Thus far, McCain has not delivered on his promises to take off the gloves and hammer Obama in the debates with his associations with the vile terrorist William Ayers and other persons who give us the only glimpse we have as to who and what Obama really is. Whether McCain brings up this subject tonight remains to be seen.
There’s only been one debate since most the CAC/Ayers/Obama/social justice/New Party info has been out in the MSM enough to go there, Mike. And that debate did not allow for the subject to come up. In fact, not one education issue (of which this *is* an education/socialism issue) was brought into that farce of a townhall at all.
But I suspect McCain’s going to cool his jets on this subject, unfortunately. I heard that inside the campaign, McCain and Palin were disagreeing on going into these associations more in depth. But McCain appears to be taking the high road so as not to offend the undecided moderates/independents.
Brilliant. Because with this overt a socialist running for POTUS, this race is McCain’s to lose. I’m relatively sure … after the plumber’s remarks to Obama about his tax plans… that there are still more capitalists in this nation than socialists. If they knew that Obama was a card carrying socialist, would they still vote for him? I think not.
But if the McCain campaign does not specifically point out just what Obama is to the American electorate, then the nation will vote based on the pretty picture painted by the media instead.
Fit fit
16 years ago
So if McCain merely utters the name William Ayers, the whole country will suddenly “wake up”, forget the economy and adopt this paranoid right-wing world view? Anyone who is so low information that they haven’t heard the Ayers BS won’t be watching the debate anyway…
This desperation is starting to get pathetic.
SoCal Chris
16 years ago
I agree Mike, there’s still plenty of time between now and election day for undecideds to decide, and for McCain to win this election. I’m volunteering, calling folks in my area, and trying to spread the good word to them as well.
I received this email today, which is pretty telling of how the media affects the uninformed voter-(it’s audio only):
So if McCain merely utters the name William Ayers, the whole country will suddenly “wake up”, forget the economy and adopt this paranoid right-wing world view?
No, Fit. The mere utterance of Williams Ayers, without tying his Rosa Luxemberg educational agenda thru his career, and thru the CAC, with Obama’s support and aid, will not cut it.
This election is about socialism vs capitalism. And that, dear Fit, is *all* about the economy.
“Paranoid”? hummm… let’s see
Obama, New Party member (an offshoot of the Democractic Socialists of America)
Obama and Michelle O… speeches with Saul Alinsky quotes
Obama’s campaign website with education plans all about social and economic justice (socialist agenda phrases)
Obama’s tax plans to “spread the wealth”…. socialist agenda
Obama’s spending plans for the US… increased welfare govt programs and “free” health care and education…. socialist agenda.
“Paranoid”? uh, right. I have no problems seeing the inarguable tangents and history.
You, however, are another baffling story. Could it be you are blinded to the truth because it comes cleverly packaged in Armani with rock star stages? Or perhaps, you just prefer the socialist route yourself?
Like I said on another thread: Nit Wit might not have hooves and a tail but he’s still an ASS.
Why is it that that the Obamatons seem so “desperate” to keep us from telling the American people why Ayers is the missing link to the real Obama?
Can it be because all the plumbers, factory workers, farmers and other assorted regular joes like Joe Wurzelbacher will vote against Obama when they find out WHO and WHAT he REALLY is?
16 years ago
I agree with MH,
He doesn’t have to say “Ayers”. But he should use the word “Socialist” when describing Obama’s plans, not as an accusation directed at Obama himself in anger, only in reference to his policies. Americans need to hear that word, if only once. The danger in taking only the honorable high road is while we’ve been thinking about crossing the bridge to our future, Obama has been planting shape charges at the base of the bridges and the media is waiting with baited breath to light the fuse. The Media pundits of course would immediately jump on the mention of the word “Socialist” as McCarthyism, but even if they ask the very lamest of token Republican pundits they use, that is something that they can build on. Many hard line conservative websites and radio commentators are all but demanding that McCain say it. I think if he does, those in the Republican base might rethink giving up and considerations not to vote. He has to do something to energize them again. John can’t just leave that up to Sarah to do for him while he plays to moderates. They have to hear it from his own lips.
16 years ago
Aye Chihuahua, seriously, thank you for posting that video. This guy is awesome. I am watching every video right now. One at a time of course. Because if I watched them all at the same time, I would most likely be rocked to death.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
@Aye Chihuahua: i put him on my myspace page. it is awesome.
16 years ago
Come on, Obama didn’t know that Ayers was a terrorist when he hel a fundraiser at his house, even though everyone else in Chicago knew. Just like he didn’t know that Jeremiah Wright is an Anti-American Bigot when he sat in his church for 20 years and called him his mentor. He couldn’t have known that Tony Rezko was bribing politicians when he helped him buy his house. And how could anyone have known that ACORN was involved in voter fraud when his campaing gave them a contribution! Just because they’ve been doing it for decades in plain view of everyone, doesn’t mean the Obama knew it.
There’s only been one debate since most the CAC/Ayers/Obama/social justice/New Party info has been out in the MSM enough to go there, Mike. And that debate did not allow for the subject to come up. In fact, not one education issue (of which this *is* an education/socialism issue) was brought into that farce of a townhall at all.
But I suspect McCain’s going to cool his jets on this subject, unfortunately. I heard that inside the campaign, McCain and Palin were disagreeing on going into these associations more in depth. But McCain appears to be taking the high road so as not to offend the undecided moderates/independents.
Brilliant. Because with this overt a socialist running for POTUS, this race is McCain’s to lose. I’m relatively sure … after the plumber’s remarks to Obama about his tax plans… that there are still more capitalists in this nation than socialists. If they knew that Obama was a card carrying socialist, would they still vote for him? I think not.
But if the McCain campaign does not specifically point out just what Obama is to the American electorate, then the nation will vote based on the pretty picture painted by the media instead.
So if McCain merely utters the name William Ayers, the whole country will suddenly “wake up”, forget the economy and adopt this paranoid right-wing world view? Anyone who is so low information that they haven’t heard the Ayers BS won’t be watching the debate anyway…
This desperation is starting to get pathetic.
I agree Mike, there’s still plenty of time between now and election day for undecideds to decide, and for McCain to win this election. I’m volunteering, calling folks in my area, and trying to spread the good word to them as well.
I received this email today, which is pretty telling of how the media affects the uninformed voter-(it’s audio only):
[audio src="" /]
@Fit fit:
Did you really just type that?
Do you know the difference between William Ayers and Timothy McVeigh?
Only one of them got away with it.
What a nudnick you are.
This is a must-see:
No, Fit. The mere utterance of Williams Ayers, without tying his Rosa Luxemberg educational agenda thru his career, and thru the CAC, with Obama’s support and aid, will not cut it.
This election is about socialism vs capitalism. And that, dear Fit, is *all* about the economy.
“Paranoid”? hummm… let’s see
Obama, New Party member (an offshoot of the Democractic Socialists of America)
Obama and Michelle O… speeches with Saul Alinsky quotes
Obama’s campaign website with education plans all about social and economic justice (socialist agenda phrases)
Obama’s tax plans to “spread the wealth”…. socialist agenda
Obama’s spending plans for the US… increased welfare govt programs and “free” health care and education…. socialist agenda.
“Paranoid”? uh, right. I have no problems seeing the inarguable tangents and history.
You, however, are another baffling story. Could it be you are blinded to the truth because it comes cleverly packaged in Armani with rock star stages? Or perhaps, you just prefer the socialist route yourself?
Like I said on another thread: Nit Wit might not have hooves and a tail but he’s still an ASS.
Why is it that that the Obamatons seem so “desperate” to keep us from telling the American people why Ayers is the missing link to the real Obama?
Can it be because all the plumbers, factory workers, farmers and other assorted regular joes like Joe Wurzelbacher will vote against Obama when they find out WHO and WHAT he REALLY is?
I agree with MH,
He doesn’t have to say “Ayers”. But he should use the word “Socialist” when describing Obama’s plans, not as an accusation directed at Obama himself in anger, only in reference to his policies. Americans need to hear that word, if only once. The danger in taking only the honorable high road is while we’ve been thinking about crossing the bridge to our future, Obama has been planting shape charges at the base of the bridges and the media is waiting with baited breath to light the fuse. The Media pundits of course would immediately jump on the mention of the word “Socialist” as McCarthyism, but even if they ask the very lamest of token Republican pundits they use, that is something that they can build on. Many hard line conservative websites and radio commentators are all but demanding that McCain say it. I think if he does, those in the Republican base might rethink giving up and considerations not to vote. He has to do something to energize them again. John can’t just leave that up to Sarah to do for him while he plays to moderates. They have to hear it from his own lips.
Aye Chihuahua, seriously, thank you for posting that video. This guy is awesome. I am watching every video right now. One at a time of course. Because if I watched them all at the same time, I would most likely be rocked to death.
@Aye Chihuahua: i put him on my myspace page. it is awesome.
Come on, Obama didn’t know that Ayers was a terrorist when he hel a fundraiser at his house, even though everyone else in Chicago knew. Just like he didn’t know that Jeremiah Wright is an Anti-American Bigot when he sat in his church for 20 years and called him his mentor. He couldn’t have known that Tony Rezko was bribing politicians when he helped him buy his house. And how could anyone have known that ACORN was involved in voter fraud when his campaing gave them a contribution! Just because they’ve been doing it for decades in plain view of everyone, doesn’t mean the Obama knew it.