I just sent out the chat code. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Make sure to adjust the width for your blog’s post width.
Emmanuel Goldberg
16 years ago
Three minutes and counting/
16 years ago
I am disgusted with politics as usual and have decided to vote for Obama. I am a conservative. I am a Christian. I have always voted Republican. I love my country. McCain may be a hero, but…. and this has been a very hard decision for me… he is not right for the country. And I don’t like Sarah Palin – she’s a radical Christian. McCains time was in 2000, but thanks to Karl Rove (thanks Karl, you criminal) etc. he wasn’t our president. Instead, we had Bush. I voted for him – twice. Because I thought he was the better choice at the time. Obama is the better choice this time. I’m sick of the lies and the hatred that is being spewed by the Republican party right now. Country first, not party first. The real question is do you love your country enough to leave your party?
Stix: It would be nice to have an age meter on here that reveals the age of the person commenting. We do seem to get more than a few Obamatons who either act like or ARE children.
Oh, I think we already have an intelligence detector. Most of these Obamatons are so transparently stupid it boggles the mind. I doubt they can chew gum and walk at the same time. I just hope that on election day they decide to stay home and chew gum instead.
Kind of like all the people in Ohio that didn’t go and vote. They wanted 25,000 and only got 4,000 to vote. Hopefully that will not put Obama over the top in Ohio with all the Voter Fraud that was going on.
16 years ago
the debate was boring..brokaw picked really stupid questions…..there was so much he could have asked…..but then he’s a lib……….never trust a lib…..
obama rambles…and rambles and stupid people buy his bs………..he doesnt have a clue…..
mccain was ok…last question was sperior to obama’s bla bla bla answer…and oh yes i wanted t hear about michelle…………….good grief……he is just a fed robot….
the country doesnt need a fraud like obama……i am voting mccain…..IT IS THE pATRIOTic thing to do……….nonobama
I would join you guys; but I’m just not into politics. Besides, aren’t reruns of “Lost” on at the same time?
Woo hoo….seems you all have been such great dates these past few weeks, I’ll see you again tonight 🙂
I will try and come by. But I will also be in anothe live chat at Let’s Get this Right
I can maybe go back and forth
I’ll probably put the code up on my blog. Sounds like fun! I;m sick of live blogging these things.
Wow Dave I am so happy for you, you actually made one full sentence. You parents must be proud
I’m still waiting to see Dave make a complete sentence without any spelling errors.
I think it’s gonna take awhile.
I look forward to joining in with you all.
What is he code for the live blog? I can put it on my blog also
Sarah speaking live in NC….watch here
Is anyone watching the debate on line? If so, what link do you suggest? Thanks.
I’ll be watching it on line at FoxNews.
Watch the Debate Live on FOX News at 9 p.m. ET
I forgot to put my email
or you should have it in the registration
What live chat software are you using???
Would like to get the live Chat info?
I’d like to get the code for the chat … what is it?
wohoo! I actually get to join the live blog when it STARTS! the joys of being off work for the evening. =)
So where’s the embed code??????
@Robert M:
It is supposed to start at 845 est
I just sent out the chat code. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
Make sure to adjust the width for your blog’s post width.
Three minutes and counting/
I am disgusted with politics as usual and have decided to vote for Obama. I am a conservative. I am a Christian. I have always voted Republican. I love my country. McCain may be a hero, but…. and this has been a very hard decision for me… he is not right for the country. And I don’t like Sarah Palin – she’s a radical Christian. McCains time was in 2000, but thanks to Karl Rove (thanks Karl, you criminal) etc. he wasn’t our president. Instead, we had Bush. I voted for him – twice. Because I thought he was the better choice at the time. Obama is the better choice this time. I’m sick of the lies and the hatred that is being spewed by the Republican party right now. Country first, not party first. The real question is do you love your country enough to leave your party?
Yes Partiot, we all know you have been Republican all your life. Yes
Snicker snicker
Try harder next time when you lie like that.
Karl Rove A criminal???? Are you still waiting the 48 business hours for him to get frog marched.
What lies are you talking about??????
Yes, Republican and I am the Pope.
He sounds like Jeb Eddy:
What is it with these fakes, phonies and fools? Don’t they know we can spot them a mile away?
I think ACORN or Obama probably pays them to do this crap, or just little kids.
Stix: It would be nice to have an age meter on here that reveals the age of the person commenting. We do seem to get more than a few Obamatons who either act like or ARE children.
That would be nice or an intelligence detector. A lot of dense Obamtrons
Oh, I think we already have an intelligence detector. Most of these Obamatons are so transparently stupid it boggles the mind. I doubt they can chew gum and walk at the same time. I just hope that on election day they decide to stay home and chew gum instead.
Kind of like all the people in Ohio that didn’t go and vote. They wanted 25,000 and only got 4,000 to vote. Hopefully that will not put Obama over the top in Ohio with all the Voter Fraud that was going on.
the debate was boring..brokaw picked really stupid questions…..there was so much he could have asked…..but then he’s a lib……….never trust a lib…..
obama rambles…and rambles and stupid people buy his bs………..he doesnt have a clue…..
mccain was ok…last question was sperior to obama’s bla bla bla answer…and oh yes i wanted t hear about michelle…………….good grief……he is just a fed robot….
the country doesnt need a fraud like obama……i am voting mccain…..IT IS THE pATRIOTic thing to do……….nonobama