The Michelle Obama Snack – Update: Story Bogus

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Not only is she going to be an angry First Lady if elected, Michelle Obama will also be the Leona Helmsley version of a First Lady:

THOUGH he’s battling GOP accusations that he’s an Ivy League elitist, Barack Obama has a lifestyle of the rich and famous, like TV show host Robin Leach, who always signed off, “Champagne wishes and caviar dreams!” While he was at a meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Michelle Obama called room service and ordered lobster hors d’oeuvres, two whole steamed lobsters, Iranian caviar and champagne, a tipster told Page Six.


Buffoon in the comments notes that Rush picked up on this story and played a part of Obama’s book that is a bit relevant:

“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!”

Those damn greedy whites…..


Story turns out to be bogus

Some lefty readers of the Pandagon site (a more demented site I have not seen) demand I apologize. I tell ya what…I will do as Franklin Foer from TNR did once the Scott Beauchamp stories he printed turned out to be lies….Issue a retraction and NOT apologize. Why? Because it just has to be true somehow right?

Don’t need a receipt from a fancy hotel to know that the Obama’s are elitist’s who think all of us regular folk are just bitter gunnuts clinging to religion.

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I guess at least one person did not get your post.

I only included IQ to take issue with LBTB&CF’s charge that everyone who posted here was a “Dimwit.” Otherwise, It would have gone unmentioned.

As to the complaints on spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typos. That post was entered using IE6. When these threads get lengthy, as in this case for example, I could only see the first two lines I typed. It is rather difficult to proofread when you are typing blind. And following my post, I did not receive an option to edit.

Thank you Missy, and Aye of course, for stepping forward to defend my honor. I have no doubt Missy sizing up INTPagan as a male was based on her Narcissus complex, normally typical of male bullies.

Goddess knows she gives us enough without us having to lie about her.

“The Goddess”, statement reveals you for what you are my dear; What I believe Rush Limbaugh terms; “Male-bashing, Femi-Nazi.” You haughtily compound this with a ‘superior than thou’ attitude and an annoying penchant for correcting the grammar of those you feel are beneath your highness’s’ contempt. Nothing more than another ultra liberal, elitist bore of a blog troll.

As for the rest of your statement; If that is true, then perhaps your time would be better spent in monitoring the liberal websites and re-educating them that their lies are totally unnecessary and a thorough waste of their time. As you gaze down your own nose at we insects whom you deem unfit to even infest your broom, consider:

“That and you’re kind of a douchebag for not simply saying you were wrong.”

I did not write the report, nor did I post it. You will note that it was sourced to a New York Post report and duly redacted when found in error. Nevertheless, I did indeed offer up an apology and suggested that those on the left should follow suit. For that my dear, we are still found wanting. And BTW note; “douche-bag” should be hyphenated.


Have you not noticed the rate at which right wingers are closeted homosexuals, drug addicts, unwed parents, adulterers, thieves, law breakers, socialists/communists and large government supporters?

Fascinating theory. And your credible sources for those accusations?

Why does the extreme right want a First Lady drug addict in the White House.

Your own presidential candidate admits in his own book, “Dreams of My Father” that he used marijuana and cocaine, and even considered heroin. This while living in a state where it is illegal. So your point is…?

M. Obama has an underbite (mandibular prognathism) and too large of a butt (yeah right).
I’m still waiting for our genius Rocky who will ” make every attempt to be fair and point out problems (he) find(s) with any side of a discussion. ” to point out that.


Yeah. Thought so. Just another freeper statement that was a lie.

I have seen her and yes, I have to agree. Michelle does have an under-bite, as well as, a pronounced gluetious maximus. It’s certainly there for all to see. Does it have anything to do with this election? No. Were those comments out of line? I would say, yes. However, I grant they were no less out-of-line than the numerous fly-by insults launched by the other side in this venue. And including those made by you against these posters and their candidate. I would not have made those statements, yet in all fairness, I do feel they were more than justified by attacks in other threads, as well as, this one.
And I imagine I was supposed to be clairvoyant enough to respond to your demand and “point that out” even before you finished posting and clicked the “send” toggle? Hence, my failure to do so, makes me a, “lying freeper”. To quote Jim Carrey, ” Aaallrighty-then”. I refer you above to my more than fair response.

I only included IQ to take issue with LBTB&CF’s charge that everyone who posted here was a “Dimwit.” Otherwise, It would have gone unmentioned.

However, if you are the sort of person who thinks that IQ has much to do with actual intelligence, you are probably also the sort of person who thinks that standardized test scores indicate how well someone will do in life. Intelligence is a combination of factors that cannot necessarily be quantified, and it’s ridiculous when people think otherwise. When I get accused of being stupid, I don’t sputter, “But…but…I have an IQ of 155!” I actually look for other ways to disprove it, and, when I brag on my monstrous intellect, I actually edit what I say. Normally I’m less formal than this.

I also don’t happen to think you’re stupid – it’s just that I think you’re catastrophically wrong.

And, by the by, if you think that a) narcissism is restricted to males and b) bullying was restricted to the leftists here, perhaps you should have been moderating the comments about the size of Michelle Obama’s ass instead of moderating the comments where it was civilly pointed out that you were wrong – I did post one of those as well, slipped in the middle of a grammar-trolling post. That one just happened to be moderated out. Interesting. It’s your blog, and you have the right to do as you wish – I’m sure this one will be killed in moderation as well. However, I find it interesting that the only one you DID moderate was the one where I actually addressed the post.

“The Goddess”, statement reveals you for what you are my dear; What I believe Rush Limbaugh terms; “Male-bashing, Femi-Nazi.”

Firstly, if you listen to Rush Limbaugh and take him seriously, you are actually beneath my contempt. That’s second to only Michael Savage on the contempt-o-meter. It IS amusing when someone who can’t hold onto a marriage automatically calls any female who asserts herself a feminazi who is too ugly to get a man.

Secondly, let me school you a bit on religion as well here. I am a practicing Wiccan, which means, in my particular tradition, that I have equal reverence for the God and for the Goddess (since they are both manifestations of the One). I just so happened to mention the feminine manifestation of Deity here because it tends to irk right-wingers. I also could have opted for the more generic, “Gods know.” If you think that my giving equal time to the idea that divinity has feminine manifestation rather than simply blindly accepting that God is a male who has control over everything and whose best purpose is to punish me for being born with a vagina makes me a feminazi, well, that’s on you. However, I would be most edified if you could kindly point out to me where I have bashed males on here (aside from not thinking that the only valid idea of God is male). I think males are great – I just think that I am their equal.

You haughtily compound this with a ’superior than thou’ attitude and an annoying penchant for correcting the grammar of those you feel are beneath your highness’s’ contempt.

Oh, no, I compound it with a penchant for correcting the grammar of those who brag on their vast intelligence and those who try to correct my grammar with no regards for theirs. Notice I haven’t tackled some of the more nightmarish posts here. It’s not because they’re beneath my contempt – it’s because that wasn’t the approach they took.

Nothing more than another ultra liberal,

You have NO idea.

elitist bore of a blog troll.

I love how you call anyone who disagrees with you and uses more highfalutin’ language (that proper english is just so gosh-darn elitist, just like high school education!) elitist. What about me do you find elitist?

A) That I’m a single mother.

B) That I work at a daycare for nine dollars an hour.

C) That I served in the Marines for five years.

D) That I have no college education.

Hint: Not everyone who can use their native language proficiently is an elitist (just like how my IQ hasn’t been an indicator of anything about me). If you encountered the same attitudes from a conservative, you would be proud of them for schooling the liberals. However, when a liberal points it out, it is elitist. The cognitive dissonance must burn.

seriously???? you people are so filled with HATE! Find something worthy in your lives….like ending a war that never should have begun!

Moby. Moby. Moby.

Nice shoes, eh Aye?

I’m sure this will be lost on the drive by, but in case Smigggy brought it up and may be lurking, enjoy, Smigggy:–why-iraq-was-inevitable-11456

This, as the leftist media love to do, was a “Gotcha'” moment.

You see, I have known some Wiccans in my time, mostly friends of friends and work associates. So I have long known them to tout the word “Pagan” proudly as if it were a badge of honor, so much so that it has synonymous with their sect. I thought you might have picked that up by my, “Insects whom you deem unfit to even infest your broom” comment. I was almost felt I had overplayed my hand there. And having known some female Wiccans, I had a strong suspicion the Rush ploy might lure you out into the open to admit it. In truth, I rarely listen to Limbaugh but maybe eight-ten times out of any given year. I find him as blatantly far right and pompous as the the far left media. However, since LBTB&CF decided to bring Rush up, I thought, “What the heck, let’s throw out some chum and see if the sharks bite.”

I do consider women equal and not at all inferior. Yet I’ve borne witness numerous times to feminists using their gender to prey on the sympathies of others when they otherwise were loosing a debate. The same tactic prefered by the Obama campaign in attempting to use the color of Obama’s skin to distract from the actual issues. I tolerate neither, either you accept your own equality and play fair or you don’t, you don’t get it both ways with me. As stated, I accept that we are all equal. A person’s sex, race, creed, or nation of origin means nothing in the hereafter. It is your karma; what you did on this world, not what you were, that will determine whether your soul is promoted to a higher plane, sent back for another try, or demoted to a lesser existence. That is why I also firmly believe the charade dubbed “Affirmative Action” needs to end. The Civil Rights Acts succeeded in redefining our laws to level the play fields across the board. The balance has swung to the other extreme and since 1991 only serves to punish white and males for being white and/or males.

Secondly, let me school you a bit on religion as well here. I am a practicing Wiccan, which means, in my particular tradition, that I have equal reverence for the God and for the Goddess (since they are both manifestations of the One). I just so happened to mention the feminine manifestation of Deity here because it tends to irk right-wingers. I also could have opted for the more generic, “Gods know.”

I have no need for your “Schooling on Religion”, having studied various theologies for well over 25 years. Quick aside to our other readers; When Wiccans refer to “God”. They are not of course refering to the Judeau-Christian-Islamic God. They refer instead to their “Pagan God(s)”, be that Lucifer, Mollech, Ba’al, etceteras. Don’t confuse their form of piety with your own. Wiccan’s love to screw with people’s minds. As she clearly points out:

I just so happened to mention the feminine manifestation of Deity here because it tends to irk right-wingers.

I am no “Right Winger”, but I recognized the “trick”. My, “Nothing more than another ultra liberal” line was also “Bait”. Liberal’s at least believe they are being generous to those less fortunate than themselves and they are working towards a common good, that is the essense of Democrat idealology. Unfortunately that makes them prime prey for those who would use their good will towards their own greed and goals. Wiccan’s, on the other hand, are some of the most self-indulgant people I’ve ever encountered. They thrill in upsetting the sensibilities of the so-called “Moral Majority”. One of these Wiccan’s took notice that I studied a variety of religious texts and presumed perhaps he might “convert me”. He had incorrectly diagnosed my interest in other religions as due to my not have one of mine own. I submitted to sit in on a few of their meetings to better understand the psychology behind the cult. I remained an observer and did not actually participate in any of their rituals. So yes, witch. I most assuredly DO know understand you. Return to your coven, the Necronomicon, dusty Grimores, and your paganism in peace and stop bothering the nice normal people please.

And BTW, any “hexes” you might invoke are useless folly. You have no power over me.

P.S.; As to your position that I call anyone who disagrees me an elitist, you obviously do not follow my posts. I have conceded to valid points when they are made and well argued, however, I do object to unjustified arbitrary attacks on everyone. Such as that of LBTB&CF, who being incapable of offering up anything substantial to lend to debate, cites no sources to back up his claims, and instead responses like an abusively-trained pitbull. I prefer good healthy debate over flame, after flame, as you would know if you actually read my other posts.

What about me do you find elitist?

I labeled you elitist, bore, and troll, based on the tone of your responses in this thread, nothing more. Going after those who felt you needed to reign it in, while cooing over those who supported your position, and roleplaying “English Teacher”, in an attempt to insult others rather than focusing your arguments on the topics being discussed. That my dear, is one of the marks of an elitist. What’s more you did not only use the grammar tactics only against me as you claim. I suggest you review your own posts where you targeted Missy for your disdain and smug patronising as well. You may post whatever else you want, but I’m done with you, no point wasting anymore of my time when there are actual issues which other people find important to be discussed.

I ended up on this site while looking into the “caviar” story after a family member cited it as evidence that Michelle Obama is a snob — which we now know is false. I must say, the comments here have convinced me fully that the last remaining McCain supporters are the worst kind of racists.

Hey Cynthia,

Nice shoes.

Aye, don’t get to close to the flower!

Rocky –

Why I keep coming back to absolutely trounce you guys in the language and logic departments is far beyond me, although I suspect it has something to do with this.

Now, to address your reply.

Yet I’ve borne witness numerous times to feminists using their gender to prey on the sympathies of others when they otherwise were loosing a debate.

Now, darling, if you could kindly point out to me when I demonstrated that my gender is the reason I should win this debate, as opposed to “loosing” it (it’s spelled “losing”). I pointed out that I am female in response to being called a dude, and I mentioned that one of my personal beliefs is that deity manifests as both masculine and feminine. I also said that Rush Limbaugh is a douchebag, and so are you, to paraphrase. You’re insinuating that I burst into tears and said that you hurt my vagina, or something like that; I can’t even make sense out of that portion of your post.

It is your karma; what you did on this world, not what you were, that will determine whether your soul is promoted to a higher plane, sent back for another try, or demoted to a lesser existence.

Is this your personal belief, or do you think that’s mine? Because, if you think you’re approaching me from my angle, you have me mixed up with a Hindu. Western concepts of reincarnation tend to lean more towards being reincarnated as a human every time until you are done.

I have no need for your “Schooling on Religion”, having studied various theologies for well over 25 years.

From their perspectives, or from a Christian perspective? Having studied various religions from both their own perspectives and from Christian perspectives ever since I was old enough to pick up a book (I was raised thoroughly fundie and could probably school you on plenty about Christianity as well), I can tell you that there’s a difference, and I can also tell that you probably never picked up a book written by an actual practitioner of whatever religion was in question. That’s judging by your ignorance about my beliefs, but we’ll get there.

Quick aside to our other readers; When Wiccans refer to “God”. They are not of course refering to the Judeau-Christian-Islamic God.

Judeo-Christian-Islamic God. The God of the monotheists (excepting those who practice a form of Mithraism and the like). Basically the God derived from Zoroastrianism.

And, yet again, ignorance. We rarely refer to “God.” We refer to Deity in many forms, but rarely by the singular masculine, unless it’s “the god.” Also, our conception of God allows for the Judeo-Christian conception of God as a part of divinity; we simply do not recognize this as the only valid aspect, nor do we ascribe any special significance to that particular manifestation unless we choose to do so. Christians think that it’s all an equal sum game – either our God is God or He isn’t – and think that everyone else feels the same way. We don’t. There’s subtle inaccuracy within your statement.

They refer instead to their “Pagan God(s)”, be that Lucifer, Mollech, Ba’al, etceteras.

I notice that the only ones that you name are Biblical gods worshipped by ancient peoples who were demonized – that, and the angel that you believe became Satan through rebellion against God. I have known very few Wiccans who worship Lucifer specifically as an aspect of deity; you will find them much more commonly addressing either a generic form of deity or utilizing a Celtic (i.e. Brighid and Lugh, my preferred deities for ritual) Saxon (Herne and Hertha), or Egyptian (Isis and Horus) pantheon. There are many Wiccans who utilize different pantheons than the one I listed (Norse, Hellenic, Hindu, and many others), but they still rarely bother with the ones you list. The scare tactics (immediately naming the one you think of as the devil) really aren’t that accurate, either, but thanks for playing. (That and we don’t believe in a devil, much less worship one.) Luciferians, on the other hand…but, then, the difference between Luciferianism and Satanism is probably way over your head as well, considering that my beliefs, which are pretty simple, seem to be.

Don’t confuse their form of piety with your own.

At least we can agree with that one. Our piety isn’t formed by being told every tiny thing to do, like we weren’t given minds to think with, and then parroting it and forcing it onto everyone. Our piety (if you can call it that) is based on the Rede – ‘An it harm none, do as thou will.’ It requires critical thinking and recognizes the complexity of life. However, if you’re saying that our piety is different in that it is less sincere, you will find Wiccans of varying levels of dedication just as you will find Christians of varying levels of dedication.

Wiccan’s love to screw with people’s minds.

Firstly, there is not an apostrophe in the plural of “Wiccan.” The apostrophe implies that you are stating that Wiccans own something. Secondly, saying that “Wiccan’s (sic) love to screw with people’s minds,” is similar to saying, “Christians love to proselytize.” It leaves absolutely no room for the varying sorts of practitioners of religions. Some Wiccans are like that, and usually they are either a) not actually practicing Wiccans – rather, they are “Wiccans” in a more faddish manner, for the sake of rebellion, or b) sick of having Christianity shoved down their throat. The ones who fall into the latter category generally are not so much playing with people’s minds as they are asking them to think critically for five seconds, for Christ’s sake (literally). And some Christians – Catholics, Methodists, Presbytarians, and the like – don’t proselytize unless asked to by a curious party. You cannot make sweeping statements about a large group of people; the only accurate thing you could say about all Wiccans is that they are all Wiccan, and you may not even be able to say that.

My, “Nothing more than another ultra liberal” line was also “Bait”.

What’s with the “quotes” you add in your “statement” about “bait?” Also, punctuation falls within quotes, not outside of them.

I didn’t address the statement itself beyond saying that I am probably far more liberal than you think. And I stand by that. I have a precious few views that skew moderate, but, for the most part, I am more liberal than whatever you are thinking. I got there via libertarianism by way of Objectivism.


You mean “liberals.” Liberal’s implies, again, that liberals own something.

at least believe they are being generous to those less fortunate than themselves and they are working towards a common good, that is the essense of Democrat idealology.

It’s spelled “ideology.” And your statement here disproves your whole basis for the original post – that Michelle Obama, that filthy liberal, is greedy and evil. Unless, of course, you think that the Obamas are masquerading as liberals, at which point I will cease to address anything you say as coherent, period.

Wiccan’s, on the other hand, are some of the most self-indulgant people I’ve ever encountered.

Wiccans are of all stripes, like everyone else. There are conservative Wiccans, liberal Wiccans, selfish Wiccans, and selfless Wiccans, and all combinations. It must be easy for you to be a McCain supporter; you truly seem to have a completely black-and-white view of the world without any regards for the complexity of the human condition.

They thrill in upsetting the sensibilities of the so-called “Moral Majority”.

There are some Wiccans who would shame the Moral Majority with their adherence to those standards of morality. There are also some who think that the Moral Majority is bunk. However, again, you operate from this imaginary world where all people who fit one label must fit another.

One of these Wiccan’s took notice that I studied a variety of religious texts and presumed perhaps he might “convert me”. He had incorrectly diagnosed my interest in other religions as due to my not have one of mine own.

Please stop using apostrophes when referring to the plural of Wiccan. It makes my head bleed.

Now, you’ve kind of shown your ass here, because Wicca explicitly is against converting people. Why? It’s simple – one key element of Wicca is the idea that all deities are the manifestation of Dryghton (the One), and all religions are legitimate so long as they are not forcing themselves on others – like through conversion. I suggest that, before you make any more blanket statements, you go here – you know, to a place where there is information contributed by actual PRACTICTIONERS of the religion itself, rather than just people who read a book about it that was written by a Christian.

Am I saying there’s no chance that you had someone try to convert you? No. You might have been dealing with someone who was misinformed, or someone who was very new. However, the chances of that are pretty low. I am more inclined to think that you are showing your ass…pardon me, your ignorance.

I submitted to sit in on a few of their meetings to better understand the psychology behind the cult.

I am very curious as to which definition of the word “cult” you intend to be taken here. If you think that Wicca is a cult in that it is a religion, yes, it is a cult as much as Christianity is. However, if you think that it is a cult in that it is an eccentric sect that follows one charismatic leader, you could not be more wrong. It’s one of the more disorganized religions in the world. Eccentric? Perhaps. Organized in blind following of mandates dictated by a higher figure? No. Since you chose the word cult, I am assuming that you intended to raise the alarm that comes on in people’s heads at the mention of cults. You are being deliberately disingenuous if that is the case.

So yes, witch.

I am not a witch. I am a dedicant within my particular tradition of Wicca. Some Wiccans automatically confer upon themselves the title of “Witch.” Some traditions (and not all Wiccans follow a particular tradition, or meet in a group) require at least a year and a day or study and meditation and ritual, and then you are initiated as a priest or a priestess and a witch. By the by, if you meant “witch” as a perjorative, then you have failed awesomely, as that’s a title that I’ve worked towards harder than you have probably worked at anything within your own faith, unless you’re clergy.

I most assuredly DO know understand you. Return to your coven, the Necronomicon, dusty Grimores, and your paganism in peace and stop bothering the nice normal people please.

You know, usually people take longer than two sentences to contradict themselves. You don’t understand me – the fact that you even bring up the Necronomicon is proof of that. The Necronomicon is a work of fiction by Lovecraft. Wiccans do not have a central book that they follow, although many utilize the works of such as Gerald Gardner, Alexander Sanders, Raymond Buckland, Starhawk, and other writers. Those books are not used as gospel; they are used more as instructional material and as a loose guide to one person’s particular conception of how to practice. Dusty grimoires? Some Wiccans use a book of shadows in their tradition or their individual practice, but the Book of Shadows is just a collection of work that one has found useful in practicing Wicca. I guess the books could get dusty if neglected, if that’s what you’re getting at, but if you’re trying to paint a Carman-style Witch’s Invitation scenario, you really don’t know what you’re talking about – and neither did he. There’s also the chance that you have read one of the books by Bob Larson or Bill Schnoebelen. I do assure you that neither of those authors has any credibility whatsoever, if that’s what you’re using, and, if that’s not, then you’re simply not as well-read as you claim to be. I am not part of a coven; I moved away from the one I was with, and I have not found one yet. There are solitary practitioners of Wicca, you know – and you apparently didn’t.

I didn’t shove my religion in your face other than by referring to deity in a different form than you are used to, and you used that to make snap judgments about me. I’m simply educating you, since you’re in pretty sore need of it. And my beliefs aren’t that incredible compared to those of the “nice normal people” you refer to, who undoubtedly have their own sky fairy as well. I find comparing one religion to another in terms of believability and normalcy hilarious, as the only truly rational viewpoint of the universe is atheism. I simply cannot bring myself to that point, and I do not care to.

And BTW, any “hexes” you might invoke are useless folly. You have no power over me.

Utilizing magick to manipulate another person is considered unethical in Wicca, and would also be very strongly discouraged because of the threefold law, one of the central tenets of Wicca. Again, you are showing your ignorance. Even if it wasn’t unethical and risky (if ineffective generally) to do so, I have better things to do than hex you – like pwn you online. However, I do find it cute, if irritating, when people talk about things they don’t understand – kind of like when my two-year-old thinks she knows what “leave me alone” means.

P.S.; As to your position that I call anyone who disagrees me an elitist,

That’s the only rationale I can see to your calling me an elitist, unless it’s my insistence upon your using language that matches the intellect you claim to possess.

you obviously do not follow my posts. I have conceded to valid points when they are made and well argued, however, I do object to unjustified arbitrary attacks on everyone.

I didn’t attack everyone. I corrected your grammar and then corrected the grammar of those who saw fit to attempt to try the same tactic on me (while failing).

Such as that of LBTB&CF, who being incapable of offering up anything substantial to lend to debate, cites no sources to back up his claims, and instead responses like an abusively-trained pitbull. I prefer good healthy debate over flame, after flame, as you would know if you actually read my other posts.

The problem is that, again, this post isn’t even worth addressing. You posted something and then claimed that, while it had been proven untrue,

…it just has to be true somehow right?

Talk about not living in the reality-based community. That’s why I didn’t address the post. It had already effectively addressed itself. You also proved that you will completely disregard facts, much less substantial arguments.

I labeled you elitist, bore, and troll, based on the tone of your responses in this thread, nothing more.

I can see why you labelled me a boring troll. An elitist? Not so much. I don’t consider it elitist to ask for people to use elitist language when they start dredging up their elitist IQs. Which one of the two of us was it who decided that their IQ had any relevance whatsoever to actual intelligence? That is much closer to actual elitism than my expectation that you simply live up to what you say.

Going after those who felt you needed to reign it in,

Rein it in, not reign it in. And I only went after those who thought they were outwitting me and failing at it. I didn’t address anyone else.

while cooing over those who supported your position,

The closest I came to that was offering to dance for LeadBalloons, since I am a sockpuppet, apparently. Otherwise, if you could find me a place where I responded to someone by cooing over their statement, I would be most gratified.

and roleplaying “English Teacher”, in an attempt to insult others rather than focusing your arguments on the topics being discussed.

I wasn’t insulting you so much as pointing out perfectly valid errors that you had made while holding you to the higher standard you insinuated that you rated. Also, I already addressed the topic being discussed (repeatedly). You were wrong. You refused to admit it because you “just knew” you weren’t. You are incoherent. End of discussion on topic. Please, try to explain to me why your statement that even though something was wrong it was right anyway rated any further analysis.

What’s more you did not only use the grammar tactics only against me as you claim. I suggest you review your own posts where you targeted Missy for your disdain and smug patronising as well.

I stated that, and I quote:

Oh, no, I compound it with a penchant for correcting the grammar of those who brag on their vast intelligence and those who try to correct my grammar with no regards for theirs. Notice I haven’t tackled some of the more nightmarish posts here. It’s not because they’re beneath my contempt – it’s because that wasn’t the approach they took.

Which included my responses to Missy, since they addressed her failed attempt to correct me. I only addressed those who addressed me (and LeadBalloons, because the insinuation that I was a sockpuppet was too funny).

In very, very long, fail, of the epic variety. Perhaps you should actually research things (such as the veracity of your sources, language, religion, or the posts you were addressing) before you bother saying anything again. My two-year-old is more knowledgeable about at least two of those topics than you are.

It is sad to see fact checking not used more often. I am beginning to believe that people think just because a lie is posted over and over that it becomes fact. It was obvious that this was a bogus story from the beginning


And just how was this so OBVIOUSLY bogus? If to answer would constitute blaspheming your G-D’s then I understand… praise be unto Obama and his racist wife

…Buffoon, did you get InMyMind mixed up with me? Because I stopped posting to this thread a long time ago. (Also, you somehow seem to think I’m a Jewish pagan, what with the “G-D’s (sic)”. Are you stupid?)

I know that both names start with IN, but they sound pretty different after that first bit. Maybe it would help if you sounded it out.

pagan, no I wasn’t talking to you,,, lets see



Nope, they look nothing alike…

How does my spelling of G-D make me stupid?
ah never mind