Female McCain Volunteer Attacked by Obama fan.

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Pajamas Media reports:

This is how the victim describes it:

I said, “What are you doing? You can’t do that!” And he was red in the face screaming, “You people are ridiculous!” And I said, “Yeah, whatever, but you can’t do that.”

So I reached for the sign that he ripped up, and he grabbed another sign, broke it, and ripped it to shreds. And when I said, “You can’t do that,” he took the stick from the sign and started beating me on the head with it. He broke the skin on my head, he scratched my wrist, and almost broke my glasses, and then he left.

I followed him down the stairs to the subway until I could get the police and I said, “You’re not going to get away with it.” And as soon as he saw the police he immediately went calm. He still had the stick in his hand, and you could see the injury on my face, and he admitted it. He was arrested. He actually said, “I don’t know why I did this. It’s just those signs, and this election, it has me so upset.”

You. F’ing. Bastard.

He was upset, so he took to beating a women with a wooden stick. No remorse. Just excuses. As a woman who has experienced this type of abuse by an Obama supporter, I sympathize with the victim of this crime, and am happy to see that he was arrested and charges are filed.

West Chester, Pa redux.

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Democrate operate on emotions, and repubs operate on Logic…. Fact V. Rumor I’m not surprised at all. I pity the fool who tries that on me.

They pull that crap on me, they won’t live to regret it.

So much for the part of inclusion, eh?

Outragious. The police need to start charging such actions as what they are; hate crimes. The man admits there was no other incentive than his anger over a standard, non-offensive political support sign.

That is one of the reasons I highly suggested on another thread, not to wear any thing that demonstrates you are a McCain-Palin supporter to the polls. The Dems have lost their ever-loving minds. And that after the Election, why I ask that fellow supporters who post here, regardless of the candidate limit their travel for a couple of weeks following Election day. If Obama losses, there will be riots of anger. If he wins there will be riots of celebration.

And yes, LOL that even include SAM, fit fit, and our other seemingly hard-core Dem fellow posters. Some of us might give you a little crap once in a while on your views and opinions, but if we didn’t think differently, there would be no need for elections. I guess we might all be sitting around a campfire singing , “Kumbaya” out of tune, happily drinking our kool-aid, and shutting up and going back to our coloring.

Can you spell Neanderthal? Or, is it just Cone-head? Obamaites would be conservatives if they could only think.


2nd lawsuit challenges Obama’s citizenship
Man demands state verify birth records or remove senator from ballots

Note: It is incumbent upon ALL Secretaries of State in all of the United States to BOTH accurately verify Voters AND candidates. Barack Hussein Obama has sealed his “Hawaiian” birth records and also records in Kenya.

Failure to verify and certify qualification for ALL candidates in a general election by any Secretary of State may be a cause of action (dereliction of duty) and criminal charges may be filed.



The Video that could cost Obama the election


First Lawsuit against Obama and the DNC:

Typical brain dead democrat reaction.

AdrianS, didn’t Michelle O in a fit of rage admit that Hussein O is not a U.S. citizen? Adopted by a foreign stepfather, citizenship changed to Keny and never changed back. That makes this entire election a function of the criminal element in the country, aka democrats.


Yes. I don’t know if it is true or if there is proof that the stepfather actually legally adopted him, but I have been trying to track down more info on it.

Sorry, I don’t know how to make it into a smaller link, but here it is.


These Obamatons have been stirred to criminal activity by their leaders who have unleashed an 8 year long campaign of hate for anyone who dares to be a Republican or a conservative.

This is the result of Dem party leaders like Howard Dean who once declared Republicans were “evil” and he “hates Republicans and everything they stand for.”

And this type of violence is nothing new. See this union thug who stole the Bush sign from this little girls hands and tore it up while she sat on her father’s shoulders:

Dems are nothing more than 21st century FASCISTS!

You notice these Obamanuts only attack women? Have you ever seen anything about them attacking a man? They roughed up some female delegates at the democratic convention. They are real tough guys, aren’t they?

I’ll tell you what scares the stew out of me is he gave his cousin Odinga a million dollars for his campaing to enforce sharia law. He evidently saw nothing wrong with Odinga’s brutal riots, killing people and forcing the duly elected government to share power. He comes from this type of culture and he wants to be President of the United States. He already has his thugs on the street. Is this just a start?

Here are the links you’ll want to read on that:



It appears Boortz and Hannity are aware of the story, but consider it a dead end for now.

The Obama campaign and many media reporters claim it is a fake.

Internet Bloggers and GOP supporters are calling the verification number provided supposedly by API accompanying the original internet post, requesting it be released ASAP.

API is disturbed by the way many have reacted to the story on Mrs Obama’s call. Many have shown us by the way they have behaved towards API that they only think of their own interests because they have demanded that the audio recordings should be released immediately. We understand that the tapes should be released, but those who have demanded the release of the tapes seem not take into account that API may become a suing target.

As you can see on the second link, a person claiming to be Chief Editor Korir, says they have not released the tape yet, because they were giving Michelle time to divulge it to the American public first and pending their attorneys’ review.

Some Canadian press has already run the story as front page news.

Right now, it doesn’t look like this story is growing leg and going anywhere unless and until the tape is actually released and submitted for voice print analysis to either discredit it or to point out it matches her voiceprint. For now all they have is a recording of an angry female voice claiming to be Michelle.

Thanks Rocky_B., you linked, quoted and posted that very nice. I’m still learning how to do all that.

One of the things I found odd was right in the title of the piece. If adopted, Soetoro would be his father, not stepfather. Though I suppose Barack could refer to him however he wished. It still just sounds wrong to me.


Yes, we will be one big Ghetto now and we will live in THEIR ‘hood. God help us all…

He should thoroughly enjoy his cell time with Guido and Bruno at Ryker’s. Ha-ha.

Barbara.S #9:

You notice these Obamanuts only attack women? Have you ever seen anything about them attacking a man?

You mean like this guy:

Republican supporter Brian Hagmeier listens as Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) speaks during a campaign stop in Burlington, December 29, 2007.
REUTERS/Keith Bedford

I doubt anyone attacked him at Obama’s own rally.

I’ll bet he was so getting the patented down the nose dirty looks though….

They are not “liberal” they are facists!

Love this site and new to the board.

I have been patiently waiting for an Obama cheerleader to approach me. While I will certainly call on my better political and diplomatic angels to help me control myself in this situation, I’m quite sure that will be a conversation that Obama supporter will not soon forget.

Also, traveling hundreds of thousands of miles for business primarily in the mid states, I don’t see Obama bumper stickers or signs outside of the airport city. I see more McCain/Palin but very few for Obama. Just an observation of which I would hope is somewhat telling.

MOB RULE = the “change” Obama believes in.


“traveling hundreds of thousands of miles for business primarily in the mid states, I don’t see Obama bumper stickers or signs outside of the airport city. I see more McCain/Palin but very few for Obama. Just an observation of which I would hope is somewhat telling.” — W.A. (#18)

Evan Sayet says the same thing on his blog

Remember this statement from the so-called man of change?

“Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” he said.”


If The One loses, you will think this report is tame.

“If The One loses, you will think this report is tame.” — Steve C

And if he wins, it will be even worse!

I hate to say this but they are anti-Ameracans that would rather be in china because obama said so He did say at one of his rallys to get in the faces of republican so it comes from there dumb ass leader ? does he beat his wife. and Wordsmith were can I find a shirt like that

Hope, Change and Molotov Cocktails


Obama Supporter Assaults Female McCain Volunteer in New York


Yesterday we asked why the media was reporting a McCain supporter calling Barack Obama an “Arab” and completely ignoring Obama supporters calling Sarah Palin a c*nt, even wearing T-shirts with the phrase “Sarah Palin is a c*nt” on them.


This story is in question. The police doubt the girls story and have given her a polygraph. I don’t know where you get your story from, but it doesn’t sound like any story that I have heard. I would say that nutcases are abundant on both sides of the aisle.

I think this case has red flags all over it and even Michelle Malkin is questioning the validity of it. Something happened to her but most people involved don’t believe her claims. This is simply to generate more hate for Obzma… and from the responses on this, it seems to work well.

“…nutcases are abundant on both sides of the aisle…” — cluelessatbest

There may be a few on the Right, but they are the vast majority of the Left.


Throughout my career, I’ve covered dozens of fake hate crimes — campus hate crime hoaxes, Muslim hate crime hoaxes, fake noose hangings, etc., etc., etc. Most were perpetrated by liberals [leftists], but there have been some shameful ones on our side of the aisle as well.

The “B” isn’t “backwards” if she were lying on the ground with the attacker behind/above her head. That doesn’t mean it’s not fake, and I will admit the whole thing seems a bit strange, but that doesn’t prove the Right is as bad as the Left. It is most definitely NOT!

But that’s the other thread. This attack was real.

And, yes, it is the Left that has all the violent fantasies,
which are all too often acted on by them.

Republican HQ Manager’s Home Shot Up Over McCain Signs




but that doesn’t prove the Right is as bad as the Left.

I dont think the “Right” is at all like the “Left”, but i can only speak for the “Right” where i live. Ive mentioned a few times ive had “encounters” with the “Left” over:

A)Reading a book in public, Michelle Malkins.
B) Classroom debate at college (made no friends in that class after that)

Ive never herd of a “Right-winger” here or in my circle ever being violent. Mostly i see that we usually just act smug and passive/agressive with words usually till the opposite faction person cant stand it and gets more and more emotional till they do something i deem “stupid”.


Documentation of Dem Violence in 2004

I suspect there’s a lot more than we are hearing about now, but that the MSM is more effectively suppressing it than ever before.


So much for this attack being real. I think too many people were ready and willing to jump on something..anything…that may have cast a bad light on Obama and his supporters. If you don’t like him and the dems politics there are the usual policies to disagree with…taxes..war…gov’t spending…it’s not necessary to make things up. Lipstick…B’s…birth certificates…terrorist connections…etc..etc..That’s exactly why I think McCain and Palin find themselves behind the 8ball currently. Helter Skelter and not one topic that holds water. I’m in no way calling this election for Obama…but, McCain has done his self no favors.

Yonason….I believe you were the one..who was so sure that this was not a hoax…You swallowed hook line and sinker. Maybe, next time you should not open so wide when they tell you to drink the kool aide.


…moron can’t tell which tread it’s on? …and can’t read my post above where I reference Malkin’s suspicions about the other attack? …and where I point out to it that it is on the wrong tread…?

The copy of the police report for the attack reported on IN THIS THREAD, as well as the account, is here…
This one was real, dimwit.

It was the other one that was odd, and which has been shown to be false and which I never said I believed in, even on that thread, here…

Violence Against McCain Supporters Mounts – Update: Attack Bogus

In fact, I didn’t even post to it there, jerk.

geez…bitter much?….I love the internet…you can call people names and post anonymously. each time you post you throw in little love names like “clueless”…”moron”..”jerk”…you need to decrease the caffeine. I must admit I didn’t read any of the links you provided..I did however only read your words. I will readily admit that this is a heated year for politics and their are loose cannons on both sides..something that you think is over abundant on the left. Stay classy!

Leftist loose cannons, most certainly, hurlyburly.

Data that is being collected on the subject of violence, especially in the run up to this bitter campaign season, strongly points to liberals and democrats.

In this age of inexpensive, hand held video equipment, editing software and the advent of YouTube what was only verbal speculation now has conclusive evidence to back up the statements.

We’ve all HEARD stories of soldiers returning home from Vietnam being called ‘baby killers’ or being spit on (or both). Would have been great to catch that on video. Imagine what the narrative of Vietnam would be if the technology of 2008 was available in 1968?

For those interested in the evidence, go check out PeaceThugs.com



Before you called me a liar I merely referred to you as “cluelessatbest” (post #28)

And you obviously didn’t read my words, because otherwise you would have seen that in my next post (#29) I informed you this was the wrong thread for your comment, but STILL you persisted in your fantasy, and based on that you called me a liar. It was only then that I got personal and responded in kind.

I see no reason to pander to an idiot who makes false and insulting accusations based on feelings that have no basis whatever in facts he’s too lazy to discover.

Go and read my supporting material, and THINK ABOUT IT, if you are able to. If not, then learn how to, for your own sake if no one else’s.

skye – thanks for that link.

I really don’t have a need to read any articles about “leftist” loose cannons. I understand the truth that their are rabid people on both sides. I also don’t believe that I ever called you a liar. My words as written should not be interpreted as such. I did however question your willingness to believe what you wanted to believe. I also never brought up vietnam. That’s on you. Again, I never called you a liar. You simply interpreted the information how you wanted to. I understand people wanting to believe something because it fits neatly into their pre conceived notions or desires. So now, you call me an idiot…will your flattery..never stop? If you’re trying the charm offensive……it’s working….you smooth talker you.

No problemo, Yonason.

Hurley, are you confusing two discussions? I brought up Vietnam, not you.

“Yonason….I believe you were the one..who was so sure that this was not a hoax…You swallowed hook line and sinker. Maybe, next time you should not open so wide when they tell you to drink the kool aide.” — hurley..

You got it dead wrong, confusing this thread with another, and then you accused me of being wrong (even after I pointed out you were wrong, but before I called you the names you deserved), implying that I didn’t know what I was talking about, or was lying. Either way, since it was obvious that you were wrong, not I (on either thread, mind you), your comments were in the class of the uninformed preaching to the informed.

You want us to accept your opinion when you post on the wrong thread, and when told you persist in your mistake. You can’t be bothered with the simplest facts, but pretend you are master of the overall body of facts, when it is obvious from your comments that is impossible. Your opinion, which is based on nothing but my anger at your stupidity (and/or deliberate provocation) and your silly assertions based on nothing but fantastic speculation, is worthless.

And the reason I say you possibly did this deliberately is that it is a technique of provocation used by ‘community organizers’ to make their opponents look bad and themselves look good, if one doesn’t look carefully. It looks even more like that because now you are pretending to own the ‘high ground’ by posturing as one who is above the nastyness that you yourself stirred up. But since it is you who have been careless and wrong all along, you are NOT the one to be telling us to “stay classy.”

And now you stear away from issues to focus on my assessment of your feeble abilities, which I suspect may have been your motive from the start. Perhaps you aren’t as stupid as you pretend to be, but I do stand by my assertion that you are indeed a classless jerk (and all the more so if you aren’t as stupid as you act).

“I understand the truth that their are rabid people on both sides” — hurley…

Wrong. The vast majority are on the Left, as is evidenced by the fact that their vile behavior far exceeds what occasionally might exist on the right, as is shown by the links I provided but which you aren’t interrested in because you have your talking points to push, regardless of the facts.

Not only that, but when someone allegedly on the Right acts out, we condemn it. When your loosers get wild, you either praise or excuse them. The difference is real, and dramatic.

You “understand” nothing, but you are good at dissembling.

So will the name calling stop if I say….YES…I made a mistake and posted a thread in mistake. Here it is….(drum roll please)…I was WRONG….there does that make it better?….perhaps, if I had agreed to townhall meetings..this would not have taken such a wrong turn?…I stumbled across this sight while looking for information on the “B” girl. I was stunned at the comments and willingness to believe something that had not been proven. I posted. I thought this was a forum for all …I did not understand it was for the right. I do so enjoy engaging with people with different opinions. I also like to understand where they are coming from.

I understand that you believe there is a MSM…I understand that you think all the kooks are on the left. Or at least the majority. So I’m a moron…stupid…idiot…clueless…and all of these were deserving because I wrote on the wrong thread. Until the republicans and some of their more rabid followers are able to accept that “Change is Coming”, I expect things to get more volatile. Good luck to you and yours on Nov 4th……

I am stupid…clueless…idiot…jerk…inciting(community organizer)…and yes my vote will be for Obama…and I suspect that many others will do the same. I hope that it’s enough for him to win. I enjoyed my time here. But, sadly I must beam up to the mothership.


“I was stunned at the comments and willingness to believe something that had not been proven.”

If you really were able to be “stunned” at anything, it should be Obama’s desire to rewrite the Constitution to get around the restraints the Founding Fathers put in place so Socialist scum like Obama [note that he is scum not because he is a Socialist, but because he lies about it] can’t “redistribute the wealth” of the hardworking to appease his vote-slaves.

If you were normal, you would be shocked at how brazenly Biden lied to Barbara West about Obama’s Marxism and his connections to Acorn…

This video proves he lied about the Socialism

These prove he lied about ACORN.


But you claim to be “stunned” that some of us are willing to believe the Dems are dishonest and violent [which my links above that you couldn’t be bothered to read prove] when they really are?

And you aren’t “stunned” by their corruption?

Their connection with foreign terrorists?

I can’t believe a smarmy Obamabot like yourself can be “stunned” by anything normal people would be stunned by. Your ego is too big for that. No, you smell more like a “community organizer agitator” to me. You and Obama are cut from the same bolt of moth eaten rags. So, by all means, hye thee to thy “mother ship” and tell Old Joe for all of us that it was good to see the back of him.


Obama Supporters Enter GOP Campaign Office & Mace Employees– Including Elderly Women

“I’m stunned, stunned I telll ya!” — Hurler