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Another good hard hitting ad and one that WILL be played over and over and over in the key states.


How dangerous and how dishonorable indeed. Forgive me for sounding immature, but Obama has GOT to be the biggest bag of douche I have ever known in politics.

Nope. I don’t think him being ‘dangerous’ is going to fly, especially after today’s horrible and scary market day.

Not discussing the economy as a central is issue is what is really dangerous. This is what happens:

(WP) A new poll by Suffolk University shows Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) with a double-digit lead over GOP nominee John McCain in Virginia.

Obama draws 51 percent to McCain’s 39 percent, although the poll’s sample skews heavily toward the Democrats, which may be inflating Obama’s margin.

They aren’t the only poll either. Survey USA also has him 10 points behind.

Will McCain leave VA, like he did in Michigan???

He’s now on the ropes in the rust belt with no economic or health care message that resonates.

He better get with what’s happening or he’ll find NC even slipping away.

There you go with the polls again, doug. True to your reputation here at FA. And once again, they don’t amount to anything.


Sorry to tell you that all your comments here are BORING… and insignificants. From now on, I will skip reading them, they are worthless and a waste of time. Sorry if I am so rude, but it is the truth and someone had to tell you.

polls are only as good as the area that they are covering. if you polled san diego you would get one result, you head out of the urban areas and you get another result all together.

For Christ’s sake, they’re opinion polls. Opinion, as in something not consistent, something fickle and likely to change in a matter of seconds. How newscasters and Obama followers believe that something that’s not solid is beyond me.

Only two comments in and the topic gets derailed. Happens all the time, right?

Anyway, talking heads are saying because Iraq is doing so well, because of John McCain, it takes a back seat to the present financial crisis, because of Barack Obama. That’s why the little dweeb wants to stay on the economy issue. He helped break it, but the dog is taking credit for the fix so far fooling the American people.

Hopefully, McCain can open up a new topic tonight, something like “I’ll take Shine the Light on Obama for Ten”

First question, After surging American Forces in Afghanistan, will a President Obama stand up to his own party when they want to mess with funding the troops being as though his past issues with troops funding would prove to be a bad example?