A Mockery of a Memorial in West Chester, Pa

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It has come to my attention that the rifle used in CCPM’s counting of the body bags memorial on Saturday is an AK-47, NOT the traditional M-16. An eagle eyed fan of my work brought this to my attention. I have not served in the military, nor have any experience around guns (note to Phil Carter – this is what a disclosure looks like).

With permission from the author, I am posting a cropped photo of the memorial and the description provided to me:

To mark the location of a fallen Soldier on the battlefield, their rifle is thrust muzzle first into the ground and their helmet is placed on the butt.  During memorial services by military units, the fallen are customarily represented by that same display accompanied by a pair of boots.

During the Saturday, October 11th “Peace Vigil”, the Chester County Peace Movement mocked our fallen by using a boots, helmet and rifle display that incorporated al-Qaeda’s weapon, an AK-47 instead of the one used by American troops, the M-16.  Around the world, the AK-47 is the symbol of terrorism, Marxism and “revolutionary struggles”, best exemplified as a such a symbol by socialist Mozambique which incorporates the weapon into its flag.

This travesty was not a simple mistake. The core group of the weekly vigils includes Vietnam Veterans Against the War, people who know the difference between an M-16 and an AK-47, yet no one noticed, no one objected?

A Winter Soldier views the AK-47 during the rally:

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Yep, that be an AK-something. The curved magazine gives it away. There are lots of variants, so can’t tell what it really is, but looks like the standard junk AK-47.

Hi Mr Aces, I would like to do a post using these photos. This crap just pisses me off.

This should also be on the Drudge Report.

Then again, Skye… these are dumb butt peacniks who wouldn’t know a rifle from a water pistol. Personally, I’m laughing at (or maybe the correct word is *with*) the illegal street dealer who sold them the AK-47, and a bill of goods, for their “display”. ROTFLMAO!!!! Hopefully they took ’em for all they’re worth!

But then, that ain’t much, eh?

It figures those damn commies would have a weapon which is the symbol of the Global Marxist Revolution.

It’s also the symbol on the Hezbollah Flag:

You sure this was a memorial to fallen U.S. Soldiers and not the enemy?

You are right Mike, this is the symbol of the Hezbollah Flag. Believe it or not, during the summer of the Israeli/Lebanon War, a protest war group in Montreal, walked with the Hezbollah flag in their hands. They where siding with the terrorists. Remarkable idiot leftists!

Here are some pictures:


A Leftist Federal Judge orders release Al Qaeda operatives onto the streets of America while our sons and daughters are dying fighting them overseas!


Oh my goodness! I can’t believe what I just heard on that radio site. Bill Clinton appointed a leftist judge (signed by Joe Biden), who ruled to release Chinese Muslims terrorists that where detained in Guantanamo and let them walk free in your country, since no other countries wants them? I just can’t believe it. They’re not even Americans. Has America gone banana?

Not all of us, just the Obama cult kool-aid drinkers and the socialists. Those socialists actually only comprise less than say around 0.1-0.2% of our entire population. Much like Germany’s National Socialists in the late 1930’s.

Craig, this is what happens when the left gets into positions of power anywhere. Sanity goes out the window.