A Plumber IS the Guy McCain is Fighting For!

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Joe the Plumber is the guy Obama is mocking and lying about in his recent stump speech. The guy who hopes to achieve the American Dream is derided by both Obama and that pro abortion Catholic whose name I don’t recall.

All of Obama’s mocking aside, he did lie about the exchange he had with “Joe the Plumber”. Obama questioned how many plumbers make $250K? Interesting. Joe NEVER said he did make that amount, just that he wanted to buy a company and hoped to make $250-$280 thousand.

Obama – taking down the American Dream – one plumber at a time. Are you next?

Vote McCain/Palin.

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Great video but I wish it would have included Obama’s remarks about taking away money from this man to “spread the wealth around.”

The money that Joe needs to buy the business, hire the people and buy new trucks will be taken away from Joe because Obama wants to “spread” it around using government.

I’m sure Joe’s way of spreading the wealth by hiring people and buying new trucks is a better idea than handing our money over to Washington so it can end up in the hands of folks like that ACORN group Obama likes so much.

Joe NEVER said he did make that amount, just that he wanted to buy a company and hoped to make $250-$280 thousand.

Like Obama would ever be concerned with facts. In fact, pointing out facts is a racist distraction. 😉

If Obama loses on election day, one of the people I’ll be thanking is Joe the Plumber.

“A plumber is the guy he’s fighting for”. Yes, McCain is fighting for the middle class, you bum. Not for the ones like your wife Michelle, who are ordering lobster, Iranian caviar and champagne. Not for the guys who pays no income taxes and will be receiving a check from the workers who makes more than $250 thousands. Yes, McCain is fighting for Joe the plumber. Get it through your thick head, you arrogant jerk.

McCain is fighting for the middle class – those who work hard and fight hard to achieve their American dream. McCain wants to promote working to earn a living, he wants to encourage a productive society. Meanwhile, Obama wants to give “tax credits” to people who don’t pay taxes at all by taking the money of the hard-working and successful. Sure, there are wealthy people in our nation, and sure, almost everyone wishes they were them. They live a healthy lifestyle. Why? Because they worked hard to achieve their wealth. They studied hard and worked hard to get to where they are, because long ago, they planned on getting where they are in order to live comfortable. Obama’s going to take money away from these people. How is that fair? How is that not “punishing [your] success?”