Nice ad. Did anyone ever noticed how Obama’s face looks like the Devil? You can see evil in his eyes. You can see this guy is corrupted and bad. Hate is all over his face. Go take another look… you will see it. Even when they show us a smiling picture of him, you still can see the manipulative America hater, he is. Take a good look… you will see it to. I noticed that the first time I saw him, and I had no clue whom he was then. Now that I know more of whom he is, I can understand better my first impression.
In contrast, when you look at McCain’s face, all you see his goodness and integrity.
16 years ago
First, saying Obama “looks like the devil,” etc is exactly the political fodder the democrats love to feed off. Come now, conservatives are better than that, leave that kind of talk to the angry liberals, haha.
On a more serious note, way to go McCain/Palin. Finally someone calls it like it is… he lied.
16 years ago
He lied indeed. He lied, and continues to lie. He’s nothing BUT a lie.
Nice ad. Did anyone ever noticed how Obama’s face looks like the Devil? You can see evil in his eyes. You can see this guy is corrupted and bad. Hate is all over his face. Go take another look… you will see it. Even when they show us a smiling picture of him, you still can see the manipulative America hater, he is. Take a good look… you will see it to. I noticed that the first time I saw him, and I had no clue whom he was then. Now that I know more of whom he is, I can understand better my first impression.
In contrast, when you look at McCain’s face, all you see his goodness and integrity.
First, saying Obama “looks like the devil,” etc is exactly the political fodder the democrats love to feed off. Come now, conservatives are better than that, leave that kind of talk to the angry liberals, haha.
On a more serious note, way to go McCain/Palin. Finally someone calls it like it is… he lied.
He lied indeed. He lied, and continues to lie. He’s nothing BUT a lie.