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I find that Charles Krauthammer doesn’t understand enough. I believe that Obama shares the same views of these US haters. Why else would these people want him as President if he didn’t share their views? Think about it!. It doesn’t make sense. Why would Ayers push Obama’s campaing if Obama had different views than his? NO… Obama shares the same views as those hateful enemies of your country. It is clear as cristal to me.

Tolerance of the obscene

Ah, yes.

Mr. Krauthammer cuts right to the quick doesn’t he?

He summed up the entire Liberal/Left/Democrat/Socialist/Marxist/Obama movement in four simple words.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Ya know, Fit. I don’t really care who Wm F. Buckley’s offspring votes for. And after reading his reasons for Obama over McCain, his opinion matters even less than it *didn’t* before. ala

This campaign has changed John McCain. It has made him inauthentic. A once-first class temperament has become irascible and snarly; his positions change, and lack coherence; he makes unrealistic promises, such as balancing the federal budget “by the end of my first term.” Who, really, believes that? Then there was the self-dramatizing and feckless suspension of his campaign over the financial crisis. His ninth-inning attack ads are mean-spirited and pointless. And finally, not to belabor it, there was the Palin nomination. What on earth can he have been thinking?

My thoughts? McCains *always* been known as a snarly, hot-tempered guy. So what’s changed? His positions have been morphing with the events, as they should. If balancing a fed budget (especially by freezes and a heavy hand on vetoes) is “lacking coherence”, then I haven’t got a clue what to say to young Buckley.

I don’t see the suspension of the campaign to be back in the beltway for that abomination bailout as “feckless”. What I do consider “feckless” is that McCain helped convince many to vote for it. His 9th inning attacks aren’t “mean-spirted”. They are viable issues that the media has refused to address… the Obama-Ayers-CAC-Woods-ACORN-education reform for “social justice” link is a serious issue for a POTUS. Difference of opinion.

Young Buckley doesn’t like Palin. I do. Difference of opinion. I believe mine is more grounded in solid issues and research on Palin and on the Obama-Ayers…etal than Buckley’s. That’s just the way it goes.

And why does he like Obama?

As for Senator Obama: He has exhibited throughout a “first-class temperament,” pace Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.’s famous comment about FDR. As for his intellect, well, he’s a Harvard man, though that’s sure as heck no guarantee of anything, these days. Vietnam was brought to you by Harvard and (one or two) Yale men. As for our current adventure in Mesopotamia, consider this lustrous alumni roster. Bush 43: Yale. Rumsfeld: Princeton. Paul Bremer: Yale and Harvard. What do they all have in common? Andover! The best and the brightest

“first class temperment”…. Harvard over Yale… these are viable reasons? He has no idea what Obama is like off the campaign trail. But if you read CBS Dean Reynolds’ article about how the McCain campaign is run compared to Obama’s, then you have to wonder just who really has their sheeeeeet together.

I’ve read Obama’s books, and they are first-rate. He is that rara avis, the politician who writes his own books. Imagine. He is also a lefty. I am not. I am a small-government conservative who clings tenaciously and old-fashionedly to the idea that one ought to have balanced budgets. On abortion, gay marriage, et al, I’m libertarian. I believe with my sage and epigrammatic friend P.J. O’Rourke that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it all away.

If young Buckley agree’s with Obama on abortion and gay marriage, then that’s the only viable reason I’ve seen him state here. In that case, he was never a McCain fan as a voter… perhaps as a friend and on some issues, but not those.

But what’s this about Obama’s “first-rate” books? Interesting that Buckley brought that up… Because it was just yesterday that I read an American Thinker article by Jack Cashill talking about the timeline of Dreams of My Father… and it’s QSUM analysis that seems to lend serious credibility (among other “coincidences” Cashill ticked off) that Obama not only had a ghost writer, but that ghost writer is likely to be William Ayers.

Naturally, this isn’t “smoking gun” stuff, but it makes for an interesting read, Fit. You should check it out. Things like he magically overcame his writers block after a long dry spell, and a failed book deal… only to get a second one and advance, and magically churn out “first rate” stuff. uh huh….

If he raises taxes and throws up tariff walls and opens the coffers of the DNC to bribe-money from the special interest groups against whom he has (somewhat disingenuously) railed during the campaign trail, then he will almost certainly reap a whirlwind that will make Katrina look like a balmy summer zephyr.

This is about the most honest thing that young Buckley says. Odd thing is, he is anticipating the backlash that happens if Obama fulfills his very campaign promises. Well that’s a heckuva bet with a vote…. betting that he’ll get into office and not do what he promised… like mutilate relations with the CAFTA/NAFTA trade treaties, and raise taxes. With an economic plan that adds up to trillions, how can he *not* raise taxes??

Instead, he choses to ignore Obama’s promises that he predicts will be dastardly, and instead believe Obama has “the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader.

Buckley evidently did not inherit his Dad’s clarity of thought and analysis of character.

During a stop in Grand Rapids on Thursday, Lincoln Chafee, a former Republican U.S. senator from Rhode Island, said he’s voting for Obama and urging others to do likewise.

McCain campaigned for Chafee’s unsuccessful re-election bid in 2006, but Chafee said he is concerned McCain has swung to the right, a divisive strategy that could make it difficult for him to govern.

“That’s not my kind of Republicanism,” said Chafee, who now calls himself an independent. “I saw what Bush and Cheney did. They came in with a (budget) surplus and a stable world, and look what’s happened now. In eight short years they’ve taken one peaceful and prosperous world, and they’ve torn it into tatters.”


As far as former Republican Gov. William Milliken (another RINO), what does anything he has to say have anything to do with McCain’s character?

Fit Fit,

What is wrong with you? Can you explain me why you want your country to become a socialist/communist country with Obama? Can you?

How can you vote for a US/basher that hates capitalism and white people? Wouldn’t you be ashame of Michelle Obama that was never proud of your country before her husband went on this election? I would.


Barak Obama’s Muslim outreach adviser is under fire for meeting with Islamic groups with extremist views, just months after her predecessor resigned for links to a radical cleric.

Read the rest here:


Isn’t Chafee a prime example of the “also ran” answer to crossword puzzle questions? His political career is now equivalent to block fillers for Thomas Joseph. Who cares about Lincoln Chafee?

Sad, John McCain reached out for him.

Do you want to see Obama in action? And believe it or not, this comes from CNN.


N.B.: I change the link, since the 1st one wasn’t working.
BTW, why don’t you take a look at the other videos in the right column, beside that video.

Wouldn’t you be ashame of Michelle Obama that was never proud of your country before her husband went on this election? I would.

Why Character Matters

Craig…read this. Maybe it will help explain the problem.


Thanks for the link, Suek. Brilliant article.

Now, for those leftists who thinks socialist medecine is great, just watch this video. You will change your mind.


Well, the coup de grace of the McCain campaign folks (Troopergate) is out. Is it me, or is Johnny’s team the worst ever? Seriously, have they done anything right?
Baldwin ’08!


Yes, it’s you.


Yeah go vote for Baldwin. Divide the vote and let Obama win. You are just another enemy of your country, your move is so dumb, it makes me sick. I have nothing against Baldwin, he is great, but he has ZERO chance to win. But, I do have something against you and that is: your complete lack of judgment and solidarity.

Good! Please do Richard. You are not a stupid leftist, you share our values, so lets get together to defeat Obama. I am sure you do not want a Democrat POTUS and Democrat Congress and Senate to run your country. Every McCain’s votes is needed to defeat that horrible Obama. Even though I do not get to vote, I care because you are my neigbour, allie, friend and greatest commercial partner.

Nit Wit: Do you really think anyone on the right cares a jot what these has beens, also rans and Clinton retreads think of McCain?

Get a clue!

In the end, even John McCain knows Why Character Matters.

If I see one more time that Fit Fit same comment again, I will throw my computer out of the window. You are losing your time Fit Fit, I never read your BS links. It is a waste of time. Please someone stop this guy.

Isn’t it a shame that we have to put up with a candidate that has the class to not put up with those who prefer to wallow in the gutter with the fit-fits of the world?

Character is one thing folks. Statutes are another. NO ONE is above the Constitution.
Dump Sarah now and try to save this election.

You mean a candidate that can’t stomach his own attacks? Or a candidate that loses his spine when he figures out his Two Minutes Hate rallies aren’t moving the polls? Yes it is a shame.

“Dump Sarah now and try to save this election.” (Paulie)

Hey, wake-up! Sarah is saving this election. Poor Paulie, where have you been?

Fit Fit—I think you’re nuts but I believe you’re right about one thing: Johnny actually dislikes the personal attack stuff. Again, I blame his nincompoop campaign people.
They should’ve let Johnny be Johnny. And they NEVER should have picked Palin (or at least did some homework).
Again, I will go with George Will, “Is this the best we’ve got?”

You think your leftist politicians are dummmies, you should see ours. Stéphane Dion (from Québec) is the leader of the Liberal Party, and he is running against our Conservative Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper for the Federal elections on October 14. In a television interview today, he really made a fool of himself. But at leat our MSM didn’t give him a break. You have got to see that… incredible! (3 min. video)


I have to agree with Paulie on Sarah. Again, is this the best we got? Did Johnny’s guys and gals not see this coming?
BTW Craig, take a look at some of the Alaska papers online. It’s not good.


I have to agree with Paulie on Sarah.

Of course you agree with Paulie.

You and Paulie are the same person. I would hope that you would agree with yourself.

Is Simon gonna show up and give us his opinion soon?

Does he agree with the other two socks in your drawer or is he the dissenter in the bunch?

Ah, I get it now. Richard has multiple pseudonyms. Now, I get it. Was wondering about the guy. Guess he is just playing games here… he must be about 12 years old… lol

Richard. Have you registered to vote multiple times with fake names too? Do you work for ACORN?

Typical Obamaton: a fake, a phony and a fool.

Next time you want to play that game Richard/Paulie make sure you use a differrent IP and email address.

Do you think we are all as stupid as you are?

@Aye Chihuahua: What is it with these yahoo’s who engage in this kind of sockpuppetry? Paulie used the same email as Richard AND the same IP, meaning he is one in the same.

It just boggles the mind…

Isn’t it instructive that on a post entitled “Why Character Matters” one of these frauds shows up to show exactly what poor character they have?

Richard and Paulie are talking amongst himself! 8)

Theresa: That would make Richard a schizosocialist!

Don’t you have to be 13 to register here? Send him/them back to Nickelodeon.

If I see one more time that Fit Fit same comment again, I will throw my computer out of the window. You are losing your time Fit Fit, I never read your BS links. It is a waste of time. Please someone stop this guy

Never let em see you sweat…

The Obamessiah has a keen intellect? Based on what, exactly. His responses to actual questions are painfully, woefully inadequate. He reads very well, but so do many others. You’ve been sucked in Charles! Join the rest of your lib MSM colleagues.

To some, character doesn’t matter. Since Monday, the Obama/Ayers story has changed seven times, they are saying six below, but they list seven, might be a typo. Note, this list doesn’t include the lies Obama and camp put out through the primary days.

This is from a No Quarter thread, they are keeping track and taking names they also provide details, dates, places, times, for the seven separate stories.


Since Monday, The Obama Campaign Has Had Six (6) Distinct Stories About Barack Obama’s Relationship With Bill Ayers:

· STORY #1: David Axelrod And Robert Gibbs Said For The First Time That Barack Obama Did Not Know About Bill Ayers’ Past When Ayers Held A Coffee For Obama In 1995

· STORY #2: Obama Senior Adviser Robert Gibbs Said He Didn’t Know The “Details” Of Ayers’ Relationship

· STORY #3: Obama Spokesman Bill Burton Said That Barack Obama Did Not Launch His Political Career At Ayers’ House And Didn’t Write A Blurb For An Ayers’ Book.

· STORY #4: David Axelrod Confirmed That Barack Obama Knew About Ayers’ Past After Their Initial Meetings; Contradicted Earlier Story And Said “No One Is Suggesting That He Never Knew”

· STORY #5: Obama Senior Adviser Anita Dunn Says When Barack Obama Went To Ayers’ House, He Was Merely Attending A Meeting Of State Senator Alice Palmer’s Supporters – A Statement Contradicted By Palmer

· STORY #6: Obama Senior Adviser Robert Gibbs Says After Barack Obama Knew About Ayers’ Past He Continued To Associated With Bill Ayers

· STORY #7: On ABC’s “World News Tonight,” Barack Obama Said He Only Ever Talked With Bill Ayers About School Reform Issues”


Not included in this list is, ta da, I thought he was rehabilitated.

A commentor also listed the dateline of the 24 bombings that Ayres and the Weather Underground did. Yet, as with the Rev. case, he’s knows nothing. Will fetch the list if anyone is interested.


My Mom taught me that if you’re tellin’ the truth, your story never changes.

Ever heard that one?

Yes I did, my mom used that gem, too. Another one was “the truth will make you strong.”

There’ll be more to that list, Missy. We can count on that.