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ayers is soooo classy. what a disgrace, he should be in jail. yep he and obama are buddies, they have the same ideology.

I told you in a recent post: Obama doesn’t want a socialist country, he wants a communist country. This article proves me right: “We Are A Guerrilla Organization. We Are Communist Women And Men, Underground In The United States For More Than Four Years.”

ObamArafat buddies are communists, terrorists and US/Bashers. I hope America will realize this before election day.

i would rather have a 15 year old thai democrat transvestite as president over any white male republicans. i would like to see a single man change this country into a communist country, one man against 300,000,000 people. even if Obama ends up bein a crappy president, he will be 10 times the president george bush ever was, both of them.

If you truly feel that way Toner, then you are an indication of just how stupid this country has become. I pray that you are just an isolated dunderheaded douchebag or this nation is toast!

Hey Toner… go see this video. It might put some brain into your head.


and you are a man that drops to the level to insult another person and his ideas, im sorry sir but i think you have just explained yourself in your last comment, and before you think of reasoning you insult, and this website seems a bit right winged to me with mccain ads, i think there is a little outside influence to this website….

Toner’s probably not old enough to remember the last time we had a President who got into office on the back of empty slogans about “change.” Jimmy Carter was a disaster and Americans are STILL getting killed by Islamic fanatics who started their war against us when we let the Shah of Iran fall.

But thanks anyway Toner for proving that you people don’t care about ANYTHING BUT POWER!

Power corrupts and stupid people corrupt even faster.

And Craig, I embeded that video on another thread but will do so here too. Toner will love it:

so what is the difference between bush and mccain? im just a free thinker and i dont trust any politician as our president, it will be corrupt with mccain or obama, and the WORLD needs a change from republicans and if you cant except that your just as blind as everyone else, jimmy carter was a while ago, its the 21st century

Yeah Toner, but some of us are old enough to remember the mistakes that you seem so eager to repeat.

How old are you anyway?

His mental age is the only important one. Mentally, I’d say he’s 12 years old.

That old? I would have said 10 tops.

Hey Toner… seeing as how you are visiting us from Australia, I thought I would share this photo with you from President Bush’s last trip to your lovely country:

We love Australia here. You folks have been reasonably good allies and helping in the wars against Islamic terrorism (something you folks have experienced first hand in Bali) and of course I can’t forget the wonderful contributions a number of your scientists have made in debunking the LIE about manmade global warming.

Seems to me quite a few of your countrymen are downright sensible. Perhaps you need to listen to them, for instance your parents?

Power corrupts and stupid people corrupt even faster.

Best quote ever, Mike.

Toner, dear, if you truly were a “free-thinker”, then you wouldn’t pay attention to the left-wing media that dominates around the world. You’d truly know how much of a change McCain/Palin really are and how foolish Obama truly is.

Come to that, I don’t even think you know the definition of “free-thinker”.

Interesting comments. I am an ex-pat American who lives in Australia. I can say that 95% of Australians I know from all walks of life do not support bush or Mccain or Cheney. I live here I know. I remember the Carter era, I can still look back and remember the petrol crisis, this one seems worse. We pay 1.90 per litre . Our superannuation has disappeared as we gave it to the Americans as an investment. I know people who have lost 1000’s of dollars in this crash. Because Americans keep purchasing houses they cant afford which in turn damages Australia economy. Jimmy Carter after being President went on to start Habitat for Humanity , not play 18 rounds of golf, hang out at the ranch, or get a 750,000 dollar feefor a charity dinner. If what we are talking here is about guilt association, what about G.W Bush’s links to the Bin Laden family. America was built on choice if I remember. My quality of life has improved dramaticly since I moved to Australia. I guess most Americans don t know it was once considered a Socialist country

John McCain has a much closer, long-standing relationship with a man who has done more damage to our country than any other. A man and his buddies who hate our freedoms, hate our equality, hate the very document that founded our country, the Constitution. This is a man who condones torture, who spies on Americans, who flaunts his contempt for our laws and institutions. Would you vote for this man (again)? Then why would you vote for the man who wants to be his successor and continue his policies?

What’s the difference between a friend of David Duke and a friend of Rev Wright? Would you vote for a friend of David Duke?

AP has an interesting report this morning.

GOP presidential nominee John McCain has past connections to a private group that supplied aid to guerrillas seeking to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra affair.

McCain’s ties are facing renewed scrutiny after his campaign criticized Barack Obama for his link to a former radical who engaged in violent acts 40 years ago.

The U.S. Council for World Freedom was part of an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America. The group was dedicated to stamping out communism around the globe.

Retired Army Maj. Gen. John Singlaub created the group, and McCain became associated with the organization in the early 1980s, ultimately joining its board of directors!

The U.S. Council for World Freedom was more popular as the White House’s covert operation to fund the Contras, without congressional approval, with Gen. Singlaub working in secret with Oli North.

McCain has said he resigned from the council, is no longer involved with it. The details are murky. But if true, that’s only a small part of the saga.

You can find more details here:

Mike that was just one of the most powerful interviews I’ve ever seen. When was this done, and why haven’t we heard of this guy before now. Yes the useful idiots will be the first to go. I can’t express how powerful that was. To guys like toner, it just went over their little pointy heads. It’s a good think I’m not young anymore, because this reality just expressed would keep me up at night.

NO. We are free-minded people not talking point parrots like at Huffpo, Kos, etc. Any outside influence comes from reading and watching and talking, and then forming OUR OWN OPINIONS

“…this website seems a bit right winged to me with mccain ads, i think there is a little outside influence to this website


I take great offense at that comment Toner. If you’ve got proof that I or anyone here is on the McCain or Republican payroll or getting your “outside influence” please post it. Otherwise you’re just a leftist lemming.

doug1 #16

In the article Singlaub says McCain wasn’t an active member.
Also states that it looks good to have important names on their letterhead.

Doesn’t appear to be a there there.



Jainphx: The man’s name is YURI BEZMENOV. You can probably get a lot of good info by googling him. I haven’t watched the entire video but will certainly do so based on your recommendation.

As for Toner’s Mum (that’s Mom in U.S. English) It’s clear the Acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just how old is Toner and why do you permit him to trot his brainwashed lefty ignorance for all to see? Wouldn’t it be better if he spent his time reading a history book instead of regurgitatin the lastest lefty pap?

Leah: Thanks for the compliment. I’ll have to remember that quote:

“Power corrupts and stupid people corrupt even faster”

And I see Doug is grasping at straws….AGAIN! What? No poll on the subject Doug?

What does Osama Bin Laden and Barrack Hussein Obama have in common?

They both have FRIENDS that bombed the Pentagon.

John McCain has a much closer, long-standing relationship with a man who has done more damage to our country than any other. A man and his buddies who hate our freedoms, hate our equality, hate the very document that founded our country, the Constitution. This is a man who condones torture, who spies on Americans, who flaunts his contempt for our laws and institutions. Would you vote for this man (again)?


Interesting comments. I am an ex-pat American who lives in Australia. I can say that 95% of Australians I know from all walks of life do not support bush or Mccain or Cheney.

We like considering ourselves among the top 5 per centers who matter.

Jimmy Carter after being President went on to start Habitat for Humanity , not play 18 rounds of golf, hang out at the ranch, or get a 750,000 dollar feefor a charity dinner.

Actually, a more accurate comparison would be what Carter did while president.

hmm no response to guilt by association. The 5% dont matter here where it counts.No real response to the damage America does to our economy.Reagan took credit for the delegations that Carter had started to free the Iranian hostages.He went on to cut Social Security. Sucks when your grandparents eat dogfood.When he cut the funding to the mentally ill hospitals released them onto the streets.Therefor the explosion of homeless people.Crime drug abuse vagrancy goes up. EVERY president is imperfect and bows to the will of those who fund him,whether big business or the status quo. Politics are politics. Presidents are human. Left wing Right wing we all feed the machine.

hmm no response to guilt by association.

You mean your earlier charge regarding ties to the bin Laden family? Is the bin Laden family guilty of Osama’s crimes? Let’s hear the conspiratorial connection charges.

The 5% dont matter here where it counts.

That’s the anecdotal number you threw out there. Fortunately, even if true, Australians and other foreigners who don’t have America’s best interest at heart, aren’t voting in American elections.

No real response to the damage America does to our economy

In what ways?

Reagan took credit for the delegations that Carter had started to free the Iranian hostages.

It depends on whose version you listen to, that led to the release. If Carter had backed the Shah, there wouldn’t have been any hostage crisis; nor the rise in Iranian Islamic militancy from the regime we find ourselves facing today.

He went on to cut Social Security. Sucks when your grandparents eat dogfood.

Gee…grandparents are eating dogfood because of Reagan? Terrible. Dogfood is getting expensive, too.

Didn’t Reagan save social security in 1983? He entered office wanting to scale back on it, and the size of government; but didn’t social security and entitlement programs actually get expanded under Reagan? There was a social security bailout- something like $160-$180 billion. If I remember, he had a plan similar to the privatization option plan Bush tried to push for in 2005, but he wasn’t able to carry out the agenda, losing Congressional seats in ’82.

Don’t you think social security needs to be reformed, today?

When he cut the funding to the mentally ill hospitals released them onto the streets.Therefor the explosion of homeless people.Crime drug abuse vagrancy goes up.

Wasn’t it Democrats in Congress who pushed for this, citing how cruel it was to keep those who were mentally ill, locked up? Wasn’t it another example of do-good liberal policy-making, gone awry? I could be wrong. Now I’m curious to know, if someone could shed some light.

Hmmmm… all that hate, bile and lies in ONE PARAGRAPH?

I’d say stoner’s mom qualifies as a full fledged MOONBAT!

And therefore, her opinions matter not a jot!
