An important new report (PDF) has been released by Second Amendment lawyer Dave Hardy of Of Arms and the Law. He found that while Obama was serving on the Joyce Foundation’s Board of Directors, Joyce had a specific agenda. To control published research on the 2nd Amendment so that sooner or later the Supreme Court would be influenced by the overwhelming amount of research favoring the gun control dummies.
In 1998-2001, while Barack Obama sat on the board1 of the $750,000,000 Joyce Foundation, the Foundation formed a plan to use millions to influence the outcome of a future Second Amendment Supreme Court case. The plan involved using its assets to buy up legal and historical academia, and even universities and their foundations.
Joyce Foundation realized a future Second Amendment Supreme Court case was probable; the Court would consult legal scholarship, i.e. books and law reviews; that scholarship had overwhelming concluded that the Second Amendment reflected an individual right, a result Joyce Foundation did not want.
The solution was simple: Joyce would lavish money on cash-starved law reviews and Universities, provided that they published only results acceptable to Joyce. In some cases, Joyce pressured the institutions to reject articles, and even to cancel academic presentations, that were contrary to its desires. Joyce also poured millions into creating shell organizations to support its views.
What we see today in the briefs in District of Columbia v. Heller, the DC gun case, is largely the product of that plan. Several amici who filed briefs are entirely the creation of Joyce’s money, and their briefs rely upon articles that Joyce paid to have written.
~~~The Joyce Foundation years ago realized that a Supreme Court case on the Second Amendment was likely, and decided to use its millions to buy the case indirectly. It created a supposed academic research center as its wholly-owned subsidiary. It corrupted law reviews, dictating their content, and even trying to dictate who could speak at universities accepting Joyce’s money. It laundered its money through its Center and thru a University’s Foundation.
An attorney named Barak Obama was right in the middle of the plan.
Joyce paid for a research center at the Ohio State University and then used the center to provide scholarships to those who agree with the collectivist interpretation of the Second Amendment (which basically states that the amendment only applies to the federal government). He then used the center to purchase more influence at other law review centers.
Joyce continued purchasing legal scholarship to support its intended result. In 2004 Fordham University Law Review brought out a Second Amendment issue. It at least acknowledged “The conference was funded by a generous grant from The Joyce Foundation.”
Two years later, Joyce bought the Stanford Law and Policy Review. The price had gone up, and the laundering of money become more sophisticated: its 2004 grants (now offline) listed:
Ohio State University Foundation John Glenn Institute for Public Service & Public Policy Columbus, OH $125,000. To host a symposium at Stanford Law School on the connections between the Second Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment, to publish papers in a major law review, and
disseminate findings via the Web. (2 yrs.)”Note that the funds were now being laundered via the University’s Foundation. The issue was apparently a “customized” one. Stanford Law & Public Policy Review is a small journal, publishing twice a year. That year, however, it had three issues.
The Stanford publication made no acknowledgment that Joyce was underwriting the issue; with the money being laundered through OSU’s Foundation, the editors may not even have been informed. The discovery of the funding did embarrass the Review enough to cause its present editors to publish an open letter online,10 which asserted that they had been told that OSU (not Joyce, note) offered to defray the cost of printing this special third issue. The editors noted that Saul Cornell had organized the conference for the Review, and that his Center had paid for it, They also noted that the Review does not now receive any payments supporting it, underscoring the unusual nature of the earlier grant. Essentially, Joyce money had been laundered through OSU’s Center to organize the conference itself (with Prof. Cornell hand-picking the presenters), and more Joyce money had been laundered
through the OSU Foundation to print a special issue of the Review with those papers. It is hard to envision a more perfect corruption of the academic process.
This comes on the heels of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Obama’s work with Ayers in which they funneled millions to radical left wing organizations to indoctrinate students into the, as Ayers would say, Communism with a little “c”.
What kind of friends and influence will he bring into the White House if elected?
Too scary to imagine.

See author page
Good lord. And the left says we don’t respect the Constitution. Fascist thy name is liberal.
With all this wonderful research, the MSM can truthfully use “socialist, communist, terrorist, and islamist” when describing Obama and his ideals. There is not one ounce of him that is any way American. (And he might not even have citizenship.) He wants to get rid of our Constitution, consider the government and tax money as HIS SYSTEM, and propagandize children to worship His Nothingness. Once he gets rid of our military — except for his purposes — he can fully open our borders to all his beloved “people of color”. All white people and any of their Uncle Tom’s will be enslaved to provide reparations to the aggrieved of the world.
What has the Democratic Party come to? We need to impeach all of them — unfortunately that includes me as well. I am a conservative liberal who believes in capitalism (with compassion), freedom, opportunity, transparency, and accountability. To think that my votes ever — and I mean ever — elected someone who would support this traitor to our values and our Country makes me very ill. (And I do not think Republicans smell like a bed of roses, either; they turned to lying, cheating radical neoconservatism — but maybe that is better than this anti-American Democratic lying and cheating.)
Who will stand for traditional Conservative and Liberal values in this country?
Ron Paul 2012!
This fits perfectly with modus operandi of obama – it is all about supresssion of information about him that could show the truth about the guy, the same tactics obvioulsy have been with him a long, long time.
He is a manchurian candidate for the left. This is scary.
Woods Fund, CAC and Joyce…. good grief. Seems to me that Obama’s career consists mostly of being a board member.
Ever get the feeling Sen. Obama is one of those Russian dolls you open up to reveal yet another doll lodged inside? Is he Black Liberation follower? Christian? Muslim? Or just a plain Marxist?
Useful tool that will last for a few more days:
“Google has made available its search engine index from 2001 as part of its 10th anniversary. Here are a few tidbits that you may not find on today’s Internet [and which are all corroborated by links to the just-available articles; we will provide all of those links in subsequent individual stories on these items, which we are posting in a fast summary because it’s critical the word get out]:”
Note below, “Barack, Michelle and Bernadine Dohrn worked together as mentors in 2000”, link will be coming in near future at No Quarter. This is what they promise links to:
“13TH DISTRICT, Democrat: Barack Obama. Supports gay rights, same-sex marriage; increased AIDS funding, abortion rights, affirmative action. Endorsed by IFHR, IMPACT, IVI-IPO, Illinois and Chicago NOW, Personal PAC.—Trudy Ring, Elections set for Illinois House, Senate,; McKeon runs for Rep, November 1996.
Obama was an active member of the now-defunct socialist New Party! “Chicago DSA is affiliated with the national Democratic Socialists of America.” From October 1996: “Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).” November 2006: “New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago.” [More to follow in separate post, such as Obama’s ideas on social wages and redistribution of wealth.—Matthew]
Obama “spent five years working as a community organizer, first in Harlem, then in Chicago.” “Obama serves on the boards of several organizations: including the Chicago Annenberg Center Challenge (Chairman), the Joyce Foundation, the Woods Fund of Chicago, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law and Public Allies.”—Harvard
Claims to have been “deeply involved on my campus” (Columbia University) in anti-apartheid divestment from South Africa.–Interview with Politically Black.
“I worked as a journalist for a year after college and then decided I wanted to become an organizer.”—Barack Obama
Barack, Michelle, and terrorist Bernadine Dohrn worked together as mentors in 2000”
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