More ACORN Fraud

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Can anyone be surprised at this news anymore?

Public records released in New Mexico today confirm that fraudulent voter registrations are in fact turning into fraudulent votes. ACORN, currently under investigation by the FBI, is now confirmed to be responsible for producing fraudulent voter registrations and illegal votes in New Mexico. An inspection of public records has revealed that illegal votes were cast in New Mexico’s 2008 primary election.

“This is a bombshell. We now have undeniable proof that a significant number of fraudulent voters were cast in Democrat primary races for the New Mexico state legislature as a result of ACORN’s voter registration fraud,” remarked State Representative Justine Fox Young (R-Albuquerque). “No longer can ACORN argue that their phony voter registration forms don’t translate into fraudulent votes. They do and today we can prove it.”


“It is safe to say that the number of illegal votes being cast dwarfs the 366 votes that decided the 2000 Presidential election in New Mexico,” said Nina Martinez, Secretary for the Republican Party of New Mexico.

Yes yes, its evidence of voter fraud in the Democrat primaries but I doubt anyone is so dense they would believe the same thing isn’t happening for the general.

ACORN and their cohorts understand the process. They understand if they overwhelm the system they get what they want now, and dare the law to get them later.

They spin quite well also:

ACORN officials also pointed out that fraudulent voter registrations do not equal fraudulent votes.

But as we see in the above story this just isn’t true. More evidence?

Inquiry finds evidence of fraud in election

Cast ballots outnumber voters by 4,609

And just think, Obama has said ACORN and friends will actually help shape his Presidency….

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As the indefatigable Brad Friedman points out, so what? Evidence of voter-registration wrongdoing is no more a sign of widespread, Obama-sanctioned vote fraud than evidence of minorities being misled and intimidated on Election Day is a sign of official, McCain-sanctioned vote suppression. What’s the real point of turning voter-registration shenanigans into “one of the greatest frauds in voter history”? The object here is not criminal indictments. It’s to undermine voter confidence in the elections system as a whole. John McCain wants to build a better bogeyman, and he needs your help to do it.

ACORN stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. It’s a 30-year-old nonprofit that organizes on behalf of poor urban minorities, and it has registered 1.3 million new voters this year. There’s no denying that the organization’s system of paying workers $8 an hour to gather voter registrations creates screwy incentives. Encyclopedia Brown could have cracked that mystery. That’s why ACORN is either obligated by law or opts voluntarily to turn over all its voter-registration cards suggesting that Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and the entire starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys just registered to vote in Nevada. That GOP elections officials started screaming “gotcha” when those registrations were turned in is the real fraud here.

Large-scale, coordinated vote stealing doesn’t happen. The incentives—unlike the incentives for registration fraud—just aren’t there. In an interview this week with Salon, Lorraine Minnite of Barnard College, who has studied vote fraud systematically, noted that “between 2002 to 2005 only one person was found guilty of registration fraud. Twenty others were found guilty of voting while ineligible and five were guilty of voting more than once. That’s 26 criminal voters.” Twenty-six criminal voters despite the fact that U.S. attorneys, like David Iglesias in New Mexico, were fired for searching high and low for vote-fraud cases to prosecute and coming up empty. Twenty-six criminal voters despite the fact that five days before the 2006 election, then-interim U.S. Attorney Bradley Schlozman exuberantly (and futilely) indicted four ACORN workers, even when Justice Department policy barred such prosecutions in the days before elections. RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has said he is unaware of a single improper vote cast because of bad cards submitted in the course of a voter-registration effort. Republican campaign consultant Royal Masset says, “[I]n-person voter fraud is nonexistent. It doesn’t happen, and … makes no sense because who’s going to take the risk of going to jail on something so blatant that maybe changes one vote?”

Consider the fact that, as the Brennan Center reported recently, “[E]lection officials across the country are routinely striking millions of voters from the rolls through a process that is shrouded in secrecy, prone to error, and vulnerable to manipulation.” Consider the recent New York Times review of state records and Social Security records, which concluded that “[t]ens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law.” Consider the case, now on appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, in which 200,000 new Ohio voters stand to be bounced off the rolls because, through no fault of their own, their names don’t match error-riddled state databases. Consider the indictment this week of former Republican official James Tobin for his 2002 role in jamming Democratic get-out-the-vote calls. Consider the much-ballyhooed Republican challenge to the eligibility of 6,000 Native American and student voters in Montana that backfired first in court, then with the abrupt resignation this week of the official who spearheaded the effort.

All of your poo thrown is continually DEBUNKED. You guys are real fucking assholes.

Hey moron, it’s been proven fraudulent votes have been made. Unlike the left’s phony claims of vote suppression/fraud, we have proof. Nice try you inbred obamabot.

they did this in washington state, they are doing it everywhere. this is not vote suppression, it fraud. its bullshit and it pisses me off. you cannot trust the election system anymore because of groups like this. i think that only government agencies should be allowed to register anyone to vote. that way they know its not some dorks sitting at mcdonalds filling crap out or that they aren’t bribing drug addicts to fill out numerous registration cards.

How do you turn voter registration fraud into voter fraud?

Flood the systems with thousands of obviously fraudulent registrations. And while everyone one is focused on those, you do this a few thousand times:

Beautiful Theresa,
There Fit Fit is the Obama campaign connection to vote fraud in Ohio. The U.S. Attorney General can include Misters Reynolds and Smith with the rest of those indicted or called in as persons of interest along with Acorn in RICO Act prosecution. Reynolds says Smith will be in Ohio until October 30th. So that gives him time to vote early in Ohio and make a flight back and vote in his home state as well:

Don was really nice and just gave us the facts- he said that to his knowledge, Smith grew up in Florida and is a graduate of Hofstra University on Long Island, NY. He is a paid worker on the Obama campaign and is staying for the month of October. Don said they don’t talk too much because Smith is always out working, but he seems like a nice guy.

When I asked Don if Smith planned on staying in Ohio, he said he didn’t know.

…so I then asked if Smith was welcome to stay at his place in Ohio, and he joked, “yeah if he pays some rent.”

Following our conversation with Don, Sean and I went to the Board of Elections and found that Jacob I. Smith registered and voted on October 1, 2008 at Don’s address. (According to the info Don gave me, that is a day or 2 after Smith arrived in Ohio.)

We thought the info we had could be of interest to the prosecuting attorney for election law, but when we visited her office, she was unavailable for comment.

I was literally 2 steps out the door when I got a call from Tom Reynolds of the Obama campaign. Reynolds appeared angry and said, “I understand you visited one of our campaign workers…” I told him that Tiffany had visited Smith because SMITH INVITED US THERE and that I visited the host family. Frankly, Reynolds sounded paranoid and said “you have to go through the press office- we don’t bother you at work, please don’t bother us. Our workers have a job to do and we don’t want them being disrupted.”

He also said that if we needed something on the record, we should call him.

After talking one of our managers in the Palestra office, I called Reynolds back and told him I’d take him up on the offer since Smith couldn’t comment. But then Reynolds backpedaled and never agreed to go on the record. He kept saying, “I don’t know why you want me on the record because I don’t even see a story here.”

I REPEATEDLY TOLD HIM that we were inquiring about Smith’s residency. Did he plan on staying in Ohio? We were told that he wasn’t from here and that he was probably planning on leaving after the election (off camera on the phone).

Reynolds said “Well he got here before October 4 right? So he will be here 30 days right? And he registered before Oct 6 right? So he has complied with the law. There is no story.”

I told him it appeared as if Smith had NOT complied with the law because he was most likely a temporary resident of Ohio. We have spoken to multiple attorneys and that the law actually states that a temporary presence in Ohio does NOT make one eligible to register and vote in the state. (Ohio Revised Code 3503.02 Residence Determination Rules). This information can be found online, and it was also given to us by the Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney Ron O’Brien just 2 days ago.

“It is safe to say that the number of illegal votes being cast dwarfs the 366 votes that decided the 2000 Presidential election in New Mexico,” said Nina Martinez, Secretary for the Republican Party of New Mexico.

Why it matters:

About 20% of votes gets thrown out for various reasons in every election and in every state already, right?

Well, Florida was indeed a very, very close race. That being acknowledged, did you know that 4 other states were also within less than half of one per cent in difference? I forget one of them, but three of them were Iowa (I’m pretty sure), Wisconsin, and New Mexico (only 300 votes differentiated Gore and Bush- in Florida it was something like 500 a 500 vote differential). And guess what else? Gore won these 4 other states, no different really than Florida; what if Bush wanted to pull the same stunt as Gore did over Florida? At a certain point, this only hurts us, and one can probably draw questions regarding many elections, tying us up forever.

Further to my point about those states which were close wins for Gore: Florida is worth only 25 electoral votes. These 4 other states were worth 30 each, from what I can recall.

Absolutely correct Wordsmith;
A lot of our military were upset that when the DNC demanded recount after recount, then sought to ignore the law and define the terms on how the recount would proceed. They illegally tried to disenfranchise military absentee ballots by attempting to exclude them in the recounts.