The man is just a liar:
BIDEN: Can I respond? Look, all you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington or go to Katie’s Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me where I spend a lot of time and you ask anybody in there whether or not the economic and foreign policy of this administration has made them better off in the last eight years. And then ask them whether there’s a single major initiative that John McCain differs with the president on. On taxes, on Iraq, on Afghanistan, on the whole question of how to help education, on the dealing with health care.
Look, the people in my neighborhood, they get it. They get it.
Only problem is that those people in his neighborhood existed in the 1980’s….not today:
But I checked The News Journal archives this morning and, well, don’t plan on trying to find it on Union Street anytime soon. And I wonder if the Katie’s today, which is now actually Wings to Go at Katies, is the same Katie’s that Joe remembers…..
Katie’s was at the corner of Sixth and Scott streets in Wilmington’s Little Italy neighborhood. (Not Union Street.) It had been a local and much-loved institution, well known for its rich, thick Italian gravy (tomato sauce) and spaghetti. It was opened in 1936 by Silvio Spiezio, who later sold it in 1945. The Fugilino family owned and ran the restaurant for years until it was sold in the 1981 after Frances Mae Fugilino’s death.
Katie’s then changed hands again in 1985, but new owners kept the venerable name.
But it eventually changed hands again – at least 10 years ago, maybe even more like 15 years ago.
Ryan Cormier with more:
Towards the end of last night’s Joe Biden/Sarah Palin debate, Joe Biden said this: “All you have to do is to go down Union Street with me in Wilmington and go to Katie’s restaurant…”
It caught me off guard, as well as our food guru Patty Talorico.
She investigated a bit and realized Biden was referring to the long-closed Katie’s Italian restaurant, which is actually two blocks away from Union Street.
The establishment is now a Wings to Go.
Talorico’s blog post has been picked up by the John McCain campaign, along with The National Review, New York magazine and others.
For a guy running as an in-touch-with-the-real-people candidate, it’s hard to believe he not only referenced a restaurant that has been closed for nearly 20 years, but also got the location wrong!
I just called the owner of Wings to Go, Nate Johnson, who verified that Katie’s closed in the late ’80s.
“He was a little off,” Johnson said of Biden.
Just a bit.
If he wanted to have us believe he sits down with the folks in his neighborhood to shoot the shite and they complain about the economy under Bush then at least make up a restaurant that is still standing…

See author page
Touche – Nice work.
I wonder if anything else he said is true?
And how soon it will be before the MSM does ANY reporting up to the level of excellence you have exhibited in this single post?
Biden thinks The Bangles are a really “hip” new group.
I wonder if Biden remembers that Bush gave everyone a tax cut and took many off the tax rolls all together. How would the middle class have felt these last 8 years with no tax cuts, or remaining the same from the Bill Clinton good old days? I am sick and tired of hearing that the middle class got left behind because those who make over $250,000 didn’t get screwed during the Bush years. It seems that FAIR AND NEIGHBORLY, means some get the shaft and others get the bounty. How does the left think this country bounced back so fast after 911 if it weren’t for those who create jobs.
well at least it sounded good right? kinda like hope and change sound good. hope for what, change to what? but it does sound good.
I guess we are expected to give the Senator a pass with his glib little stories. Joey Stanko is another incident:
At least he didn’t wink. Now, if he could come across with a heartfelt message to denounce his boss’s ACORN registering the dead, plus bogus voters for his party and question the foreign money that is flooding into the campaign, I just might respect the man. But, if he isn’t aware of a business in his district that he chose to use to make a point in a VP debate, I can’t have any confidence that the man lives in the world of reality. Looks like we can count on more of the same that we are witnessing lately. Who will reign it in? Obama? while old Joe guffaws and gaffes away. I think we can view him as Obama’s convenient distraction without any folksy.
What? No outrage from the media? Poor Joe. His mind is slipping.
Just how big is Delaware? The man has been its senator for 36 years. He has surely campaigned all those years. Or has he? He should be familiar with all the landmarks in his area. Evidently not.
But remember the man is a US senator. In their heads and out their mouths with no stops in between . They are all addicted to the sound of their voices and their mugs on television. I honestly think that some of them don’s even hear what they are saying and they fully expect the media to ignore any discrepancies. Slo Joe is known for barefaced lies and he lived up to his reputation at the debate. How these dems can keep a straight face at their antics is a mystery to me.
Every time I think of a politician I see a picture in my mind of Charles Dern’s portrayal of the governor in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” He was the quintessential politician and so many pols in Washington have unconciously copied him There must be something in the water up there. I wonder how “Mr. Smith” would fare in these days.