Louis Farrakhan: “The Messiah Is Absolutely Speaking.”

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Well, here we go folks. The big khanu of racists, Louis Farrakhan, calling Obama The Messiah:

Just another pal of Obama’s. Need a reminder on some others (other then Bill Ayers)? Guess who makes an appearance in the below video along with Wright, Pfleger and Meeks?

One Louis Farrakhan:

[flv:obamaspastors2.flv 425 344]

American Thinker:

Complete with fancy production values like a camera mounted on a crane, The leader of the Nation of Islam refers to Barrack Obama as “the messiah” before a crowd of Black Muslims. See it yourself. But of course, do not judge Obama because he went to the Million Man March, or because his pastor of 20 years was a good pal of Farrakhan. And don’t suppose that Farrakhan is more than just another guy in Barrack Obama’s neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago.

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Three wise men LOL. They are so wise that Obambi kicked them under the bus, saying these aren’t the wise men I knew. Seriously, the connection to Farakhan and Odinga need to be exploited. People this Obama is dangerous, how do you be investigated for violation of the Hatch act for simply saying Obamas complete name. It is now illegal to say his middle name. Friends be very afraid, the brown shirts are turning into the Gastopo(sp)

What is the fascination with Obama’s religion? He’s a Christian. Get over it. Obama is about as dangerous as my grandma. What needs to be exploited is Palin and her freaky church ties with the speaking in tongues. They call her the annointed one. They say she has messianic qualities. Now that’s scary. She’s been in the public eye for what… five weeks? Who is Sarah Palin? I’m sick that she’s on the ticket. I was voting for McCain before they chose her. Disgusting. McCain says country first… we know this is BS because he obviously believes in party first, or maybe winning first. Definitely not country first. Obama is going to be the next president. You can get all “afraid” if you like, it will do you no good. Rome is burning my friends – while the Democrats are putting out fires, the Republicans are fanning the flames.

Hmm, somebody got Palinitis.
Just how are the demoncraps putting out fires? With rhetoric? Yea, that always works.
Look. The demoncraps are not the democratic party of your father or his father. They might as well change their name to the socialist or communist party although both of those are taken. Maybe the anti-Constitution party…. or the Let’s make up rights that aren’t in the Constitution party. Oh! Oh! How about the Criminal Party? Yea, that’ll work.
Look, it makes me gag that I am a registered Demoncrap. But the only thing it prevents me from doing is voting in Republican primaries. When the real election rolls around I vote Repub.
And someday I’m gonna get off my lazy butt and register repub because THEY are the ones that really have American values.
The only thing the demoncraps have are snake oil sales men/women.
And just how do you know he’s a Christian? That crap his reverend spit out certainly doesn’t sound very Christ like to me. Seems to me that, according to Islamic law, he’s Muslim. Gee, I wonder if it’s the name… don’t see a whole lot of rug squatters name Joe O’Malley now, do we?

Oh, my God! These racists are very scary. They want revenge, they want people to be mad and to take action. They have to be stopped. We have freedom of speech in America, but freedom comes with more responsabilities than rights. They are encouraging people for a revolution. Can’t anyone do something about it. And guess for who these people will be voting for? Obama, of course. Just to think that white men will also vote for Obama makes me sick. How can they vote for him, knowing what they think of us. Incredible!

Patriot you are an idiot. Sorry to tell you, but you sure ain’t a Patriot.

You say Palin has been in the public eye for what… five weeks. What are you talking about? She’s been Governor of Alaska for 2 years and Mayer of Wassilla. She is the most appreciate Governor of all USA. You never intended to vote for McCain, you are not fooling me, you stupid bum!

Maybe you are DOUG who came back with another name… that would not surprise me.

Dear sham of a Patriot:

We’re not questioning Obama’s religion. We’re questioning why people revere this guy as the “messiah” when he goes to a church and listens to those kinds of sermons for 20 years and then “disassociates” himself when elections come around. We’re questioning the people he chose to listen to all those years.

“Who’s Sarah Palin?” Look it up, genius. And you’re saying McCain puts party first? Is that why the man suspended his campaign and went to Washington in efforts to work with both sides to pass a bill? Is that why Obama was the one who refused to suspend his campaign? Are you sure you’re really paying attention to all that’s going on, or even reading all the posts here?

If Obama gets elected, America will burn down to the ground. Our president will be the one standing there with a can full of gas and a handful of matches.

Oops! Obama Supporter Introduces Biden as ‘McCain’

Freudian slip or honest mistake?

The Florida resident who introduced Joe Biden at a Tampa, Fla., rally Wednesday got one crucial detail wrong: the Democratic running mate’s name.

He called him John, not Joe.

“Are you ready for the change that we all need?” Jim Piccillo asked, as he warmed up the Tampa crowd for Biden. “Then no matter what your party, gender, or race or religion, help me today in welcoming the next vice president of the United States … John McCain!”

The question as to whether Obama is Christian or Muslim has come up many times. He claims he is Christian and cites his 20-year membership in the Trinity United Church as proof. Even snopes has come to his defense. But only Barrack knows for sure. His heritage and propensity for catering to Islamic Fundamentalist leaders and their support for him raises suspicions. However there are numerous questionable aspects with his church that makes it impossible for we the people to be sure. For one, Reverend Pfleger & Wright’s connections and support, including financial gifts and honors bestowed upon Louis Farrakhan:

Now we have Farrakhan agreeing with Barry’s followers claiming Obama is the messiah. Were he a true Christian, he would denounce such talk as blasphemous, Yet he doesn’t. Yet Patriot now resorts to the standard Lib Dem distractionary tactic of blaming others for something they themselves are doing. He is the only one I have seen anywhere alleging messianism to Palin. If you are right, then pray tell please cite your sources like the rest of us do to support your arguement. Who has claimed she was “the annointed one”. Obviously Patriot hopes that some Christian might read his words, believe them, and turn against her. You always make claims but never cite actual sources.

Louis Farrakhan: “The Messiah Is Absolutely Speaking.”

Then there was this link:

Patriot saying Palin is “freaky” because she believes in speaking in tongues is another lame attempt to play on the diversity of the Christian religion in hopes to sway Christian voters who do not believe in the Pentecostal doctrine towards Obama.

Enough with the Democrat lies. If Rome is burning, it is the aloof Obama and his cronies playing the part of Nero, fiddling with peoples minds. Republicans and Independents were blindsided and all of you lib dem bloggers damn well know it. Don’t piss on us and tell us it’s raining.

Although there were several previous pieces of Democratic supported legislation that contributed to the problem, going as far back as FDR’s New Deal, the current financial crisis started with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) under Bill Clinton in 1998. The Dems also put in punitive legislation against lending agencies who did not meet certain low income housing loan quota’s. In 2004 Maxine Waters, Gregory Meeks, Lacy Clay, and Barney Frank all claimed there was nothing wrong with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac-pouring gas on the problem. Barney pretends he had nothing to do with it before 2006. What was he protecting? His political contributions or his homosexual love affair with a Fannie Mae executive? Of course all the while, the frequent Democrat voter fraud organization Acorn, had it’s operatives talk people who did not qualify for loans to apply for them anyway, then used strong arm militant tactics to force backs that balked into giving up and authorizing the loans. In 2006, Barney Frank again told the American public that Fannie Mae was not currenty a good investment, but would be strong in the future. Guess what? Several people believed him and lost their asses by investing in it. O’Reilly was right to call him out on that.

This was a calculated & orchestrated crisis by socialist in our country to destroy our economy and Obama as the current poster child of the Democratic Socialist movement is the single most dangerous current threat to America’s future and soverenty of our time.

Folks I have been saying the same thing from the very beginning.

Obama says he is Christian, but the Muslims do not.

I have been attacked from every angle each time I have stated those facts which is fine because I have the truth firmly on my side.

This video further proves my point.

Obama was born Muslim and raised Muslim until he was 10 or 11. He attended a madrassah and learned the Qur’an.

At some point in his adult life he says he converted to Christianity which is fine.

I don’t claim to know the man’s heart. That is God’s job, not mine.

I can evaluate his associates, his behavior, and the actions of the people around him to reach conclusions however.

This video absolutely confirms what I have always believed and repeatedly stated to be true.

Jain: I had not heard that it is now illegal to say BHOs middle name. Do you know how this came about? We are indeed in big trouble and freedom of speach is gone.

I take back what I said. Be scared. Be very scared. You are incapable of grasping facts. When someone disagrees with you, you call them names and question their patriotism. My god, this is why you are losing the election. It’s not the other side, its’s you. You are the enemy you seek.

My computer skills aren’t up to ability to post links, but a Sheriff in Fla. is investigating the fact that at a rally his name “Hussein” was used. The Obambi crowed requested the investigation, instead of telling them to pound sand he is investigating siting the Hatch act.

Patriot? I love how the left likes to pick such names in order to mock them.
You’re just another leftist idiot. For you to claim he’s not dangerous to America tells me you’re too far gone to even talk to. You should change your name to Benedict Arnold. It would be more appropriate.

To copy and past links, just click on the web page on your browser’s address bar, right click on it with your mouse and select “copy” then right click in your comment space and select “paste”.

The Obama campaign weeks ago provided a list of “taboo” words they claimed were “racist” if used in conjunction with free-speech responses and critic to his campaign. They have been using it as a censorship tool, to create frivolous lawsuits that will never withstand court scrutiny, but by tying up detractors with legal expenses they hope to silence the truth. His middle name “HUSSIEN!” (there I said it, bring it on), is one of those taboo words. Under the Obama censorship, only his supporters are allowed to use certain words.

McCain did, unfortunately, give Obama some assistance in allowing this to snowball, when a commentator was making sport of Obama’s name just prior to an interview and he stated it was disparaging and inappropriate.

It was actually born out of the Taboo game which he enjoyed playing with his campaign staffers and the media enroute to appearances. IMHO he thought it was a good idea to extend the game into the race for the White House.

Of course, Obama supporter also try to use offensive words all the time as “free speech” to get past even media censorship standards. Note the “Sarah Palin offends our vaginas” in the following link:

The legal basis they are using for going after people is a perverse interpretation of the Hatch Act of 1939.

In actuality, it only applies to federal employees, But they have tried to use it against local officials as well.

Bill Clinton during his administration gave legal notice to members of the military warning that they would be subject to Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) punishments for insubbordination if they so much as joked about him or his administration:

Other “Taboo words”; Marxist, Socialist, Liberal, “N” word (understandably). Sorry I have not been able to locate a “Full List” of taboo words. I imagine like Lib Dem interpretation of hte “Bush Doctrine”, it is ever-changing.

Rocky: Thanks for the info. If the dems are elected it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a subtle effort to do away with the right to free speech, guns and term limits. They are getting very brazen.