8 Years ago, on October 12, 2000, the U.S.S. Cole was attacked in the port of Aden, Yemen. 17 American sailors were murdered. Eight years after the attack, the father of one of those fallen sailors has written a letter to the President of Yemen expressing his frustration that his son’s murderers have still not been held to account. I am a Flopping Aces reader like you. I could be you. My concerns should not be mine alone. Here is my letter:
President Saleh [Yemen],
It’s that time of year again; yet another anniversary of the attack on the USS Cole in Port Aden, Yemen on October 12th, 2000. In that attack, our son and sixteen of his mates were brutally murdered, and 39 other sailors were wounded.
Since the last time I wrote you a year ago, many changes, some positive and some not, have occurred in relation to the attack on the Cole and the status of your corrupt regime.
First and foremost, we wrote our Texas representative and members of Congress asking for a Congressional Hearing into why our government still supports your dictatorship after you gave the plotters and planners of the Cole attack reduced sentences and pardons for the murders of 17 American Sailors. The rest of the convicted killers conveniently escaped from your prisons. And some remain free to this day, eight years after the attack.
Our Senators have kept us informed as to our requests. We received word recently from them that next year Congress will hold Judiciary Committee hearings. We are extremely grateful to the politicians who have decided that its way past the time to review and hopefully take action against you and your regime. And to put an end to all your worthless and broken promises that you made to two American presidents and our government.
It can now be stated as fact, President Saleh, that FBI Agent John O’Neil and his team were correct in their suspicion that you and your government knew much more about the pending attack on the Cole than you admitted after the attack. Unfortunately, Ambassador Bodine and President Clinton refused to let the FBI follow up on their leads and question members of your government and family after the attack. Instead FBI agent O’Neil was kicked out of your country for wanting to conduct a proper investigation. How ironic that he would be killed in the 9/11 attack less than one year later; an attack that-if Presidents Clinton and Bush had heeded his requests-would not have happened in all probability. You Sir could have allowed a thorough investigation after the Cole attack, so all of the clues and evidence and even some of the terrorists who would participate in 9/11 could have been found. But instead you and government not only interfered with the investigation but threw up hurdles to impede and effectively stop the investigation. So really, sir, you and your government are not only guilty in the Cole attack, but just as guilty in withholding evidence and protecting suspects that would later take part in the attack on 9/11.We all know now, as many did then, that you were and still are covering up for your Al-Qaeda friends. You and your government did an excellent job at it too. All of the clues and leads that were just waiting to be pieced together after the Cole attack were concealed so well until it was too late to stop the next attack on our country less than a year later on September 11th.
There is a bright side for us in all of this for us, however. It is the fact that more and more people are now seeing how you have used and manipulated Al-Qaeda and two American administrations to achieve your own sick and twisted goals. More major US newspapers in the past year are now reporting how common it is for you to use Al-Qaeda as a friend one day (to fight for you to help quell rebellions in your country and to keep your people oppressed), and then on the next day use Al-Qaeda as a tool to get more money, arms and other assistance from America.
This past year we have watched as you imprisoned Yemeni journalists and activists who dared to question your regime’s brutal tactics. My family and I were proud to sign the petition along with thousands of others to have those journalists freed.
And just as important, if not more so, is all the dedication of the men and women at the Military Commission who are working extremely hard and effectively at bringing more of your Al-Qaeda friends to Justice for the murder of our son and his mates. Even in a democracy such as ours we have faults and obstacles to overcome. We actually have Americans in this country that would rather see terrorists who have murdered their fellow Americans set free than to receive their punishment for their crimes. It’s called partisan politics, or putting politics before the truth. But at least your terrorist friends stand to receive a more impartial trial here than they would from you. We all know how you treat killers. You free them to kill again.
My wife and I look forward to watching that trial in person and seeing the first real justice ever served on the killers since the Cole attack. It is my sincerest hope that I will be able to bear witness in person regarding the misery that those terrorists have brought, not only to us but to others as well. It’s also my hope that the killers you set free will be caught in the future, and that they too will stand trial in a real courtroom, one that adheres to the laws of truth and justice rather than some dictator’s personal whims such as yourself.
My wife and I will go to visit our son’s gravesite this Sunday. I am going to read to him the letters from our congress people who are going to finally convene the long overdue Judiciary Hearings. I am also going to read to him how the American people are slowly beginning to realize how you and your regime have been allowed to get away with not only the murder of 17 sailors, but how your refusal to let the FBI conduct a proper Investigations led to one of the worst attacks on American soil, an attack that killed so many of my fellow Americans. Our son’s murder could have meant something at the time of the attack. But it was ignored by our government, because they were concerned about offending you, and because they were in the middle of a presidential election in the country. Historically major decisions are never made at such a time (be it by the Democrats’ or Republicans’) because they are concerned about negative fallout that might prevent them from keeping their jobs. The attack on the Cole could have been a wakeup call for our leaders to take action before it was too late.
Now our leaders have a second chance at correcting their first mistakes in dealing with you, your regime, and how they mishandled the aftermath of the Cole attack. They can all agree to stop the flow of money and arms to your regime. I hope they finally realize that its time put a stop to your policy of releasing known terrorists to kill other innocent people again, and your use of Al-Qaeda as a political tool to keep your regime in power in Yemen, and to squeeze more assistance from my government. The insanity has to be stopped sometime. I think that you are now watching and living the end of your ruthless reign over your people and Yemen. And the end is coming to your continued manipulation of my government for your own personal power and wealth.
We are also going to share with him about all of our fellow Americans who are helping us in setting right the terrible wrongs committed after the Forgotten Cole attack, and the free Yemenis who are working with us too. We know that he would be proud and happy to know that so many people want see him and his mates obtain the Justice that has been denied them for so many years now. All the help and support we have had from Americans and Yemenis makes me proud and still amazes me. It’s one of my wife’s greatest comforts to know that so many people care, while our government ignored her pleas for years.
In closing Sir, I would like to add that we still have not received a letter of condolence from your government for our son’s murder in your country at your request. We like to think that with a new President in office next year and other new politicians as well that they will finally stop supporting your regime.
At least that action would give some meaning to our son’s murder. So would knowing that he and his mates played a part in having one of the world’s most devious, conniving, and murderous dictators removed from the position of power where you have caused so much death, destruction, and misery. It’s my hope that I will not be writing you this time next year, unless you are in prison, but instead to a new leader of Yemen, a leader who will abide by freedom of the press and speech, freedom of religion, and all the other norms of a free society.
Remember the USS Cole, Mr. President. Because we the families of the murdered sailors and wounded sailors and Americans and free Yemenis will not rest until we achieve our goal of ridding Yemen of your presence.
Parents of Murdered Fireman, Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr.,
Gary G. Swenchonis, Sr. and Deborah Swenchonis
I do believe the Cole is still on patrol in the Middle East, though they must be nearing the end of their six month deployment.
I pray for you and your wife that the memory of your son will not see another year before the evil in Yemen reaps justice upon themselves.
Thanks Gary;
To the Swenchonis family and others who lost loved ones, may God bless you and heal the heartbreak you feel every day.
In memory of those lost then and through-out this WWIII, this Holy War On Terrorism, and to those still out there fighting the good fight. A hearty Semper Fi! and a salute from this ol’ vet.
I was in Tent City, Incerlik AFB, Turkey OPERATION: SOUTHERN WATCH, when we heard the news of the Cole. We went on full alert and the base went to lock-down. You never know when something like that happens whether your location might be targeted next. It gives justification and incentive after pausing to pay respect, to shuff it off to do your damndest to get back to the job at hand and give it your all. The media thinks that by giving daily body counts, maybe they can make war so distasteful that perhaps Americans will rise as one and decide this country, our allies, and others are not worth protecting from evil. They will never understand.
Media types go out and interview the troops, but most of them don’t really listen to or can even comprehend what they are told. McCain understands. Chuck Norris went, actually listened to us, and now he understands. The others? They will never understand.
So they embellish stories told them by terrorist sympathizers that our troops are out there killing innocent civilians, targetting children, burning villiages, raping women and report it as if it were the truth, in hopes that maybe that will convince Americans how wrong it is to support sovereign security. They will never understand.
Now they annoint a nobody for the highest office of the land. They declare him the messiah. They say we might as well give up because he’s already won. They will never understand.
Nobody understands until they don the uniforms for themselves. We don’t fight because we love war and carnage. We do it because we love this country, it’s people, and our fellow man. Many of us may come from the lowliest of social class, yet in our hearts we hold the most valuable of riches. Those you can’t place a price tag on or calculate on a tax sheet.
Yes some of us have been embarassed at times by the very few members in our midst who when war comes cry out, “I didn’t join up for this! I joined for the college bonuses (or other benefits).” or by those who commit criminal acts while in uniform in wartime or in peace. Even though they wore the uniforms, they were never truly of our order, because they didn’t understand.
Parents who scream obscenities at our military chain of command, accusing them of murdering their sons and daughters who perished doing their military duty, insult the very honor and memory of their children. Because they don’t understand.
God sets a special place at his table for those who sacrificed themselves for the benefit of others. No military member’s death is in vain. Most of us signed up with full knowledge that a time might come when we would never see our loved ones again. Whenever we would come home on leave, we treasured every second in full knowledge that it could well be our last reunion. Leaving always came too soon, yet we knew we had to set our lives aside for maybe a bit longer, or perhaps eternity.
If only the detractors and ingrates of our society would take a moment to think on that before spitting on us and calling us pigs or baby killers. When the Clinton administration took office, their members did this. They didn’t understand.
And McCain spoke the truth in the debates when he said Obama didn’t understand. But for those of us that DO understand, the message between the words came loud and clear. And we secretly told that which dwells within, “John’s right you know? Barrack doesn’t understand. And he never will.”
To all who have wrote my family. Thank-you so much. And thanks to Flopping Aces for printing our letter. They are one of the few who will print it. I have been told by other sites that it offends Muslims. I have been told by Major newspapers that they will print what i write about the Cole attack, as long as it is not negative towards Clinton, or the democrats. I have been told by other newspapers that they not print anything as long as it is negative towards Bush or the republicans.
It sickens me to see how divided our press has become. How the truth is put aside for politics. That has always been a problem in our democracy, but never on the scale that it is today. And it appears to only worsen.
Rock-B I hear you loud and clear. We were called the same thing in another very unpopular war.
Even worse. What surprised me is when decades later I could not find one of those politicians who called us soldiers evil at that time. They all had changed their tunes to supporting the troops. My wife and I new their new found patriotism would not last when the bodg bags begin to come home. Again.
Am I angry at Bush for deciding to ignore the Cole. Yes. But can I still admire him and his conviction for carry on the fight with so much opposition here at home. Yes. Its rare to see a politician to stick by his guns today when an issue is not popular. With fighting terrorism Bush has done just that.
But the Cole attack was so political, and still is that it will take decades for the truth to emerge. Long after all the politicians from both parties are free from any negative consequences that some of them should have had. Republicans and Democrats alike. Look how long it took for the truth to be told about the USS Indie at the end of WWII. And how ironic that Clinton would be the one to restore the Captians good name and service to this country in a officical order. And in the same month, and year he took corrective action to correct history with the USS Indie, he began his lies to cover up another naval tragedy, the USS Cole.
What I fear the most from my personal experience with the press. Is how it will affect America in the very near future. A democracy without an impartial press cannot last. A country can only exicst on lies for so long. Lies tend to catch up with people and nations. Americans were lied to during the Clinton years and told not to worry about the attacks on his watch. And to an extent Bush carried on that “Don’t worry be happy!”. And we the American people paid for our politicians lies and refusal to do the right thing at the right time. And we are still paying for their mistakes. But now we have no choice, we must fight if America is to exist.
I just pray to God that Obama is not elected. America is at the edge of an abyss, too many Americans only want good news, not the truth. And the truth is when one can put aside their political beliefs, and open their eyes to what is happening outside America and inside America is that our continued existence is very much in doubt.
Truer words have never been spoken, Mr. Swenchonis.
And I find it very offensive that that same media refuses to print your letter. We here at Flopping Aces know how to call a spade a spade…. which we do often.
As a Navy wife in the Vietnam area, I feel inordinately blessed to have had your son serve in the branch I am so familiar with. His loss is felt by us as a nation, but that does not compare with the burial of a child. He is truly representative of those in the service of our armed forces that are “the best of us”.
And by your letters and posts, I can see from where he got that admirable perspective on life.
My condolences, and prayers are with you both. And I hope the pride you must feel in Gary Jr. helps, even if but a little, fill the empty void you both must feel every day.
“I just pray to God that Obama is not elected. America is at the edge of an abyss, too many Americans only want good news, not the truth.” (Gary G. Swenchonis)
Here in Canada our election campaign is very short… only 30 days. At the beginning, polls showed a majority government for Conservative Stephen Harper. Tomorrow will be Election Day. Our leftists MSM did such a terrific job in lying during these past 29 days, that now polls says that it will probably be a Liberal minority government with Stéphane Dion.
Oh boy! Imagine a Canadian liberal Prime Minister with a Democrat US President? North America will be wiped off the map… I’m not kidding.
MataHarley thank you and Flopping Aces again for posting the letter, and your kind words about our son.
Criag maybe this is what it will take. A Liberal American President, and a Liberal Prime Minister in Canada to wake up our people in both countries. I hate to say that but many times people can only truly value and really love something when they have lost it.
I get so frustarted with some people who say they cannot see the “undeclared civil war” in this country. And some really do not see it. For many reasons. Others tell me they do not have the time to follow politics, and or fight back. We have always had disagreements and different beliefs in our democracy. And healthy debate has always been a corner stone of our society. But debates have now turned into arguements and name calling, outright lies and propaganda. A majority of the press and media backs the liberal lefts propaganda, and lies.
I think that we got started to late. For way to many years people were fearful to stand up for their beliefs if those beleifs ran counter to the liberal beliefs. People were afraid of being called a religious nut, a homophobia, a racist, a sexist, etc… Anytime someone disagreed with the liberals they were tagged as such. And then even the republicans who were supposed to stand for traditional values began to sell out just to keep their jobs.
And here we are now. A man like Obama who has never really done anything of worth beating the pants off Mac. And why? Because he is an excellent speaker, he can talk for hours and say nothing. But what is important is that he makes people feel good. And even more important they believe him.
In the end it comes down to two old american values that have just about disappeared. Individuality and Responsibilty. Will Americans be responsible enough to educate themselves on which of the two is more responsible to run the country. Will Americans go with the herd. Or be individuals who think and act for themselves. And too realize that the road ahead maybe even much tougher than the road we have just traveled. Or will they be as sheep, and fall into lockstep with the man who promises them a mordern utopia if only they give up their freedom, responsibilty and individuality.
One other comment. After Hitler won the election people were asked why they voted for him. Especially with his checkered past. The common answer was: “He sounded so good! I really believed him and his vision of a new society with everything for everyone.” So maybe some Americans will just need to be reminded that if its too good to be true. Thats because it is.
Gary G. Swenchonis,
You are so right. The problem with this generation is that everybody wants to be “cool” or at least look “cool”. Abortion is cool, divorce is cool, drug is cool, pro-choice is cool, atheism is cool, terrorism is cool, etc. Just the word “conservative” is not cool, but “liberal” is cool. Obama is cool. McCain is not cool.
They have lost their sense of direction. For the past 30 years they where educated by leftist teachers and leftist MSM. They have been brainwashed. This must change!
Mr. Swenchonis, you again hit the ball out of the park.
What can I add? You have put what I feel daily so eloquently, that it just plain bears repeating. So “repeat”, I did.
Please, Gary Sr. Do *not* be a stranger here with your posts.
Agreed much of America has lost their way. I’m glad I was brought up by those of the Depression and World War II eras. Unfortunately many of them have all but died off. We are now under the leadership of 1960’s nutcases and much of our population is dominated by “me” generation types, slackers, and would-be gangsta’s.
The wholesomeness of the 50’s are little more than nostalgia and everywhere we look we see corruption. Divorce is on the upswing with 30-40 year olds throwing lifes and families to the side to go out to try to reclaim their party-all-the-time days of their youth.
And Lady Liberty looked over her shoulder at what her country has become and sighed heavily.
Can it be saved? Or has this land passed beyond the hopes envisioned by our forefathers. Will we see the equivalent of anyother “Tea Party”? Is there anything that can be done by the Nathan Hales of today to stop the insanity?
I too was brought up by the Depression/WWII era generation, Rocky B. We are now living thru the leadership of the 60’s generation, or what I love to call the “love the one you’re with – why don’t we do it in the road?” generation. It is some of my own peers, as is yours.
And of this generation… the Woodstock escapees… all I can say is we made some truly memorable and great music in our time.
But we sure suck at governing…. I am embarrassed to be a part of this generation.