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Yes! This is what we need! Go sarah! I hope to see a lot more of this soon! But I wince at how Obamaniac will respond.

Most people don’t care about all of O’Bama’s shady connections (I certainly do) but they do care about the Economy and its immediate effects on them and their families.

He needs to attack on this NOW!

It’s good that he’s FINALLY starting to say something about the connections, but until he starts hammering them on the economy, it isn’t going to do him any good.

You sould all see this Ann Coutler video on Foxnews. She did a very good job putting the blame on Democrats.


Desperation. Fifty bucks says McCain and Palin will be throwing out N-bombs by end of the month.

Did you see this?

John McCain Agrees with Web Group on Opening Debates more; Barack Obama Silent

Here’s an embed of the video Craig recommended:

@Fit fit:

I’ll bet you a thousand that they won’t.

Ahh…the insane fantasies of Fit Fit…. I guess he misses how leftists call Black Conservatives “Uncle Toms” and “House (Slaves)” and how Hillary supporters reacted to Black leftist superdelegates throwing in for Obama.

But the projectionism is difficult for the brainwashed projectionist to see.

I am afraid that negative ads this late in the game will not be effective. McCain has been running negative ads forever in my state of Michigan, yet he is pulling out now.

There are liberal blogs out there suggesting a counterattack based on McCain’s Keating scandal and Todd Palin’s membership of the ‘Alaska Independence party’. I think they need to talk about issues and do it now.


As this is a written forum, it is hard to infer ‘tone’ in a statement so please understand I am not attacking. I am in Michigan also. I did not see any negative adds by McCain. I saw Obama make bold face lies and attack after attack but all McCain offered was the too typical of current republicans powder puff response.

But as usual, the right will be accused of “attacking” Obama while NOTHING will be said about Obama’s lies, including the two the leftist blogs are turning towards, even with the AIP story long debunked.

As for Michigan, just pointing to what Granholm has done to the state should be enough of an add for McCain… for Michigan AND the USA. America, if you want to see what the left will do in charge, just look at the depression Michigan (especially Detroit) is going through!

Thanks Chris for that on the scene perspective.

And yes, it would be helpful if someone did run an ad relating the decline in Michigan’s economy to the idiotic economic policy of the Granholm and how we don’t want that to happen on a national scale.

Detroit, the city, has nearly always been a basket case and for some reason the voters never seem to connect that fact with the other fact which is that Dems have been in charge of that city for decades.

See the media is so biased and libral that this will not hit the news as much as it needs to be…Obama is a radical american deff. Look at how much stuff we wants to change in american….this is wrong….that is wrong……ect…We need to fight against this and if Obama is elected….Lord help us all

Craig asked me to embed this for you all… Another visit with the famous Harriet Christian:You remember Harriet Christian don’t you?

Sarah Palin told reporters Sunday that “the Associated Press is wrong” for saying her recent remarks tying Barack Obama to William Ayers are “racially tinged.”

“The comments are about an association that has been known but hasn’t been talked about,” Palin said before boarding a plane to San Francisco. “I think it’s fair to talk about where Barack Obama kicked off his political career, in the guy’s living room.”

Palin said Saturday that Obama was “palling around with terrorists” because of his association with Ayers, a founder of the 1960s terrorist group Weather Underground. The New York Times reported Saturday that Obama and Ayers served together on several charity boards in Chicago and Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois, held a fundraiser for Obama’s first race for state Senate. But the article also said the two men are not particularly close.

The AP said Sunday that Palin’s recent comments were “unsubstantiated and carried a racially tinged subject that John McCain himself may come to regret.” The article said Palin’s charge about Obama’s relationship with Ayers “was exaggerated at best if not outright false.”

Palin made the comments three times Saturday, as part of a new effort by the McCain campaign to move the focus towards Obama’s character.

Of course, the MSM is touting this story, and in turn reminding all that Palin’s wife, Todd was a member of the Alaska Independence Party …a group that wanted to secede from America, and Todd was married to Sarah at the time!

That’s what happens when you play by the rules of ‘guilt by association’; it can work both ways in almost any setting. The bulk of the MSM is running it that way. Palin may find herself having to do a face to face with the press now she gave them even more reason for them to argue she won’t talk to them.

Conservative PACs have for months been trying to tie Obama to Ayers, spending millions. That’s all they have, since McCain called Wright off limits. Palin’s voice is hoped to reach more ears, as she’s their last and loudest barker.

But it appears even she with her taking “off the gloves” and hitting Obama doesn’t have Americans giving it much attention. They have heard it before; they probably find McCain being tied to Bush even more distasteful. They are more interested in the economy. All the polls tells us this: That’s why the Obama camp has responded with an economy ad. hitting McCain.

For my money, I’d say McCain is going negative much too fast. Usually you wait until after the debates the go so negative; they’re the final assault. This tells us something: McCain is running out of time _and_ ammo.

There is evidence in the air that the McCain camp’s tank is near empty.

Of course, the MSM is touting this story, and in turn reminding all that Palin’s wife, Todd was a member of the Alaska Independence Party …a group that wanted to secede from America, and Todd was married to Sarah at the time!

Palin’s “wife” Todd? ‘scuse me, but that guy’s all man, thank you.

Todd was a member of the party for awhile, and not active. He attended one convention… no meetings. Todd is part native Alaskan. Nor is the party some white separatist organization. It is, in fact, made up of native Alaskans, rural black population, and long time Alaskan residents who believe that the lower 48 haven’t got a clue about Alaska’s issues because of geographical location and neighbors.

And frankly, the press is proving them to be right since their descension upon Wasilla and Juneau.

Going negative “too fast”? Nope.. the press is refusing to thoroughly vett Obama too slowly… or at all. Now in order to catch up the faithful/gullible, they need a crash course in history. Too bad the press no longer wants to do it’s job. They do it with AWG, with this election, and with the bail out… three very big issues that I will always distrust them now even MORE than government.

As far as the guilt by association. I’ll agree with you there. It’s a losing strategy. In fact, just posted about that.

Did the Alaskan Independence Party blow up government buildings, ever? Todd went to a couple of their meetings and attended one convention, wasn’t even actively involved with the group. Obama worked with Ayers for 10 years and hasn’t been honest with the public about the depth of that relationship. The recently released CAC papers prove it wasn’t just being neighbors. Obama is lying and that’s your guy. He lying about Ayers because he doesn’t want his involvement in distributing the CAC funding out about in the public.

Comparing the Bush/McCain relationship to that of Obama’s relationship to a known domestic terrorist is insane. Ayres is no longer planting bombs, but he is still plotting to destroy this country through education and Obama is very familiar with his radical motives and methods he helped spread the $160 million around. BTW, Google Ayers/Chavez.

Missy: Doug must think that blowing up buildings and killing people is the same thing as going to a few meetings of an Alaskans first party.

Dems have distorted Palin’s life and associations FARRRR BEEEYOOONNNNDDD any sense of reason or rationality. At the same time, they have attempted to bury Obama’s lifelong RADICAL TIES!

Should we talk about Frank Marxist (Marshall) Davis again?

“Barack: Guilty By Association?” [Reader Post]

Hmmm. Haven’t seen Mark Davis around here since way back then.

If the press would have sent people out to investigate this relationship, they would have found something, it’s there. They wouldn’t have to slant or spin, it’s real. If they wanted to be honest.

The NYTimes reporter interviewed Steve Diamond several times before he published the article yet did not include any information Diamond gave him. Diamond even gave him copies of e-mail and letters from the CAC.

I wish the public could understand the radical, goofball propaganda Ayers and Obama wanted to infiltrate our schools with. They don’t want math, history, science, etc. scholars, they want little revolutionaries that study reparations and black theology.

Michelle sets up joint speaking engagement for Obama and Ayers in 1997. Cozy.


Mike, in his above post, indicated that “McCain’s attempt to stress Country First by suspending his campaign to work on resolving the financial crisis only resulted in further erosion of his poll numbers (see Gallup daily tracking poll).” Which is true.

Then Mike stated that McCain and Palin have taken the gloves off, that they are not about to sit back and let the media define Obama— that the Republican couple will tell the American people who Obama really is: that he’s a liberal that hangs out with terrorists. Yet it appears that this strategy of going highly negative is not working:


The numbers have remains unchanged from 50-42 for Oct. 3-5 — Saturday and Sunday, the 4th and 5th, show no change.

More here on why voters don’t care:

And here, why voters don’t care, and why McCain risks grave blow-back going so negative:

President Dukakis, President Gore, and President Kerry were unavailable for comment regarding pre-election polling accuracy and reliability.

Doug: What day is this?

You may recall I said that we’d know the answer by WEDNESDAY.

However, there was a slight uptick in McCain’s numbers in one of those daily trackers. And you might have noticed the CBS poll which credited Palin’s performance for narrowing the Obama lead to three points.

But unless new information comes in the next 24 hours it would appear that the race hasn’t changed significantly which may have more to do with events other than the Palin debate.

Of course tonight will also be a major event which may influence the race.

Doug: What day is this?

You may recall I said that we’d know the answer by WEDNESDAY.

However, there was a slight uptick in McCain’s numbers in one of those daily trackers. And you might have noticed the CBS poll which credited Palin’s performance for narrowing the Obama lead to three points.

But unless new information comes in the next 24 hours it would appear that the race hasn’t changed significantly which may have more to do with events other than the Palin debate.

Of course tonight will also be a major event which may influence the race.

Today is Wednesday, Mike:

RCP Average 10/01 – 10/07 — 49.0 43.9……………………………Obama +5.1
Gallup Tracking 10/05 – 10/07 2747 RV 52 41……………………….Obama +11
Rasmussen Tracking 10/05 – 10/07 3000 LV 51 45………………..Obama +6
Reuters/CSpan/Zogby Tracking 10/05 – 10/07 1220 LV 47 45 Obama +2
Hotline/FD Tracking 10/05 – 10/07 904 LV 45 44 …………….Obama +1
GW/Battleground Tracking 10/02 – 10/07 800 LV 49 45 ……..Obama +4
Ipsos/McClatchy 10/02 – 10/06 858 RV 47 40 ……………………Obama +7
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/04 – 10/05 658 RV 49 43 ……..Obama +6
CBS News 10/03 – 10/05 616 LV 48 45 …………………………..Obama +3
CNN 10/03 – 10/05 694 LV 53 45 ………………………………….Obama +8
Democracy Corps (D) 10/01 – 10/05 1000 LV 49 46 …………….Obama +3

RCP sees McCain as risen 8/10 of a point, but they are the only ones.

All the rest, paint a clearly bad message for McCain:

Here’s our mutual friends take:

post in the drink

Do us a little favor there Doug.

Go back in and post the last three or four weeks of results so that we can see the trending.

I am not a poll hound but I did see some interesting patterns in the two or three polls that I have looked at over the last couple of days.

Also, I’d be interested in seeing the R/D/I distribution on the polls you posted and how those distributions have changed over time as well.

There are lots and lots of ways to tweak a poll to get it to show what you want it to show and manipulation of the R/D/I distributions is just one of them.

Doug: You might have noticed that despite the result from Gallup, the trend in most of the other polls has been favorable to McCain. As a conservative, I’m still waiting more solid ground before I make any kind of definitive statement. But if the Gallup had been in line with the other polls you cited I wouldn’t be holding back.

See you Thursday!

This has to really hurt, Mike.

After the first night of polling conducted after the second Presidential debate, today’s Diageo/Hotline Daily Tracker Poll shows Obama-Biden regaining their lead over McCain-Palin in the head-to-head among likely voters, after several days of a closing in on their margin.

In today’s Poll, Obama-Biden is at 47%, McCain-Palin is at 41%, with 9% of voters undecided.


Where’s the link to this poll?

Also, I asked in #24 above if you could provide several days worth of history to show trending as well as R/D/I makeup of the polling samples.

It’s true that the Hotline and Zogby, which both showed the race close, perhaps within the margin of error, moved favorably in Obama’s direction today. But the Rasmussen Poll, which is the gold standard shows it trending down.

I’m not reading too much into any of these at the moment since these wild swings in polls that don’t have a solid track record (hotline, Zogby) aren’t as reliable.

I would say however, that only a portion of the result in the Hotline poll was conducted after the latest debate.

I won’t sugar coat it, but also, I would point out that Doug is cheerleading, and NOT analyzing.