Unknown Aircraft Bombing AQ Affiliates in Somalia

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BAIDOA, Somalia (Reuters) – An unidentified aircraft bombed an Islamist rebel stronghold in central Somalia on Thursday, witnesses said, but it was not immediately clear if there were any casualties.

U.S. forces have launched several airstrikes inside Somalia in recent months against al Shabaab insurgents who have been fighting Somalia’s weak Western-backed interim government and its Ethiopian military allies since the start of last year.

“A plane bombarded the outskirts of our village,” said Hassan Maalim in Goobgudud, 18 miles southwest of Baidoa. “The whole earth shook but we don’t know the damage or death it caused. It was flying over us since morning.”

The identity of the aircraft was unclear.


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I bet it was Iron Man.

Don’t tell me how it ends fitfit! I fell asleep half hour before the end!!!!!