Smerconish Latest “Conservative” to Join Dark Side [Reader Post]

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My apologies in advance for the blatantly racist headline. Personally, I think it’s rather clever. Alas, it’s true – yet another so-called conservative has joined the ranks of the Obamaniacs.

Hold on to your tin foil hat!

The latest victim of Obama’s incredible mind meld is Philadelphia talk radio host Michael Smerconish, as ABC’s Jake Tapper eagerly reports on his “Political Punch” blog.

Now, I don’t begrudge Smerconish – or anyone else, conservative or liberal – the right to vote for any candidate, for any reason. Wanna support Obama so you can say you voted for America’s first black president? Excellent! Wanna side with McCain because you’re gaga over Sarah Palin? Wonderful! Maybe your decision is actually based on the candidates’ positions on the issues. Fantastic!

But “Barack Obama” and “conservative” are mutually exclusive terms. Anyone voting for Obama cannot accurately be defined as conservative – even if they were heretofore, in fact, conservative. Sorry Kathleen Parker, Peggy Noonan, and George Will. Last time I checked, spreading the wealth around, negotiating with leaders of rogue nations without preconditions, and socializing healthcare were not pillars of the right wing movement.

Furthermore, no true conservative can be at all comfortable with the specter of a government run by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid three-headed monster. Even moderates should be petrified by the thought of this ultra-liberal, potentially filibuster-proof supermajority running our country for at least the next two years.

To be sure, few conservatives – including myself – are truly enamored with John McCain, at least from a policy standpoint. But vis-à-vis Barack Obama, the former darling of the New Party, McCain is the obvious and only rational choice for conservatives in this election.

Reading Tapper’s report, Smerconish justifies his support of Obama by regurgitating garden-variety liberal gripes about WMD in Iraq, letting bin Laden escape at Tora Bora, and so on. That’s his perogative, I suppose.

Just don’t call Smerconish a conservative anymore.

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I’m confused… Who besides Smerconish ever said he was a Republican or a conservative anyway?

Good point.

For purposes of Obama endorsements, perhaps the MSM is broadening its own definition of “conservative.”

What would happen if Democrats take the White House and Congress

No one should be surprised that northeast Republicans are flocking to Obama. They’ve always been a popcorn fart away from being limousine liberals anyway.

@Jonn Lilyea:

Maybe we need to send them a 17-day supply of this to keep them in line…

Liberal supermajority indeed. Our country would be run by Democrats…Obama would get his socialist bills passed through Congress so quickly that it’d go on the Guinness Book of Records.

You know, going back historically, an Obama presidency would not be desirable to any of our founding forefathers. Obama getting elected would make poor old Madison flip over in his grave.

No one in philly believes Smerconish is a conservative – he is just a pandering media troll.

Well in regards to Smerkonish, another one bites the dust. Obama wouldn’t pass the backgrounds to be a state trooper for crying out loud. Yet the presidency is being handed to him on a silver f-ing platter. I fear for the future of this country if this man gets elected.

Smerconish is a FRAUD…..always was and always will be. Standing up for Danny Faulkner was the only thing he has to be proud of.