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He’s also lying when he says he’s got a foreign policy that’s different than President Bush’s.

What’s very clear is that Senator Obama is more of a campaigning politician than he is a senator.

obama is a foreign policy retard. he is a power hungery jerk. a friend of mine didn’t know half this stuff, i was showing her your sight, and she asked why we don’t see it on the news. i had to explain about how the msm works and how they are very bias against conservatives and how they actually cover for obama, made her sick. she took down a list of sights to start visiting because she has time on her hands as she is fighting cancer. her big question was what would have ahppened to her health had obama been president, i told her we all would be visiting her grave.

Yet, if you are so sure of their relationship, none of you will commit to the moral stance that McCain should personally confront Obama on this ‘relationship,’ as he is a ‘liar,’ and ‘dangerous for the country.’

Doug 1,

McCain is confronting Obama on this relationship. Where have you been?

I’m saying he needs to confront him at the next debate. It’s the honorable thing to do, as he was too cowardly to do it at the last debate.

Are you sure it’s “cowardice” and not something else that had him put that attack angle off until the last debate? What do you suppose he’s saying on the campaign trail, right now?

Doug calls it cowardice.

I see it as timing and strategy.

Where in the world has the media been? We get a piece from the NYTimes designed to head it off at the pass to protect Obama. Why is it up to McCain to confront Obama on information that has been researched indepth, sourced and handed to the press? Finally, Anderson Cooper did something on the Ayres issue, ya think Brokaw could have mentioned that the other night? Noooo now it’s McCain’s fault because he didn’t squeeze it into a townhall style debate. But, Brokaw did have an opportunity to get it hashed out then and there with a single question, he chose not to. So now mister whiney face can brag about McCain not confronting him to his face, funny how that works, yea?

Hussein O gives essentially the same answer he gave Gibson everytime he is asked about Ayers. Why would his answer to McCain be any different? He is a proven liar.

The photo that used had captions on it in black and white.

Above Ayers as he stomps on the flag,
“The group was dealing with the past with a kind of amnesia about violent actions. Bill Ayers recollected his adventurous violence with practiced jokes. “Guilty as hell, free as a bird, it’s a great country,” he said He also said his three sons were incredulous to hear that Bill had burned his draft card to protest the Vietnam War. “Burned your credit card?” asked one little boy. “Man, I’m not that stupid,” Bill said.”

Bottom caption:
“Bill Ayers, August 2001, former Weatherman, stomps on U.S. flag. As a result of their friendship with Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, Bill and Bernardine Dorhn raised Chesa Boudin.”

Obama will continue to lie until his hand is forced at which point he will throw Ayers under the Rev Wright bus and state some other garbage about his associations.

House Republican leader John A. Boehner of Ohio escalated the war on ACORN today, calling for it to be cut off from all federal money and going so far as to call for a ban on ACORN contracting with candidates for federal office.

The organization “cannot be trusted with another dollar of the taxpayers’ money,” says Boehner.

ACORN receives federal money through the affordable housing trust fund after that money has been sent to states and local governments. So Congress, to keep the group from getting money, would need to specifically forbid ACORN from being eligible to get federal funds.

“Contracting for services between candidates for federal office and ACORN, as Sen. Obama has done, must end,” says Boehner. “Now that the taxpayers own Fannie Mae, any funding from Fannie Mae’s nonprofit foundation to ACORN must stop.”

Wasn’t there a sheriff in Georgia(?) being investigated over a McCain campaign appearance .. meanwhile ACORN takes federal funds .. like the sheriff .. and then gets paid to do work for the Obama campaign .. unlike the sheriff, who does it for free.

Doug1 calling McCain “cowardly” is the most despicable thing I have heard this election year.

How many years did Obama or Biden spend in a POW camp? How many years did either serve in the military?

Doug you have NO SHAME AT ALL.


Obama promises CHANGE? What kind of change? Turning the USA in a socialist/communist country? YES WE CAN. And they WILL BE ABLE if he is elected. Gotta stop that dangerous US capitalist hater.

“Why is it up to McCain to confront Obama on information that has been researched indepth, sourced and handed to the press?”

Yes, researched, sourced and found out to be a passing acquaintance. Robert Byrd, a current U.S. Senator started his political career as a KKK member. Do you still hold that against him? I find it disturbing that people are insinuating and riling up angry crowds with allegations that BO may be a terrorist. Does anyone really believe that? And if he gets shot because some crazy takes that to heart, will this site jump for joy?

If conservatives can’t win on the issues and have to use quaint relationships to tear down the character of their opponents, then conservatives don’t deserve to win.

“I find it disturbing that people are insinuating and riling up angry crowds with allegations that BO may be a terrorist.” (Rottimer)

I guess you do not know how to read. Nobody ever said he was a terrorist. All we say is that he associates with terrorists. Which is just as bad.

He also associates with socialists, marxists, communists and crooks. What more do you need to know. It’s clear that Obama has a secret agenda, it is to destroy capitalism and install socalism in this country. Don’t you think people ought to know that?

a passing acquaintance

Is that what you call working together for years on end on two different boards?

How about appearing at various speaking engagements together?

How about getting your political career launched from a person’s living room?

Are those “passing acquaintances”?

That’s just part of the story.

You are obviously misinformed.

I find it disturbing that people are insinuating and riling up angry crowds with allegations that BO may be a terrorist.

Who is saying that BO may be a terrorist?

I see a lot of people saying that he has exhibited remarkably poor judgment in who he has chose for friends and advisers.

And if he gets shot because some crazy takes that to heart, will this site jump for joy?

Of course not.

It’s disgusting and insulting of you to even ask such a question.

If conservatives can’t win on the issues and have to use quaint relationships to tear down the character of their opponents, then conservatives don’t deserve to win.

Don’t you think that a person’s character is a very important component when considering them for President of the United States?

Show me your friends and I can clearly see what kind of person you are.

Obama’s friends, associates, and advisers don’t reflect well on him.

Not at all.

Of course this criticism comes from the guy who thinks that FannieMae FreddieMac were “victims”.

Imagine that.

Doug, INRE your

I’m saying he needs to confront him at the next debate. It’s the honorable thing to do, as he was too cowardly to do it at the last debate.

The debate nanny, Brokaw, didn’t allow for any flexibility. It was far from a “townhall” debate as McCain was accustomed to. Brokaw allowed for a 2 minute “answer”, which both just spit out usual campaign speech answers. The 1 minute follow up was a joke…. like anything can be covered in one minute.

Also, Ayers/Obama is an education issue, debunking that Obama has any credibility on either exeuctive management, or his “reform” educational policies.

If you’ll note, there weren’t any questions on education.

Too cowardly? No. Brokaw and the format skirted the issue with rules, regs and carefully chosen questions.

Try again, dude…. your charges fly in the face of reality.

Passing aquaintance? When questioned the Obama camp won’t even come up with a timeline of when Obama discovered Ayers is a domestic terrorist, what’s up with that? Maybe tomorrow they will come up with new spin.

Let’s see what happens when they have to answer questions about why Obama was sending cuz Odinga advice through his senate office:

I agree with George Will. Is this the best the McCain campaign people have?
I hear ya George!
Baldwin ’08!!!!!!!

I don’t see any of you assholes condemning McCain for his association with the financial terrorists that got us into this crisis. Dude. This guy is a goddamn professor. He can’t be THAT dangerous. And also, read this:

We have been hearing since Reagan that “Government is the problem”; that government should get “out of the way”; that the private sector can always do it better and cheaper.

If one has this philosophy then it is natural to undermine government; to get it “out of the way”. Conservatives since Reagan have systematically undermined the efficacy of the government by gutting any agency which it views as “standing in the way”.

You appoint “your guys” no matter how incompetent; you oust the professionals; you gut their budgets. You oppose anything which might “impede” the private sector corporations – consumer protections; food inspections; road and bridge inspection; financial regulations.

You politicize the Justice Department, so that it finds nothing, even torture, objectionable. Anti-trust enforcement becomes non-existent.

You never lift a voice or use the bully pulpit against corporations shipping jobs wholesale overseas. Our retailers buy their inventory from China and you ship them our money, never insisting that China adjust its foreign exchange rate. Then you borrow the money back from China to plug our budget deficit, caused by corporate tax cuts and cuts for the top 1% of Americans. You ship the borrowed money to our oil suppliers and oppose any effort to reduce dependency by seeking alternative renewable sources of fuel. After all, you’re an oil man.

You start an unnecessary war costing hundreds of billions of dollars much of it going to favored construction companies doing work shoddy enough to electrocute ten soldiers in their showers. Hired thugs masquerading as “security details” rake in more of the money, answering to no one. You “rebuild” Iraq (which we never had to destroy anyway) while the Iraqis have almost $80 billion in the bank.

You shred the Constitution, abridge habeas corpus. You get elected by selling your “values” while robbing the country blind. You never talk about economics. You always scare the voters with the next bogeyman around the corner. When the media disagrees with you, you attack it as “unfair” with “liberal bias”. You start your own propaganda media outlets that parrot the party line.

You take the country into a permanent state of war with a volunteer army – a state so permanent no one even notices it anymore as they go to the mall. You ask nothing from them but their acquiescence. “Just go shopping folks!”

You want to spend a trillion dollars to rescue the financial sector, run up a half a trillion dollar budget deficit and still spew nonsense about “small government, deregulation and lower taxes”.

We are witnessing the impoverishment of America. ….and this Grand Old Party (remember it?) wants four more years.

Go fuck yourself.

This guy is a goddamn professor. He can’t be THAT dangerous.

Well, well.

I do believe that we have a braniac amongst us.

Njoy, that has got to be the dumbest thing I have read on the Internet in years.

You are obviously clueless about Bill Ayers past.

The remainder of your post is not even worthy of parsing.

Njoy, you are so ignorant, that nobody has the patience, I’m sure, to start educating you.


I almost choked on a peace of meat, while listening to a radio program an hour ago, here in leftist Province of Quebec, where everybody is crazy about Obama.

The animator of the show, said: I think we didn’t know who Obama was. It is proven now, that he received a bundle of money from Fannie May and was in agreement with Dems for the subprimes and even fought for them. He is also very friendly with Bill Ayers and some notable crooks who want a socialist/communist country. ACORN, a fraudulous organization, is working to register votes for Obama and is under investigation by FBI for fraudulent registration’s votes.

I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! He used to be so wild about Obama. SO DO NOT DESPAIR… truth is getting out in Quebec, which means that it will go out everywhere from now on. YEAH!

For all those asswipes who say McCain is just as bad because of X,Y or Z associations answer me this: how many bombs did X, Y or Z set? How many people did they kill?

Do you Obamatons understand the difference or even care?

I doubt it.

Anyone associated with the AIP can take a hike to China. Or I’d be happy to pack them in a box and ship them. America First! To hell with secessionists!

Yes, passing acquaintance. Serving on a board, if you’ve never done it, does not require getting to know anyone on that board intimately. I’m not going to defend Ayers. He doesn’t deserve defending. But my point is, that as conservatives, it’s the issues that are paramount and not someone’s acquaintances.

McCain was much more intimate with Keating than Obama was with Ayers. He was much more intimate with G. Gordon Liddy than Obama was with Ayers. Both of those guys are convicted felons. I don’t hold that against McCain, because that’s not him, and their actions were not condoned by him.

Why must we go there? This $700BN dollar bailout could have been McCain’s in with the electorate, but he got on the wrong side of it. Wrong or right, had he painted it as a bailout for wall street fat cats, and had he offered a more populist solution, and had he promoted free market ideals and let bad businesses fail he’d be much farther ahead in the polls.

Instead he’s taking this low road, which I fear will incite some crazy nut to do something stupid and smear conservatives with the same brush that McCain is smearing Obama, guilt by association.

You guys here may not be wishing ill on BO or calling him a terrorist, but someone above said, it’s just as bad, and people at these rallies are calling him a terrorist. You’ve got someone who said that he’s got a secret socialist agenda. He’s a democrat, it’s not that secret.


How old are you? Why do you want to divide the vote. Chuck Baldwin is a good candidate, but he has 0% chance of becoming the POTUS. So a vote for Baldwin is a vote for Obama. Incredible that you cannot understand this. Maybe your just too young. Anyway, you seem to be a very disturbed person for helping Obama win this election by your stupid idea of voting for Chuck.


If you haven’t already figure out that Obama has a secret agenda (socialize your country), than you’re hopeless. No use trying to put some sense in you.


Well, well, well. I hope you are not trying to pass yourself off as a conservative. If so, you failed miserably. McCain went back to Washington to help broker a solution for this crisis. In other words he put his country first AGAIN. He said before that he would rather lose an electiona than for his country to lose a war and he meant it. Your bringing up the Keating Five just shows your ignorance. Both McCain and John Glenn were exonorated of those charges. Are you saying that since Glenn was involved he is guilty too?

Poor Obama, so misunderstood. It has now been proven that he is a member of the New Party or Socialist party in Chicago. The guy is toxic and you obamiacs will never see it or the direction he wants to take this country. You are voting for him because he has the dreamiest eyes, or for some fantasy of hope and change. Although he has dropped that mantra to revert to a quintessential Chicago politician lately.

Alas the useful idiots will be the first to go, and as the blade comes down on their necks, you will hear them say ” but Obama Promised change” aaah the stupidity of youth, and the only cure is age.

McCain says he’ll “take the gloves off,” again:

In response to a broad question about how Barack Obama “got here” — presumably got his lead — John McCain didn’t name Bill Ayers but spoke of him directly. McCain said “We don’t care about an old washed up terrorist and his wife” who said earlier this decade that he wished they were more successful. (Several in the crowd chanted: “Yes we do!”)

McCain noted that Obama had referred to Ayers as “just a guy in his neighborhood,” and said “we know that’s not true. We need to know the full extent of that relationship to know whether he’s telling the truth to the American public.”

Sarah Palin, following up, took a shot at the media. “Mainstream media isn’t already asking all these questions, you guys have to help us….When will the questions be asked and when will we get answers?!”

UPDATE: The next question came from a black McCain supporter, who reminded McCain of the candidate’s plea at the convention for his supporters to do everything possible to ensure a victory. The supporter said: “I doubt that anyone has taken, pardon me, the ass-whoopin’ I have taken for doing that.” He then implored McCain to go after Barack Obama at the next debate and asked him to raise ACORN and Reverend Wright. “I am begging you, sir,” he said, as the crowd stood and applauded.

“Yes, I’ll do that,” McCain responded, before promising to offer “a positive plan for America’s economy.”

Video here:

I don’t know how Rottimer can sit here and repeat that LIE that Obama and Ayers were passing acquaintances. You have to WANT to be IGNORANT to believe that.

Do I REALLY need to repeat every post I have done on the subject showing the depth and breadth of the links between the two?

And if you’ll believe such a whopper like the Obama-Ayers lie then you’ll believe anything.

When did ignorance become a point of view?

Doug: Absent your apology for daring to call McCain a coward I find you have no credibilty as a honest participant in these discussions. I’ll just ignore what you have to say unless I hear that apology.

Shame on you!

don’t see any of you assholes condemning McCain for his association with the financial terrorists that got us into this crisis. Dude. This guy is a goddamn professor. He can’t be THAT dangerous.

McCain and financial terrorists that got us into this crisis?? You’re an idiot about how we got from there to here, NJOY.

Try here and here.

Second of all, if you think this “goddamn professor”, doing national and international seminars to educational professionals on teaching “social justice” in school isn’t dangerous, you are ever more the idiot.

You want to spend a trillion dollars to rescue the financial sector, run up a half a trillion dollar budget deficit and still spew nonsense about “small government, deregulation and lower taxes”.

I’ll take responsibility for the GOP POTUS’s lousy judgement in appointing Paulson and Bernanke who started this ball rolling with a three page abomination of a bill, if you take responsibility for 100% of your party who delightedly jumped on the bankwagon to socialize a monstrous segment of the private market with a 450+ page bill as the final version. Remember it was a handful of ballsy GOPers who pointed out how absurd this “bailout” bill was.

Other then that, don’t play the Pollyanna with us. It’s your party that bullied Congress into this, along with a GOP President that you love to hate. Odd bedfellows, eh?

As far as your parting shot… why not take your delusional victim mentality somewhere you’ll be appreciated. I doubt anyone would miss your underinformed Obama talking points here.

“I thought that Obama’s point at the time was exactly correct: the President needs to be able to do more than one thing at a time.” (MCK)

You’re wrong, completely wrong. Obama was only doing one thing at that time and that was to try to boost his campaign, because Obama only think of himself. McCain was thinking of the people of the united States, he put his country before is campaign. I think you have a very poor judgment MCK, ans that’s probably why you’ll be voting for a socialist/communist POTUS. I feel so sorry for you.

Mike, I will apologize when and if McCain confronts Obama on the Ayer’s “associations” at the debate, until then, he is still a moral coward.

mck said: …And all the stories at the time pointed out that at that meeting, McCain really did and said nothing until the last couple of minutes, and it wasn’t anything that materially contributed to the discussion

I guess some think you go to a meeting, dominate a conversation about how to fix things (badly), and even screw that up. That, of course, would be Obama, posturing in front of the cameras.

Fact is, what McCain did was listen. A very underrated skill of late, evidently. And most certainly a skill that Obama does not possess.

The key to getting even enough to pass this bill.. of which I, and the bulk of the nation opposed… was not for McCain to posit in front of the meeting cameras, but to deal with the dissenters behind the scenes.

DOH! haven’t figured that out yet, eh, mck?

Personally, I’m royally PO’d at McCain for not opposing this bill. But even more incensed with an arrogant Obama, telling the nation that we’re too stupid to know what’s good for us.

“To the Democrats and Republicans who have opposed this plan, I say this– step up to the plate do what’s right for the country even if it’s not popular, because the time to act is now.”

quote from Barack Obama… da man of “hope”

THere ya go, mck. *Your* guy just instructed his faithful Congressional guppies to ignore “we, the people” and a bill’s unpopularity and act against our wishes anyway.

Yup… McCain’s guilty, as well as most of the GOP here. But the entire DNC railroaded the Congress and media into a “my way, or the highway” ‘tude. And *your* guy just threw the entire nation under the bus because*he* and the Congress knows better.

Yeah… good candidate you’re backing there. He’ll work “for the people”… as long as it doesn’t conflict with his own opinions. You are really gullible….

Do you think adding “moral” in front of coward makes it better, Doug? You saw my post #18 INRE any realistic opportunity to bring up Obama/Ayers… an education issue.. in that debate. They avoided that issue completely. Wonder why, eh?

In in case you didn’t see it, I’m going to repeat my comment to you spreading these “coward” comments from thread to thread.

Doug said:~~~

As McSame had in bragged on about how he was going to ‘take the gloves off’ on Obama in Nashville, all of us were waiting for that moment… yet it never came, conservatives reclined in their chairs disappointed across the country, wondering what happened, why the Maverick didn’t strike; there was everything in place for it to happen, the table was set, yet McSame never even sat down at the table and all were wondering what prompted the change of keeping the gloves on. Was he never going to bring Ayers up again.


Shouldn’t McCain, a man of honor, place his attacks, personally, to the man he claims is a ‘friend of terrorists?’

If McSame refuses, he is a coward and slanderer.

I repeat… my first impulse is to tell your ass where to go on that last statement, Doug. Because from all I know of you, you haven’t got the amount of stamina and courage in your entire body that McCain has in his little finger. You show me you survived 5 years of torture as McCain did in the Hanoi Hilton, as well as many of our lesser recognized vets, and I might give you a pass.

Until there, you’re not fit to wipe McCains shoes clean on that level.

Now, I will say this. I don’t know if McCain’s advisors have a grasp of the real story between Ayers and Obama. But more and more media are catching on.

And since candidates, Congressmen and POTUS alike depend upon advisors to keep them up on the latest/greatest, hopefully they will catch on that it’s more than Ayers’ terrorist past.

For me, this is rather a personal test of just how good the people are that surround McCain. Mind you, I already know that those that surround Obama are those I want no where near the control of this country. But after some of Bush’s picks, I have to say that if I’m to vote AGAINST OBAMA, I’d like to know that I’m happy with McCain’s inner circle as recompense.

But… if you ever go to the “coward” and “slander” charge against McCain again for political fodder? Doug, you’ve gone beyond the foul line for me. You will never get an ounce of courtesy from me again. Period. And you know I have far more patience than many here. That’s exactly how far off the reality line you just went.

Mark my words. No one and I mean NO ONE! slanders a man as a coward with McCain’s military record in front of me, and lives to get an iota of my respect.

The Obama-Ayers-education-socialist link is very real. Thus it is not slander.

If you like that socialist bent of Obama, fine. Admit to being a socialist and we’ll get on with it.

But I will not… I repeat, WILL NOT listen to that crap of “coward and slander” from you one more time. And adding “moral” in front of coward doesn’t give you a hall pass.

You’re despicable Doug and clearly have no shame. You dishonor John McCain’s sacrifice for our country with your reckless and offensive language.

You have lost all credibility.

You’ll understand now why I won’t treat you with any respect at all.

Moral coward is not cloaking my acquisition, it is emphasizing it!

And HELL yeah, until he stands toe to toe and tells him he’s a terrorist associate, he’s a slanderer and coward!

Mata Note: Say farewell to Doug, folks. He’s outta here. Don’t let the saloon door hit your ass on the way out.

Buh bye Doug. Your outta here. You want to debate (which you rarely do, instead post any poll you can find that makes your socialist hero look good) then fine, but to call a man who has done what he has for this country, and how much he has given up for this country, a coward is beyond insulting.

Thanks Mata, Mike and Curt for getting rid of this vicious disrespectful Doug. He his despicable! I’ve seen good right wing blogs in Quebec go down the drain because they accepted idiots like Doug. FA is a fantastic blog; never let the leftists invade it with their fascist manners.

“Well, well, well. I hope you are not trying to pass yourself off as a conservative. If so, you failed miserably. . . Your bringing up the Keating Five just shows your ignorance. Both McCain and John Glenn were exonorated of those charges. Are you saying that since Glenn was involved he is guilty too?” – BarbaraS

If it makes you feel better Barbara, you can assume I’m a flaming pinko commie. That’s not the case, but I can’t prove that to you over the internet. But I will say that you missed my point. Bringing up Keating was not to imply ANYTHING about John McCain. My point was that it doesn’t matter one wit.

I read this blog often, but I tend not to comment. But I had to because I see many conservatives moving away from arguing for issues that you know are right to accusing non-conservatives of being nefarious figures. I live in NYC. There are A LOT of people around me that disagree with many of my ideas, and many of my values. When I discuss those issues with those people, I don’t dismiss them out of hand and scream to the rafters that they must consort with terrorists. That they aid and abet the enemy. I feel that’s not the way to win an argument. And I feel that it can be dangerous on a national scale.

That’s just my opinion. You don’t have to agree with me, and I can’t stop you from calling me names. I’m just of the opinion that conservatives can defend their beliefs without denigrating the character of an opponent. I don’t believe that McCain is guilty of anything and (with the exception of the bailout package) agree with his policies. I don’t believe that BO is guilty of consorting with terrorists despite all the “evidence” but disagree with his policies.

Well, my weekend is shaping up, first my good news that my daughter and new granddaughter are spending the weekend and now, doug’s gone. Thanks!

OT. Follow up to the video I posted above about the ph call between Hannity and Corsi.

While being detained, Corsi was texting Farah just before his phone was taken from him. Now we have this WND article with copies of the e-mail that went back and forth between Obama and Odinga. Looks like it could be a future thread.


I don’t believe that BO is guilty of consorting with terrorists despite all the “evidence”

What part do you not believe?

That Ayers and Dohrn were terrorists? Or that Obama consorted with them?

Mountains of facts have been presented here about William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn et al.

Mountains of proof regarding their views and actions of the past, as well as their current unrepentant state regarding what they did.

Both Barack and Michelle Obama have been tied to these people extensively for YEARS in a variety of ways up to, and including, working together at a law firm as well as serving together on two different boards. In fact, Ayers HIRED Obama.

So, with all of what has been presented to you, you still “don’t believe that BO is guilty of consorting with terrorists”.

Is that right?


Very rarely do I see such thick skulled idiocy on open display.

I wonder, do you think that the world is flat in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary?

@Aye Chihuahua

When I was in the Marine Corp, I lived with, trained with, fought with a couple of guys who used to sell drugs. They told me this in confidence, and were unrepentant about it because they felt it was the only way they could survive in their neighborhoods. I argued with them about that, and for a long time I used to refer to one of them as “gangster” instead of his name and I did so in a derogatory way. But I also respected them because they had moved on with their lives and were doing the exact same thing I was doing, defending their country (though, this was not a time of war). They found the Marine Corp a way to get out of that lifestyle and stayed in when I got out. I know one of them had become a Gunny and was deployed to Iraq. I lost contact with the other.

If anyone said that I consorted with drug dealers and questioned my character on that front to my face, I’d have a difficult time not putting my fist through their mouth.

Ayers, is admittedly, different. He tried to kill people (decades ago). However, the boards that Obama and Ayers consorted together on were funded by the Annenberg Foundation, hardly an organization full of die-hard radicals looking to overthrow the government. Exactly what do fear about Obama having met this man? How does it affect what I worry about an Obama presidency, which are backwards economic and social policy?


When I was in the Marine Corp, I lived with, trained with, fought with a couple of guys who used to sell drugs.

Based on what you presented I am guessing that were assigned to a duty station with these people.

You didn’t willingly pick and choose them to be your friends.

It just sort of worked out that the three of you were in close quarters with one another.

Is that correct?

If so, that is a major flaw in the comparison of your situation to the one that we are discussing regarding Obama.

Obama CHOSE to be associated with Ayers. He CHOSE to be associated with Dohrn.

They both CHOSE to continue their associations and friendships with full knowledge of what the Weather Underground did in the 60’s.

They also CHOSE to continue their associations and friendships EVEN AFTER additional information came to light where Ayers and Dohrn made it very clear that they are NOT REPENTANT. They are not sorry.

They feel that they didn’t do enough.

The specific events may have happened decades ago but the viewpoints and the radicalism hasn’t gone away.

At least your friends from the USMC have moved on from selling drugs and have done something productive and honorable with their lives.

How does it affect what I worry about an Obama presidency, which are backwards economic and social policy?

Do you know what Ayers’ views are on the economy?

Do you know the role that Ayers and Dorhn played in conjunction with the DSA and ACORN?

ACORN is a key player in what is going on in the financial markets right now.

Did you know that Obama sued Citibank and forced them to issue more mortgages that would normally be redlined?

ACORN, Obama, FannieMae, FreddieMac, Dodd, Frank, et al are all involved in what is going on around us.

You really need to take a couple of steps back and look at all the pieces of the puzzle.

Individual pieces don’t tell the entire story.

Putting them together however, weaves quite a tale.

Putting them together however, weaves quite a tale.

A consevative fairytale.

@Fit fit:

Only in your own mind is it a fairytale.

Of course we wouldn’t expect any different from you.

You don’t have to agree with me, and I can’t stop you from calling me names. I’m just of the opinion that conservatives can defend their beliefs without denigrating the character of an opponent.

Well said, Rottimer.

Aye Chihuahua:

You didn’t willingly pick and choose them to be your friends.

It just sort of worked out that the three of you were in close quarters with one another.

Is that correct?

If so, that is a major flaw in the comparison of your situation to the one that we are discussing regarding Obama.

Obama CHOSE to be associated with Ayers. He CHOSE to be associated with Dohrn.

They both CHOSE to continue their associations and friendships with full knowledge of what the Weather Underground did in the 60’s.

They also CHOSE to continue their associations and friendships EVEN AFTER additional information came to light where Ayers and Dohrn made it very clear that they are NOT REPENTANT. They are not sorry.

Thomas Sowell made a good distinction:

Critics of Senator Barack Obama make a strategic mistake when they talk about his “past associations.” That just gives his many defenders in the media an opportunity to counter-attack against “guilt by association.”
We all have associations, whether at the office, in our neighborhood or in various recreational activities. Most of us neither know nor care what our associates believe or say about politics.
Associations are very different from alliances. Allies are not just people who happen to be where you are or who happen to be doing the same things you do. You choose allies deliberately for a reason. The kind of allies you choose says something about you.
Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, William Ayers and Antoin Rezko are not just people who happened to be at the same place at the same time as Barack Obama. They are people with whom he chose to ally himself for years, and with some of whom some serious money changed hands.
Some gave political support, and some gave financial support, to Obama’s election campaigns, and Obama in turn contributed either his own money or the taxpayers’ money to some of them. That is a familiar political alliance– but an alliance is not just an “association” from being at the same place at the same time.
Obama could have allied himself with all sorts of other people. But, time and again, he allied himself with people who openly expressed their hatred of America. No amount of flags on his campaign platforms this election year can change that.