There’s a reason that “mavericks” aren’t voted “Miss Congeniality”, Mike’sA. It doesn’t really matter there was both GOP and DNC on the legislative council. Palin has proven to be bipartisan in her reforms on corruption and budget in Alaska… littering the landscape with everything from oil execs to lawmakers of *both* parties.
Palin’s popularity in the state is with the taxpayer/denizens… not the political powers that be. She’s in the crosshairs of many pols and media there.
Timothy: I like the concept and would only change the first line to where it says Sarah Palin takes the oath of office for Vice President of the United States.
16 years ago
The media is mostly only putting out that the Dem Senator Elton says, “Yes it was an ethic’s violation.” Of course we knew he would say that. But what the media is glossing over is the rest of the report, where Branchflower said Palin was fully within her rights and broke no laws in firing Monegan.
Troopergate report concludes Palin abused power as governor…
By Don Hunter, Sean Cockerham and Wesley Loy
Branchflower’s report contains four findings. The first concludes that Palin violated the state’s executive branch ethics act, which says that “each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust.”
The report says Palin failed to reign in her husband’s inappropriate efforts to use the governor’s office to contact trooper employees in his attempts to have Wooten fired.
In the second finding, Branchflower says Monegan’s refusal to fire Wooten was not the sole reason for his dismissal but that it was a “contributing factor.” Still, he said, Palin’s firing of Monegan was “a proper and lawful exercise” of the governor’s authority.
The third finding says a workers’ compensation claim filed by Wooten was handled appropriately. Number four concludes that the attorney general’s office failed to comply with Branchflower’s Aug. 6 request for information about the case in the form of e-mails.
Branchflower writes that his investigation did not take into account late-arriving statements from several administration officials who, on the advice of Attorney General Talis Colberg, resisted subpoenas. They agreed to provide written statements this week, however, after a state judge upheld the subpoenas. Information from those statements was provided to the Legislative Council separately.
“Here, there is no accusation, no finding and no facts that money or financial gain to the Governor was involved in the decision to remove Monegan,” the governor’s attorney says. “There can be no ethics violations under these circumstances.”
The McCain-Palin campaign also responded.
Because Branchflower’s report does not recommend any particular penalty for Palin, it shows the investigation was outside the Legislature’s authority, campaign Meghan Stapleton said.
The campaign also said Branchflower’s finding that Palin broke state ethics laws is beyond the scope of the original investigation, which Stapleton and O’Callaghan said was to determine if she had a legitimate reason for firing Monegan.
In authorizing the investigation on July 28, the members of the legislative council voted “to investigate the circumstances and events surrounding the termination of former public safety commissioner Monegan, and potential abuses of power and/or improper actions by members of the executive branch.”
The chairman of the Legislative Council, Sen. Kim Elton, D-Juneau, said he agreed with Branchflower’s findings but wasn’t ready to suggest there should be any consequences for the governor.
Sen. Gene Therriault, R-North Pole, said the report is flawed because Branchflower didn’t take into account statements and other materials submitted earlier this week by Todd Palin and administration employees who earlier had resisted subpoenas.
Therriault said Todd Palin’s written response indicates that Gov. Palin, at some point, urged her husband to drop his efforts against Wooten. That information goes to the heart of Branchflower’s conclusion that the governor violated the ethics law, Therriault said.
Therriault said Branchflower was unable to consider those late-arriving materials “because we had this artificial deadline today.”
“Why?” he continued. “Because we’re in a political season.”
Two other lawmakers said the governor and her husband’s actions were understandable.
“Who is going to blame Todd Palin for protecting his family?” said Rep. John Coghill, R-North Pole. “Not me.”
Another member of the Legislative Council, Rep. Bob Lynn, R-Anchorage, said he thinks Branchflower’s findings are wrong, and that Palin didn’t violate the ethics act. “She and Todd Palin were trying to defend their family,” Lynn said. “I think any normal person would do the same.”
Certified Real American Patriot (CRAP for short) we’ve been through all this before.
If you are unaware of how the Chairman of the investigating Committee, Sen. Elton (D) [far left in photo] banged the gavel to deny every motion by the Republican members upset by the fact he choose Sen. French (D) [4th from left in back row] to be the investigation’s director, (the same Sen. French who revealed before the report was even written that it would be an “October surprise”) then I suggest you go back and review the multitude of links on this topic before you post another ill-informed comment.
worth checking out and passing along
The kid is a Republican, the rest are communists who think they can divide amongst themselves what others have earned.
There’s a reason that “mavericks” aren’t voted “Miss Congeniality”, Mike’sA. It doesn’t really matter there was both GOP and DNC on the legislative council. Palin has proven to be bipartisan in her reforms on corruption and budget in Alaska… littering the landscape with everything from oil execs to lawmakers of *both* parties.
Palin’s popularity in the state is with the taxpayer/denizens… not the political powers that be. She’s in the crosshairs of many pols and media there.
I have a dream….right out of the Godfather…..
It’s 2010 and Sarah wins re-election to the Alaska governor’s chair. As she takes the oath…..
Judge: Gov. Palin, place your hand on the Bible. No repeat after me….I, state your name.
SP: Sarah Palin
(Monegan gets in his car)
Judge: Do hearby swear to uphold the state Consitituion of Alaska
SP: Do hearby swear to uphold the state Consitituion of Alaska
Judge: And to defend this country and state from all enemies
SP: And to defend this country and state from all enemies
(Monegan starts the car and it blows up)
Judge: Foreign and domestic
SP: Foreign and domestic
(Wooten, is crossing the street and is tazered to death by a moose, his body self-combusts)
Judge: And I will faithfully uphold this office
SP: And I will faithfully uphold this office
(Blackflower is caught in a revolving door)
Judge: In all matters civil and legislative
SP: In all matters civil and legislative
(the revolving doors are sealed and fill up with water…he slowly drowns)
Judge: And I shall become a symble
SP: And I shall become a symble
(French stands ready to speak at an Obama rally)
Judge: of the people for what is right.
SP: of the people for what is right.
(French clutches his heart and is struck by lightning)
Judge: So help me God
SP: So help those poor bastards!!!!
(Obama finds a dead moose head in his bed)
Timothy: I like the concept and would only change the first line to where it says Sarah Palin takes the oath of office for Vice President of the United States.
The media is mostly only putting out that the Dem Senator Elton says, “Yes it was an ethic’s violation.” Of course we knew he would say that. But what the media is glossing over is the rest of the report, where Branchflower said Palin was fully within her rights and broke no laws in firing Monegan.
Rest of this report here:
I suppose the next thing you are going to say is this picture actually has something to do with the trooper gate investigation..
@Real American Patriot:
Is your cluelessness genuine?
If so, is it willful or genetic?
Do you really not understand or are you attempting to gaslight us?
Mike practically drew you a picture and you STILL missed it?
You claim to be able to fly an airplane but you cannot understand this?
Is that right?
Good golly man!
Pay attention!
Take a look here and perhaps you’ll begin to understand how the picture relates to the investigation.
Here’s a hint for you:
Certified Real American Patriot (CRAP for short) we’ve been through all this before.
If you are unaware of how the Chairman of the investigating Committee, Sen. Elton (D) [far left in photo] banged the gavel to deny every motion by the Republican members upset by the fact he choose Sen. French (D) [4th from left in back row] to be the investigation’s director, (the same Sen. French who revealed before the report was even written that it would be an “October surprise”) then I suggest you go back and review the multitude of links on this topic before you post another ill-informed comment.