How very revealing all of this has been, hasn’t it? Obama wandered onto the wrong street that day didn’t he? The question itself ‘flushed out’ Barry well enough. It forced him to pretty much admit his socialist mindset. I suspect the effect has been earth-shaking. Their internal polling must have alarmed them quite a bit or they wouldn’t have reacted they way they have.
And it is that very reaction that has even more successfully ‘flushed out’ the REAL Barack Obama, so fortuitously re-named by McCain as “Senator Government”. He and his friends have that Marxist impulse so perfected by Stalin of attacking the symbols which reveal their hypocrisy ruthlessly. As in Orwell’s 1984, they can produce their own reality, without worrying about the effect on their hapless victims. This is what they are trying to do to Joe. I won’t go into the details of the facts about him and their attacks. Suffice it to say, he was in now way a plant, he asked a question about a possible business, not his present situation. The inquisition he is undergoing in two days exceeds most of the MSM’s efforts investigating Senator Government for two years.
But I think they just may have overplayed their hand this time on the heels of what they did and are doing to Sarah Palin. I just went to one of her rallies and the crowd was truly astounding. Like the people of Solidarity or the non-violent crowds of the Velvet Revolution and their sister uprisings, many are simply not going to ALLOW themselves to be stampeded this time by the hackneyed ‘tell us what to believe’ cant coming from the old, far-left power bases. Their reaction reveals them as not agents of reform, but the most predictable socialist idealogues with the same failed ideas.
‘Senator Government’ has been flushed out by ‘the Plumber’.
Even if Joe the Plumber was a McCain plant (which, of course, he’s not), and even if he’s not a plumber (which, of course, he is), the thing that really burns the Angry Left is that Senator Government showed his hand when he said he’d like to “spread the wealth around.”
But they can’t unleash on Mr. Obama. He can do no wrong. So, they are taking out their frustration on Mr. Wurzelbacher instead.
Think Obama is going to engage any more “Joe the Plumbers” in a discussion on tax policy between now and November 4?
mlajoe: Now I’m going to have to come up with a new headline for my next post! My fault for procrastinating!
Mike’s America,
Feel free to re-use it! No copywrights here. We just have to keep spreading the word any darn way we can.
‘Joe the Plumber’ to Appear on Mike Huckabee’s New FOX News Show
Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, a.k.a.”Joe the Plumber,” will give an exclusive prime time interview to FOX News’ Mike Huckabee Saturday night at 8 p.m. ET.
First making fun of the working class with his “gun and Bible-clinging” remark, then making fun of a woman of high power position by calling her a “pig”, belittling women everywhere with his “sweetie” comments, and now derisively mocking Joe. Is there no low that this man would stoop to?
This is the reason Obama could NEVER do the town hall meetings with McCain! He gets caught off guard and his true nature shows through. And I’m sure the Obama camp is shocked at how many “Joe the Plumbers” are out there! Joe has exposed Obama for what he is. Obama has been involved with may community organizations (ACORN, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) that have forced banks to lend vast amounts of money to high-risk customers (which brought about the economic collapse of the housing boom), and he’s associated with folks who promote a ‘distribution of the wealth’ philosophy, and most of the average Joe’s (and Jane’s) do not want that type of governing here in the good ol’ USA!!
I heard Joe the Plumber today in an interview say that he harbors no ill feelings toward Obama but he felt that the media sensation was over the top (to say the least!), and he feels exactly as ALL AMERICANS SHOULD FEEL ~ THAT WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO QUESTION OUR LEADERS WITHOUT FEAR OF REPRISAL!! Do we live in a Communist country where questioning our politicians should grant this onslaught, this smear campagin against an every day citizen? If it can happen to Joe it can happen to you and me. And it will under an Obama Administration, he has shown himself to us, America.
No how, no way will Obama be a good leader to all Americans, not if this is an example of how he will lead. And he can’t blame the media for all of this, I saw him myself at a rally disparaging Joe the Plumber, and I saw Biden doing the same. They are trying anything/everything to deflect the fact that Obama will usher in Socialism.
I guess you can pull the wool over some people’s eyes, let’s see if they can pull the wool over enough eyes though come election day. They’ve got a mighty good chance with the mainstream media in their pocket.
And they seem pretty sure of themselves with Michelle ordering up the champagne and the caviar for the celebration party. Ugh!