Ohio US Attorney To File RICO Charges Against ACORN?

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Ace has the scoop. Apparently the US Attorney in Ohio will be filing Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) charges against ACORN in that state. He has no further information but this does come on the heels of this:

Nevada state authorities seized records and computers Tuesday from the Las Vegas office of an organization that tries to get low-income people registered to vote, after fielding complaints of voter fraud.

Bob Walsh, spokesman for the Nevada secretary of state’s office, told FOXNews.com the raid was prompted by ongoing complaints about “erroneous” registration information being submitted by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, also called ACORN.

Awesome news, but just wait for the MSM to minimize it. I envision statements like “limited to only a few people inside the organization” type of reporting.

But we all know the real story.

No ties to Obama right?

In related news Bob Frantz, a radio host in Ohio, had an interview with Brian Clark, communications director for Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, about Brunner going to court to avoid answering allegations of voter fraud. Six minutes long and towards the end Frantz confronts Clark with evidence of voter fraud…..Clark’s answer? He hangs up: (h/t Hot Air)

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This will make great debate fodder, if McCain isn’t McLame and actually uses it.
What’s the over/under on “uhs,” “ems,” “ers” after McCain asks, “Senator, what was that $800,000 you gave them for again?” Or, “I guess we now know what a community organizer does.”

it would be really great if more states jumped on the band wagon and did a class action type thing. we all know obama supported this and said don’t tell me anything, just get it done. i hope they nail them to the wall.

This has got to stop. If Obama wins this election because of the ACORN fraud, what can your country do about it? Is the FBI or the Justice System stronger than your Government? Could Obama be dismissed because of fraud? Or will you just have to live with this evil crooked President? And let’s say they realize after the election that Obama is not a born American citizen… will he still remain President? I hope not. But then again, who would become the President? Joe Biden? I hope not.

ACORN volunteer: It was “cool” to register false names.

Roll the tape:

For all the screeching and caterwauling we heard about Florida 2000 and Ohio 2004, the Democrats sure aren’t making much noise about ACORN 2008 are they?

Wonder why.

Course this is the same group of people who disenfranchised their own party in FL and MI during the primaries.

Hey Curt, your site is loading hella slow again, in Firefox.

I was watching live today the testimony that Aye Chihuahua posted. It was unbelievable and there’s so much more ! At the end, this (ACORN member?) lady testified trying to defend ACORN with the usual “I hope everyone remembers all the good ACORN does” Blech

This organization is trying to steal the election plain and simple.

This has been going on ever since (actually made it easier) the motor voter law was pushed into law by Democraps. Made it easy for illegals to vote by allowing Drivers licenses and oh while your at it register to vote. I have been telling anyone that would listen for years. Just once I would like to see how many elections they can win honestly.

At least 25 states should join the RICO legal action against ACORN which is Hussein O’s wet dream and financed by his $800,000 bribe which couldn’t have came from anyone other than the terrorists states. If the states and fed’s don’t take action now there will never be a need to hold another election. Democrats have not wanted a fair, honest election since 1960, they can’t win that way.

Without ACORN’s crime and slime Hussein O would still be a community agitator.

Now I want to watch what Botox Peeeloshi does about her democrat slime member in Fl. Is there a betting line that he will be another Cold Cash Jefferson. Do all democrat politicians have so much dirt on the leadership the leadership can’t touch them without going to jail themselves?

You should update thsi post with the latest from Lake County Indiana. CNN (yes CNN) is reporting that ACORN submitted 5,000 new registrations. The county stopped reviewing them when they found that all of the first 2,100 were fraudulaent.

I saw it at PowerLine. The CNN report is by Drew Griffin. PowerLine has a link to the video.

this is so wrong, saw on ace of spades that 2500 registration tha they checked out that were dropped off by acorn are all fraudulent. not surprising, i may have the number a bit off, but the meaning is still there. the ones they had checked so far were fraud, dead people and all. very nice for obama, he can only win by helping to pull this crap. then acorn’s lawyer blames the election workers, says they need to do their job better, seriously, i would love to smack the shit out of him and point out the huge waste in government resources to check out all of this bullshit. makes me wanna puke.

Groups like this are only adding more discontent to the electorate. Taxes, an uncaring congress, government intrusion and now “voter nullification” via ACORN will only make people fell more disenfranchised.

I’m glad someone is finally pursuing RICO charges, yet I fear it could be too little too late.

Our Executive & Legislative branches and the Judicial branch (to a lesser effect) are pretty much fairly balanced powerwise. Besides what’s already being done I’m not sure if their is anything else that can be done except perhaps if Bush can somehow find a way to get the FBI, NSA &/or Homeland Security motivated on the illegal activities and get them to act. That would be immediately attacked by the media and Democrats of course as Republicans trying to “Steal the Election”.

The problem we have with Obama getting nailed for this is due to his always arranging thing so that he has “plausible deniability”. He funneled the $800,000 “Charity” to the same people that are on the Acorn board, yes. But they are a non-profit organization. He would just claim he knew nothing about it if the money wound up in Acorn’s pocket. Even though he & Ayers were both on the Woods Foundation and gave money to Acorn through it, there is nothing technically illegal with that either. It doesn’t fall under money laundering. Those on the board would have to implicate him by saying he actually did know where it was going and that it was specifically to pay them to get him votes. They are not going to do that, they would rather they all went to jail than give him up. And if he because President, he could go back and pardon them, Rezco, and everyone else who did anything illegal for his benefit.

Even if Obama trained Acorn people to do this crap, it wasn’t he himself doing the fraud. Acorn employees would have to turn state’s evidence and give him up saying that he told them to commit voter fraud to help him get elected. We all know there is no way in Hell they would do this and let Obama take the fall. It’s Chicago, Mafioso type politics. Even if Acorn is eliminated via the RICO act, there are numerous other organization, that can step right in and take over the exact same process. No matter what we do, it’s going to be hard as hell to stop them. Even if we eliminated every one of those non-profits, they would just create new ones. It’s a nightmare. No matter how crooked the politics are, our justice system is slow to respond and Obama has a lot of lawyer on board to keep up the stall tactics.

I don’t see any way possible to get Obama indicted for his Acorn involvement prior to the election & once he is in, he gets additional immunities. Right now our best hope is with Philip Bergs’ lawsuit challenging Obama is Constitutionally unqualified to run, it appears the Judge on that case is in any hurry to expedite it as it needs to be. I don’t think Bush has the inclination, or even enough power at this stage as a lame duck president to lean on that judge to expidite matters. If Obama is elected before that case goes anywhere, I’m not sure once he takes the oath if he is even impeachable. The ball for impeachment would be in the Legislative branches’ court. Right now it looks like Congress will maintain a Democratic majority after this election, they won’t seriously pursue it.

The Supreme Court is still majority liberal, so it’s unlikely the Judicial branch would consider stepping in. They could take up Berg’s case, but I doubt that could happen in time to avoid a potential Obama “Coronation”, as it’s not even up to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court level yet, and then it would typically have to go to the Appealate Court. So we only have two real options to save this country’s soul and keep America from being screwed right now and only 3 weeks to do it in. That is a McCain-Palin win or the Berg case. The only other potential “wild card” would be another terrorist action on our soil. A frightening aspect that none of us would want. An unlikely event seeing how many Islamic Fundamentalist would favor having wussy Obama administration in the White House over McCain.

Craig asks a bunch of good questions. The answers were provided by the Founders and explained by Daily Kos (!!!).

I’ve reprinted the Kossack Constitutional arguement for the prosecution of Bush and Cheney as it applies to all Presidents. The conclusion is, Yes, sitting Presidents can be prosecuted, but can only be removed from office by impeachment.

If Obama/Biden are elected and sworn and afterwards Obama is found guilty of voter fraud and RICO violations, an impeachment is successful, then yes, Biden becomes President.

If legal action occurs before they are sworn, then Speaker Pelosi would be acting President pending action by Congress which has to do something very odd – name a President. Biden would not assume the Presidency because he would have been elected VP and Obama would not have been sworn as POTUS, thus there would be no actual President to succeed.

However, this assumes US Attorney Fitzgerald is not fired by ‘President’ Obama on the first day, and another US Attorney would take up the case, and a Democrat Congress and public would allow such action. Very doubtful.

Thanks Indigo; I still don’t see Rezco ratting out Obama though, when Obama could just pardon him if he won after he takes office. Rezco only needs to stay mum until after the election and throw them lesser players to keep them placated. I don’t see him ratting out Obama unless he looses.

I tell you what folks.

This ACORN business pisses me off.

I’ve been a registered voter since the day I turned 18.

I have voted in EVERY election. ONCE in every election.

I have always paid my taxes and taken care of my responsibilities.

For this group of common criminals to engage in this sort of behavior just pisses me off.

How dare they!

The Left is intimating riots in the streets if Obama doesn’t win.

Well, let me say that if something isn’t done to get the honesty back in the electoral process in this country I predict that there will riots in the streets over that.

We endured loads of BS being dumped all over us in 2000 and again in 2004. Time passed, emotions cooled, and all of those claims were proven to be false.

This ACORN load is not going to just blow over however. It is too widespread.

Finally the media is picking up on the story. It’s gotten to big for the drawer that they tried to stuff it into.

From CNN:

Remember that these are the same people that Obama worked and trained and coordinated with.

The same people that he paid $800,000 to.

The same people that he says will “shape the agenda” when he is President.

Folks, Obama shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the White House, not even as a guest.

Saw Ace’s site, apparently the U.S. Attorney part is incorrect.

Indigo Red & Rocky_B,

Thanks for the information. From what you’ve told me, I can see that not much can be done here. The Congress, the Senate, the Court, the POTUS, have not much influence or power in that whole situation.

I’m starting to believe that the only power in the States is your bias MSM. They run your country. They decide for you. They are the Big Boss. What a shame.

Maybe the only solution would be to start creating new MSM, more like Fox News. Honest citizens should gathered together and make competition for leftists MSM who has sort of a “monopole” in the US. This would create jobs. Good and honest reporting with a neutral approach of the truth. Compete with your old biased MSM, make them go down the drain… they are ruining and running your country. This can be done, after all, this is America and nothing is impossible. Go get them! Replace them with honest MSM.

I’m leaving now, I’m going to vote for Stephen Harper. Very anxious to see the results tonight. Just hope Harper will have a majority government.

Maggie Thurber will have theattourneythat filedthe caseonradio tonight

My guest on radio today will be Maurice Thompson, the atty who filed RICO action against ACORN.

You can listen live at 5 p.m. at http://www.wspd.com … click the ‘listen live’ under the WSPD logo – or you can click on Brian Wilson’s head since I’m subbing for him and that will also take you to the listen live link.


@Craig: The MSM is loosing readership and viewers all the time. But still they dominate the country. We are trying to get more information out there, thouhblogsand the New Media (talk radi, BLog Talk Radio and other avenues).

It maybe too late forthiselection,bu we are going to try and getour countryback away from the MSM.

With Groups like Sam Adams Alliance, American For Prosperity, Grizzly Goundswell which I am a a part of. There are many more out there. Wejustneedto nuite andmakeour voices heard mre.


Why not create a Newspaper gathering all the best articles of blog’s best sites. I know there are many good American blogs and sites on the Internet, but the majority of the population does not read them and never even heard of them. The newspaper could be called something like: The best of Internet’s writers… or Internet vs MSM… or something like that, or whatever. Why not? It could become a real success. Why not try it?

If I would live in the States, I would give it a try. Could start with FA, American Thinker, No Quarter… etc. This Daily Newspaper would also bring more people to blogs on the Net. As blogs becomes bigger, then you could go out and get advertising… money. And managing a blog would become a full time job well paid. Just an idea… but certainly worth looking at.

That is somewhat waht some are doing. Or at least gathering people to blog at one place. Blogivists is from Sam Adams Alliance and is free for anyone to create a blog.
You can join also. It is pretty much for anyon that is for the Free Market and less government.

I saw the CNN clip. That ACORN lawyer was just plain shifty and wouldn’t answer the questions. He even had the onions to blame it on the local governments. What a scumbag!!

I do have a site for collecting articles and good blog posts. I can give it to you if you want. I want more people to post to it. It is pretty much my own DIGG site,

I want it to be a reference for people to use to counter the Left.

“I can give it to you if you want.” (Stix)

Sure, I would like to have it. But what I was referring to in my previous post (#22), is to make a Daily Newspaper… not an Internet thing… a real Newspaper on real PAPER. You would be surprise to know how many people don’t go on Web sites. That would give them the information you can actually get on the Net, and maybe they would be interested enough to join some blog’s sites afterwards.

just send me a email
dwelch1972-blog at yahoo.com