16Oct 2008, Yet ANOTHER U.S. Strike Inside Pakistan

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While the Democratic Party seems to have taken its eye off the ball in Pakistan (where Osama Bin Laden is hiding), some people have not.

After a relative lull in targeted airstrikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas, the US has launched an attack in South Waziristan. Reports from Pakistan indicate at least six were killed and five were wounded after an unmanned Predator strike aircraft launched two missiles in the tribal region run by Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. It is unclear if any senior al Qaeda or Taliban leaders were killed in the attack. The strike targeted a safe house in the village of Sam in the Ladha region. The Pakistani Frontier Corps abandoned a fort in Ladha after the Taliban made three attempts to overrun the fort this year. Pakistani officials said the military was unable to hold and resupply the outposts due to Taliban activity. The US has upped its attacks in Pakistan’s tribal areas in an attempt to disrupt al Qaeda and the Taliban’s network of training camps and safe houses that are being used to plot attacks against the West and in Afghanistan. Today’s strike was the first since Oct. 11, when US Predators hit a safe house run by the Haqqani family in North Waziristan. Two days prior, the US hit another safe house in North Waziristan, where more than 30 senior Taliban and al Qaeda leaders are said to have been meeting.


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I pray this will develop into an October Surprise.