7-Election Scientific “Accurate” Polling

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Angela Anderson, pouring coffee, says she has “voted” for Senator Obama at least 10 times in the “7-Election” coffee cup poll sponsored by 7-Eleven stores. Store promoters say the poll is “wildly unscientific and surprisingly accurate.” In the 2000 election, George W. Bush received 51 percent and Al Gore, 49 percent in the “7-Election.”
Photo: Monica Almeida/The New York Times

Go “get out the sip”, folks. Senator Obama is leading, btw, in this “accurate” if highly unscientific poll. What does it tell us, fellow rednecks? That Joe Six-Pack and Joe the Plumber aren’t getting their hot “cup ‘o joe” at 7-Eleven; but now we know where ACORN workers have been getting their several cups-a-day daily intake.

According to their fun facts:

  • In the 2000 7-Election, our George W. Bush coffee cup outsold Al Gore’s cup by just 1 percentage point.
  • The 2004 7-Election results tracked identically with published national election results: 51% for George W. Bush and 49% for John Kerry (within a few percentage points of actual poll results in many states!).
  • This is definitely a capitalist trick to get one to buy convenient store coffee.

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    WOW, this is getting very ugly. How come the MSM are silent about it? First thing to do in the USA is to get rid of your MSM. They are useless and dangerous.

    7-Election absurdly predicted a 62-38 Obama victory in my home state of Texas. At least once my local 7-Eleven rang up my McCain cup as a regular coffee instead of a “vote” for McCain, so I feel like there was some sandbagging for Obama. It ended up 55-44 McCain, for what little that’s worth.

    Your sirup stinks