they have no one to tax to support their socialist programs. The Philippines in essence is a country dependent on foreign aid to survive.
Thanks Thomas;
The more truthful messages that get out to prove how socialism cripples a country and it’s people the better chance we have to combat it. The more we can tie Obama, his campaign and their shady efforts to socialist militanism, and drive it into the heads of the ignorant masses they try to sway, the greater the possibilities they can be defeated. People just don’t see how the socialist have been nurtured and grown in America over the ages. From the silent and secret facists supporters of German and Italian socialism in the ealy part of the 20th century, to the young beatnik philosophers in smokey coffee shops in the 1940’s-50’s, to the underground anarchists of the 1960’s-70’s, to today’s “hiding in plain” sight socialist movement.
Obama is the Rasputin of our era. He has weaseled his way into the American dynasty and slyly seduced the unwary leadership. He smiles glibly when his treacheries rise to the surface, then denies everything, He refuses every effort to reveal documented evidence of his character and personal flws. He only waits for his chance to overthow our government and establish himself as supreme emperor. However, like Rasputin, he is a weak puppet and will eventually be consumed by his own party.
Do not even get close to communist like China Vietnam Cuba NorthKorea Lao
OK, everyone understands it seems so who is ready to fight for it…and i don’t want to hear its not bad enough yet. If we wait that long it will be. Im ready and i want to know who is with me!?!?