I read a very interesting series of articles where author Jack Cashill posits that “Dreams of My Father” was not written by Obama at all…but was in fact ghostwritten by Ayers.
I handwaved the notion originally as being a little too conspiratorial but upon reading the articles, I think there’s merit to the assertions made given the time table, the relationship, the circumstances and the investment Ayers had in Obama’s success.
October 2, 2008 Obama’s poems show real talent level
September 25, 2008 More proof Ayers ghosted Obama’s “Dreams”
September 20, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 3: Why it Matters
September 19, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 2: Deconstructing the Text
September 18, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 1
I just wish I knew how to find out for certain. Cashill is also looking for someone to help take his analysis “to the next step.”
Does anyone know of an expert who could validate or disprove Cashill’s arguments?
The video is no longer available on YouTube as of 6:49 pm Eastern.
16 years ago
It’s still playing for me.
There is another video out there of Obama bragging about Ayres and CAC during his first run for IL Senate. It was taped on Chicago’s WTTW, channel 11. Can’t remember the name of the program.
Skye, have you seen this yet?
luva the scissors
16 years ago
looks like obama has lost weight since that clip way back. he looks more youthful and less haggard. obama is a liar, we all know it, it would be nice for the msm to get their noses out of his rea end and report instead of campaign for him. i wonder why if obamas aginda is so socailist, why does the media think he is so great? give him his head and he will take away their right to report and where the hell would they be?
Marybeth, try posting your reply at the Free Republic website. The readers there might be able to did up more dirt (more than they already have) on this subject.
USMCdaughter – YouTube can be wonky, when you get that message, just refresh the webpage and you should be able to watch the video.
Missy, love the video and will make sure it gets posted in FA and MidnightBlue.
The MSM was just miserable at the RNC convention. More than one time, I’ve heard conversations that used the words – “miserable” and “scary” when describing the RNC convention.
I had one punk from the MSM simply assume by my gender that I *really* was part of the Obama contingent covering the “scary” RNC convention. The blogger and commenter Stix was a witness to this exchange.
Another exchange that I overheard in the press filing center, had a member of the media complaining that it was just punishment to listen to Norm Colman speak. Hello! Did he not know the cloth wall separating the worktables were NOT sound proof! I refused to post on this based on what was overheard – it seemed to catty to post.
What I did not realize the blogger speaking with this biased ‘journalist’ was soon to be newest blogging buddy – Marathon Pundit.
The problem is that for many people, Obama really is their HOPE. They don’t care about reality-in fact they’d rather not face it. Obama offers them pipedreams of cotton candy clouds instead of ozone-holed skies that are warming the Earth ready to destroy us all. Obama offers “an end to the war in Iraq in 16 months,” and people don’t care that he’s not gonna be able to do it; they’ll support him and the Iraq War on day1/hour1. He talks about sitting down and working things out with enemies as if it’s never been tried, or as if these nutjobs like Ahmadinejad can be swayed by Obama’s charisma as easily as they’ve been. It’s sad on a level that I’ve never seen before except in history books.
What’s so sad about it?
Electing Obama can only bring utter despair and depression among Americans. The “Bush left it to us” bit won’t fly because if it’s tried then there’s the immediate “Look what Clinton left Bush: a recession, the USS Cole, Osama, Saddam, a 911 plot almost complete, intel agencies unable to spot trouble, and so forth” 9 months into an Obama admin, when the war in Iraq is still going on…from that point on (if not earlier) Democrats will be hearing the “It happened on his watch, so it’s his fault” line. The economy will be tanked (raising taxes on investors doesn’t help spur investment). A year into it, Iran will literally be on the brink of becoming nuclear if not already.
Where will the blame be then? Will they blame Bush? Sure, but that only goes so far because of the easy reply mentioned above. Will they blame Republicans? Not if Dems take Congress as well. Will they blame…who?
Introspection is what’s being avoided. The media doesn’t want to do it. Clinton supporters didn’t want to do it on 91101, and haven’t since. No one who opposed removing Saddam ever wanted to face the reality that someday that guy had to be brought down, and the list of options was down to: “US invasion.” The people who are bringing us an Obama Administration, are about to face the things they cannot:
and worst of all…a lack of scapegoats.
You think they’re miserable now? Just wait until a month or two into an Obama Admin. America will be as happy with him as they were with the Democrats’ do-nothing Congress about a month or two into it.
16 years ago
“The problem is that for many people, Obama really is their HOPE. They don’t care about reality-in fact they’d rather not face it. Obama offers them pipedreams of cotton candy clouds instead of ozone-holed skies that are warming the Earth ready to destroy us all. Obama offers “an end to the war in Iraq in 16 months,” and people don’t care that he’s not gonna be able to do it; they’ll support him and the Iraq War on day1/hour1. He talks about sitting down and working things out with enemies as if it’s never been tried, or as if these nutjobs like Ahmadinejad can be swayed by Obama’s charisma as easily as they’ve been.” (Scott)
What you are saying here is very scary. You are saying that many Americans are complete idiots. I do not believe this. I think Americans are misinformed by your crooked leftist Medias. Let them know the truth… the real truth, and they won’t act like complete idiots anymore.
Let them know that Free Health Care Systems do not work, give them information, real information… nothing is free, the Health care system is paid with your incometaxes. Sure it will be free to go to an Hospital or a doctor… but you will have time to die before you even get to see one.
Our free Education is not any better, it is so expensive on middle class income taxes, that they can not pay there teachers good money… so they leave and go elsewhere and you are stuck with stupid ignorant teachers that knows nothing and your diplomas is not worth a dime. I know, I live in stupid Quebec socialist province.
Our infrastructure is falling apart, our bridges collapses, our roads are full of wholes, our sewer system his finish, our taxes are the highest of all North America and we are in debts up to our neck. Every corner you walk there is someone begging for money, they live on the streets, etc. Tell these people about that, give them facts, proves
Here in Quebec we nationalized our electricity, so we are the poorest Province of Canada, the West Province gives us perequation to survive… 8 billions last year from Alberta (who was brilliant enough not to nationalized their oil), Ontario and Saskatchewan. A real shame… we have become the Wellfare Province because stupid leftists governs us.
“Can we stop pretending that Bill Ayers is nothing more than a casual acquaintance?”
I don’t think anyone on our side was ever so foolish as to believe the spin. But yes, I know what you mean.
Great video find Skye!
Mary Beth
16 years ago
Amazingly, Ayers is just the tip of the iceberg.
Consider his unequivocal support of Raila Odinga…his cousin…who uses rape as a weapon, who has nefarious Arab ties and has his hand in the ongoing violence that has all of Kenya in its barbaric clutches. Inconceivable horror. Gang raping little girls and boys as many as ten times.
America cannot elect this man to be the president. We cannot allow this to happen.
16 years ago
Ouch! Mary, these are fantastic videos, they have to circulate more. Unbelievable! Obama went to Kenya with your income taxes to go and help that dictator Odinga to get elected? I am deepy shocked. Hope McCain/Palin knows that.
16 years ago
It is getting worst Mary. In the article you linked in your #10 comment… there is a place in it where you could click to get the phone conversations between Obama and Odinga. But when you click on it, it’s says:
We’re sorry.The article you’ve requested is no longer available. (Associated Press)
Obama’s team is really making every proof disapear on Internet… incredible!
This guy has a lot of things he doesn’t want American voters to know.
Mary Beth
16 years ago
We absolutely cannot remain silent.
Obama is not like other Democrats. In fact, he is not really a Democrat in the classic sense of the word. He is a Marxist agitator with extremely disturbing domestic and international connections.
America cannot afford him. He will be the death of our country. Period.
I know this sounds like hyperbole…but I honestly feel he’s the most dangerous national figure in the history of our country. We cannot allow him to be elected. We must do whatever we have to to get the word out about who he really is before it’s too late.
16 years ago
Not hyperbole at all, absolute certainty. I’m scared, scared for the youth of this country that are not taught the history of this great country. Scared of the once investigational press corp that now investigates nothing. Scared of the shadow government that does nothing but fight against the interests of this country. Those who aren’t afraid, should be, because they will be the first to go. Alas talking to a liberal is like talking in a different language, they wont listen let alone understand.
I read a very interesting series of articles where author Jack Cashill posits that “Dreams of My Father” was not written by Obama at all…but was in fact ghostwritten by Ayers.
I handwaved the notion originally as being a little too conspiratorial but upon reading the articles, I think there’s merit to the assertions made given the time table, the relationship, the circumstances and the investment Ayers had in Obama’s success.
His articles are here (in reverse chronological order): http://cashill.com/articles_all/recent.htm
October 2, 2008 Obama’s poems show real talent level
September 25, 2008 More proof Ayers ghosted Obama’s “Dreams”
September 20, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 3: Why it Matters
September 19, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 2: Deconstructing the Text
September 18, 2008 Did Bill Ayers write Obama’s “Dreams”? – Part 1
I just wish I knew how to find out for certain. Cashill is also looking for someone to help take his analysis “to the next step.”
Does anyone know of an expert who could validate or disprove Cashill’s arguments?
The video is no longer available on YouTube as of 6:49 pm Eastern.
It’s still playing for me.
There is another video out there of Obama bragging about Ayres and CAC during his first run for IL Senate. It was taped on Chicago’s WTTW, channel 11. Can’t remember the name of the program.
Skye, have you seen this yet?
looks like obama has lost weight since that clip way back. he looks more youthful and less haggard. obama is a liar, we all know it, it would be nice for the msm to get their noses out of his rea end and report instead of campaign for him. i wonder why if obamas aginda is so socailist, why does the media think he is so great? give him his head and he will take away their right to report and where the hell would they be?
Marybeth, try posting your reply at the Free Republic website. The readers there might be able to did up more dirt (more than they already have) on this subject.
USMCdaughter – YouTube can be wonky, when you get that message, just refresh the webpage and you should be able to watch the video.
Missy, love the video and will make sure it gets posted in FA and MidnightBlue.
The MSM was just miserable at the RNC convention. More than one time, I’ve heard conversations that used the words – “miserable” and “scary” when describing the RNC convention.
I had one punk from the MSM simply assume by my gender that I *really* was part of the Obama contingent covering the “scary” RNC convention. The blogger and commenter Stix was a witness to this exchange.
Another exchange that I overheard in the press filing center, had a member of the media complaining that it was just punishment to listen to Norm Colman speak. Hello! Did he not know the cloth wall separating the worktables were NOT sound proof! I refused to post on this based on what was overheard – it seemed to catty to post.
What I did not realize the blogger speaking with this biased ‘journalist’ was soon to be newest blogging buddy – Marathon Pundit.
He wrote about the exchange that I overheard:
The problem is that for many people, Obama really is their HOPE. They don’t care about reality-in fact they’d rather not face it. Obama offers them pipedreams of cotton candy clouds instead of ozone-holed skies that are warming the Earth ready to destroy us all. Obama offers “an end to the war in Iraq in 16 months,” and people don’t care that he’s not gonna be able to do it; they’ll support him and the Iraq War on day1/hour1. He talks about sitting down and working things out with enemies as if it’s never been tried, or as if these nutjobs like Ahmadinejad can be swayed by Obama’s charisma as easily as they’ve been. It’s sad on a level that I’ve never seen before except in history books.
What’s so sad about it?
Electing Obama can only bring utter despair and depression among Americans. The “Bush left it to us” bit won’t fly because if it’s tried then there’s the immediate “Look what Clinton left Bush: a recession, the USS Cole, Osama, Saddam, a 911 plot almost complete, intel agencies unable to spot trouble, and so forth” 9 months into an Obama admin, when the war in Iraq is still going on…from that point on (if not earlier) Democrats will be hearing the “It happened on his watch, so it’s his fault” line. The economy will be tanked (raising taxes on investors doesn’t help spur investment). A year into it, Iran will literally be on the brink of becoming nuclear if not already.
Where will the blame be then? Will they blame Bush? Sure, but that only goes so far because of the easy reply mentioned above. Will they blame Republicans? Not if Dems take Congress as well. Will they blame…who?
Introspection is what’s being avoided. The media doesn’t want to do it. Clinton supporters didn’t want to do it on 91101, and haven’t since. No one who opposed removing Saddam ever wanted to face the reality that someday that guy had to be brought down, and the list of options was down to: “US invasion.” The people who are bringing us an Obama Administration, are about to face the things they cannot:
and worst of all…a lack of scapegoats.
You think they’re miserable now? Just wait until a month or two into an Obama Admin. America will be as happy with him as they were with the Democrats’ do-nothing Congress about a month or two into it.
“The problem is that for many people, Obama really is their HOPE. They don’t care about reality-in fact they’d rather not face it. Obama offers them pipedreams of cotton candy clouds instead of ozone-holed skies that are warming the Earth ready to destroy us all. Obama offers “an end to the war in Iraq in 16 months,” and people don’t care that he’s not gonna be able to do it; they’ll support him and the Iraq War on day1/hour1. He talks about sitting down and working things out with enemies as if it’s never been tried, or as if these nutjobs like Ahmadinejad can be swayed by Obama’s charisma as easily as they’ve been.” (Scott)
What you are saying here is very scary. You are saying that many Americans are complete idiots. I do not believe this. I think Americans are misinformed by your crooked leftist Medias. Let them know the truth… the real truth, and they won’t act like complete idiots anymore.
Let them know that Free Health Care Systems do not work, give them information, real information… nothing is free, the Health care system is paid with your incometaxes. Sure it will be free to go to an Hospital or a doctor… but you will have time to die before you even get to see one.
Our free Education is not any better, it is so expensive on middle class income taxes, that they can not pay there teachers good money… so they leave and go elsewhere and you are stuck with stupid ignorant teachers that knows nothing and your diplomas is not worth a dime. I know, I live in stupid Quebec socialist province.
Our infrastructure is falling apart, our bridges collapses, our roads are full of wholes, our sewer system his finish, our taxes are the highest of all North America and we are in debts up to our neck. Every corner you walk there is someone begging for money, they live on the streets, etc. Tell these people about that, give them facts, proves
Here in Quebec we nationalized our electricity, so we are the poorest Province of Canada, the West Province gives us perequation to survive… 8 billions last year from Alberta (who was brilliant enough not to nationalized their oil), Ontario and Saskatchewan. A real shame… we have become the Wellfare Province because stupid leftists governs us.
“Can we stop pretending that Bill Ayers is nothing more than a casual acquaintance?”
I don’t think anyone on our side was ever so foolish as to believe the spin. But yes, I know what you mean.
Great video find Skye!
Amazingly, Ayers is just the tip of the iceberg.
Consider his unequivocal support of Raila Odinga…his cousin…who uses rape as a weapon, who has nefarious Arab ties and has his hand in the ongoing violence that has all of Kenya in its barbaric clutches. Inconceivable horror. Gang raping little girls and boys as many as ten times.
Please watch this video and share it with others.
America cannot elect this man to be the president. We cannot allow this to happen.
Ouch! Mary, these are fantastic videos, they have to circulate more. Unbelievable! Obama went to Kenya with your income taxes to go and help that dictator Odinga to get elected? I am deepy shocked. Hope McCain/Palin knows that.
It is getting worst Mary. In the article you linked in your #10 comment… there is a place in it where you could click to get the phone conversations between Obama and Odinga. But when you click on it, it’s says:
We’re sorry.The article you’ve requested is no longer available. (Associated Press)
Obama’s team is really making every proof disapear on Internet… incredible!
This guy has a lot of things he doesn’t want American voters to know.
We absolutely cannot remain silent.
Obama is not like other Democrats. In fact, he is not really a Democrat in the classic sense of the word. He is a Marxist agitator with extremely disturbing domestic and international connections.
America cannot afford him. He will be the death of our country. Period.
I know this sounds like hyperbole…but I honestly feel he’s the most dangerous national figure in the history of our country. We cannot allow him to be elected. We must do whatever we have to to get the word out about who he really is before it’s too late.
Not hyperbole at all, absolute certainty. I’m scared, scared for the youth of this country that are not taught the history of this great country. Scared of the once investigational press corp that now investigates nothing. Scared of the shadow government that does nothing but fight against the interests of this country. Those who aren’t afraid, should be, because they will be the first to go. Alas talking to a liberal is like talking in a different language, they wont listen let alone understand.