WaPo’s Tom Shales:
last night’s 30-minute “SNL” seemed to have 90 minutes of sure-fire comedy crammed into it, the regulars drawing energy from their own luster. The debate spoof featured Fred Armisen as Obama, delivering answers in a dispassionate, monotonous singsong staccato, and Hammond as McCain, flashing abrupt and inappropriate grins, boasting obsessively about his maverick status in the Republican Party, and referring to Obama with such demeaning terms as “this character here,” “Junior over there” and “pee-pants over here.”
Those phrases were inspired by McCain’s strange use of “that one” to refer to Obama at one point in Tuesday night’s “town-hall” debate appearance.
Former “SNL” cast member Chris Parnell returned to do his impeccable impedimentary impression of NBC anchor emeritus Tom Brokaw — who, as in the real debate, was insatiably fixated on time limits for candidate answers as if this were a sacred charge he must dispatch with religious fidelity. Armisen’s Obama or Hammond’s McCain would start to answer a question and Parnell as Brokaw would shout, “Your time is up!” — interrupting them and hurrying on to the next question.
As the debate began, “Brokaw” explained that undecided voters who made up the studio audience had proposed a long list of questions from which, Brokaw said, “I have chosen the eight least interesting.”
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
I saw this over at HotAir. It sucked there, too.
Let’s face it, SNL (and MadTV, for that matter) isn’t even remotely funny anymore. It hasn’t been for the better part of ten years.
And yet, somehow.…
That video was very funny. I was laughing out loud. Americans are really good at comedy. That sketch was hilarious! I really enjoyed it… I watched it twice. Thanks Wordsmith.
Word, I wasn’t capping on you for posting, just saying that SNL isn’t that funny anymore.
Sorry, but I don’t think that 2.1 million out of a country of 300+ million is that big of a deal.
I wasn’t defending the quality of the SNL skits. Just pointing out that the latenight comedy stuff is connecting with a lot of people. Disturbing, since so much of it is at the expense of conservatives (remember all those in the business who are saying they are having a difficult time finding anything to poke fun of, regarding Obama).
Sarah Palin May Meet Tina Fey on ‘Saturday Night Live’
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Palin told reporters on Tuesday she’d love to appear on the show with Fey.
“I love her, she’s a hoot and she’s so talented,” Palin said. “It would be fun to meet her, imitate her and keep on giving her new material.”
“I saw this over at HotAir. It sucked there, too”
I agree with Bronze.
Where do I go to get that nine minutes of my life back?
I want a refund Wordsmith!
Suck it up, Mike. Quit whining like a liberal and take some personal responsibility for your free market decision to view.
Idiotic idea for Palin to go on SNL. NOTHING GOOD can come from it.
I think that’s her showing that she’s not afraid. As a “let her make fun of me, we’ll see what happens” kind of thing. I think it’s admirable.
Does anyone else get the feeling that those two little words out of McCain’s mouth made more of a “controversy” than Obama continuing to call McCain “John”?
I still want a refund.
Just a heads-up: I can’t get the video to play.
Like I said in another post, I’ve dabbled in community theater. And I’ve written and performed some sketch comedy in my time (One of my favorites being a Citizen Kane version of Nixon on his deathbed). I have to admit Tina Fey did capture Sarah’s appearance, mannerisms, and vocal patterns extremely well. I really didn’t care for the Couric-Palin Interview one that much. That one had me wondering if Al Franken was involved with it because it was a bit mean. But all in all Fey honestly does a very good impression of her and hopefully we’ll be able to look forward to Tina Fey doing Palin for another 12-16 years, if you catch my drift. To tell the truth I laughed my butt off. It seemed to me, the Palin piece Tina did on the Biden-Palin Debate, with the fractured and re-arranged phrases was actually spoofing the network news media editorial presentations where they cut Palin apart and highlight only what they want to show. Having the person playing Gwen Ifill promote her Obama book put me on the floor. I hear SNL did catch some backlash from NBC. I think it would be a great idea for Palin to do SNL. Sarah has shown she has the performance ability. I’m sure she could hold her own and the campaign needs more young viewer/voter support. Young adults unfortunately don’t pay attention to the politics like us old folks and it would put her right in their faces. Hey it boosted Bubba Clinton’s popularity didn’t it? So why not?
The parodies not worth watching are the Mad TV ones. Their Obama & McCain sketches are absolutely horrible, the script writing is lame, and they’re very slanted towards always showing Obama in good light.