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Adrian: I don’t disagree with one word in the video you recommend:


The problem is that unless the authors can distill the message into less than a minute and focusing directly on Americans, it won’t work.

By every measure, Obama has surrounded himself with radicals and Marxists, many in his own family.

McCain should hammer the socialist angle every chance he gets. Pound it hard, use Obama “sread the wealth” and ask — who decides who gets, and who gives …

Me I am headed over to Michelle’s free pie line.


Maybe you have not heard that the government now owns billions of dollars worth of businesses and banks in this country.

Maybe you have not hear that the government pays for half of all the medical procedures in this country already.

Maybe you have not heard that we pay for these things by borrowing from the last true communist country in the world, which also owns businesses and banks in their country.

Americans in the middle are not afraid of Socialist Policies or they would have revolted already. McCain needs to appeal to the middle, not the right. And the middle wants more socialism right now (unfortunately) because virtually all of their elected officials are in support of it.

Taxing and Spending are words that Americans are afraid of. Use that.

With the Dems’propensity to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, could it be beginning to happen …again? Looks like it’s a habit that’s hard to break!

To all you puffed-up Dems., the fat lady ain’t singing yet…we haven’t heard any arias!
Heck, do I see the polls tightening…yet again?

I’m not even a registered Rep. and I’m gonna be dragging every pal, relative and next door neighbor to the polls. Let’s see if your “huge organization of Obama election fraud ground-staff can come close to matching the unstoppable force when EVERY Rep. does that, which they surely would, considering the anger you Dems. and your beloved lib. media have aroused!

When push comes to shove, the sheer thought that this country could be run by an extreme leftist Prez., as well as both the House and Senate will send shudders down every independent spine when they’re standing before the ballot box!

Consider this report:

James Pethokoukis
U.S. News and World Report
October 16, 2008

“A while back I chatted with a University of Chicago professor who was a frequent lunch companion of Obama’s. This professor said that Obama was as close to a full-out Marxist as anyone who has ever run for president of the United States.”

Obama himself told Joe the Plumber that he intends to “spread the wealth around”. That’s as Marxist as it gets! Scary!!!

All this is coming down to is for Americans and Joe the Pumblers to decide whether to vote the “Talker” Obama or the “Doer” McCain. It’s easy to talk the talk, but can the Big O walk the walk?

CentFla ~ where have you been? Americans are revolting (and are revolted by Congress!), that’s why we’ve been inundating our reps with phone calls, letters, and emails against the whole bailout! And that’s why many in Congress were reluctant to go along with the bailout plan. We do not want the government using our money to bail out Wall Street, we do not want the government to have control of our money in the banks, WE DO NOT WANT MORE GOVERNMENT!! We are sick of the putrid slugs in Congress especially Pelosi and Barney Frank, and we are sick to hear that Pelosi is now meeting with Obama to plan their “spread the wealth” idea. We do not want Obama or any President and his cohorts deciding who is wealthy (what if they one day decide that making thirty thousand dollars is considered wealthy in order to fund their programs??!!!) We do not want the dreams and hopes that we have worked hard for to come to fruition only to have it all taken away by the government. We do not want Obama or anyone in the government deciding for us who should be entitled to what we have earned. It’s beyond ludicrous! To hear Obama say that HE thinks that spreading the wealth around is better for everyone, he’s NUTS! I DON’T THINK IT’S BETTER TO BE SPREADING MY WEALTH AROUND!! And while our family income is nowhere near $250,000.00, I would one day like it to be, but why aspire to it with Mr. Hand-out wanting to take it away!! That idiotic “spread the wealth” around idea is what got us into this housing mess! Do I think everyone deserves to own a home? Sure! But can everyone afford to own a home? NO!! And they shouldn’t have been given the opportunity if they couldn’t afford it OBVIOUSLY! Now they are being put out on the streets. And we have to bail out the whole mess! How is this in any way shape or form fair to anyone involved (except of course the investment houses and the big shots that run them and the politicians that fund them!!)???
We need someone to clean up the government not continue on this spiral into Communist hell which Obama will surely lead us to!
I and my family, friends, and neighbors are all just like Joe the Plumber, we are all middle class, hard-working people and not one of us wants Socialism and/or Communism, so you can get that idea right out of your head.
IT IS A MUSIC OF A PEOPLE THAT WILL NOT BE TAXED AGAIN! (taken from Les Miserables, with some liberties)

CentFla… I’m going to have to … sorta, and half way… agree with you here. I was appalled at the bail out. Bush took one small step for economic fixes, and one giant step towards socialism.

But I’m actually more pleased at the Treasury Secy’s change of heart and going the preferred stocks route.

The US doesn’t “own” banks or businesses. The govt has no say in the operations of the company, which is more “ownership”…. no more that you do as a share holder in stock in your 401K or other various businesses. You merely share in their success, or failures. Sorta like a bet at a crap table, eh? And “craps” is probably the best game to use as an analogy in today’s times.

The US govt having a share stake in the companies’ performance is a boat load better than passing out cash to outright buy bad paper, and have no return… other than waiting for the overpriced notes to finally come up to value. I’m too old to wait that long!

And I also agree… 100% this time… that we already have an overabundance of socialism in our welfare programs already. Thus the nation’s not too leery of socialism in concept.

But more taxes, especially at this time, will freeze ’em in their tracks. So I agree the “tax and spend” talking points is a better way to portray the Obama repercussions.

Shocked and stunned, guy? LOL

Centfla: Come on and admit it. You’re voting for Obama!

Eileen, I believe CentFla’s comment was to point out that both parties, and a GOP President all ignored the US voter… deliberately. After all, they know what’s best for us, and our opinions be damned.

And the one who pointed that out best was Obama, with his comment:

“To the Democrats and Republicans who have opposed this plan, I say this– step up to the plate do what’s right for the country even if it’s not popular, because the time to act is now.”

That’s where Obama said… in no uncertain terms to the American citizens…. f*#k you. We – the Congresssional elite -know what’s best.

Sad part is McCain also voted for it. sigh…

Mike’sA, if I remember rightly, CentFla was a McCain supporter before it was cool to support McCain. So you might say he’s ahead of the political game this season.

Mata: You remember he CLAIMED to be a Mccain supporter.

I can’t find much evidence of that support since the primaries. In fact, if you look carefully, the only time he drops in these days is to criticize McCain, or Palin or those of us who NOW support McCain.

Let’s just say I find his way of showing “support” rather curious.

Without a doubt, his best speech.


Yes Mike, please igonre everyone else who is commenting on the topic and by all means tell me something about myself. Nice job for the 30th time in a row dodging the topic and instead attacking me personally. Why would I lie about that here? Do you think I am trying to make friends? This is where I remind you that I come here because I enjoy being the contrarian and then you say I am annoying, not contrarian. And on this topic both candidates and the sitting president all voted the same way.

Eileen you mis read what I wrote. I wrote Americans in the MIDDLE are not afraid of Socialism. The bail out bills passed easily. Those voting against it were the hard right and the hard left (when has Dennis Kucinich ever voted with the Conservatives before?).

The middle is not afraid of Socialism because they are more afraid of losing their jobs and their houses. If the Government is willing to step in and prevent that from happening by buying up billions of dollars worth of private firms (that is Communism, not Socialism) then so be it.

My point is that for John to win he can not use this line of attack. The Bill Ayers attack of the last two weeks has caused his numbers to fail. The Socialism line only works with the guys and girls who are already voting for him.

We have to stop fight Obama’s fight. If John would be the John of old and work in the middle this race would be over. The further he moves to the right the more he alienates the middle.

George HW did not win by appealing to the base, Ronald Reagan did not win by appealing to the base (crap he tried pushing a sitting GOP President to the curb in 76). The middle will decide this election. W has alienated too many that used to be Republicans and now are taking their anger out on the party.

And Mata, I wrote billions of DOLLARS worth of banks, not billions of banks. And I am never surprised when we agree or disagree. The fact is that as thourough a researcher as you are I will probably run and hide rather than comment if I disagreed with you(jk).

I’m an independent Reform party borderline Libertarian Constitutionalist. I imagine that puts me in “the middle”. As retired military and a former “Cold Warrior”. I am very deeply concern about the possibility of socialism taking over this country. And a lot more about that than a single bailout bill. The problem is, amognst the campaigning, only one person has even mentioned the word “Socialism” at all the rallies and debates I’ve watched on TV or caught of online videos and that statement came from someone in the peanut seats. To my knowledge, neither McCain nor Palin has indentified Obama as the Socialist he is and I have not seen that clip on any of the liberally biased stations. So we really don’t know how the rest of “The Middle” would respond if they actually knew about it, do we? It doesn’t matter? If it doesn’t matter, then why doesn’t Obama just admit it then? Because he knows it damn well does matter. You discount it as easily as someone who would prefer a socialist America. Of course it wouldn’t matter to Socialist Democrats who were going to vote for him anyway. However, it does matter to everyone else. Political party affiliation members have their own unique idealologies. Obama, the media, and the DNC have done everything in their power to keep the voters ignorant about the “REAL” Obama. That’s as wrong as inviting everyone you know to a wedding, then keeping it a secret that it will be a same-sex marriage and the ceremony is going to be performed at a nude beach.

The Clintons were in the White House for eight years, nobody in the mainstream media ever revealed that Hillary was a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Rush Limbaugh didn’t even mention it. The only person who had the balls to tell the truth was Chuck Harder. He was also the only one talking about the 29+ mysterious deaths connected to the Clinton’s, Bubba’s Dixie Mafia connections, and numerous other things going on behind the political scenes. A few have since come out into the open. Most have not.

Yes is does need to be stated and the voters have a right to know what they are getting into if they put Obama in the White House and what could happen if the Congress under Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid gets the 60% Majjority they are slavering over. I think McCain is either too much of a high-road gentleman to mention it. Hopefully Palin will bring it up several times in the next 19 days.

Centfla: Seems the man you CLAIM to represent isn’t taking your advice:

“At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives,”McCain said in a radio address.

Have you got your Obama yard sign up yet?

“run and hide”… LOL. Good joke, CentFla. I know I strike fear in the heart of no one… least of all you. But you doth give me a grin. BTW, headed to Florida to visit family next month. My question to you… did you save me any grouper in the state??

I wanted to point out something to you (and everyone) that I found out. I notice by your “billions of banks” response that you only read the comment emailed to you. That version is the raw, first draft… sans any editing by the commenter. Did you know that?

Like everyone else, my tongue trips over my keyboard in the first draft. So when I reread after hitting send, I say to myself… “self, that’s not the best way to put what you mean”…. and change it.

You’ll notice I reworded the “billions of banks” (which I meant billions in banks, and even didn’t like that) to:

The US doesn’t “own” banks or businesses.

Even now I see I should have put in THE, saying “own” THE banks or businesses. Meaning those who received this cash at the point of the Treasury Secy’s gun.

But I’m digressing. I guess the main point is, the email version of comments you receive, may not be the version to which you should respond. I suggest everyone go back to the comment they respond to, re-read for any editing or perhaps the rare mea culpas. Just a cyber bit of the blog reality that I’d like to point out to all.

Thanks Mike,
At least McCain has now said the word “Socialist” and mentioned “His opponent” SOMEWHERE in the same sentence, , but it’s still just innuendo until he plant’s it on Obama and his policies where it belongs. I’m still a little miffed he didn’t say it in the debate when there were millions of viewers.

RockyB: McCain was still playing it safe in the runup to the last debate. Too many people like Centfla who don’t want him to tell the truth about Obama.

But events have overtaken these know-nothings and everytime McCain ties Obama to socialism McCain goes up in the polls.

So, either Centfla puts up that Obama sign in his lawn or holds his nose for the next 16 days.

Mike why would I have been posting about McCain for years only to change my mind now?

I have been consistent even though many here who HATED McCain for years are now questioning whether he is really my candidate or not? If I were bored I would word count McNasty on this site for the last four or five years… No doubt you have said much, much more negative about McCain than I ever could.

No, McCain is my candidate. I have never, ever typed a word of support for Obama on this or any other site. I just wish he would run the campaign that will win him the election. I believe that the real McCain of the last ten years would be blowing Obama out of the water. But everytime he retreats to the extreme right on a position, the voters are left behind.

Check my past posts. I was against using the Ayers thing, and as soon as McCain did, his numbers slipped. I was against Palin being the VP choice, as soon as America (not the extreme right) got to know her his numbers dropped. And I believe that if he uses Socialism against Obama, it will not help. I say these things because I want him to win and I do not think continuing to coddle the hard corps is necessary or helpful.

That is all.

Hey Mata, I will try and read again before posting, good call.

I will say that I have done my part by leaving a crap load of grouper in the water every time I go fishing. No lie, the last time I went out off the keys my buddies and I caught 97 fish and not a single one was a grouper, all Mahi and Tuna.

If you like Mahi, it is truly the best year I have experienced in 15 years of deep water fishing. Ft Pierce and Key Largo especially. Off Tampa the grouper is good but they have to be 18 – 20 inches long (depending on type) and the Tarpon fishing has been great under the St Pete Bridge. if you would like to comment on my wife’s web site with an address I will send you some passes to one of my restaurants. I will certainly understand if you don’t. Have a great time.

This Powell endorsement is the poisoned chalice, the beginning of the end for the Big O.

Despite his clever justifications,everyone can see that the overriding factor is RACE!~!

The backlash on Nov. 4th will shock the 96% of African Americans who are backing the Big O for the same reasons. The racial polarization and the socialist leanings that they have embraced will backfire big-time for the Big O!

Here are 12 reasons why the Big O will lose come Nov. 4th:

1 – He is outside the mainstream group think.

a. Americans, as a rule, do not subscribe to the gospel of the extreme left OR the extreme right.

b. Most Americans remain centrists and are jealously protective of their guaranteed inalienable rights.

2 – He is THE most liberal (and disingenuous) Senator in the country.

3 – Unanswered questions and deep doubt.

a. Occidental College records—Not released?

b. Columbia College records—Not released?

c. Columbia Thesis paper—Not available?

d. Harvard College records—Not released?

e. Selective Service Registration—Not released?

f. Medical records—Not released?

g. Illinois State Senate schedule—Not available?

h. Illinois State Senate records—Not available?

i. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate—Not released?

j. Record of baptism—Not available?

4 – His “spreading the wealth” Marxist leanings – The mysterious “Frank” cited as a friend and adviser by Obama while he was growing up in Hawaii has been identified as Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA..

5 – His waffle on direct talks with real and perceived enemies.

6 – A growing concern (even among his supporters) that he will say whatever is necessary but cannot be trusted to do what he says.

7 – His links to unsavory anti-American characters from his formative years from Frank M. Davies to Ayers, to Rev. Wright to Father Phleger et al. all of whom would inevitably have shaped his thinking

8 – The possibility of a total Dem. control of all three limbs of govt. from the Presidency to Congress to the Judiciary violates the Doctrine of Separation of Powers and scares the hell out of voters.

9 – The possibility of Obama being a shady “Manchurian Candidate” working for anti-American causes considering the dubious nature and sources of his campaign funds.

10- Powell’s endorsement and the racial polarization of 96% of African American support for the Big O operating as a poisoned chalice that will unleash a spectacular backlash on Nov.4th.

11- The lib.media bias have got so many Reps. all riled up that, like me, they’d be dragging every pal, relative and next door neighbor to the polls come Nov. 4th

12- The seemingly habitual trait of the Democratic Party to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on election day!

On Nov. 6th I’d be throwing a party to toast the end of the biggest threat to American sovereignty since 9/11! All of you’re most welcomed to join in!